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US to provide military support to Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan: Gen. Milley

China is not stupid and recklest, CCP main domestic power is economic prosperity that is supported by global trade.

USA once again show its dominant but for safety US use safer route through Indonesia air space and Philippine sea to go to Taiwan.

I think that route can be used by CCP to save their face. I mean USA is not totally challenge China by using SCS airspace and Taiwan strait to land on the airport. USA uses back door instead but their AC are indeed prepared near Taiwan
Well stupid American public should get ready for more economic pain once the Chinese increase costs of material and products. If they enjoyed the trade war they’ll enjoy the next one.

China is not stupid and recklest, CCP main domestic power is economic prosperity that is supported by global trade.

USA once again show its dominant but for safety US use safer route through Indonesia air space and Philippine sea to go to Taiwan.

I think that route can be used by CCP to save their face. I mean USA is not totally challenge China by using SCS airspace and Taiwan strait to land on the airport. USA uses back door instead but their AC are indeed prepared near Taiwan
When you can't do it in real, you do it in reel. Stop posting this fake CCP propaganda. No one take it seriously except Pakistanis and some chinese.
Yes, the photo is fake and those Indian are paid actors instead of real Indian Jawan.

Will u sleep better after I say all these? Go ahead and delude yourself. :enjoy:

Chinese are on copium right now
Dont make judgement too fast. That is problem of people who always want a swift response but a botch job. Why not better prepare and get the job done once and for all?

Russia did a bad PR regards to their war on Ukraine. At least Chinese now has a reason to attack Taiwan due to provocation of US.... No one will blame PRC for recapture Taiwan now. :enjoy:
wrong decision of American government at wrong time they are already facing recession and this visit will fuel it more.
China isn't stupid enough to shoot a lowly senator's plane, it's another thing if US military approached TAiwan with goal of instigating separation.China will definitely engage than.
China will not allow the US to dictate the game,China will play the game at their own pace,China is not trying to imitate some street thug pretending to be tough by thoughtlessly lashing out on anything. China wants to win the game ,not just look tough.

Americans can cherish their political theatre,all I see is advantage to China from this stupid move by the US senator.
Pelosi is NOT just a lowly senator (She is NOT a senator by the way, she is a congresswoman).

Pelosi is the speaker of the house; she is the 2nd in line of US Presidency had Biden and Harris incapacitated. She is a senior Federal Official, which is the same title and paygrade to both President and VP.

And China did nothing when Trump sell Taiwan 150 F-16 Viper Block 72 aircraft and 100 M1 Abrams back in 2018, if that did not instigate separation enough, then I don't know what will.
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The US is after pushing its adversaries into endless wars so their economies would be stalled and lose competition ... Taiwan could be China's Ukraine ... so China gotta avoid conflict but retaliate in other way .... but there must be some kind of response otherwise that's the end of your deterrence ... I don't know the whole story but as far as I know the US recognized PRC as sole gov of China back in 1978 and just people of Taiwan and the US would have unofficial ties with each other ...
Does it have anything with chip manufacturing too as Taiwan, China and the US are competitive in this ??

The most sensible reaction would be to send some J-16's approaching the 12-mile airspace of Taiwan. Make this a regular manuerver. This is an advance after crossing the arbitrary mid-strait line in the Taiwan Strait.
PLA is already engaged with India at LaC. She can't afford open a new front in SCS. I already knew China is giving fake warning to US as Indian forces already breathing on the neck of PLA.
LOL... Indians love to imagine their Indian forces matter. Did any Indian military bullying against other than smaller Bhutan Nepal come out positive for India? Indian military is a shame. Vietnamese forces in the 1980's could have taken over the whole India if Vietnam bordered India. Even the poorly equipped Pakistan and China gave the Indians humiliations.

So I suggest you shut up and be humble.
The most sensible reaction would be to send some J-16's approaching the 12-mile airspace of Taiwan. Make this a regular manuerver. This is an advance after crossing the arbitrary mid-strait line in the Taiwan Strait.
Fuel is expensive why wasting?
Seriously, Chinese support Putin war against Ukraine. Pelosi visit is just a political response. There is fear among countries in Far East China will copy Putin and denazify.
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