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US, UK military to stage NATO exercises in Ukraine

Russia and Turkey are both countries. Countries can be compared to one another. :bounce:
And what has it got to do with the topic?

I don't think there was any elections in Georgia in 08.
Its quite funny the way he put though.

The Georgian conflict happened in 08.
I still don't see it either joining NATO or having anything substantial pointing at Russia (military wise).
When Ukraine joins,Georgia will follow,they havent forgotten 08.
As soon as their enter Nato,it will have a great impact on their military equipment(NATO standard)
It will be like a ''Marshall'' plan.
When Ukraine joins,Georgia will follow,they havent forgotten 08.
As soon as their enter Nato,it will have a great impact on their military equipment(NATO standard)
It will be like a ''Marshall'' plan.

Whatever plan they have, they should have implemented it by now. It's been six long years and nothing. doesn't it tell you something?
And NATO standard having a great impact is a complete BS story. Georgian troops before the 2008 conflict were trained and deployed by NATO and US in both Iraq and Afghanistan, they were brought into Ukraine on an urgent basis when the conflict erupted, but there training and equipment counted for nothing, in front of the Russian war machine.

Georgia ever standing up to Russia? Don't kid yourself dude.
Whatever plan they have, they should have implemented it by now. It's been six long years and nothing. doesn't it tell you something?
And NATO standard having a great impact is a complete BS story. Georgian troops before the 2008 conflict were trained and deployed by NATO and US in both Iraq and Afghanistan, they were brought into Ukraine on an urgent basis when the conflict erupted, but there training and equipment counted for nothing, in front of the Russian war machine.

Georgia ever standing up to Russia? Don't kid yourself dude.

Dude, Georgia alone is nothing i agree,Georgia a member of NATO is another thing.
In 2008 Georgia was alone,no NATO nothing,so thats bs from your side.
I want to see Russia attacking a NATO country(Georgia will be) and get away with it.
Plan implemented by now?
Why,this is better for NATO,Ukraine has the longest border with Russia,Ukraine was allways close to Russia(better info about Russia),look at the defence industry of Ukraine(big loss for Russia).
Look at the future impact of this situation and not what a small scale war would bring.
It is like you lost an arm,not a finger.
You forgot to mention that the Democratic Republic of Congo is bigger than Turkey aswell.;)

So are Angola, Namibia, Tanzania, Chad, Niger, Mozambique, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritania, South Africa. ;)
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smart, cause from what I can see Putin is the exact kind of man that would back down if threatened. Seriously, why did Americans park two carriers off the coast of China again? And the Americans are surprised that we want to develop a defensive capability when all we ask is for them to obey the rules that THEY them selves made.

But maybe Putin would back down, who knows he does look weak in those Mom jeans and dancing with ellen....oh wait.

Dude, Georgia alone is nothing i agree,Georgia a member of NATO is another thing.
In 2008 Georgia was alone,no NATO nothing,so thats bs from your side..

Not exactly, its actually you who is bullshitting. Try and inform yourself before you start embarrassing yourself.
I repeat Georgia was supported by US at that time as well. The Georgian troops were deployed in Iraq and were brought in to Georgia on an urgent basis using US transporters to Tablisi. This is from Wikipedia.
"70 were deployed in Iraq (OIF) in 2003 and 50 in Afghanistan in 2004 (ISAF). From 2004 in Iraq were 300 Georgian troops. From 2005 approximately 850 troops were serving under Coalition Command (OIF and UNAMI). On July 2007 Georgia sent an extra 1,400 troops to Iraq; that brought the total number of troops in Iraq to 2,000. About 300 of these troops were assigned to Taskforce Petro and stationed at COP Cleary outside the town of Wahida near Salman Pak, Iraq. On August 8, 2008 Georgia announced it will withdraw 1,000 troops from Iraq due to rising hostilities with Russia. Their preparedness and training skills are evaluated on highest level by international experts. The entire Iraq contingent has been airlifted back to Georgia. "
I want to see Russia attacking a NATO country(Georgia will be) and get away with it.
Plan implemented by now?.

We will see, let them join NATO and then make a provocation, similar to what they did in 2008, and you will see the result. No point in saying, when this happens, that happens, we will do that. Let it come to pass and then everybody will see.
Why,this is better for NATO,Ukraine has the longest border with Russia,Ukraine was allways close to Russia(better info about Russia),look at the defence industry of Ukraine(big loss for Russia).
Look at the future impact of this situation and not what a small scale war would bring.
It is like you lost an arm,not a finger.

Again it's not the time to talk about Ukraine being part of NATO. The country is in deep mess and it will be very tall order for their current batch of leaders to pull it out in one piece (I doubt they can). If and when they do we can discuss your small or large scale war scenrios.
Till then I will advise you stick to the here and now, not some dream scenarios running in your head.
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Not exactly, its actually you who is bullshitting. Try and inform yourself before you start embarrassing yourself.
I repeat Georgia was supported by US at that time as well. The Georgian troops were deployed in Iraq and were brought in to Georgia on an urgent basis using US transporters to Tablisi. This is from Wikipedia.
"70 were deployed in Iraq (OIF) in 2003 and 50 in Afghanistan in 2004 (ISAF). From 2004 in Iraq were 300 Georgian troops. From 2005 approximately 850 troops were serving under Coalition Command (OIF and UNAMI). On July 2007 Georgia sent an extra 1,400 troops to Iraq; that brought the total number of troops in Iraq to 2,000. About 300 of these troops were assigned to Taskforce Petro and stationed at COP Cleary outside the town of Wahida near Salman Pak, Iraq. On August 8, 2008 Georgia announced it will withdraw 1,000 troops from Iraq due to rising hostilities with Russia. Their preparedness and training skills are evaluated on highest level by international experts. The entire Iraq contingent has been airlifted back to Georgia. "

We will see, let them join NATO and then make a provocation, similar to what they did in 2008, and you will see the result. No point in saying, when this happens, that happens, we will do that. Let it come to pass and then everybody will see.

Again it's not the time to talk about Ukraine being part of NATO. The country is in deep mess and it will be very tall order for their current batch of leaders to pull it out in one piece (I doubt they can). If and when they do we can discuss your small or large scale war scenrios.

Till then I will advise you stick to the here and now, not some dream scenarios running in your head.
Again ''supported by '' and ''member of'' are two different things,if you cant see the difference between the two then you are the one embarrasing himself.
Btw,the US did nothing other then help them with logistics(troops),thats what you call support?
Many countries sent troops to either coalition missions or UN missions,does that mean they all get military back up from NATO?
Get your facts right before posting,its not a contest.
Again ''supported by '' and ''member of'' are two different things,if you cant see the difference between the two then you are the one embarrasing himself.

Really, right look at what wrote again, you are contradicting yourself.

In 2008 Georgia was alone,no NATO nothing,so thats bs from your side.

See dude, nothing means, absence of everything (gosh, I hate explaining like a kindergarten teacher). Logistics on the other is hand is something. Got it.
Btw,the US did nothing other then help them with logistics(troops),thats what you call support?

Yes I will call it support. But it wasn't just logistics the US did train them before and during their deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan. Also they were supported by US allies, as with Israeli upgraded tanks and UAVs.
Many countries sent troops to either coalition missions or UN missions,does that mean they all get military back up from NATO?
Get your facts right before posting,its not a contest.

I agree its not a match and thatswhy I was saying let them join, make a provocation and then we can discuss. Can we let it to rest now?
Ukraine holds joint exercises with NATO regularly since the 90s. I do not see anything important in this news.
Ukraine holds joint exercises with NATO regularly since the 90s. I do not see anything important in this news.
Important is timing of exercise.....the time when Ukraine is not in good position brother. I don't understand how they come up with the decision that Crimea's referendum was not legitimate while Kiev's takeover and it's current government is "legitimate".:ph34r::ph34r:
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