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US to provide military support to Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan: Gen. Milley

Fuel is expensive why wasting?
Seriously, Chinese support Putin war against Ukraine. Pelosi visit is just a political response. There is fear among countries in Far East China will copy Putin and denazify.

I think the proper response might not be at or near Taiwan. It's better to respond at where the US more desperate in situations. For example, South America, Ukraine, and/or Iran. For Taiwan, I don't think Chinese planned to do anything other than some military exercises and flying close to the 12-mile airspace of Taiwan.

I took a look at the military deployment on north, east, and south Taiwan. Mostly are American carriers and lots of F15's. There're only two smaller Chinese ships on the north-east and they are not 055. The two Chinese aircraft carriers and all six 055 are nowhere to be seen around Taiwan.
Who dare to sanctions China as a whole? Go ahead.

US position. US never won a war on East Asia main continent.

China showed off its IFV on a beech in the South China Sea and all the Chinese were cheering

guess what it didnt deter the Americans

China has been humiliated..............again
China showed off its IFV on a beech in the South China Sea and all the Chinese were cheering

guess what it didnt deter the Americans

China has been humiliated..............again
We shall visit your post in few days time! :enjoy:

I think the proper response might not be at or near Taiwan. It's better to respond at where the US more desperate in situations. For example, South America, Ukraine, and/or Iran. For Taiwan, I don't think Chinese planned to do anything other than some military exercises and flying close to the 12-mile airspace of Taiwan.

I took a look at the military deployment on north, east, and south Taiwan. Mostly are American carriers and lots of F15's. There're only two smaller Chinese ships on the north-east and they are not 055. The two Chinese aircraft carriers and all six 055 are nowhere to be seen around Taiwan.
I think China has learn the lesson from Ukraine war. The west considered Russia attack Ukraine without provocation. CPC believe a reason is needed for a war. In this case, PLA is provoked to take action and will be justify.
Told you guys nothing will happen! China isn't stupid because:

1. The more the landing got broadcast the better. The longer Pelosi stays in Taiwan the better. China needs the world to see THE RED LINE HAD BEEN CROSSED. Could you imagine her plane got shot down? The world will ask "can you prove Pelosi tresspassed into your territory"? This is the exact PROOF China wants the international community to witness!

2. You never let the bad guy decide the time and place of the conflict. It's stupid to let US start the conflict at the time and place of their choosing, which is the present.

3. The best of fights, you let the bad guys win round 1. Massage their ego a bit. Let them get a little over-confident. Then you beat the shiet out of them economically/politically/militarily! Makes victory much sweeter. Turn a victory into an eventual loss so to speak... Just think those Hollywood movies. The protagonist boxer always got the "shiet beat out of him" in the beginning until the final match/final comeback... then KOs the opponent.
It's a great loss for Taiwan. Now, the PLA will have continuous sorties over her while naval ships permanently anchored around her....

TSMC, UMC etc. need to shift their production facilities to the USA....
It's very easy just intercept her flight and order to turn away.

Usa won't come to escort it to Taiwan
I will inform you about interception...

An interception is no good if you are not willing to do the next step -- shoot. An interception implies force and every pilot, civilian and military, understand that. Before I joined the USAF, I learned how to fly in high school, and I learned on the classic Cessna 152. Simple airplane. Part of my flight education is that if you violate restricted airspace, intentional or (mostly) accidental, first you will be contacted by radio and asked to leave, and %99.999 of pilots will leave because most of the time, said violation is accidental. But if the airplane does not leave, then ground control will send someone to investigate, and that someone will have the means to permanently remove you from the sky.

This understanding is universal, from Soviet/Russian flights testing US responses to when young Mathias Rust violated Soviet airspace and literally landed in Red Square back in May 1987. Soviet air defense detected Rust and did nothing because they did not want to have an international incident over an idealistic youth.

So, if China intercepted Pelosi's flight, the next step would be to shoot if her flight does not obey. China wisely did nothing.
It's a great loss for Taiwan. Now, the PLA will have continuous sorties over her while naval ships permanently anchored around her....

TSMC, UMC etc. need to shift their production facilities to the USA....
I would expect a blockade of Taiwan, nothing gets on the island without permission from the PLA now. Those positions announced for the “exercise” perfectly surrounds the island, what if they just chose to extend those exercises as “special military operations”

During the blockade fan the friction between the green and blue camps while creating an economic crisis and leaving an easy way out by ousting the Tsai government. Do not antagonize the people while singling out politicians. Keep the Americans at by by training DF missiles on US carriers.
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I would expect a blockade of Taiwan, nothing gets on the island without permission from the PLA now. Those positions announced for the “exercise” perfectly surrounds the island, what if they just chose to extend those exercises as “special military operations”
You can 'expect' all you want, and all the 'wolf wanker' diplomats can bark until they are hoarse, but China will do nothing.
You can 'expect' all you want, and all the 'wolf wanker' diplomats can bark until they are hoarse, but China will do nothing.
I think you’re having a premature ejacu lation yourself. It’s been way too common an occurrence that American actions come back to bite them, I wouldn’t except this tradition to change. It’s a long game, if you’re celebrating during opening act you’re more of a cheerleader than a “professional”.
With all of those military exercise by the PLA, how did Pelosi land in Taiwan? Did she get there by submarine or by plane?
With all of those military exercise by the PLA, how did Pelosi land in Taiwan? Did she get there by submarine or by plane?
Nancy Pelosi is actually a SEAL reservist. The airplane was a diversion. Her SEAL team landed her on Taiwan because she has to annually recertify so they used the submarine insertion method. :enjoy:
With all of those military exercise by the PLA, how did Pelosi land in Taiwan? Did she get there by submarine or by plane?
Those exercises are a response to the visit. Basically a new step on the ladder of escalation. If they do become a blockade the new step on the ladder of escalation would be the US to challenge the blockade.
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