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US warns Russia 'this is not Rocky IV' as Putin puts fighter jets on combat alert

But baiting Russia to get involved in Ukraine to keep it involved in internal wars and conflicts(ala Chechnya) serves the US more than not bothering Russia at all.

A wounded bear will not look to pick a fight with the US and may back down.... a bear focused on building itself up is a bigger threat.

If they get involeved and only some part of the Ukrainian miltary +the nationalists will put up a fight the Russian economy will take a massive hit.It will still be a win of the US as they will just watch the Russians spend billions in a meat grinder.Ukraine is not Georgia.
But baiting Russia to get involved in Ukraine to keep it involved in internal wars and conflicts(ala Chechnya) serves the US more than not bothering Russia at all.

A wounded bear will not look to pick a fight with the US and may back down.... a bear focused on building itself up is a bigger threat.

That is very true.

America is an expert in "playing the game". Even Sun Tzu would be shocked at how they play geopolitics.

Russia is a lot more straightforward. And I have to admire Russia, they don't take crap from anybody.

For all of China's economic power, our military assertiveness pales in comparison to a former superpower like Russia.

Russia always means business.
No no no.:(

I've heard that China recognised the new Ukrainian goverment and "hopes for good ties"China is smart,it's about bussiness for her.

How the F is it about business ?? Those EU backed morons are going to be in $34 billion in debt!!.. Lets see how a already reeling EU going to wag the tail on this.. Merkel will have no hand in this.. Cameron and the French will have to suck cock to keep their fan boys afloat.. China aint that stupid..

Lets see how brave the "Revolutionaries" going to be when hunger pangs hits them
I've heard that China recognised the new Ukrainian goverment and "hopes for good ties"China is smart,it's about bussiness for her.

Wrong information, China will only recongise after Russia do. China and Russia support each other nowadays. Don't you know that Russia just send war plane to disturb Japan in recent days? We together will make US pain
If Russia decides to militarily intervene in Ukraine, the Yankees ain't doing jack. The Yankees don't fight powerful countries, they fight countries that can't fight back. Russia can wipe the Yankees off the map over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Even Sun Tzu would be shocked at how they play geopolitics.

I think he would feel honored. A confirmation of his works on something much larger then 3 states.
Take for example Ukraine. Everyone is watching what will unfold, the course of events has forced Russia's hand to call parts of the fleet back to Black Sea from the Mediteranean, perhaps giving more room to their opponents for something to do with Syria?


How the F is it about business ?? Those EU backed morons are going to be in $34 billion in debt!!.. Lets see how a already reeling EU going to wag the tail on this.. Merkel will have no hand in this.. Cameron and the French will have to suck cock to keep their fan boys afloat.. China aint that stupid..

Lets see how brave the "Revolutionaries" going to be when hunger pangs hits them

Most of the money will come from the IMF
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