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US to hit militant safe havens in Pakistan

Well PAK has 5 Lakh Troops , not all are deployed on Indian Boader. It may be lakh or 2.

The real reason is that PAK dont have any Authority in those region. Not Even PAK Army have any presense in that Area.

What is supposed to be done by PAK is now doing by US Army. Why PAK is not talking againt those Terriorst?

Where all 10 USD Billion gone which ment for tranning and Equip Forces gone? Their is serious Questoin to Answer?

What sources do you have to argue how the PA addresses its threat assessment on the Eastern Front? If you don't, you are just bandying numbers about.

For the longest time, the primary threat for Pakistan has been India, and its military has been geared for that threat - so I find it a little hard to believe that what could have been handled with 200,000 soldiers required raising an army of 500,000.

The US does not have authority or presence in many parts of Afghanistan either, and authority is not brought about in a day, months or a year - especially if the PA's deployment of resources is constrained by the India factor, among others.

The factors preventing a full scale offensive in FATA are what need to be looked at, which you have ascribed to some absurd reasons.

On the ten billion issue which people with no clue keep dragging out - there is a thread for it, list (with sources) how much of that aid was supposed to specifically go for purchasing COIN equipment.

We have already shown several times that the majority of that aid was reimbursement for expenses incurred from deployment of SF's in FATA and logistical support provided to the US.
US assures not to launch strikes in Pakistan: Haqqani
Updated at: 0135 PST, Friday, September 12, 2008
US assures not to launch strikes in Pakistan: Haqqani WASHINGTON: United States has assured Pakistani officials not to launch strikes against Taliban in Pakistani administrated regions bordering Afghanistan here on Late Thursday.

This Husain Haqqani, Pakistani Ambassador to US, told Geo News after he met with US front line officials in Washington.

He said “US officials have assured me not to launch strikes on Taliban hideouts by US-led NATO forces within Pakistan territory” denouncing those repots published in US newspapers that declared President Bush’s silent approval to extend ground strikes against Taliban hideouts in Pakistan.

Pakistan is an active frontline ally in war on terror and we have full support of Pakistan army in operations against Taliban, he quoted them

US assures not to launch strikes in Pakistan: Haqqani - GEO.tv :agree::agree::taz:
Bush will be in **** before the election if there special forces are caught by rags and tags.
another funny indian article

General Kayani knew about the plot to bomb the Indian embassy in Kabul

The New York Times reveals that “Analysts at the CIA. and other American spy and security agencies believe not only that the bombing of India’s embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, in July by militants was aided by ISI operatives, but also that the highest levels of Pakistan’s security apparatus—including the army chief, Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani—had knowledge of the plot.”

No, you won’t find too many people in India going et tu Ashfaq! But what is interesting is that this nugget of information is cited in a report whose main story is that President George W Bush personally authorised the raid by US special forces into Pakistani territory. So seven years after 9/11, the US government has decided that it has to be more assertive with its major non-NATO ally, and the new policy is to notify Pakistan when they conduct limited ground attacks…but that they will not ask for its permission.”

With this report of General Kayani’s knowledge—but not culpability—the US authorities have come to the last, tantalising stage of the narrative strip tease over the Kabul embassy blasts. Reports started with the ISI having a hand in the bombings. They have now come to General Kayani knowing about them beforehand. There’s only one small bit of fabric covering the General’s modesty. His latest remarks—that Pakistan’s “sovereignty and territorial integrity…would be defended at all costs” indicate just why it has come to this stage. The US revelations on the one hand serve to put pressure on him to accept US military incursions. On the other, they also make him less endearing to India, thus circumscribing how much comfort Pakistan’s political leaders can have on their eastern frontiers.:argh:

So as General Kayani goes into a huddle with his corps commanders today, the image, as one astute observer put is of the US and Pakistan squeezing each others’ throats (yes, it was a different part of the body in the original). The Pakistani army has already begun squeezing the West’s supply routes to Afganistan, at Kurram. While this will make life difficult for US and NATO soldiers fighting in Afghanistan, the US could retaliate by squeezing the dollar flow to Pakistan. It then becomes a question of who can bear more pain, and bear it longer. Chidanand Rajghatta’s report in TOI

The Acorn General Kayani knew
why the cia is coming out with this after gen kayanii says that he will defend pak at any cost ???. i hope sir kayani knew this
i think it,s time to approach russia :smokin:
US assures not to launch strikes in Pakistan: Haqqani

Is it only reported at geo tv?

Hussain Haqqani going for the medal, after testing CoAS, NATO and world opinion?
Indo / US nexus couldn't found an opportunity this time so let see what havoc comes out of their pet media next!
This is just a pressure tactics to force Pakistan to do some thing.... Result has started coming too, somewhere I read PA killed 100 terrorists.... PA has to act upon terrorist who are creating problems in India...
We need a major shift in public sentiment, need to convince them that we're fighting our own war instead of serving USA to get even better results.

People of Pakistan are fed up with militants, over 62.8 million people voted against terrorism in Pakistan.

Gen. Kiyani was quite specific, as this statement shows, of how much leeway the RoE give US forces:

With this, the legality of US actions has been quite explicitly and overtly challenged.
In a statement issued here on Wednesday, the COAS said: “The rules of engagement with the coalition forces are well defined and within that the right to conduct operations against the militants inside own territory is solely the responsibility of the respective armed forces.

“There is no question of any agreement or understanding with the coalition forces whereby they are allowed to conduct operations on our side of the border,” he said.Gen Kayani’s statement dispelled a perception that some of the air strikes carried out inside Pakistan by drones and warplanes of the US-led coalition had been authorised by Islamabad.
Kayani warns US to keep its troops out -DAWN - Top Stories; September 11, 2008
Fresh Bajaur clash leaves 90 militants dead
Thursday, 11 Sep, 2008 | 07:12 PM PKT |
By Anwarullah Khan

KHAR: Security forces have killed up to 100 militants in fierce clashes in Bajaur tribal region near the Afghan border on Thursday, a security official told Reuters.
“Eighty to 100 militants were killed in Bajaur today. Most of them are foreigners,” the official said on condition of anonymity, referring to the tribal region. DawnNews reported that at least 90 militants were killed in Bajaur on Thursday.
People of Pakistan are fed up with militants, over 62.8 million people voted against terrorism in Pakistan.

But the problem is rest of them are forced to path of terror by different radical forces and institutions.... In coming future situation is going to be more difficult....
Forces in Pakistan should start thinking more about own people rather than geo-political scenarios then every thing will become fine. All current problem is result of hyperactive behaviour to gain from neighboring situations. I am experiencing even general public in Pakistan talks anout US, China, Israel and other big thing.. this is not good sign.....
11 Sep, 2008

BRUSSELS: NATO will not take part in a proposed US strategy of conducting raids into Pakistan from Afghanistan against Taliban and al Qaeda militants, a spokesman said on Thursday. "The NATO policy, that is our mandate, ends at the border," James Appathurai told a regular news briefing. "There are no ground or air incursions by NATO forces into Pakistani territory."

Appathurai said he was sure the issue would be discussed when 26 NATO defence ministers debate Afghan strategy at a Sept. 18-19 meeting in London. But he added: "Let me stress, it is not NATO that will be sending its forces across the border."

The spokesman said a solution needed to be found to growing extremism in tribal areas of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan. "Pakistan needs to take effective action in cooperation with the rest of the international community and the Afghans to address the problem that is increasingly threatening Pakistan's stability as well as Afghanistan's," he said. NATO leads a force of some 53,000 troops in Afghanistan.

A separate US force is also battling militants in the country. On Wednesday, the US military conceded to Congress that it was not winning the fight against the Taliban insurgency and said it would revise its strategy to target militant safe havens in Pakistan.

US Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House of Representatives Armed Services Committee he was "looking at a new, more comprehensive strategy" that would cover both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border.

Helicopter-borne US commandos carried out a ground assault last week in Pakistan's South Waziristan province, a militant border sanctuary, the first known incursion into Pakistan by US troops since the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan. It killed 20 people. Pakistan, which has been an ally in the US-led war on terror launched after the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States in 2001, condemned the raid and has repeatedly said it will not tolerate foreign troops entering its territory.

On Thursday, Afghan President Hamid Karzai backed the proposed US strategy change, saying he had been calling for a different approach for years. Violence in Afghanistan has soared in the past three years as al Qaeda and Taliban fighters have regrouped in border areas.
Forces in Pakistan should start thinking more about own people rather than geo-political scenarios then every thing will become fine.

The geo-political scenario cannot be ignored.

The Indian security establishment would laugh if the US asked them to redeploy their forces away form the LoC and IB - why should the Pakistani reaction be any different?

There is a larger threat (than India) from extremism currently, but the Indian threat exists, and Pakistan can not merely ignore it and leave its East undefended. That is where geo-political dynamics come in and where I have argued the US has been lax - in either acting as a guarantor against Indian intransigence or helping the two work towards rapprochement and address Pakistani strategic concerns.

If TFB and Haqqani are to be believed, then raids like the recent one will remain limited to when intel indicates high value targets, in the hope that a parting 'gift' may be obtained for Dubya.

The focus should continue to be on Pakistani capacity building to better address the threat - and for all those complaining about US aid being used to purchase F-16's, the massive damage inflicted on militant infrastructure and men by the PAF in both Swat and Bajaur should answer any questions on that count.

Have we even received the sniper pods for the F-16's yet?
Army to retaliate cross-border attack: ISPR
Updated at: 0400 PST, Friday, September 12, 2008
ISPR ISLAMABAD: Amid talks of changing strategies on US-led war against terrorism, ISPR chief Athar Abbas warns that the Pakistani armed forces will now retaliate with full force in case there are any cross-border strikes on the Pakistani territory.

Major-General Athar Abbas told the British television that the armed forces have been directed to retaliate in case of any attacks from across the border. He said that the Pakistani forces are capable of tackling any kind of attacks.

The DG ISPR said the rules of engagement with the coalition forces are well defined and the right to conduct operations against the militants inside Pakistan is solely the responsibility of the country's armed forces.

The statement follows a similar warning from the Army Chief Geeral Ashfaq Pervez Kayani.

the british televiosion that is mentioned in the article is bbc news i wacthed the service.
maj.gen athar abbas was also asked about the cutting of the nato supply line and he said that this depends on the goverment.
A counter to the arguments of a threat on the East preventing redeployment to the West could be something TFB mentioned - the new targeting program that the US Mil. has developed and used to great success in Iraq.

If his argument of small numbers of forces utilizing those methods to eliminate large numbers of insurgents is correct, then, provided Pakistan is able to utilize those methods, it may not be necessary to redeploy significantly.
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