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US troops ‘saved’ Daesh terrorists, leaders form Taliban siege in east Afghanistan

What are on earth are you blabbering about?

Go back to sleep kid. The West wrecked these taliban cave dwellers. They barely managed to do anything minus some attacks here and there.

Hezbollah humiliated Israel in an open conflict. As for those "toilet cleaners" you own nation can barely defeat these barefoot terrorists types on your own soil. Don't make a fool out of yourself.

you people don't even know what conflicts are, you fought Sadam's army for what 8 years??????
the same army that was taken down in 2 days....keep thinking your self as some tough guy and pray that you don't ever have to fight men. Just stay busy with toilet cleaners and keep your image high in your own mind. The only reason you are surviving is because you have US at your back who is showing you as scare crow to Arabs and milking them. We dont talk big to little people we only show when time asks for it.
I don’t understand, I think they are there to damage Iran too, that is why Press TV is publishing this. Iran, Pakistan & Taliban need to work together to oust this Daesh misery. It is pretty clear what they are there for and who has put them there.

The Taliban is no different either. They are a more nationalistic version of ISIS. Let us remember how brutally they killed Najibullah, the last "normal" president of Afghanistan.
you people don't even know what conflicts are, you fought Sadam's army for what 8 years??????

Don't make me humiliate you kid, given Pakistan's history of military surrenders, I would not open my mouth if I were you.

Iran fought iraq right after a bloody revolution where it could not even import barbed wires meanwhile Saddam was backed with almost every nations including USA +USSR, heck they even gave him chemical weapons to use. Iran did not lose a single inch of it's soil. Coming towards modern day, Iran is humiliating the US. The same nation that slaughered your people with it's drone has it's UAV wrecked by Iran.

So if I were you, I'd keep quiet.

the same army that was taken down in 2 days....keep thinking your self as some tough guy and pray that you don't ever have to fight men.

If you're talking about the western invasion of Iraq then LMAO. Before actually having the balls to attack, they sanctioned and bombed Iraq for years before actually attacking, and when they did, it was a whole group of nations and not just the USA. Going back a few years, they needed 500,000 men to fight the Iraqis in small Kuwait. Once they were in Iraq in 03, they were killed in thousands by Iranian proxies and in the end, achieved nothing but making Iran stronger.

Just stay busy with toilet cleaners and keep your image high in your own mind. The only reason you are surviving is because you have US's back who is showing you as scare crow to Arabs and milking them. We dont talk big to little people we only show when time asks for it.

Dude, even your pakistan is struggling to defeat these terrorists types on it's own soil. You keep embarrassing yourself. You seriously want me to start posting all the damage these bare foot terrorists inflicted on pakistan in past decades?

Hezbollah defeated a state i.e Israeli on open conflict. And you jokers are comparing these cave dwellers Taliban to them ROFLMAO.
Iran fought iraq right after a bloody revolution where it could not even import barbed wires meanwhile Saddam was backed with almost every nations including USA +USSR

Come on, that is not entirely correct.

Iran was equally supported by NATO. Basically, both Iran and Iraq were played against each other by other nations.
Come on, that is not entirely correct.

Iran was equally supported by NATO. Basically, both Iran and Iraq were played against each other by other nations.

Don't talk nonsense. If they were supporting Iran, then Iran would not have been struggling to import even barbed wires.

If you don't know much about the history of Iran and Iraq, then maybe keep quiet. I am sure they wanted both Iran and Iraq hurt, but to say they were achieving that by supporting Iran too, it shows what an ignoramus you are.
Don't make me humiliate you kid, given Pakistan's history of military surrenders, I would not open my mouth if I were you.

Iran fought iraq right after a bloody revolution where it could not even import barbed wires meanwhile Saddam was backed with almost every nations including USA +USSR, heck they even gave him chemical weapons to use. Iran did not lose a single inch of it's soil. Coming towards modern day, Iran is humiliating the US. The same nation that slaughered your people with it's drone has it's UAV wrecked by Iran.

So if I were you, I'd keep quiet.

If you're talking about the western invasion of Iraq then LMAO. Before actually having the balls to attack, they sanctioned and bombed Iraq for years before actually attacking, and when they did, it was a whole group of nations and not just the USA. Going back a few years, they needed 500,000 men to fight the Iraqis in small Kuwait. Once they were in Iraq in 03, they were killed in thousands by Iranian proxies and in the end, achieved nothing but making Iran stronger.

Dude, even your pakistan is struggling to defeat these terrorists types on it's own soil. You keep embarrassing yourself. You seriously want me to start posting all the damage these bare foot terrorists inflicted on pakistan in past decades?

Hezbollah defeated a state i.e Israeli on open conflict. And you jokers are comparing these cave dwellers Taliban to them ROFLMAO.

first of all how can you be 100% sure I am not your father!, you cant be
Like I said enjoy your victories, you guys are very tough, fighting Sadam for 8 years is no small feat...bravo

by the way make sure no more of your soldiers get kidnapped by these cave dewellers
Don't talk nonsense. If they were supporting Iran, then Iran would not have been struggling to import even barbed wires.

If you don't know much about the history of Iran and Iraq, then maybe keep quiet. I am sure they wanted both Iran and Iraq hurt, but to say they were achieving that by supporting Iran too, it shows what an ignoramus you are.

For example, what about the Iran-Contra affair ??

There's a saying in India : Two cats fought each other while the monkey took away the food. That was the case of Iran-Iraq.
first of all how can you be 100% sure I am not your father!,
you cant be

@waz it seems this clown cannot engage in a proper discussion without resorting to these silly innuendoes.

Like I said enjoy your victories, you guys are very tough, fighting Sadam for 8 years is no small feat...bravo

It seems you lack the processing ability to read comments, I already debunked this nonsensical claim in my previous comment.
I heard a recent pod cast of ex-American soldiers that served in Afghanistan acknowledging that the NDS and CIA wanted to use TTP against Pakistan. These same TTP terrorists would later pledge allegiance and join ISIS. NATO and American troops looked the other way while this was going on. This reality doesn't get much air time in international press. It is good that Iranian and also Russian press has begun to point this hypocrisy out.
Can I get the link to the podcast, seems interesting.
For example, what about the Iran-Contra affair ??

There's a saying in India : Two cats fought each other while the monkey took away the food. That was the case of Iran-Iraq.

So your evidence that NATO was systemically supporting Iran is the Iran-Contra affair? Are you seriously this irrational?
It was called a scandal for a reason :lol:
@waz it seems this clown cannot engage in a proper discussion without resorting to these silly innuendoes.

It seems you lack the processing ability to read comments, I already debunked this nonsensical claim in my previous comment.

So now I am a clown because I claimed to be your father not a kid?
so you know for sure your father was a clown or are you guessing it by reading the way you converse?
from you writing it seems like your blood pressure is way high or you are on some kind of medication.

by the way loved your debunking lol
So your evidence that NATO was systemically supporting Iran is the Iran-Contra affair? Are you seriously this irrational?
It was called a scandal for a reason :lol:

It became a "scandal" when it became known.

Some years ago, a Jordanian member of PDF had posted here a list ( from an international organisation ) that listed the weapons systems supplied by NATO to Iran.

As I said, two cats fought each other while the monkey took away the food.
So now I am a clown because I claimed to be your father not a kid?

You seems to have father issues and obsession. Go see a therapist maybe.

so you know for sure your father was a clown or are you guessing it by reading the way you converse?
from you writing it seems like your blood pressure is way high or you are on some kind of medication

Dude, what are you even blabbering about?
So your evidence that NATO was systemically supporting Iran is the Iran-Contra affair? Are you seriously this irrational?
It was called a scandal for a reason :lol:

last 40 years history post Islamic revolution in Iran is a proof that US/NATO and Iran are hand in hand.

You seems to have father issues and obsession. Go see a therapist maybe.

Dude, what are you even blabbering about?

you are chutia of a higher degrees than I initially thought.
by the way chutia mean "what a fcuking stupid moron imbasil retard"

You seems to have father issues and obsession. Go see a therapist maybe.

Dude, what are you even blabbering about?

you forgot to say kid, well at least my therapy is working on you
It became a "scandal" when it became known.

Like I said, you're incapable of rational thinking. It was a scandal because it's something out of the ordinary for them. They had never supplied anything else as matter of policy. If they did, you would have seen many strategic systems being given to Iran.

Some years ago, a Jordanian member of PDF had posted here a list ( from an international organisation ) that listed the weapons systems supplied by NATO to Iran.

Unlike you, we are not that gullible to believe such nonsense.

Go ahead and give me even a small list of what weapons they supplied to Iran.
You best proof is "some Jordanian guy posted them" :lol:

As I said, two cats fought each other while the monkey took away the food.

You can keep repeating this clownish saying all you want, but it's as factual as your "Jordanian source"

last 40 years history post Islamic revolution in Iran is a proof that US/NATO and Iran are hand in hand.

Yes, and donald trump is a reptillian shape shifter. What other Alex jonesque theories do you have?

you are chutia of a higher degrees than I initially thought.
by the way chutia mean "what a fcuking stupid moron imbasil retard"

It's written "imbecile" not "imbasil". If you're going to call some retard, at least have the brain capacity to spell a simple world properly.

you forgot to say kid, well at least my therapy is working on you

Only thing you're achieving here is coming across as if you have daddy issues.
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