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US Wants BD to Deploy Troops in Afghanistan

A little something I found today while reading through some news..

Taliban warns Bangladesh against Afghanistan deployment

WASHINGTON — The Afghan Taliban called Monday on Bangladesh to reject a US request that it send troops to assist coalition forces fighting in Afghanistan, the monitoring service SITE said.

Dhaka's foreign ministry said Sunday it was weighing the request which was made by US envoy Richard Holbrooke during talks in New York with Bangladesh's Foreign Minister Dipu Moni.

SITE said the Afghan Taliban responded by posting messages in Arabic and Pashto on its website and jihadist forums calling on Dhaka to spurn the US request.

"(We) believe that the leader of Bangladesh has enough Islamic knowledge and political wit not to involve his people in the fight against Islam and against the Afghan people by sending a few hundred soldiers to Afghanistan," the message said.

"Assuming that the leader would commit such a historic mistake, the religious Muslim people of Bangladesh will not allow their leaders to assist the eternal enemy of Islam against an Islamic neighboring country."

Muslim-majority Bangladesh is a major contributor to United Nations peacekeeping missions around the world, but has no troops in Afghanistan.

AFP: Taliban warns Bangladesh against Afghanistan deployment

lol So what about 'Muslim army' theory!!!

"(We) believe that the leader of Bangladesh has enough Islamic knowledge and political wit not to involve his people in the fight against Islam and against the Afghan people by sending a few hundred soldiers to Afghanistan," the message said.

Its not 'his' but 'her'!!!! I think Taliban will be more angry when they will hear that BD is headed by a lady! :cheesy:
It's same as shooting ones foot! Why on dear earth Bangladeshish want to die in rugged mountains of Afghanistan? High on poppy or what? :-/

funnily enough, how would U.S. feel (privately, not publicly) about your country sending its troops to the war-torn country

Not really. Turkish armed forces already have a strong presence in Afghanistan and it was widely published that Talibans do not usually fire on the convoys that bear Turkish flag. Both Turkey and Bangladesh are officially secular countries and Turkey being more secular in terms of socio-cultural aspect. So, Bangladesh would not be seen as a traitor if it sends troops there. Beside I do not think Bangladesh Army, just like Turkish Army and many NATO countries like Germany, France would divulge much into actual fighting against the Taliban. The attitude of the Americans, Canadians, British against Taliban is much more aggressive than that of others(French, Germans). The main reason why Bangladesh could be forced to send troops there however is because of the US military aids similar to the ones Pakistan Army is getting for ages.

UAE as well, if i'm not mistaken

actually once NATO forces (very inevitably) withdraw from Afghanistan, it would be prudent for the OIC to organize peace-keeping forces from Islamic countries ---Bangladesh as well included.

Pakistan and Bangladesh alone are the largest contributors of peace-keeping forces to the UN --and their services are accredited and appreciated thusly.
. Both Turkey and Bangladesh are officially secular countries

slip of the tongue or false believe of some kind. Turkey is secular but Bangladesh isn't. Although Awami has been trying to make it official but it has not amend the constitution yet. I believe Awami leaguers are bunch of gutless coward. If it believe in secularism then it should amend the constitution but so long there is a Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim and state religion Islam stay intact then Bangladesh can not be secular. Awami must remove Bismillah and state religion Islam from constitution before you can call it official secular nation. I hope you understand this unless you are a ....... :smokin:

nForce said:
It is a People's Republic where no religion has any kind of priority over the other.

Islam has priority over other religion in Bangladesh.State religion is Islam so what the hell are you talking about? :undecided:
slip of the tongue or false believe of some kind. Turkey is secular but Bangladesh isn't. Although Awami has been trying to make it official but it has not amend the constitution yet. I believe Awami leaguers are bunch of gutless coward. If it believe in secularism then it should amend the constitution but so long there is a Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim and state religion Islam stay intact then Bangladesh can not be secular. Awami must remove Bismillah and state religion Islam from constitution before you can call it official secular nation. I hope you understand this unless you are a ....... :smokin:

Huh.. desperate try AL-Zakir.
You know they (AL) probably going to keep those two in the constitution and discarding everything else so you are trying to hold to last straw. Dont you? :rofl::rofl:

If that two could satisfy you and give yu the illusion that Bangladesh is a Islamic state then so be it..;)
A little something I found today while reading through some news..

Taliban warns Bangladesh against Afghanistan deployment

WASHINGTON — The Afghan Taliban called Monday on Bangladesh to reject a US request that it send troops to assist coalition forces fighting in Afghanistan, the monitoring service SITE said.

AFP: Taliban warns Bangladesh against Afghanistan deployment

Oh my God! Why Taliban thinks we will go only to fight them? Combat troops may also be needed to protect the rear of those troops who would be building schools and roads, and would be doing other social works in Afghanistan.

I think, Talibans are making unusual noise about the possibility of BD troops deployment. But, let us see what our civilian govt decides. Considering the mindset of our military top brass, I do not think they will refuse to do their job if ordered.
The no. of USA soldiers in Afg,is higher than BD population.

Take it lightly!
funnily enough, how would U.S. feel (privately, not publicly) about your country sending its troops to the war-torn country


Doesn't matter. We don't take US military grant so uncle's whims don't work on us.
Pakhtuns dont have anything against Bangladeshis. No Afghan or Pakistani sees Bangladeshis as an enemy.

However, most Pakhtuns dont like indians.

Idiotic as always and vomiting something anti Indian desperately. Its not about racist tendencies, so naturally you know very little.

Pakhtun history shows that they always fought outsiders, so its stupid, and i repeat - stupid to think they will welcome bengalis with open arms just because they are muslim.

LOL, and Taliban have already warned the bengalis to stay out!!! LOL, now suck on that Pakhtun spokesman!

Taliban warns Bangladesh against Afghan deployment
Idiotic as always and vomiting something anti Indian desperately. Its not about racist tendencies, so naturally you know very little.

Pakhtun history shows that they always fought outsiders, so its stupid, and i repeat - stupid to think they will welcome bengalis with open arms just because they are muslim.

LOL, and Taliban have already warned the bengalis to stay out!!! LOL, now suck on that Pakhtun spokesman!

Taliban warns Bangladesh against Afghan deployment

I think, your desparate outbursts are off the mark. What Omar was telling is that historically Afghanis do not have an enemisity with Bangali Muslims, although they may have the same with some of its neighbours, Muslim or not.

But, this is a war against Talibans. So, it is very natural that this group will not take it kindly when Bangladeshi troops fight against them. Omar's statement does not mean that even Taliban should love the enemy BD troops.
^^^Well historically Afghans never had any problem with Indians either, Infact, the only country to oppose Pakistan's membership to the UN and recognise it as a country was Afghanistan. Except 1994-2001-the dark Taliban era, India had good realtions with Afghan govt. no matter who was in power.
Actually it would be good if Bangladesh can step up and provide a security commitement. Turkey has been the only muslim country that has come forward and that is much appreciated. BD Troops like the Turks are going to help protect the Afghan people from the Taliban---if they do go.

But Bangladesh, and other countries(UAE or other GCC) should step and play a role in keeping the Taliban at bay. This will also reduce the appeal of Afghan Taliban within Pakistan.
Actually it would be good if Bangladesh can step up and provide a security commitement. Turkey has been the only muslim country that has come forward and that is much appreciated. BD Troops like the Turks are going to help protect the Afghan people from the Taliban---if they do go.

But Bangladesh, and other countries(UAE or other GCC) should step and play a role in keeping the Taliban at bay. This will also reduce the appeal of Afghan Taliban within Pakistan.

I also believe Bangladesh should engage in a limited scale to taste the water. If things get sour they can always pull back like Somalia who everybody abandoned..
Not really. Turkish armed forces already have a strong presence in Afghanistan and it was widely published that Talibans do not usually fire on the convoys that bear Turkish flag. Both Turkey and Bangladesh are officially secular countries and Turkey being more secular in terms of socio-cultural aspect. So, Bangladesh would not be seen as a traitor if it sends troops there. Beside I do not think Bangladesh Army, just like Turkish Army and many NATO countries like Germany, France would divulge much into actual fighting against the Taliban. The attitude of the Americans, Canadians, British against Taliban is much more aggressive than that of others(French, Germans). The main reason why Bangladesh could be forced to send troops there however is because of the US military aids similar to the ones Pakistan Army is getting for ages.

Turkey has very limited number of troops, and they are mostly engaged in humanitarian issues rather than a direct fight with the Taliban. But they still come under fire from the taliban side constantly, i think some people have already posted some of those videos here.
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