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US to shut down Chinese companies if they aid Russia : US Commerce Sec.


It is not wise and necessary to argue over every point made in a thread. The point in question is correct.
market cap is only 1 way of measuring.
You are misreading information on hand.

Following Chinese banks:

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
The New Development Bank (NDB)

- have suspended all manner of transactions with Russia for now due to international obligations and financial dealings. This is clearly stated in following sources:

Other Chinese banks might be attempting to accommodate Russia in some way or form but:

China’s smaller banks could come under greater scrutiny over financing to Russia as the nation’s biggest lenders are already showing signs of complying with US and European sanctions in a bid to protect their large international footprints.

Within the commercial banking system, one model allowing China to support its strategic partner would be through an institution similar to the Bank of Kunlun, a small and unlisted state-owned lender which continued to finance payments to Iran even after Washington shut the bank out of the dollar market.

Small banks that don’t have any international business exposure are likely to keep financing Russia and service payments, said Chen Zhiwu, a professor of finance at the University of Hong Kong Business School. “For them, the risk of potentially being sanctioned by the US and West European countries is not that high,” he said.

China’s overall willingness to support Russia is still unclear, with President Xi Jinping calling for negotiations over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The full extent of Washington and European Union sanctions are also still being worked out. The White House has said “selected” Russian banks would be removed from the Swift messaging system, though officials were also looking at exceptions for the energy sector.

But any candidate for financing to Russian entities sanctioned by the West would need to be willing to give up its access to dollar and euro markets, and face restrictions on foreign investment if they are listed on stock exchanges.

While continuing to deal with Russian entities sanctioned by the US and EU would not be illegal under Chinese or international law – China has not imposed sanctions on Russia and neither has the United Nations – banks run the risk of secondary sanctions if they do business with sanctioned entities, which can cut off their ties with US and EU investors.

“The US government could use secondary sanctions to go after people who are seen as circumventing the primary sanctions,” said Ben Kostrzewa, a consultant at Hogan Lovells in Hong Kong, who formerly handled US-China disputes and negotiations at the Office of the US Trade Representative. “These secondary sanctions, where there is no direct US nexus, will be a risk for Chinese companies if they engage in major transactions with restricted parties.”

Two of China’s largest state-owned banks, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. and Bank of China Ltd. are restricting financing for purchases of Russian commodities, especially in dollars, according to people familiar with the matter. Both are large banks with close ties to the US and European banking systems, where violation of sanctions could see their operations curtailed.

“Chinese financial institutions, particularly the large ones, they tend to act like EU and US banks do – they follow all the same sanctions programs, they have internal control structures which are very similar,” said Nick Turner, a lawyer at Steptoe & Johnson in Hong Kong who advises companies on sanctions compliance.

It makes sense.

As for the assertion about Chinese internet cheering for Russia's invasion in one article - how many? Statistics? Do not jump to conclusions on the basis of vocal elements of any country. WE cannot be sure about how Chinese feel about this matter across the board (1.4 billion+ population base). I would not jump to conclusions over feedback received on PDF for instance. I know for sure how diverse Pakistan is behind-the-scenes.

Chinese buying out Russian chocolates will help rescue Russian economy? Best of luck.
AIIB and NDB are not the biggest banks and they fund infrastructure projects, not trade.

Real trade is increasing.

Secondary sanctions aren't a credible threat because without doing business with China, you aren't doing business. China is bigger than the EU and is the world's biggest trader and producer. Nobody can eat electronic money.

It is actually illegal in China to cooperate with foreign trade restrictions against China so you may see an investigation of the relevant companies soon to see whether they're complying with foreign law over Chinese law while domiciled and operating in China.

its pretty simple isnt it?

there are fewer and fewer tech that the us can threaten to withhold from china, but china would like to still trade with the us. despite all that is going on, china still makes a good chunk of money from there.

so the solution is pretty simple.
create private shell companies or front companies that deal exclusively with russia and other nations sanctioned by the us. their raw materials or finished goods would have to be sourced from within china from other Chinese companies, who would not be reporting what domestic sales they made to the us.

so sinopec and the ICBC won't be doing business with russia, the US will have headlines about how these famous chinese companies are shunning russia because of US pressure, but maybe the newly founded and "privately owned" (thus no public financial reports) totally-not-sinopec™ will buy russian oil and sell to unreported and unnamed domestic chinese companies through totally-real-northern-chinese-bank™ using CIPS.

this adds cost and time, but is doable.

its merely a coincidence that both are founded in 2022, don't worry about this, the us can sanction both as much as they would like.
Isn't a lot of Chinese companies already under sanction by the US...? mostly high-tech ones too... also companies in Xinjiang region already totally embargoed by the US... so what's keeping these companies from doing business with Russia when they themselves are already under US sanctions..?
Consumer goods prices will skyrocket if they put sanctions on China and other Asian countries. There’s already a lot of discontent against sleepy Joe for the high inflation and gas prices. Democrats will get decimated in the midterms lol
Lol, remind me of tpp and then trump's trade war, people were shouting and celebrating for our immeniant collapse.
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I just speak the truth. The world is highly integrated with US technology and companies. The US also essentially controls the Internet and social media.
I dont think US control Internet but I do agree US control the social media but that doesnt mean US control the globe business. China is too important in supply chain. There is no replacement. World class infrastructure, world class workforce who work harder than others. Most efficient production line.

There is no replacement in near future. US is talk only, China is too big to be sanction.
Fitch just cuts russia rating to C. To D is just around the corner. Putin has thrown his country against the wall within 2 weeks. The chinese will continue to buy Tesla.
Man! US is becoming increasingly problematic for world trade and commerce.

I think the over playing their hand will eventually make countries bypass their mechanism and avoid their technology and supply chain.

Eventually, the loss will be theirs. Immensely.
Fitch just cuts russia rating to C. To D is just around the corner. Putin has thrown his country against the wall within 2 weeks. The chinese will continue to buy Tesla.
And tesla will buy Chinese components... Lol. You still don't understand our strategy?
The US turned Huawei into an afterthought globally. It’s also humiliating Russia now and sending it back into the Stone Age.

You want to be humiliated next?
And that Huawei make all the tech giants of the world to its knees.just as tiktok did it recently.
Some people were delusional and thought that sun was revolving around the earth only to be proved wrong. Just saying..
Exactly! Even according the Fortune Global 500 of 2020, 135 out of 500 largest companies by revenues are Chinese.


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