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US wants Modi to succeed because India must succeed: John McCain


Feb 21, 2014
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Washington: If India and the US are to build a truly strategic partnership, the two countries must each commit to it and defend it in equal measure, Republican Senator John McCain said.

"We must each build the public support needed to sustain our strategic priorities," McCain said in a major speech on India on the Senate floor yesterday. He said that there were three strategic interests that India and the US shared, and these should be the priorities of a reinvigorated partnership.

"The first is to shape the development of South Asia as a region of sovereign, democratic states that contribute to one another's security and prosperity. The second is to create a preponderance of power in the Asia-Pacific region that favors free societies, free markets, free trade, and free commons," he said.

And the final interest, according to McCain, is to strengthen a Liberal international order and an open global economy that safeguard human dignity and foster peaceful development, McCain said.

McCain said that it was in the interest of the US that India succed: Reuters

Cautioning against parochialism in the Indo-US relationship, McCain warned: "We must resist the domestic forces in each of our countries that would turn our strategic relationship into a transactional one, defined not by the shared strategic goals we achieve together, but by what parochial concessions we extract from one another. If we fail in these challenges, we will fall far short of our potential, as we have before."

Saying that he was excited to be returning to New Delhi to meet Modi and his national security team next week, McCain added that he hoped Modi's election translated to the revitalization of India's economy and its rising power, and the renewal of the US-India strategic partnership.

The decisive mandate to the BJP, he said gave the Prime Minister a historic mandate for change, which Indians clearly crave.

"I want Prime Minister Modi to succeed, because I want India to succeed," he said.

"It is no secret that the past few years have been challenging ones for India. Political gridlock, a flagging economy, financial difficulties, and more. It is not my place, or that of any other American, to tell India how to realize its full potential. That is for Indians to decide. Our concern is simply that India does realize its full potential for the United States has a stake in India's success. Indeed, a strong, confident, and future-oriented India is indispensable for a vibrant US-India strategic partnership," McCain said. .

According to the Republican Senator, it was also no secret that India and the United States have not been reaching their full potential as strategic partners over the past few years, and there is blame to be shared on both sides for that.

We need to lift our sights again," he noted.

When it comes to US national interests, the logic of a strategic partnership with India is powerful: India will soon become the world's most populous nation, he said.

"It has a young, increasingly skilled workforce that can lead India to become one of the world's largest economies. It is a nuclear power and possesses the world's second-largest military, which is becoming ever more capable and technologically sophisticated. It shares strategic interests with us on issues as diverse and vital as defeating terrorism and extremism, strengthening a rules-based international order in Asia, securing global energy supplies, and sustaining global economic growth," he added.

Contrary to the old dictates of realpolitik, McCain said the United States sought not to limit India's rise, but to bolster and catalyze it economically, geopolitically, and militarily.

"It is my hope that Prime Minister Modi and his government will recognize how a deeper strategic partnership with the United States serves India's national interests, especially in light of current economic and geopolitical challenges," he said.

Pushing for modernization of Indian armed forces, McCain said this is an area where US defense capabilities, technologies, and cooperation ? especially between defense industries?can benefit India enormously.

"Similarly, greater bilateral trade and investment can be a key driver of economic growth in India, which seems to be what Indian citizens want most from their new government," he said.

Likewise, as India seeks to further its 'Look East' policy and deepen its relationships with major like-minded powers in Asia ? especially Japan, but also Australia, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Vietnam ? those countries are often US allies and partners as well, and their collective ability to work in concert can only magnify India's influence and advance its interests, he added.

US wants Modi to succeed because India must succeed: John McCain - Firstpost

US needs to undo recent history with Modi: McCain - Hindustan Times
McCain is a warmongering douchebag who takes selfis with Al-Qaeda. India should be careful dealing with him and his gang.

Thanks but no thanks for your advice. Just waiting for Republicans to win in 2016.
Thanks but no thanks for your advice. Just waiting for Republicans to win in 2016.

Republicans are not winning this elections. They have been divided in 3 major sections, none of whom will be producing a worthy candidate to face off with most likely John Kerry of the democrats.

Republicans can only put forthe Rand Paul, Ted Taliban Cruze and that homo called Rick Santorum.

Democrats will win simply because Republicans have lost their unity. They have nothing left to hate over and no country to bomb.
McCain is a warmongering douchebag who takes selfis with Al-Qaeda. India should be careful dealing with him and his gang.
Attacking the person when you don't like the message? Isn't this classic ad hominem?
On topic: Indians please educate me on which one's more favorable for India and how - Democrats or Republicans?
Republicans are not winning this elections. They have been divided in 3 major sections, none of whom will be producing a worthy candidate to face off with most likely John Kerry of the democrats.

Republicans can only put forthe Rand Paul, Ted Taliban Cruze and that homo called Rick Santorum.

Democrats will win simply because Republicans have lost their unity. They have nothing left to hate over and no country to bomb.
If its democrats, its going to be Clinton and not Kerry.
Republicans are not winning this elections. They have been divided in 3 major sections, none of whom will be producing a worthy candidate to face off with most likely John Kerry of the democrats.

Republicans can only put forthe Rand Paul, Ted Taliban Cruze and that homo called Rick Santorum.

Democrats will win simply because Republicans have lost their unity. They have nothing left to hate over and no country to bomb.

Let us wait till 2016, any speculations on future President are pre-mature.

There is always a country to bomb.
Attacking the person when you don't like the message? Isn't this classic ad hominem?

Bad news for the admin - democrats are also pro US India collaboration, especially Kerry or Hilary.
Traditionally Republicans have been better. But then the best thaw in Indo-US relations happened in the times of Bill Clinton
Can you tell me what sort of people are republican I am not very well informed on US election and politics. Or if possible give me some links which may help me in understanding it better. Please :)
On topic: Indians please educate me on which one's more favorable for India and how - Democrats or Republicans?

Republicans are right wingers just like BJP. Now if you voted for BJP then you will certainly like to see a Republican as US President.
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