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‪‎US‬ to spend $70 million on ‪Educating Pakistan‬i Girls

Reportedly, the investment is to ensure that girls in Pakistan are enrolled in schools and receive education. The quality of education, and the content of course, depends on our institutions.
why other country have to pay for education in pak.
its a basic thing for a country, cant they do it themselves they spends millions in military weapons, nukes etc.
Lets just appreciate that something other than military and security concerns is a part of discussions over at the States. At any rate, it's foreign direct investment, and Pakistan could use it.
what kind of education ? i want it monitored.

Pls monitor these funding and type of education.
its not saudi govt that you need to worry. my friend who lives in sukkur told me about the usaid funded schol either there or in khairpur i cant recall and how it was so amazing his brother pulled his kids out of a local private school and had them admitted there. usai is doing a lot of good stuff in Pakistan, but unfortunately its not enough to compensate for what US govt did to Pakistan in long run.....
its not saudi govt that you need to worry. my friend who lives in sukkur told me about the usaid funded schol either there or in khairpur i cant recall and how it was so amazing his brother pulled his kids out of a local private school and had them admitted there. usai is doing a lot of good stuff in Pakistan, but unfortunately its not enough to compensate for what US govt did to Pakistan in long run.....
I studied in ST.Patrick's college . koi kasar ni chortay bhatkanay mey .
What about the education for Pakistani boys? Why not education for Pakistani children regardless of gender?
These kind of Investments on U.S's part would go a long way instead of spending the very same amount on
military aid. I'd love to an Internationally Recognized University in one of Pakistan's cities in a couple of years when the
law and order is restored built with U.S' logistical support and perhaps some American faculty, if that's not asking too much.
$70 million dollars on educating Pakistani girls

This is satanic syllabus to undress our sisters and make them rebellious. Look at the state of our Indian sisters who have abandoned the sari for the satanic dress code.
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