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US vows to defend Japan against China


Feb 9, 2014
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My opinion is that the U.S won't defend japan when push comes to shove but heres the article.

Source: DefenceTalk

Secretary of State John Kerry vowed Friday that the United States would defend Japan against attack including over islands claimed by China as tensions boil between the Asian powers.

Kerry, who said he would visit China next week, met in Washington with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and reaffirmed the 1960 treaty that commits the United States to protect its ally.

“That includes with respect to the south china sea,” he said, before correcting himself to say the East China Sea, where China and Japan have conflicting claims.

Fears of conflict rose in November when China imposed an Air Defense Identification Zone over much of the East China Sea.

Beijing says it now requires notification from planes crossing a group of islands administered by Tokyo, known in Japanese as the Senkaku and in Chinese as Diaoyu.

“The United States neither recognizes nor accepts China’s declared East China Sea ADIZ and the United States has no intention of changing how we conduct operations in the region,” Kerry said.

The United States and its allies are increasingly concerned China will take similar action in the South China Sea, where the Philippines in particular has voiced worries about Beijing’s maritime claims.

Kishida, for his part, extended an invitation for President Barack Obama to make a state visit to Japan.

Diplomats say Obama is likely to visit Japan on an April tour of Asia, although Kerry is not expected to stop in Tokyo on his upcoming trip.

Kishida was visiting Washington after a rare open disagreement between the two allies.

The United States voiced disappointment in December when Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, known for his conservative views, paid a pilgrimage to the Yasukuni shrine which honors 2.5 million Japanese war dead including convicted war criminals from World War II.

Abe’s visit outraged China and also fellow US ally South Korea. Both countries frequently accuse Japan of insufficient remorse for its aggression a century ago.

Kishida told Kerry that Japan valued its relationship with South Korea despite their “difficult issues,” saying the two democracies needed to work together in the face of nuclear-armed North Korea.

“Going forward, we will make tenacious efforts in order to build a cooperative relationship with the Republic of Korea from a broad perspective,” Kishida said.

Kishida also highlighted progress under Abe in relocating the Futenma air base within the island of Okinawa — an issue that has cast a pall for years over defense ties between the two countries.

Kerry, in turn, praised Japan for addressing another longtime sore point by ratifying the Hague convention that sets procedures for the return of children abducted by one parent across international boundaries.

Kerry’s latest trip to Asia comes as critics charge that his focus in his year in office on the Middle East has left US allies in Asia in want of a more robust presence by Washington.

Kerry said he was committed to the goal set in President Barack Obama’s first term of putting a greater US focus on Asia, and said the strategy was impossible without “ironclad guarantees” between the United States and Japan.
i think the US will not let Japan fall so easily. Korea, Taiwan or another east Asian country maybe, but Japan is too advanced, too pro-US and geographically vital for US to lose Japan.

The reason why I believe they won't really get actively involved is because the U.S isn't what it used to be. The national debt is now past $17 trillion, China owns much of that debt and if they were to demand higher interest payments then the U.S would probably have to default on many of its loans, the u.s consumer relies on cheap chinese products to be able to afford their current lifestyle and if they can't affford that lifestyle you would probably see civil unrest in america, but i do agree that there is a good chance that u.s would defend Japan but for some reason I don't think they will. Besiedes I don't think China would attack Japan they would probably go after a smaller country to see how the international community would react.
The American policy is likely to defend Japan in the event that China makes the opening move, but unlikely so otherwise.
The reason why I believe they won't really get actively involved is because the U.S isn't what it used to be. The national debt is now past $17 trillion, China owns much of that debt and if they were to demand higher interest payments then the U.S would probably have to default on many of its loans, the u.s consumer relies on cheap chinese products to be able to afford their current lifestyle and if they can't affford that lifestyle you would probably see civil unrest in america, but i do agree that there is a good chance that u.s would defend Japan but for some reason I don't think they will. Besiedes I don't think China would attack Japan they would probably go after a smaller country to see how the international community would react.

economically-wise i think the Chinese and US are pretty much dependent on each other for the time being. China should wait some decades till its economy is more independent before it starts making serious moves against Japan. One thing seems sure to me, one day that region will go up in flames, it's just matter of time. i agree with you that the US probably wouldn;t be able to actively help Japan if there was a conflict today, but as the US' economy wont recover much at all, i think, i think the US' help in the future might be somehwat limited as well. Perhaps that's the reason why the US grants Japan more freedom regarding their military build up.
The US will allways defend Japan against China,not that they will ever have to do so.
War in that region is highly unlikely.
economically-wise i think the Chinese and US are pretty much dependent on each other for the time being. China should wait some decades till its economy is more independent before it starts making serious moves against Japan. One thing seems sure to me, one day that region will go up in flames, it's just matter of time. i agree with you that the US probably wouldn;t be able to actively help Japan if there was a conflict today, but as the US' economy wont recover much at all, i think, i think the US' help in the future might be somehwat limited as well. Perhaps that's the reason why the US grants Japan more freedom regarding their military build up.

I agree the U.S economy hasn't recovered and it probably never will. Both china and the U.S are dependent on each other but the chinese are preparing for a world where american isn't the only super power. Just look at how much gold the chinese are buying because they are planning to push aside the u.s dollar.
economically-wise i think the Chinese and US are pretty much dependent on each other for the time being. China should wait some decades till its economy is more independent before it starts making serious moves against Japan. One thing seems sure to me, one day that region will go up in flames, it's just matter of time. i agree with you that the US probably wouldn;t be able to actively help Japan if there was a conflict today, but as the US' economy wont recover much at all, i think, i think the US' help in the future might be somehwat limited as well. Perhaps that's the reason why the US grants Japan more freedom regarding their military build up.

This proves that you are definitely 100 times more gentle than those Japanese right-wing nutjobs.

However, these folks think otherwise, and they believe that they shouldn't allow China to grow stronger anymore.

They must cooperate with USA to bring down China as soon as possible, so they would have a chance to recolonize China & Asia again in their wet dream.

China has been pushed in the corner, while those Jap militarists are the one to be blamed.
This proves that you are definitely 100 times more gentle than those Japanese right-wing nutjobs.

However, these folks think otherwise, and they believe that they shouldn't allow China to grow stronger anymore.

They must cooperate with USA to bring down China as soon as possible, so they would have a chance to recolonize China & Asia again in their wet dream.

China has been pushed in the corner, while those Jap militarists are the one to be blamed.

recolonizing China and Asia is just a fable story for Japan. Japan, or any country for that matter, will never be able to do that in the current age. Even though i can;t draw a conclusion on the whole Japanese male population of Japan, i have experienced at first hand from many Japanese males, young and middle aged, that they are actually kinda against a military build up due their past, expecting the US to help them out. the senior Japanese men I met, though, were more often on the same page like those Japanese politicians lol. And also, don't be surprised if China suddenly becomes the new boogeyman... according to none other than the US

The US will allways defend Japan against China,not that they will ever have to do so.
War in that region is highly unlikely.

why do you think it's highly unlikely?
in my opinion it;s likely because both China and the other East Asian countries will come with tit for tat moves that might eventually lead to accidents or 'enough is enough' cases leading to escalations. WW1 started with just 1 bullet and seemed highly unlikely to escalate so much as well. anyway, let;s hope it won;t come to a war
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recolonizing China and Asia is just a fable story for Japan. Japan, or any country for that matter, will never be able to do that in the current age. Even though i can;t draw a conclusion on the whole Japanese male population of Japan, i have experienced at first hand from many Japanese males, young and middle aged, that they are actually kinda against a military build up due their past, expecting the US to help them out. the senior Japanese men I met, though, were more often on the same page like those Japanese politicians lol. And also, don't be surprised if China suddenly becomes the new boogeyman... according to none other than the US

Nope, we were trying to be friendly with them until their whole society suddenly shifted to the far right.

Just look see how much we have offered during the Tsunami in 2011.

China, Japan join hands in fighting catastrophic quake, tsunami

To recolonize China & Asia is definitely a fable story, but those far right nutjobs think otherwise, since you can't treat them as the sane people.
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recolonizing China and Asia is just a fable story for Japan. Japan, or any country for that matter, will never be able to do that in the current age. Even though i can;t draw a conclusion on the whole Japanese male population of Japan, i have experienced at first hand from many Japanese males, young and middle aged, that they are actually kinda against a military build up due their past, expecting the US to help them out. the senior Japanese men I met, though, were more often on the same page like those Japanese politicians lol. And also, don't be surprised if China suddenly becomes the new boogeyman... according to none other than the US

why do you think it's highly unlikely?
in my opinion it;s likely because both China and the other East Asian countries will come with tit for tat moves that might eventually lead to accidents or 'enough is enough' cases leading to escalations. WW1 started with just 1 bullet and seemed highly unlikely to escalate so much as well. anyway, let;s hope it won;t come to a war
In those times the wars were fought with soldiers and arms,it was easy,the more soldiers and weapons the more confident to go to war.
There were no pacts(Nato,Warshaw pact)
Today you fight not only one country but multiple countries,the risks are higher(nukes,second strike capabilities).
It would be suicide to go to war(top 10 military powers).
In those times the wars were fought with soldiers and arms,it was easy,the more soldiers and weapons the more confident to go to war.
There were no pacts(Nato,Warshaw pact)
Today you fight not only one country but multiple countries,the risks are higher(nukes,second strike capabilities).
It would be suicide to go to war(top 10 military powers).

yes, you're also right regarding that. I am sure many south east Asian countries know that if one country falls prey to China, the rest might follow one by one. I think China is in quite difficult position
yes, you're also right regarding that. I am sure many south east Asian countries know that if one country falls prey to China, the rest might follow one by one. I think China is in quite difficult position
Not only China,all of the neighborhoud.
They all must have peace with each other,no other choice.
yes, you're also right regarding that. I am sure many south east Asian countries know that if one country falls prey to China, the rest might follow one by one. I think China is in quite difficult position

lol, we are not those militarist Japs, today we are far stronger, but we never had the intention to colonize other nations.

The history will only prove that Japan is a snake who never deserves any sympathy.

We also helped them during the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, but what they have paid back to us in return? The annex of Manchuria in 1931 and the full scale invasion on China in 1937.

Japan striving to tone down tourist terrors - GlobalTimes
lol, we are not those militarist Japs, today we are far stronger, but we never had the intention to colonize other nations.

The history will only prove that Japan is a snake who doesn't deserve any sympathy.

We also helped them during the Great Kanto Earthquake, but what they have paid back to us?

Japan striving to tone down tourist terrors - GlobalTimes

i can understand the Chinese-Japanese rivalry and disagreements, but i hope there won;t be war. as an outsider im merely speculate things, i am not saying that China is per se the aggressor. i think China is doing a good job developing in many ways, and positive development is not always seen as positive by some certain countries that hold a grudge against you, i can understand your position well. hope you guys will get through it well.

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