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US to press India on F-16 and F-18 deal, to call for opening of its markets

Everyone here is a mechanical or aeronautical engineer, giving some random internet link and makes them competent to pass sweeping comments. I as a mechanical engineer, don't know if I should laugh at the ignorance or get angry. How is the definition of aerodynamics makes some one technically competent or make any relevant information to a plane. If only they understood what weight does to shearing force or bending moment of plane at various points. Or the effect a weight has on vibrations. All this takes knowledge of engineering mechanics, strength of material, kinetics of machines, dynamic of machines, fluid mechanics, engineering mathematics all this takes months if not years to learn . I have moved to software and database development and I would think twice to jump into any discussion related to mechanical engineering because you never know if the other person has mtech or PhD credentials.Here we have a self declared expert idiot who have not heard of above subjects generalising others idiots.

Another incoherent, incomprehensible and nonsensical reply by another Indian. What else can one expect from Indiots
You nailed it, to comprehend something you need education and intelligence. you are lacking in both. how will a madarasa educated guy know what shear force is , how will a madarasa educated person know that there is a separate field of mechanical engineering that balances machine by adding weight to avoid unwanted vibrations, other factors. and from your clamshell and limited knowledge you are calling others idiot what an irony. read book on theory of machines by jk Gupta chapter 21 and 22 you will come to know about balancing of machines or any book on dynamics of machine and control engineering you will get what I'm saying

Try to use your brain indiot even though the hindutva education and brain washing has left your mind numb to intellectual discourse.

"Besides a new engine, the Tejas Mark II would have its internals rearranged, to make them more accessible and maintenance friendly. Furthermore, the Tejas Mark I is burdened with 300 kilos of ballast: dead weight inserted while designing the fighter to correct its centre of gravity. The ballast removed, and the Mark II could instead carry 300 more kilos of useful payload."

Let me put it to you in simpler words so that you understand. Your scientists f**ked it up and it needs to redesigned to meet your air forces expectations. Get it genious

I'm pretty sure i'm much better educated than you so don't worry about my education and be concerned how you can save the few brain cells you have from hindutva propaganda and put them to good use instead of rambling nonsense.

Another link to get it through your thick head:

"HAL which took the initiative to develop MK-1A is also working with other industrial partners to get all the technology which few years ago were to be exclusive to MK2 variant in MK-1. AESA , In-flight refueling probe ,Electronic warfare (EW) systems and airframe which will be 1000 kg lighter than its 6500-kg predecessor ( MK-1) will also be more maintenance friendly aircraft due changes made in the position of equipment internally and proper distribution of dead weight in the aircraft."

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lol this is just start for Indian the real enjoyment of being in bed with US is coming soon...:enjoy:

demands are starting......

That's right. I like the tone of Trump. Force these brown savages to open up to their market and sell them old overpriced tech LOL These brown imbeciles thought they were going to milk Trumpland by sucking up. Well, Trump is way too smart for that.

Another incoherent, incomprehensible and nonsensical reply by another Indian. What else can one expect from Indiots

You expect a bunch of rapists and cow vigilantes to reply sensically? Don't expect sanity from beggars who rape and beg on PDF on a daily basis. You'll have better luck moving a mountain.
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How many Google dependent Modians can reply on this simple question about this aviation engine?

The article is for layman like you. I'm talking in terms of engineering aspects. There is engineering in adding weight not limited to COG, where dynamic forces are balanced. To bring down vibrations. If according to you adding weight is bad engineering than all the cars are badly engineered. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tire_balance. Your myopic vision and lack of engineering education makes you talk like a clamshell creature.

Learn to read and comprehend:

Furthermore, the Tejas Mark I is burdened with 300 kilos of ballast: dead weight inserted while designing the fighter to correct its centre of gravity. The ballast removed, and the Mark II could instead carry 300 more kilos of useful payload.

"airframe which will be 1000 kg lighter than its 6500-kg predecessor ( MK-1) will also be more maintenance friendly aircraft due changes made in the position of equipment internally and proper distribution of dead weight in the aircraft."

And don't try to act like an expert when you don't know jack s**t and can't comprehend simple English Indiot.
Okay Mr expert . Take that article and make it your holy scripture and keep memorize it daily. I provided you proof that there is something called balancing of machines where weight are added to compensate dynamic forces. Keep living in your stagnant pool and your turtle shell.Don't quote me further :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Guy Has no idea What he is saying
Okay Mr expert . Take that article and make it your holy scripture and keep memorize it daily. I provided you proof that there is something called balancing of machines where weight are added to compensate dynamic forces. Keep living in your stagnant pool and your turtle shell.Don't quote me further :cuckoo::cuckoo:

You didn't prove s**t. Blabbering and putting a link to wikipedia for balancing of car tires does not prove that Tejas does not have excess weight which has to be cut down to meet your airforce requirements and that it is a s**t design. Don't try to act like an expert indiot.
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