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US trying to remove enriched Pak uranium: WikiLeaks


Jan 30, 2010
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US trying to remove enriched Pak uranium: WikiLeaks


WASHINGTON: US diplomatic cables released on Sunday show that since 2007 the United States has been engaged in a secret effort to remove highly enriched uranium from a Pakistani research reactor. According to the documents released by a whistle-blowing website called Wiki-Leaks, the US administration authorised this effort because American officials feared the material could be diverted for use in an illicit nuclear device.

One cable quotes Saudi King Abdullah as saying that President Asif Ali Zardari was “the greatest obstacle” to Pakistan’s progress. “When the head is rotten,” he said, “it affects the whole body”.

In May 2009, US Ambassador Anne W. Patterson reported to the State Department that Pakistan was refusing to schedule a visit by American technical experts because, as a Pakistani official said, “if the local media got word of the fuel removal they certainly would portray it as the United States taking Pakistan’s nuclear weapons”.

Cables sent by the US Embassy in Islamabad to the State Department also talk of “grave fears in Washington and London over the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programme” amid the country’s growing instability.

They depict the Obama administration struggling to sort out which Pakistanis are trustworthy partners against Al Qaeda, and “assessing whether a lurking rickshaw driver in Lahore was awaiting fares or conducting surveillance of the road to the American Consulate”.

WikiLeaks, a site devoted to leaking government documents, apparently received hundreds of thousands of US diplomatic cables from an anti-war activist who got access to the secret files due to a glitch in the computer system.

The US government, however, warned WikiLeaks not to release the documents.

On Saturday, State Department’s Legal Adviser Harold Hongju Koh sent a letter to WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange, warning him that the release of approximately 250,000 secret documents would have “grave consequences” and place at risk the lives of journalists, human rights activists and soldiers. Mr Assange had earlier asked the State Department for information on any individuals who may be “at significant risk of harm” by the disclosure. Earlier on Sunday, WikiLeaks released a Twitter message, saying: “We are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack” but said that some of the world’s major newspapers — such as El Pais, Le Monde, Speigel, The Guardian and The New York Times — will publish many US embassy cables, even if WikiLeaks went down.

And by Sunday afternoon (Washington time), all these news outlets published their versions of the leak, ignoring stern warning they too had received from the State Department.

They reported that more than 250,000 US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks “reveal previously secret information on American intelligence gathering, and political and military strategy”.

The release “catapulted the United States into a worldwide diplomatic crisis”, noted the Guardian. Many of these classified cables were sent as recently as February this year.

Attack on Iran

The documents show that Arab leaders are privately urging an air strike on Iran and that US officials have been instructed to spy on the UN’s leadership. The cables also talk about a major shift in relations between China and North Korea, and details of clandestine US efforts to combat Al Qaeda in Yemen. Disclosures that both the Guardian and the NYT believe can cause a major diplomatic uproar include:

— Alleged links between the Russian government and organised crime.

— Devastating criticism of the UK’s military operations in Afghanistan.

— Claims of inappropriate behaviour by a member of the British royal family.

— Serious political criticisms of David Cameron to requests for specific intelligence about individual MPs.

— Specific allegations of corruption against world leaders.

— Harsh criticism by US embassy staff of their host governments.

The material includes a reference to Vladimir Putin as an “alpha-dog”, Hamid Karzai as being “driven by paranoia” and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as someone who “avoids risk and is rarely creative”.

One cable compares Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with Adolf Hitler.

The cables name countries involved in financing terror groups, and describe a near “environmental disaster” last year over a rogue shipment of enriched uranium.

They disclose technical details of secret US-Russian nuclear missile negotiations in Geneva, and include a profile of Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi, who they say is accompanied everywhere by a “voluptuous blonde” Ukrainian nurse. The cables cover Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s activities under the Obama administration, as well as thousands of files from the George Bush presidency.

The cables reveal how the US uses its embassies as part of a global espionage network, with diplomats tasked to obtain not just information from the people they meet, but personal details, such as frequent flyer numbers, credit card details and even DNA material.

Classified “human intelligence directives” issued in the name of Hillary Clinton or her predecessor, Condoleezza Rice, instruct officials to gather information on military installations, weapons markings, vehicle details of political leaders as well as iris scans, fingerprints and DNA.

The most controversial target was the leadership of the United Nations. That directive requested the specification of telecoms and IT systems used by top UN officials and their staff and details of “private VIP networks used for official communication, to include upgrades, security measures, passwords, personal encryption keys”.

One cable shows that when Afghanistan’s vice-president visited the United Arab Emirates last year, local authorities working with the Drug Enforcement Administration discovered that he was carrying $52 million in cash.

Speaking to an Iraqi official about Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Saudi King Abdullah says: “You and Iraq are in my heart, but that man is not.”

Some cables claim that Saudi donors remain the chief financiers of militant groups like Al Qaeda, and the tiny Persian Gulf state of Qatar, a generous host to the American military for years, was the “worst in the region” in counter-terrorism efforts.

US trying to remove enriched Pak uranium: WikiLeaks | Latest news, breaking news, world news, international news and current affairs | DAWN.COM
So.. shall i assume Pakistan nuclear arsnel is in safe hands?
The americans have always been trying to steal the enriched uranium from Pakistan and supply it to the israelis and of course, 'for security of Pakistan' according to the US state department. This is their 'sacred mission'. The question is, will the present Pak government allow that to happen?
The americans have always been trying to steal the enriched uranium from Pakistan and supply it to the israelis and of course, 'for security of Pakistan' according to the US state department. This is their 'sacred mission'. The question is, will the present Pak government allow that to happen?

Firstly they don't need to steal from Pakistan... they can produce enough on their own.

Secondly I hope you do understand that the enriched uranium is better in safe hands (whoever the safe hand is) rather than in the hands of the fanatics (read Taliban here) who will hold the whole world ransom.

Heck they are not even sparing their muslim brothers... what makes you think they will not try to use the nuclear option in these attacks (if they do get hold of them).
Firstly they don't need to steal from Pakistan... they can produce enough on their own.

They are not trying to steal because they have a shortage of it, they are trying to do so to cut down Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.

Secondly I hope you do understand that the enriched uranium is better in safe hands (whoever the safe hand is) rather than in the hands of the fanatics (read Taliban here) who will hold the whole world ransom.

Now, which country is safe and which is not, depends on which side you're on, so sing the song somewhere else.

Heck they are not even sparing their muslim brothers... what makes you think they will not try to use the nuclear option in these attacks (if they do get hold of them).

This much is certain that you'll not be spared if you dare to do to Pakistan what the amarican bastards did to Iraq and Afghanistan. Please do not worry about Muslims because if you loved Muslims so much you would not be what you are.
Israel does not need to steal uranium from Pakistan it already has yellowcake and uranium from South Africa which helped develop its weapons even before Pakistan tested it's first nuke Israel already done secret test in the Indian Ocean with South Africa in the 1970's.
Firstly they don't need to steal from Pakistan... they can produce enough on their own.

Secondly I hope you do understand that the enriched uranium is better in safe hands (whoever the safe hand is) rather than in the hands of the fanatics (read Taliban here) who will hold the whole world ransom.

Heck they are not even sparing their muslim brothers... what makes you think they will not try to use the nuclear option in these attacks (if they do get hold of them).

that is none of your, US or anyone else's business that is sole property of Pakistan and whomsoever we wish to bestow upon as a bomb..the sooner you US and everyone understands it the better or the bestowal might come sooner than expected

And my pakistani colleagues were so secure in their thinking that they had nuc weapons and they can lob them and launch them whenever they want to to when they get mad---.

My innocent young pakistanis---my beloved countrymen---my brethren---the big bad wolf is very bad and extremely mean and brutally ruthless---.
They are not trying to steal because they have a shortage of it, they are trying to do so to cut down Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.
Read your previous post. My answer was to your comment about US stealing to supply it to Israel.

Now, which country is safe and which is not, depends on which side you're on, so sing the song somewhere else.
I don't need to sing a song anywhere. The innocent civilians on the streets in Pakistan are already listening the songs out there. If you would have consideration towards the innocent civilians trapped in this situation you would have been careful about making a statement here.

Please do not worry about Muslims because if you loved Muslims so much you would not be what you are.
How convenient it is to assume my religion by looking at the flags. My post had nothing to do with religion and sorry I don't participate in religious arguments.
that is none of your, US or anyone else's business that is sole property of Pakistan and whomsoever we wish to bestow upon as a bomb..the sooner you US and everyone understands it the better or the bestowal might come sooner than expected

Like I said I don't care who keeps the custody of the nuclear materials as long as it does not fall in the hands of the wrong people and by wrong people I meant the people who are blowing others up in the name of religion.
I really hope there are better people in the PA to guard its nuclear weapons than you.
Peace out!
I don't need to sing a song anywhere. The innocent civilians on the streets in Pakistan are already listening the songs out there. If you would have consideration towards the innocent civilians trapped in this situation you would have been careful about making a statement here.

Well those innocent civilians in the streets would definitely burn everyone alive in the govt who would try to harm Pakistan's nuke arsenal for any stupid reason like you mentioned above.

And it isn't for Bharatis and Amerikees to worry about Pakistan's nukes. Pakistan knows how to secure it's arsenal from falling into any wrong hand whether it is AQ or whether it is America.
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Wasn't PARR-1 was converted to use the 20% enriched uranium instead of 93% enriched uranium in early 1990s? and i am sure we all know that 20% enriched uranium cant be used "as it is" to make nuclear weapons and Pakistan already have secured the nuclear material for over 100 weapons can secure few extra kgs of HEU
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Wasn't PARR-1 was converted to use the 20% enriched uranium instead of 93% enriched uranium in early 1990s? and i am sure we all know that 20% enriched uranium cant be used "as it is" to make nuclear weapons and Pakistan already have secured the nuclear material for over 100 weapons can secure few extra kgs of HEU

You are correct in that PARR-1 was converted to 20% MEU instead of 93% HEU in the early 1990s, along with upgrading the output from 5 MWTh to 10 MWTh.

However, the old HEU rod assemblies were moved from PARR-1 to a water immersion pool housed in the adjacent building that also has PARR-2 as part of the project, where they remain to this day.

I think these old HEU rod assemblies are the matter for discussion as to their eventual disposition.
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