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US wants better India-Bangladesh economic ties


May 10, 2010
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US wants better India-Bangladesh economic ties

US wants better India-Bangladesh economic ties - NY Daily News

Tuesday, April 24th 2012, 02:12 PM

Agartala, April 24 — The US wants better trade and economic relations between India and Bangladesh through the northeastern region which has "huge scope of progress in future", an American official said here Tuesday.

"India-Bangladesh trade and economic activities centering the northeastern region have huge scope of progress in future," said Kolkata based US Consulate General's American Center director Jeffrey K. Reneau.

Interacting with students and teachers of the Tripura (Central) University, he said: "Indian government should further increase its trade and economy with Bangladesh using its northeastern region and 'look-East Policy'."

"Making Tripura and other northeastern states a 'hub', the countries in the Indian subcontinent can be connected between them and increase trade and business for their mutual interest and development."

He told reporters of the need for opening an American consulate in the northeastern state of Tripura, which is surrounded by Bangladesh and shares 856-km international border.

Accompanied by other officials of the US Consulate General from Kolkata, Reneau visited the Akhaurah India-Bangladesh checkpost, which is the second biggest checkpost along the 4,096-km long India-Bangladesh border after West Bengal's Petrapole-Banepole.

"If an American consulate was to be set up in the northeastern region, it would ease the visa problems of many people specially the students and youths who are keen to go to US for studies, training and various other purposes," the official said.

Also, for the first time the American government will reach out to the people of the northeast India with the music, history, art and culture of the US.

The US consulate of Kolkata Tuesday organised "Taste of America Festival" in Agartala, first time in India's northeast.

The one-day festival highlighted services offered by the US Consulate General in Kolkata for the residents of Tripura and other northeastern states.

It included a 'Spelling Bee' competition for school students, a knowledge of US quiz competition, debates, collage, a musical performance and a film show.

The American officials said that there would also be seminars and counseling on higher education facilities in the US and advice on formalities for submitting visa applications.

US wants to open a consulate at Tripura ---one of the backward and poorest state of India??? I am smelling something fishy here. What is their main intention!!!
US wants to open a consulate at Tripura ---one of the backward and poorest state of India??? I am smelling something fishy here. What is their main intention!!!

US-India are becoming strategic partners and most likely they don't have any sinister plans about india. But rather uncle sam
and india have eyes on our chittagong hill tract region.
US wants to open a consulate at Tripura ---one of the backward and poorest state of India??? I am smelling something fishy here. What is their main intention!!!

Dont see only the negatives dude, think of the positives that can emerge out of further progress in Indo-BD relations
Today relation between US and Bangladesh ranges from trade, exploration, education, to all the way to defense. But since 9/11 there was another dimension introduced by US in Bangladesh US relation - that is "denial of terrorism". US 3D policy initiative on Bangladesh, Democracy, Development and Denial of terrorism became high level US policy guideline on relation with Bangladesh. As global "war on terror" felt and fought in many parts of the world, Bangladesh, its internal politics, policies and popular opinion became subject of more US scrutiny and influence. Within US 3D policy framework, there was an undeclared but questionable space created for regional power namely India to play role and coordinate its policy and interest with US.

India for its part fully exploited the opportunity US provided primarily by imposing hegemonic wishes and by labeling anyone opposing Indian imposition in Bangladesh as fundamentalists and associates.

It is clear US still evaluates the experience and implication of Indian role in US policy coordination in terms of China factor. That is why we are still seeing US still paddling indian economic ties and interest which should be matter of Bangladesh-india bilateral relation.

But from Bangladeshi prospective experience had not been pleasant, to say the least. There is wide spread perception exists that India had been exploiting policy coordination opportunity with US to advance its hegemonic agenda, undermining Bangladesh sovereignty and conducting subservient activities inside Bangladesh.

One historic fact US need to keep in mind while considering Indian motivation in regards to Bangladesh – undivided India still resonate high on Indian psyche. Post 1/11 regimes which enjoyed Indian and US blessings had pursued many policies and actions that went for Indian interest but against Bangladesh. Keeping eye on China, US policy makers letting India hijack secular narrative on Bangladesh.

US policy makers who are often far from ground level reality influenced by strong indian lobby, who are still paddling indian interest, will find such widespread resentment towards India and India influenced regime will hurt US interest not benefit it.
US-India are becoming strategic partners and most likely they don't have any sinister plans about india. But rather uncle sam
and india have eyes on our chittagong hill tract region.

:rofl: OMG tear's came out of my eyes i laughed so hard.......Damn... U r a funny guy man :lol:
What we need to do is create a ground swell of opinion in civil societies of ASEAN+Japan+Korea+Bangladesh+Sri-Lanka+PNG+East Timor, that this ASEAN+ security and economic bloc will be in US long term interest. US should not try to use India to balance China. Hindu Nationalist India will become as big a strategic threat for US in the future, as China is becoming today. So it is for the US/West/Israel (which is part of West) long term interest to help small countries consolidate and create unions.

USA opening consulate in Tripura is not bad for us. It means that India's lies will be exposed by real on the ground observers in the region, who can help Christian and Buddhist minorities there.

I have always said and say it again, I support full economic ties with India, but it is not just limited to India, it should be opened up and extended to China and ASEAN via Myanmar road/rail links. For security and politics, India should have 0% ties with Bangladesh. It is for us to figure out in the next decade who we choose as our permanent security and strategic partner, an ASEAN+ grouping or China.
What we need to do is create a ground swell of opinion in civil societies of ASEAN+Japan+Korea+Bangladesh+Sri-Lanka+PNG+East Timor, that this ASEAN+ security and economic bloc will be in US long term interest. US should not try to use India to balance China. Hindu Nationalist India will become as big a strategic threat for US in the future, as China is becoming today. So it is for the US/West/Israel (which is part of West) long term interest to help small countries consolidate and create unions.

USA opening consulate in Tripura is not bad for us. It means that India's lies will be exposed by real on the ground observers in the region, who can help Christian and Buddhist minorities there.

I have always said and say it again, I support full economic ties with India, but it is not just limited to India, it should be opened up and extended to China and ASEAN via Myanmar road/rail links. For security and politics, India should have 0% ties with Bangladesh. It is for us to figure out in the next decade who we choose as our permanent security and strategic partner, an ASEAN+ grouping or China.

Stop Worrying Abt India And Usa ...Your country is on verge of becoming second Pakistan .......As far as your security alliance goes i got a quote for you
" Nanga nahega kya aur nichodega kya???????":lol:
Stop Worrying Abt India And Usa ...Your country is on verge of becoming second Pakistan .......As far as your security alliance goes i got a quote for you
" Nanga nahega kya aur nichodega kya???????":lol:

And ironically you dont have any other place to go and troll but on this PAKISTANI forum.........
US-India are becoming strategic partners and most likely they don't have any sinister plans about india. But rather uncle sam
and india have eyes on our chittagong hill tract region.

The thing is if there is a war, god forbid, between India and Bangladesh, bangladesh from chittagong will attack tripura and USA will tell its consulate and citizens are at harm, so they will send their troops What a nice way. Bangladesh is run by bolods and ghabies. We should not go to india for cow trade because we already have these bolods and gabhis running the country. Let us get them first.
The thing is if there is a war, god forbid, between India and Bangladesh, bangladesh from chittagong will attack tripura and USA will tell its consulate and citizens are at harm, so they will send their troops What a nice way. Bangladesh is run by bolods and ghabies. We should not go to india for cow trade because we already have these bolods and gabhis running the country. Let us get them first.

That is absurd. USA will not pick a fight with Bangladesh, we have excellent relations. Also, we are the third largest Muslim country and an example of "moderate" Muslims who are relatively secular and "democratic" (except for the fact that RAWamy League is actually a proxy fascist arm of India). And Bangladesh will not have war with India, not until we can achieve strategic balance using some magical geopolitical maneuvers.
Who gives a sh*t what US wants? Why can countries only have good ties if US wants them to?
US wants to open a consulate at Tripura ---one of the backward and poorest state of India??? I am smelling something fishy here. What is their main intention!!!

We are probably going to be there because usually the worst strains of diseases like tuberculosis are found in such poor places. We get samples of such and make vaccines out of it, so the next flu shot will be a little better than the last ones. Really, no sinister intention just prolly monitoring stuff like that.

Oh and don't worry we do not have any evil intentions on BD. I'd wager to say 95% of Americans couldn't even point on a map where BD is. Too far, too poor, out of sight, out of mind.
Ḥashshāshīn;2868314 said:
Who gives a sh*t what US wants? Why can countries only have good ties if US wants them to?

Bangladesh probably does, given that US is one of its largest export destination.

US don't have to attack bangladesh, India will do the job. US will just stand and that will do.

And why on earth would US or India for that matter attack Bangladesh:cheesy:

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