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US warns of ability to take down Chinese artificial islands

The general is reaffirming the capability, not necessarily the intent, of the United States, so there is no need for Chinese members to react volatile-ly to this. Secondly, it has been known for years that the United States possesses the capabilities to wipe out the infrastructure on these islands; whether it would do so given the political and economic repercussions is another question of course.
No need to destroy the islands. Just stop all supplies to them by a sea embargo like was done with Cuba in the 60s?.
And no need to take the first shot , let the Chinese take the first shot if they have the guts.
No need to destroy the islands. Just stop all supplies to them by a sea embargo like was done with Cuba in the 60s?.
And no need to take the first shot , let the Chinese take the first shot if they have the guts.
imposing embargo is very difficult as china navy and airforce is much stronger than cuba
No need to destroy the islands. Just stop all supplies to them by a sea embargo like was done with Cuba in the 60s?.
And no need to take the first shot , let the Chinese take the first shot if they have the guts.
When would you start to do it? Or just spurting feel good non sense hot air?

If US wants to do it it should do it now, they may still have a fighting chance,but not in another decade, soon enough the world will see China patrolling US coasts.

China's military power already on par with US in East Asia

By 2022, China’s Navy will outnumber the US and in the 2030s will achieve qualitative parity
China also has the ability to take out large parts of the USA so what is the general waffling on about
Exactly! This was point, they surely can destory the Islands but poking China will also have consequences. This is why I said that they were not able to force China to stop building them in first place.
No need to destroy the islands. Just stop all supplies to them by a sea embargo like was done with Cuba in the 60s?.
And no need to take the first shot , let the Chinese take the first shot if they have the guts.

How can US stop all supplies to Chinese Islands in South China Sea Territory?

What US will do if Chinese Supply Ships still sail and supply Chinese Island in South China Sea Territory?
Shot them?? Then it's an act of War !

Maybe we will say goodbye to US base in Western Pacific :wave:
china will sink every u.s aircraft carrier by firing barrage of df 26 missiles in response
Easier said then done! DF-26 might be optimized for anti-ship engagement but it is easy to engage a stationary (and virtually defenseless) target in a test.

Each USN Aircraft carrier can move very fast and is expected to be surrounded by a considerable network of defenses. It would be excessively difficult to secure a lock on one while it is in motion let alone unleash a barrage on it.
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Sorry for the off-topic question. Don't you think Trump is picking up fights with the whole world at the same time? He wants to fight with Iran, wants to keep the pot boiling with China, and alienates allies with trade tariffs. What does he really want to achieve?

Follow the money. It's all about the money.
Easier said then done! DF-26 might be optimized for anti-ship engagement but it is easy to engage a stationary (and virtually defenseless) target in a test.

Each USN Aircraft carrier can move very fast and is expected to be surrounded by a considerable network of defenses. It would be excessively difficult to secure a lock on one while it is in motion let alone unleash a barrage on it.
Usa will not start by exposing its carriers. It will take out all the easily identifiable DF26 missiles and then its carriers come in range.
China will have better luck with fighter plane carried anti ship missiles.
When would you start to do it? Or just spurting feel good non sense hot air?

If US wants to do it it should do it now, they may still have a fighting chance,but not in another decade, soon enough the world will see China patrolling US coasts.

China's military power already on par with US in East Asia

By 2022, China’s Navy will outnumber the US and in the 2030s will achieve qualitative parity
Just because they can do it, doesn't imply that they will do it. A question was presented to an American military professional and he responded in kind.

Numbers aren't everything; American war-machine is completely networked and it enjoy a massive qualitative edge over any other force in existence. They have fielded DSP, SBIRS and STSS in space to provide early warning of ballistic and/or cruise missile launches to relevant networks on the ground which in turn would relay such information to units stationed across the Pacific (all of this happen on a moment's notice).

This one is mobile:-


They have fielded a wide range of options across the Pacific to neutralize any kind of threat in these waters. They have the capability to detect even quietest of diesel-powered submarines across the Pacific by activating SURTASS.



USN submarine fleet alone is unparalleled in capabilities and would kill majority of Chinese submarines across the Pacific due to surveillance over-match on its side. In-fact, USN submarine fleet alone can take out continents with strategic weapons.


You do not have any element of surprise for them. They have fought major wars in the Pacific and have developed/fielded a range of capabilities to tackle growing Chinese might in this part of the world.

If you are making progress, they are not sitting idle. Any talk of China achieving parity with the US in the matters of defense is just that - talk. Unless US turns into a 3rd world country and become unproductive, FAT CHANCE.
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Numbers aren't everything; American war-machine is completely networked and it enjoy a massive qualitative edge over any other force in existence. They have fielded DSP, SBIRS and STSS in space..

only work against banana republics. that qualitative edge space based assets are most vulnerable when fighting russia or china that can hack and blow 'em sh1t up.
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