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US 'Troubled' By Crimea Leader's India Visit

Aamna Ali

May 15, 2011
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The United States said it is "troubled" by the reports of the leader of Crimea, the former Ukrainian territory annexed by Russia, accompanying Russian President Vladimir Putin to India.

"We are troubled by reports that the delegation accompanying Putin may have included Sergey Aksyonov," State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki told reporters at her daily news conference on Thursday.

Aksyonov, head of the Republic of Crimea, which in March this year had acceded to the Russian Federation from Ukraine, was on his first visit abroad seeking to woo Indian investments.

Crimea's accession to the Russian Federation had led to sanctions against the both by western countries.

Psaki, however, noted that New Delhi was not aware of Aksyonov accompanying Putin on his visit to India.

"The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has said they were not officially aware of his visit or his participation in the delegation. We're seeking further clarification on that," she said.

"I don't think we have any reason to believe they (India) were aware. But that's all the information I have at this point," Psaki further said.

She also said it is not the time for the US to do business with Russia given its action in Ukraine.

"We've seen press reporting on India concluding business, nuclear and defense deals with Russia, but not confirmation of those agreements or specifics of what those agreements would entail. Our view remains that it's not time for business as usual with Russia," the State Department spokesperson said.

India has made it clear that it would not support Western sanctions against Russia imposed over the annexation of Crimea in February.

Wooing Investments
The 42-year-old nationalist politician was elected in a closed session of the regional parliament after Russian forces took control of the Crimean peninsula.

Aksyonov said his visit had "a private character" and he did not take part in any official events.

"India has always been a strategic partner of Russia and its stand was always balanced," he said.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to this effect was signed by Aksyonov and Gul Kripalini, chairman of the Indian-Crimean Partnership.

He arrived at the Oberoi Hotel in New Delhi accompanied by Russian diplomats and was greeted by Kripalani, a Mumbai-based seafood merchant. Kripalani said his Pijikay Group has an annual turnover of about $190 million.

"We invited our Indian partners to visit Crimea as there are opportunities in agriculture, food processing, tourism, pharmaceuticals and infrastructure," Aksyonov said.

Asked if his visit along with Putin was an attempt by Russia to send out a message to those countries opposing them, he said, "The aim of this visit is pure pragmatic. We are looking for partners and this is for cooperation".

Russian officials said he is "not" part of the "official delegation", but is "accompanying" the President.

Asked whether he was hopeful of building a strong economy back home and if he was confident of getting all funds promised by Russia, he said there were "no doubts".

"The sanctions only mobilised Russian economy and Russian potential including Crimea potential. Now Special Economic Zone will start working in Crimea and will be very advantageous for business. So many of them who wanted to humiliate Russia or press it but all of them failed," he said.

LINK : US 'Troubled' By Crimea Leader's India Visit With Putin
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Poroshenko Slams India for Accepting Crimean Leader as Part of Putin Delegation

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko lashed out at India on Friday over a visit by the leader of Crimea, who accompanied President Vladimir Putin's annual summit delegation this week.

India does not back Western sanctions against Russia, and the unofficial trip by Sergei Aksyonov could spoil the mood before Prime Minister Narendra Modi hosts U.S. President Barack Obama for India's Republic Day festivities in January.

Poroshenko, addressing the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney, said India was placing more importance on "money" than "values" by welcoming Aksyanov, and it was not standing with "civilization" against Russian aggression.

"It is not an easy job, to keep the world together," Poroshenko said to laughter, when asked by a journalist about the visit.

"The Indian position doesn't help, it doesn't save Mr. Aksyanov," he added. "He is a criminal, it's very simple. He has a criminal background and no doubt he has a criminal future."

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the United States was "troubled" by reports that Aksyonov may have been part of Putin's delegation and was seeking more information.

"We understand that the Indian External Affairs Ministry have said they were not officially aware of his visit or his participation in the delegation ... We are seeking further clarification on that."

Psaki also referred to reports of new nuclear and defense deals between India and Russia and reiterated Washington's view that it was "not time for business as usual with Russia."

Aksyonov arrived at the upscale Oberoi Hotel in New Delhi accompanied by Russian diplomats to be greeted by Gul Kripalani, a Mumbai-based seafood merchant who wants to boost trade with Russia.

Speaking to reporters after signing a memorandum of understanding to promote business, Aksyonov said his visit had "a private character" and he did not take part in any official events.

He tweeted separately, however, that he had come to India as "a member of the delegation under the leadership of the president of the Russian federation, Vladimir Putin".

India, which observes a policy of non-intervention, has refrained from criticizing Moscow's takeover of Crimea and support for an uprising in eastern Ukraine that has killed more than 4,300 people since April.

LINK: Poroshenko Slams India for Accepting Crimean Leader as Part of Putin Delegation | News | The Moscow Times
Ukraine has locus standing in the world,,who cares.
USA has a problem on anything related to russia.

Indian businessmen and journalists to visit Crimea soon

A group of Indian businessmen will visit Crimea under an agreement with Crimea’s head Sergei Aksyonov, Georgy Muradov, Crimea’s vice-premier and the permanent representative of the Republic of Crimea under the Russian president, said on Thursday.

“Indian businessmen have great interest in Crimea. They are ready to implement investment projects on the peninsula. Therefore, there is an agreement that several groups of Indian businessmen will visit Crimea soon,” Muradov told TASS.

He also said that a group of Indian journalists was also planning to pay a visit to Crimea.

“They will represent India’s biggest media outlets. They will tell the people of India about Crimea,” Muradov emphasized.

Sergei Aksyonov, the head of the Crimean government, made his first international trip in his capacity of the Crimean leader on Thursday as he accompanied President Vladimir Putin on his trip to India.

Aksyonov signed a memorandum of understanding between Crimea and the Indian-Crimean Partnership, an association of Indian business circles on the sidelines of his trip.

Tourism is another promising area of cooperation between India and Crimea, according to Aksyonov.

“I am sure that Indian businessmen will be interested in building hotels in the territory of Crimea and in forming tourist flows from India to Crimea,” Aksyonov told journalists adding that the presidential decree on Special Economic Zone in Crimea will create good conditions for investors.

“Crimea as part of Russia is searching for partners to implement investment projects in the republic’s territory, exchange views and form a convenient business environment,” Aksyonov said in conclusion.

Poroshenko Slams India for Accepting Crimean Leader as Part of Putin Delegation

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko lashed out at India on Friday over a visit by the leader of Crimea, who accompanied President Vladimir Putin's annual summit delegation this week.

India does not back Western sanctions against Russia, and the unofficial trip by Sergei Aksyonov could spoil the mood before Prime Minister Narendra Modi hosts U.S. President Barack Obama for India's Republic Day festivities in January.

Poroshenko, addressing the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney, said India was placing more importance on "money" than "values" by welcoming Aksyanov, and it was not standing with "civilization" against Russian aggression.

"It is not an easy job, to keep the world together," Poroshenko said to laughter, when asked by a journalist about the visit.

"The Indian position doesn't help, it doesn't save Mr. Aksyanov," he added. "He is a criminal, it's very simple. He has a criminal background and no doubt he has a criminal future."

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the United States was "troubled" by reports that Aksyonov may have been part of Putin's delegation and was seeking more information.

"We understand that the Indian External Affairs Ministry have said they were not officially aware of his visit or his participation in the delegation ... We are seeking further clarification on that."

Psaki also referred to reports of new nuclear and defense deals between India and Russia and reiterated Washington's view that it was "not time for business as usual with Russia."

Aksyonov arrived at the upscale Oberoi Hotel in New Delhi accompanied by Russian diplomats to be greeted by Gul Kripalani, a Mumbai-based seafood merchant who wants to boost trade with Russia.

Speaking to reporters after signing a memorandum of understanding to promote business, Aksyonov said his visit had "a private character" and he did not take part in any official events.

He tweeted separately, however, that he had come to India as "a member of the delegation under the leadership of the president of the Russian federation, Vladimir Putin".

India, which observes a policy of non-intervention, has refrained from criticizing Moscow's takeover of Crimea and support for an uprising in eastern Ukraine that has killed more than 4,300 people since April.

LINK: Poroshenko Slams India for Accepting Crimean Leader as Part of Putin Delegation | News | The Moscow Times

Mr. Illegitimate President, there is nothing to comment on this but to state the fact that Crimea is Russia! :smokin:
Today I learned putin is actually short
lol something that I also noticed today.
But then history has many dominating men who were short...from Napolean to Hitler.
Short men must be more aggressive. Lolzz

On topic:
Aksyonov held “unofficial” trade talks in Mumbai and New Delhi. And he did not meet with any Indian officials but Russian diplomats in India joined him for the meetings. So what's the big deal??
But I'm sure India knew he was coming or how did he get his visa??
The joint statement by both the govt.
Joint Statement on the visit of President of the Russian Federation to India for 15th Annual India-Russia Summit | Home | www.narendramodi.in
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Indian businessmen and journalists to visit Crimea soon

A group of Indian businessmen will visit Crimea under an agreement with Crimea’s head Sergei Aksyonov, Georgy Muradov, Crimea’s vice-premier and the permanent representative of the Republic of Crimea under the Russian president, said on Thursday.

“Indian businessmen have great interest in Crimea. They are ready to implement investment projects on the peninsula. Therefore, there is an agreement that several groups of Indian businessmen will visit Crimea soon,” Muradov told TASS.

He also said that a group of Indian journalists was also planning to pay a visit to Crimea.

“They will represent India’s biggest media outlets. They will tell the people of India about Crimea,” Muradov emphasized.

Sergei Aksyonov, the head of the Crimean government, made his first international trip in his capacity of the Crimean leader on Thursday as he accompanied President Vladimir Putin on his trip to India.

Aksyonov signed a memorandum of understanding between Crimea and the Indian-Crimean Partnership, an association of Indian business circles on the sidelines of his trip.

Tourism is another promising area of cooperation between India and Crimea, according to Aksyonov.

“I am sure that Indian businessmen will be interested in building hotels in the territory of Crimea and in forming tourist flows from India to Crimea,” Aksyonov told journalists adding that the presidential decree on Special Economic Zone in Crimea will create good conditions for investors.

“Crimea as part of Russia is searching for partners to implement investment projects in the republic’s territory, exchange views and form a convenient business environment,” Aksyonov said in conclusion.

Good for Indo-Russian Ties
Does anyone think the majority of the Crimean population is against to be be part of Russia? No? In that case it's a secession and not an annexation as the US-led propaganda likes to tell us.
Crimean ppl accepted Russia with alacrity.
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Poroshenko, addressing the Lowy Institute think tank in Sydney, said India was placing more importance on "money" than "values" by welcoming Aksyanov, and it was not standing with "civilization" against Russian aggression.

LOL , he should check his Western crocodile tears shedding leaders. their love for money and more money is far more than the entire world combined. they will bite each other and betray and abandon their allies and even invade them if it suits the West.

Ukraine has locus standing in the world,,who cares.
USA has a problem on anything related to russia.
recall the Georgian conflict? how the west played them into confronting the Russians and then sat back and offered lip service.
recall the Georgian conflict? how the west played them into confronting the Russians and then sat back and offered lip service.

One thing cannot be denied though,,the people of both georgia and ukraine wanted to integrate with EU.

Crimean ppl accepted Russia with alacrity.

Supporting that would be contrary to our interests in kashmir,,so we will neither say yes nor no on the matter.
One thing cannot be denied though,,the people of both georgia and ukraine wanted to integrate with EU.

Supporting that would be contrary to our interests in kashmir,,so we will neither say yes nor no on the matter.
agree and respect both points dear
(just like we don't say much how China deals with its Muslim population).

Russia had been a dormant and bruised power for so long and the West got too ambitious and aggressive by first invading all former soviet block allied regimes and then making inroads into Eurasia and Eastern Europe.
Putin changed that and halted the advance. Now I will be contradicting my Kashmiri stand by saying Georgia and Ukraine shouldn't be going for EU but my point is, (that shouldn't be done at the expense of Russia and become a base to antagonise Kremlin)
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