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US warns Pakistan of ‘multiple repercussions’

We have a 'Peace Accord' with the militants in NWA, I don't buy it so I count that area as being militant territory. Doesn't literally mean it's like a separate country.
You are right. I questioned the "sovereignty" because of the history of their inclusion into Pakistan. At the very least, to exercise sovereignty, Pakistan should have control over the borders, "foreign policy" and matters of defense. None of which seem to be under Pakistan's control.
A repeat performance will probably have a very disturbing ending, the incident has been catalogued and orders have been reserved for such an occasion, ground troops will engage all hostiles on site whether they be Americans or Aliens.
Pakistan didnt know of the incident until very late! Everyone was taken by surprise over the audacious raid! As a "knee jerk response", you might have put in place plans for such contingencies. Who is to say that the same audacity will be repeated! How about very discrete or very low profile missions to achieve any aims set?

The point is this: they showed you and the world what they can do.
This is what happens when the foreign policy is not THOUGHT THROUGH.

An emotional decision which was taken by GoP at that time, and now it find the international community squeeze GoP's balls to get what they want.

It is a contest of who blinks first; I believe that for once GoP should get to the end of it, and keep staring.
No matter how bad it gets, If GoP wants the international community will improve relations to what ever degree.
If International community pushes us too far to the point of no return, then there is no getting better for any one.

This is the card we should play.

if the international community thinks Pakistan is out of line for standing up for its own interest, and furthemore if US State department/Pentagon thinks Pakistan is out of line for RESPECTING the 24 troops killed @ Salala (we already showed leniency the first time it happened years back) by NATO troops in an ''accidental 2 hour encounter involving C130 gunships'' then by God, let Pakistan come under their fire.

if the nation is united and if the leaders and the people are on the same page, there is no stopping Pakistan.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are neighbours till eternity. NATO are un-invited guests. We have to deal with the shards of broken glass once they leave. NATO armies can comfortably go back to their countries and wash their hands - which is what will be happening within the next 'few years'

Pakistan didn't blink 30 days after the supply route was closed. It's been over 6 months now. The NATO strategy is in danger (as far as Pak's cooperation is concerned) simply because of one reason

it isn't just the khakis - but even the parliament that they are at loggerheads with...

NATOs strategy will prove to be a failed one. It already is failing, theyre just good at putting a woolen blanket over their failures. Perception management at work.

what kind of repercussions ?
economic ? military ?
but I guess nothing gono happens supplies may be open soon.
1) Until he isn't found, he isn't here.
2) Any repercussions, we'll live with it, this is not Iraq or Afghanistan. I have faced off against Americans and their ART before, can do it again, any time of the day. Sure they will wreak havoc, but we are a nation of 180 million very opinionative and angry people. All I can say is that, those 'repercussions' will result in repercussions for the US that will make Vietnam seem like a picnic. Even as we speak, people are anticipating an attack on Iran and Lashkars are being formed to fight along side the Iranians in case of an attack. These people are in over there heads with American hegemony over the region, even the liberals are put off the by the lack of concern for loss of Pakistani life shown by the Americans. My advice to the US, tread carefully.

Good advice which is already on board, I assure you.

But angry lashkars are simply not going to be enough to ward off the havoc that you admit will be caused, and it won't be like Vietnam at all. It would be best to keep a cool head and avoid that situation from ever arising in the first place.
We gave warning to Nehru for his foward policy, india didn't listen, then we proceeded to give them an a$$ whipping India will never forget. To this day it still stings them. They were humiliated, mauled, slaughtered, absolutely murdered into shreds.
They are living with the shock and humiliation to this day, they are having nightmares over it, even their Agvi V IRBM is aimed at china due to their total embarrassment in the 1962 war. I believe we permanently damaged the Indian psyche in 1962.

Prior to the 1962 war, we gave multiple warnings, and India thought we were bluffing, we shredded them into bits and they have never been the same since, always living in paranoid fear. That's how you own an entire country. :coffee:

:rofl: :rofl: very hard attempt at inciting... but no effect... yes 1962 India lost.. so come again and loose more to us like u lost Sikkim and other border fights after that... meanwhile we keep hitting ur bum and making it red, you can keep reminding about 1962 we dont mind... :rofl:
if the international community thinks Pakistan is out of line for standing up for its own interest, and furthemore if US State department/Pentagon thinks Pakistan is out of line for RESPECTING the 24 troops killed @ Salala (we already showed leniency the first time it happened years back) by NATO troops in an ''accidental 2 hour encounter involving C130 gunships'' then by God, let Pakistan come under their fire.

if the nation is united and if the leaders and the people are on the same page, there is no stopping Pakistan.

Pakistan and Afghanistan are neighbours till eternity. NATO are un-invited guests. We have to deal with the shards of broken glass once they leave. NATO armies can comfortably go back to their countries and wash their hands - which is what will be happening within the next 'few years'

Pakistan didn't blink 30 days after the supply route was closed. It's been over 6 months now. The NATO strategy is in danger (as far as Pak's cooperation is concerned) simply because of one reason

it isn't just the khakis - but even the parliament that they are at loggerheads with...

NATOs strategy will prove to be a failed one. It already is failing, theyre just good at putting a woolen blanket over their failures. Perception management at work.


Look at from their point of view.
They paid good money to put this Government in place, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong while their boys are in town.
so when they see their own Bi..ch ; Bi..ching , they don't appreciate that.
Thus they try to scare the Bi..ch ... and try the scare tactics.
One minute they say they do not need the routes? Whats with all these threats? Pakistan must do what is in it's own national interest. Oh and they have been warning Iran for 34 years so what??

Iran does not have Zardaris, Sharifs and Co's.

US has a department of warnings.

Isolated and cornered, we were hoping for some support from China. Unfortunately, it has not been forthcoming for the past so many years.
our govt officials seem to be american officials threating Pakistan that if we dont open line then be ready to be attacked by US. How cheap these officials are.
our govt officials seem to be american officials threating Pakistan that if we dont open line then be ready to be attacked by US. How cheap these officials are.

Once Zardari and co are out of office, watch how quickly the Yanks will change their tune towards Pakistan.
because they saw you purchase a brand new pair of knee pads?

because they saw you purchase a brand new pair of knee pads?

Remember Bharti. Abbottabad was nothing compared to Mumbai. Where 10 guys humiliated your special forces for days on end. Before making such ridiculous statements please reflect on that incident.
Remember Bharti. Abbottabad was nothing compared to Mumbai. Where 10 guys humiliated your special forces for days on end. Before making such ridiculous statements please reflect on that incident.

that's actually a valid point.....but asking them to ''reflect'' would be asking for too much - especially from an indian
Within all this drama, let me reassure there will never ever be any direct conflict involving US and Pakistan. The keyboard warriors who claim they will show US that vietnam was a walk in the park are idiots. You do not want American throwing punches at you, if it's a direct confrontation with a significant power like Pakistan, they will bring enormous amount of unimaginable pain, don't wish for a conflict with them, Indian villains will seem like angels when compared to americans.
Remember Bharti. Abbottabad was nothing compared to Mumbai. Where 10 guys humiliated your special forces for days on end. Before making such ridiculous statements please reflect on that incident.

You're comparing a terrorist attack on unarmed civilians in railway station, hotels and hospitals to a special forces operation against armed terrorists? :blink:

Yup, that proves it.

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