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US troops ‘saved’ Daesh terrorists, leaders form Taliban siege in east Afghanistan

Go ahead and give me even a small list of what weapons they supplied to Iran.
You best proof is "some Jordanian guy posted them" :lol:

R: Iran
(10) Model-81 155mm Towed gun 1984 1984 10

R: Iran
(300) CG-45/GHN-45 155mm Towed gun 1984 1985 (300) Officialy ordered by Libya, but illegally delivered to Iran; originally produced for expected Indian order

R: Iran
(35) PT-6 Turboprop (1983) 1984 (35) For 35 PC-7 trainer aircraft from Switzerland; PT-6A-25A version

R: Iran
(16) F-6/Farmer Fighter aircraft (1981) 1982-1984 (16) No. could be 22 or 25

(300) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1981) 1982-1984 (300)

(300) Type-63 107mm Towed MRL (1981) 1981-1987 (300)

(300) WZ-120/Type-59 Tank (1981) 1982-1984 (300)

(6500) Red Arrow-73 Anti-tank missile (1982) 1982-1988 (6500)

(100) D-74 122mm Towed gun (1985) 1985-1986 (100) Type-60 version

(5) F-7A Fighter aircraft (1985) 1986 (5) No. could be 25; designation uncertain

(500) HN-5A Portable SAM (1985) 1986-1988 (500)

(150) HQ-2/CSA-1 SAM (1985) 1985-1986 (150)

(6) HQ-2/CSA-1 SAM system (1985) 1985-1986 (6)

(100) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1985) 1985-1986 (100)

(100) C-801/CSS-N-4 Anti-ship missile (1986) 1987 (100) For use with HY-2 coast defence systems; Iranian designation Karus

(7) HY-2 CDS Coast defence system (1986) 1986-1987 (7)

(75) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile 1986 1986-1987 (75) HY-2 version; for Hai Ying coast defence systems

(600) PL-2 SRAAM (1986) 1986-1988 (600) For F-6 and F-7 combat aircraft

(400) PL-7 SRAAM (1986) 1986-1988 (400) For F-7 combat aircraft

(120) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1986) 1987 (120)

(500) WZ-121/Type-69 Tank (1986) 1986-1988 (500) Type-69-II version; possibly sold or delivered via North Korea

(100) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile 1988 1988-1994 (100) HY-2 version; possibly incl C-601 (CAS-1) air-launched version

L: Iran
(250) Type-63 107mm Towed MRL (1985) 1986-1990 (250)

R: Iran
(7) F-5A Freedom Fighter FGA aircraft (1985) 1985 (3) Ex-Ethiopian; incl 2 F-5B; part of $95 m deal

(3) F-5E Tiger-2 FGA aircraft (1985) 1985 (3) Ex-Ethiopian; part of $95 m deal

R: Iran
12 Combattante-2 FAC 1974 1977-1981 12 Delivery of last 3 delayed after 1979 revolution due to non-payment by Iran; Iranian designation Kaman

R: Iran
(300) AIM-9L/M Sidewinder SRAAM (1985) 1985-1986 (300) AIM-9L version; status uncertain

508 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1985 1985 508 Ex-Israeli

500 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1986 1986 500 Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal; financed by USA

R: Iran
(12) Compact 76mm Naval gun (1974) 1977-1981 12 For 12 Combattante (Kaman) FAC from France

20 SH-3D Sea King ASW helicopter (1974) 1976-1981 (20) ASH-3D version

26 CH-47C Chinook Helicopter 1977 1978-1981 (26) Originally 53 ordered, but 20 cancelled after Iranian 1979 revolution and delivery of remaining 7 vetoed by USA

R: Iran
5 Iran Ajr Landing ship (1978) 1980 5 Officially delivered for civil use but taken over by Navy

R: Iran
(130) EE-9 Cascavel Armoured car 1980 1980 (130) Ex-Libyan (but probably kept in storage and never used by Libya)

(60) T-54 Tank 1981 1981 (60) Ex-Libyan; aid

(65) T-55 Tank 1981 1981 (65) Ex-Libyan; aid

(65) T-62 Tank 1981 1981 (65) Ex-Libyan; aid

(3) 9P117/Scud-B TEL Mobile SSM launcher (1985) 1985 (3) Ex-Libyan

(40) R-17/SS-1c Scud-B SSM (1985) 1985-1987 (40) Ex-Libyan

R: Iran
8 F-27 Friendship Transport aircraft 1974 1976-1981 (8) F-27 Mk-400 version

12 WM-20 Fire control radar (1974) 1977-1981 12 For 12 Combattante-2 (Kaman) FAC from France; WM-28 version

3 Hormuz-21 Landing ship (1983) 1984-1985 (3) Iranian designation Hejaz; officially ordered for civilian use

L: Iran
12 Hendijan Transport craft (1987) 1988-1995 (12) 4 assembled/produced in Iran; Iranian designation MIG-S-4700

North Korea
R: Iran
(150) T-62 Tank (1981) 1982-1983 (150)

(6) MiG-19/Farmer Fighter aircraft (1982) 1983 6 Ex-North Korean; designation uncertain

(200) Type-63 107mm Towed MRL (1982) 1982-1986 (200)

(480) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1983) 1983-1988 (480) Supplier uncertain

(4000) 9M14M/AT-3 Sagger Anti-tank missile 1986 1986-1989 (4000) Possibly for BMP-1 IFV; supplier uncertain

3 Chaho FAC (1986) 1987 3 Iranian designation Zafar

(20) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile (1986) 1987-1988 (20)

(20) M-1978 170mm Self-propelled gun 1986 1987-1988 (20)

(100) R-17/SS-1c Scud-B SSM 1987 1987-1988 (100) Incl assembly from kits in Iran

L: Iran
(100) BM-21 Grad 122mm Self-propelled MRL (1982) 1982-1987 (100) BM-11 version; incl assembly and probably production in Iran

(100) M-1985 240mm Self-propelled MRL (1987) 1988-1998 (100) Iranian designation Fadjr-3

R: Iran
(5) Delvar Cargo ship (1979) 1980-1982 (5) Incl 2 ammunition transport version

South Korea
R: Iran
3 Hormuz-24 Landing ship (1984) 1986 3 Iranian designation Farsi; officially delivered as merchant ships

R: Iran
(200) RBS-70 Portable SAM (1984) 1985 (200) No. could be up to 400; partly illegally delivered via Singapore and/or Pakistan

R: Iran
PC-6 Turbo Porter Light transport ac (1983) 1983-1984 (15)

(35) PC-7 Turbo Trainer Trainer aircraft (1983) 1984 (35) Originally 80 ordered but last 45 cancelled

R: Iran
(2000) 9M14M/AT-3 Sagger Anti-tank missile (1981) 1982-1983 (2000) For BMP-1 IFV; supplier uncertain

200 BMP-1 IFV 1981 1982-1983 (200) Ex-Syrian

(120) T-55 Tank (1982) 1982 (120) Ex-Syrian

(100) T-62 Tank (1982) 1982 (100) Ex-Syrian

R: Iran
1 Kharg Support ship 1974 1984 1 Delivery embargoed after 1979 Iranian revolution until 1984

2 Hengam Landing ship 1977 1985 2 Original 4 ordered, but 2 cancelled after Iranian 1979 revolution; delivery embargoed after 1979 revolution until 1985 when delivered as hospital ships

R: Iran
1 Steam turbine Steam engine 1974 1984 1 For Kharg support ship from UK

(25) MIM-23B HAWK SAM (1985) 1985 (25) Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal; delivered via Israel

1000 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile (1986) 1986 1000 Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal

(235) MIM-23B HAWK SAM (1986) 1986 (235) Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal

R: Iran
(400) BMP-1 IFV (1986) 1986-1989 (400) From Czechoslovakian production line

(200) BTR-60PB APC (1986) 1986-1987 (200) Supplier uncertain; probably ex-Soviet

(400) Strela-2/SA-7 Grail Portable SAM (1986) 1986 (400) Deal also incl 100 launchers; status uncertain
R: Iran
(10) Model-81 155mm Towed gun 1984 1984 10

R: Iran
(300) CG-45/GHN-45 155mm Towed gun 1984 1985 (300) Officialy ordered by Libya, but illegally delivered to Iran; originally produced for expected Indian order

R: Iran
(35) PT-6 Turboprop (1983) 1984 (35) For 35 PC-7 trainer aircraft from Switzerland; PT-6A-25A version

R: Iran
(16) F-6/Farmer Fighter aircraft (1981) 1982-1984 (16) No. could be 22 or 25

(300) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1981) 1982-1984 (300)

(300) Type-63 107mm Towed MRL (1981) 1981-1987 (300)

(300) WZ-120/Type-59 Tank (1981) 1982-1984 (300)

(6500) Red Arrow-73 Anti-tank missile (1982) 1982-1988 (6500)

(100) D-74 122mm Towed gun (1985) 1985-1986 (100) Type-60 version

(5) F-7A Fighter aircraft (1985) 1986 (5) No. could be 25; designation uncertain

(500) HN-5A Portable SAM (1985) 1986-1988 (500)

(150) HQ-2/CSA-1 SAM (1985) 1985-1986 (150)

(6) HQ-2/CSA-1 SAM system (1985) 1985-1986 (6)

(100) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1985) 1985-1986 (100)

(100) C-801/CSS-N-4 Anti-ship missile (1986) 1987 (100) For use with HY-2 coast defence systems; Iranian designation Karus

(7) HY-2 CDS Coast defence system (1986) 1986-1987 (7)

(75) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile 1986 1986-1987 (75) HY-2 version; for Hai Ying coast defence systems

(600) PL-2 SRAAM (1986) 1986-1988 (600) For F-6 and F-7 combat aircraft

(400) PL-7 SRAAM (1986) 1986-1988 (400) For F-7 combat aircraft

(120) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1986) 1987 (120)

(500) WZ-121/Type-69 Tank (1986) 1986-1988 (500) Type-69-II version; possibly sold or delivered via North Korea

(100) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile 1988 1988-1994 (100) HY-2 version; possibly incl C-601 (CAS-1) air-launched version

L: Iran
(250) Type-63 107mm Towed MRL (1985) 1986-1990 (250)

R: Iran
(7) F-5A Freedom Fighter FGA aircraft (1985) 1985 (3) Ex-Ethiopian; incl 2 F-5B; part of $95 m deal

(3) F-5E Tiger-2 FGA aircraft (1985) 1985 (3) Ex-Ethiopian; part of $95 m deal

R: Iran
12 Combattante-2 FAC 1974 1977-1981 12 Delivery of last 3 delayed after 1979 revolution due to non-payment by Iran; Iranian designation Kaman

R: Iran
(300) AIM-9L/M Sidewinder SRAAM (1985) 1985-1986 (300) AIM-9L version; status uncertain

508 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1985 1985 508 Ex-Israeli

500 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile 1986 1986 500 Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal; financed by USA

R: Iran
(12) Compact 76mm Naval gun (1974) 1977-1981 12 For 12 Combattante (Kaman) FAC from France

20 SH-3D Sea King ASW helicopter (1974) 1976-1981 (20) ASH-3D version

26 CH-47C Chinook Helicopter 1977 1978-1981 (26) Originally 53 ordered, but 20 cancelled after Iranian 1979 revolution and delivery of remaining 7 vetoed by USA

R: Iran
5 Iran Ajr Landing ship (1978) 1980 5 Officially delivered for civil use but taken over by Navy

R: Iran
(130) EE-9 Cascavel Armoured car 1980 1980 (130) Ex-Libyan (but probably kept in storage and never used by Libya)

(60) T-54 Tank 1981 1981 (60) Ex-Libyan; aid

(65) T-55 Tank 1981 1981 (65) Ex-Libyan; aid

(65) T-62 Tank 1981 1981 (65) Ex-Libyan; aid

(3) 9P117/Scud-B TEL Mobile SSM launcher (1985) 1985 (3) Ex-Libyan

(40) R-17/SS-1c Scud-B SSM (1985) 1985-1987 (40) Ex-Libyan

R: Iran
8 F-27 Friendship Transport aircraft 1974 1976-1981 (8) F-27 Mk-400 version

12 WM-20 Fire control radar (1974) 1977-1981 12 For 12 Combattante-2 (Kaman) FAC from France; WM-28 version

3 Hormuz-21 Landing ship (1983) 1984-1985 (3) Iranian designation Hejaz; officially ordered for civilian use

L: Iran
12 Hendijan Transport craft (1987) 1988-1995 (12) 4 assembled/produced in Iran; Iranian designation MIG-S-4700

North Korea
R: Iran
(150) T-62 Tank (1981) 1982-1983 (150)

(6) MiG-19/Farmer Fighter aircraft (1982) 1983 6 Ex-North Korean; designation uncertain

(200) Type-63 107mm Towed MRL (1982) 1982-1986 (200)

(480) Type-59-1 130mm Towed gun (1983) 1983-1988 (480) Supplier uncertain

(4000) 9M14M/AT-3 Sagger Anti-tank missile 1986 1986-1989 (4000) Possibly for BMP-1 IFV; supplier uncertain

3 Chaho FAC (1986) 1987 3 Iranian designation Zafar

(20) HY-2/SY-1A/CSS-N-2 Anti-ship missile (1986) 1987-1988 (20)

(20) M-1978 170mm Self-propelled gun 1986 1987-1988 (20)

(100) R-17/SS-1c Scud-B SSM 1987 1987-1988 (100) Incl assembly from kits in Iran

L: Iran
(100) BM-21 Grad 122mm Self-propelled MRL (1982) 1982-1987 (100) BM-11 version; incl assembly and probably production in Iran

(100) M-1985 240mm Self-propelled MRL (1987) 1988-1998 (100) Iranian designation Fadjr-3

R: Iran
(5) Delvar Cargo ship (1979) 1980-1982 (5) Incl 2 ammunition transport version

South Korea
R: Iran
3 Hormuz-24 Landing ship (1984) 1986 3 Iranian designation Farsi; officially delivered as merchant ships

R: Iran
(200) RBS-70 Portable SAM (1984) 1985 (200) No. could be up to 400; partly illegally delivered via Singapore and/or Pakistan

R: Iran
PC-6 Turbo Porter Light transport ac (1983) 1983-1984 (15)

(35) PC-7 Turbo Trainer Trainer aircraft (1983) 1984 (35) Originally 80 ordered but last 45 cancelled

R: Iran
(2000) 9M14M/AT-3 Sagger Anti-tank missile (1981) 1982-1983 (2000) For BMP-1 IFV; supplier uncertain

200 BMP-1 IFV 1981 1982-1983 (200) Ex-Syrian

(120) T-55 Tank (1982) 1982 (120) Ex-Syrian

(100) T-62 Tank (1982) 1982 (100) Ex-Syrian

R: Iran
1 Kharg Support ship 1974 1984 1 Delivery embargoed after 1979 Iranian revolution until 1984

2 Hengam Landing ship 1977 1985 2 Original 4 ordered, but 2 cancelled after Iranian 1979 revolution; delivery embargoed after 1979 revolution until 1985 when delivered as hospital ships

R: Iran
1 Steam turbine Steam engine 1974 1984 1 For Kharg support ship from UK

(25) MIM-23B HAWK SAM (1985) 1985 (25) Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal; delivered via Israel

1000 BGM-71 TOW Anti-tank missile (1986) 1986 1000 Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal

(235) MIM-23B HAWK SAM (1986) 1986 (235) Part of 'Iran-Contra' deal

R: Iran
(400) BMP-1 IFV (1986) 1986-1989 (400) From Czechoslovakian production line

(200) BTR-60PB APC (1986) 1986-1987 (200) Supplier uncertain; probably ex-Soviet

(400) Strela-2/SA-7 Grail Portable SAM (1986) 1986 (400) Deal also incl 100 launchers; status uncertain


You did not even bother to read what you posted?

Even assuming what you posted is accurate, which is by far not the case given you can't provide even iota of credible sources.

Alot of what they claimed Iran obtained, they said was done so illegally and other done so via Iran's ally Syria. Most of these weapons are of non-NATO origin e.g Chinese.

Your moronic claim was to suggest NATO itself was providing Iran with arms.

You basically posted a un-references source, posting contradictory information to your own claim :lol:
yes, and donald trump is a reptillian shape shifter. What other Alex jonesque theories do you have?

you do have a habit of bending over and taking any arrow aimed for anyone else, you should put away that thing you are snorting down

You did not even bother to read what you posted?

Even assuming what you posted is accurate, which is by far not the case given you can't provide even iota of credible sources.

Alot of what they claimed Iran obtained, they said was done so illegally and other done so via Iran's ally Syria. Most of these weapons are of non-NATO origin.

You're moronic claim was to suggest NATO itself was providing Iran with arms.

You basically posted a un-references source, posting contradictory information to your own claim :lol:

Here's the source :


There's nothing contradictory about what I posted.

Look, I support the support that Iran is providing to Syria presently, but there are historic truths that we should be aware.
you do have a habit of bending over and taking any arrow aimed for anyone else, you should put away that thing you are snorting down

I think even a toddler can put sentences together better than you.

No evidence for their claims. Hardly a source I would say one should fully rely on.

There's nothing contradictory about what I posted.

Dude, you said NATO equally supported Iran, how does the nonsense you just posted in any way back that?
It's like you're posting without even paying attention to your own comments.

You did not even bother to read what you posted?

Even assuming what you posted is accurate, which is by far not the case given you can't provide even iota of credible sources.

Alot of what they claimed Iran obtained, they said was done so illegally and other done so via Iran's ally Syria. Most of these weapons are of non-NATO origin e.g Chinese.

Your moronic claim was to suggest NATO itself was providing Iran with arms.

You basically posted a un-references source, posting contradictory information to your own claim :lol:
Dude he is right , Americans made a fool out of Iran and Iraq in the eighties , its a typical American style - fund both sides of war
Dude he is right , Americans made a fool out of Iran and Iraq in the eighties , its a typical American style - fund both sides of war

These are clownish conspiracy theories where you think the US was actually funding Iran. :lol:

Come on dude, I mean really? What's next, the US funded the USSR?
Press TV is just doing this story to make the Americans look bad bro. It is probably somewhat true though since the afghan government have been reported to save isis militants from the taliban before too. But I doubt press TV would ever report that Iranian backed groups have regularly bused isis fighters to rebel areas too in Syria (cos the isis fighters prioritise fighting rebels over the regime normally).

However yes the growth of this should be a worry for both Pakistan and the taliban though.
1st of all, Iraqi PMU + shiite militias also reported mysterious helicopters evacuating ISIS people.

About this conspiracy theory : "ISIS and Assad govt work together", we have to be cautious of "post hoc " fallacy or "proof by coincidence". ISIS and Assad probably didnt hit each other because they were the most potent groups in the battle scene. It makes sense to take out/absorb their smaller rivals first before they take on difficult tasks-each other. Even if Assad worked with ISIS, otehr people did also, such as Turkey. Its alliance of convenience. Can you show us pictures or evidence of "Iranian backed groups busing ISIS"? ISIS is like cryptos- everyone is in it. GCC, US, TUrkey, everyone.
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