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US troops ‘saved’ Daesh terrorists, leaders form Taliban siege in east Afghanistan


Apr 29, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

In this AFP file photo taken on August 12, 2015 US army soldiers walk as a NATO helicopter flies overhead in the Khogyani district in the eastern province of Nangarhar.

US troops in Afghanistan have rushed to help members of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group following a Taliban operation to purge the terrorists from the country’s east, according to Taliban militants.

The Taliban militant group said in a statement on Friday that US soldiers “saved” Daesh members as well as their local leaders by helicopters from a siege they had been trapped in the eastern Afghan province of Kunar.

“The US troops saved them from the siege by helicopters,” the statement said, adding that the Taliban had been launching an anti-Daesh operation for one week in Kunar and had surrounded the terrorist outfit’s important individuals.

A large number of the Daesh terrorists were rescued by choppers while fleeing a battlefield with Taliban last year in the northern province of Jawzjan.

The Economic Times estimated in a recent report that around 10,000 members of the Takfiri terrorist group were present in Afghanistan and the number was growing on Washington’s watch.

PressTV-US military propping up Daesh in Afghanistan: Report
The US is letting into Afghanistan members of Daesh fleeing Syria and Iraq, a new report suggests.

In recent years, Daesh has established a foothold in eastern and northern Afghanistan. The terrorist group has mostly been populating Nangarhar, from where it has carried out high-profile brutal attacks at major population centers across the country.

Last February, three months after the group's defeat was announced in Iraq and Syria, the Associated Press reported that the US military was pulling its forces from a base in Iraq and shifting them to Afghanistan.

The report flew in the face of US President Donald Trump's campaign promises to end Washington's Afghanistan intervention.

PressTV-5,000 Daesh terrorists amassed in Afghanistan: Russia
Russia’s top intelligence official warns that nearly 5,000 militants belonging to a Daesh affiliate have converged in areas in northern Afghanistan that border post-Soviet Central Asian republics.

The US and its allies invaded Afghanistan and toppled a ruling Taliban regime some 17 years ago. That ongoing war has failed to bring stability to the country despite the presence of thousands of foreign forces.

Today, around 14,000 US troops remain in Afghanistan, half of them assigned to what Washington insists are counter-terrorism missions.

According to an official US report last year, the central government in Kabul is currently controlling a little more than 50 percent of the country, down from 72 percent in 2015, with the rest remaining in Taliban's control.


In this AFP file photo taken on August 12, 2015 US army soldiers walk as a NATO helicopter flies overhead in the Khogyani district in the eastern province of Nangarhar.

US troops in Afghanistan have rushed to help members of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group following a Taliban operation to purge the terrorists from the country’s east, according to Taliban militants.

The Taliban militant group said in a statement on Friday that US soldiers “saved” Daesh members as well as their local leaders by helicopters from a siege they had been trapped in the eastern Afghan province of Kunar.

“The US troops saved them from the siege by helicopters,” the statement said, adding that the Taliban had been launching an anti-Daesh operation for one week in Kunar and had surrounded the terrorist outfit’s important individuals.

A large number of the Daesh terrorists were rescued by choppers while fleeing a battlefield with Taliban last year in the northern province of Jawzjan.

The Economic Times estimated in a recent report that around 10,000 members of the Takfiri terrorist group were present in Afghanistan and the number was growing on Washington’s watch.

PressTV-US military propping up Daesh in Afghanistan: Report
The US is letting into Afghanistan members of Daesh fleeing Syria and Iraq, a new report suggests.

In recent years, Daesh has established a foothold in eastern and northern Afghanistan. The terrorist group has mostly been populating Nangarhar, from where it has carried out high-profile brutal attacks at major population centers across the country.

Last February, three months after the group's defeat was announced in Iraq and Syria, the Associated Press reported that the US military was pulling its forces from a base in Iraq and shifting them to Afghanistan.

The report flew in the face of US President Donald Trump's campaign promises to end Washington's Afghanistan intervention.

PressTV-5,000 Daesh terrorists amassed in Afghanistan: Russia
Russia’s top intelligence official warns that nearly 5,000 militants belonging to a Daesh affiliate have converged in areas in northern Afghanistan that border post-Soviet Central Asian republics.

The US and its allies invaded Afghanistan and toppled a ruling Taliban regime some 17 years ago. That ongoing war has failed to bring stability to the country despite the presence of thousands of foreign forces.

Today, around 14,000 US troops remain in Afghanistan, half of them assigned to what Washington insists are counter-terrorism missions.

According to an official US report last year, the central government in Kabul is currently controlling a little more than 50 percent of the country, down from 72 percent in 2015, with the rest remaining in Taliban's control.

Similar strategy to what Assad and Iran do in Syria. Groups like ISIS always prioritise attacking Muslim groups first. So the enemies of Islam save them sometimes or transport them to areas held by Muslim groups so that they may go fight the Muslims on another day.
Similar strategy to what Assad and Iran do in Syria. Groups like ISIS always prioritise attacking Muslim groups first. So the enemies of Islam save them sometimes or transport them to areas held by Muslim groups so that they may go fight the Muslims on another day.

I don’t understand, I think they are there to damage Iran too, that is why Press TV is publishing this. Iran, Pakistan & Taliban need to work together to oust this Daesh misery. It is pretty clear what they are there for and who has put them there.
I don’t understand, I think they are there to damage Iran too, that is why Press TV is publishing this. Iran, Pakistan & Taliban need to work together to oust this Daesh misery. It is pretty clear what they are there for and who has put them there.

Press TV is just doing this story to make the Americans look bad bro. It is probably somewhat true though since the afghan government have been reported to save isis militants from the taliban before too. But I doubt press TV would ever report that Iranian backed groups have regularly bused isis fighters to rebel areas too in Syria (cos the isis fighters prioritise fighting rebels over the regime normally).

However yes the growth of this should be a worry for both Pakistan and the taliban though.

In this AFP file photo taken on August 12, 2015 US army soldiers walk as a NATO helicopter flies overhead in the Khogyani district in the eastern province of Nangarhar.

US troops in Afghanistan have rushed to help members of the Daesh Takfiri terrorist group following a Taliban operation to purge the terrorists from the country’s east, according to Taliban militants.

The Taliban militant group said in a statement on Friday that US soldiers “saved” Daesh members as well as their local leaders by helicopters from a siege they had been trapped in the eastern Afghan province of Kunar.

“The US troops saved them from the siege by helicopters,” the statement said, adding that the Taliban had been launching an anti-Daesh operation for one week in Kunar and had surrounded the terrorist outfit’s important individuals.

A large number of the Daesh terrorists were rescued by choppers while fleeing a battlefield with Taliban last year in the northern province of Jawzjan.

The Economic Times estimated in a recent report that around 10,000 members of the Takfiri terrorist group were present in Afghanistan and the number was growing on Washington’s watch.

PressTV-US military propping up Daesh in Afghanistan: Report
The US is letting into Afghanistan members of Daesh fleeing Syria and Iraq, a new report suggests.

In recent years, Daesh has established a foothold in eastern and northern Afghanistan. The terrorist group has mostly been populating Nangarhar, from where it has carried out high-profile brutal attacks at major population centers across the country.

Last February, three months after the group's defeat was announced in Iraq and Syria, the Associated Press reported that the US military was pulling its forces from a base in Iraq and shifting them to Afghanistan.

The report flew in the face of US President Donald Trump's campaign promises to end Washington's Afghanistan intervention.

PressTV-5,000 Daesh terrorists amassed in Afghanistan: Russia
Russia’s top intelligence official warns that nearly 5,000 militants belonging to a Daesh affiliate have converged in areas in northern Afghanistan that border post-Soviet Central Asian republics.

The US and its allies invaded Afghanistan and toppled a ruling Taliban regime some 17 years ago. That ongoing war has failed to bring stability to the country despite the presence of thousands of foreign forces.

Today, around 14,000 US troops remain in Afghanistan, half of them assigned to what Washington insists are counter-terrorism missions.

According to an official US report last year, the central government in Kabul is currently controlling a little more than 50 percent of the country, down from 72 percent in 2015, with the rest remaining in Taliban's control.


This is old news, everyone in Pakistan and Afghanistan knows of this, but I am glad PressTV is publishing it.

Iranian support for NA was misguided, Iran should have repaired ties with Taliban since the beginning. However, it is never too late to start working on fixing ties with Pakistan and new incoming Afghan government.
Press TV is just doing this story to make the Americans look bad bro. It is probably somewhat true though since the afghan government have been reported to save isis militants from the taliban before too. But I doubt press TV would ever report that Iranian backed groups have regularly bused isis fighters to rebel areas too in Syria (cos the isis fighters prioritise fighting rebels over the regime normally).

However yes the growth of this should be a worry for both Pakistan and the taliban though.

Yes I understand, it just happens that wherever these Isis/Daesh are put in then complete misery will follow. They need to be crushed. This rent-a-Isis system where they spring up and then do most of their damage to Muslims, you are right, that is why I am still amazed the Muslims are expected to apologise for them, they are just a US-Israeli tool
I heard a recent pod cast of ex-American soldiers that served in Afghanistan acknowledging that the NDS and CIA wanted to use TTP against Pakistan. These same TTP terrorists would later pledge allegiance and join ISIS. NATO and American troops looked the other way while this was going on. This reality doesn't get much air time in international press. It is good that Iranian and also Russian press has begun to point this hypocrisy out.
ISIS showed itself as a capable fighting force in the Middle East....now they are in Afghanistan and with 6000 fighters, probably they will attack weak Central Asian states when US withdraw from Afghanistan.
Similar strategy to what Assad and Iran do in Syria. Groups like ISIS always prioritise attacking Muslim groups first. So the enemies of Islam save them sometimes or transport them to areas held by Muslim groups so that they may go fight the Muslims on another day.
But they were allied in Syria, weren't they???
this is no Syria or Iraq, here they have to fight Talibans.

Are you comparing these rag tag cave dwellers to organised Iranian proxies like Hezbollah etc? Lay down whatever crack you're smoking kid.
Are you comparing these rag tag cave dwellers to organised Iranian proxies like Hezbollah etc? Lay down whatever crack you're smoking kid.

you judge someone by the opposition, well organized right!!
these rag tag (also well organized proxies by some other country) has kicked two super powers while your well organized proxies are fighting losers and toilet cleaners gathers from all over the world.
you judge someone by the opposition, well organized right!!

What are on earth are you blabbering about?

these rag tag (also well organized proxies by some other country) has kicked two super powers

Go back to sleep kid. The West wrecked these taliban cave dwellers. They barely managed to do anything minus some attacks here and there.

while your well organized proxies are fighting losers and toilet cleaners gathers from all over the world.

Hezbollah humiliated Israel in an open conflict. As for those "toilet cleaners" many nations appear to be not be able to do much about them. Don't make a fool out of yourself.
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