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US to cut off aid to Palestinian, veto Palestinian recognition in UN

Well, that really depends if the Indian government wants to learn from us. ;)
These guys know best.

China definitely can learn those anti-terrorism techniques from Israel special force. In addition, China can acquire certain advanced equipment from Israel in her fight against terrorists.

In the end, I believe China will have the most effective results against terrorists, even better than what Israel, or any other country, can ever dream to achieve. China is a country that has zero tolerance against terrorists. This zero is absolutely zero. The most important is that absolutely majority of Chinese support her government's resolute actions against any terrorists.
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This is what Turki Al-Faisal said:
“In September, the kingdom will use its considerable diplomatic might to support the Palestinians in their quest for international recognition. American leaders have long called Israel an “indispensable” ally. They will soon learn that there are other players in the region — not least the Arab street — who are as, if not more, “indispensable.” The game of favoritism toward Israel has not proven wise for Washington, and soon it will be shown to be an even greater folly. There will be disastrous consequences for U.S.-Saudi relations if the United States vetoes U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state.”
Sources please.
People need to make up their minds. First...They condemn US for not helping the Palestinians when despite PUBLICLY available records, the same people is ignorant that the US is a major contributor of aid to the Palestinians. Now...We are condemned because we decided to be more selective with our aid. Which begs the questions: Since when is ANYONE, let alone the Palestinians, is entitled to US money? And if someone feel so entitled, why should he not feel entitled to China's money, for example?

The money is not a concern. The two points here are:
1) Tying aid to recognition of a country whose creation was authorized and committed to by US via UN.
2) The more important issue of not allowing a negotiation to become one between equals especially one in which you are trying to be a arbitrator.
If you would have read a little bit about the good deeds of Bashir then you would have understood how pressing the need to divide Sudan existed. I know that it could be possible for people to coalscse for a homogenity in their religion but then sometimes better to look at the broader humanatirian issue. There has been enough slaughter in that part of the world and it was about time that people who decided that they could not live with each other separated.

Re the other disturbances in the muslim countries including Libya, it is generally and fondlly being called as the Arab Spring. The resistance is from people who have been tremendously opressed over the years and they just want these despots and dictators or kings etc. to go. Whether it be Libya, or Egypt or Syria or Bahrain or Tunisia or Yemen, NATO did not start the resistance. It is people's resistance. International community's only role is to ensure that there are no mass killings or / and genocides that basically go against basic human existential decency. It is just an unfortunate coincidence that all these countries where there are rebellions and disturbances and blatant killing of its own poor citizens actually happen to be muslim oriented nations. But the underlying fact is that it is a indigenous rebellion in each and every case. NATO cannot make the locals take a bullet for their cause. I am sure that you will agree there.


Who is funding the terrorist
I do not take lightly the amount of hate towards Arabs here.

Care to prove where I mentioned "I hate Arabs and they're evil" here :what:?

The Arabs on the 1967 war were caught off guard and unprepared for a war since they contrary to Israeli propaganda did not want to go to war at the time.

Who planned a three pronged attack? I don't think it was a Chinese. I don't think that is in Pacific. The military of the three Arab states of Syria, Jordan and Syria initiated the war. What were they thinking that they could adopt Soviet wave tactics against Israelis and overpower them? Syria, Jordan, Egypt with support from Saudi, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Kuwait and the entire peninsula joined in political unison to fight against Israel and still lost the war. What wrong have I said in this? Isn't this true? Or is this "evil western propaganda" as well? Because Israel won't be here today if it had lost that war.

They were in a case of routing so naturally there would be many losses they destroyed the entire air capabilities and started throwing napalm on fleeing soldiers yeah that is very heroic aint it???

And ganging up against a single country and then attempting to destroy them unfairly is heroic at all? What is that? Chivalry?

And no It is not their country the settlement building in Palastenian land will not be tolerated at all and it is a clear act of oppression and invasion. the entire Israeli state is invasion of european jews to a country they moved out of thousands of years ago.

Aha! So you do agree that they were the natives before the moved out? That's rare acceptance from an Arab. For example, you leave your house without legally having sold it or donated it to someone, decide to go on a world tour. If after 10 days you return and find someone else taking our house and calling you an invader, what would you say? Certainly you will attempt to take it by sheer force isn't it?

We will never recognize someone who just traveled to our land and settled there it is like saying you have to accept Pakistanis flooding illegally into Mumbai because simply they are there now and should be given a country.

Your people did that to a lot of countries a few centuries back. Do you plan to call them back to? Like Arab invasion of ancient Persia, ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia? What was that? I don't think it is equal to offering Pakistanis refuge in Mumbai at all. :lol: We've already given them enough land. More is not acceptable.

We will not give Palastenian citizenship in our country not to let them suffer but because we learned what happened when jordan gave them citizenship very well.Palastenians are treated in KSA better than KSA citizens themselves by the way.

Come to your real self, have you? :lol: When you won't even come to aid of your fellow Arabs and Muslims, you expect a non-Islamic and totally unrelated country to do that and offer citizenship to them that too to someone regularly so against their people and government? What law is this? It seems you remember the Black September very well :azn:.

So after this line, what are you arguing in favor of palestinians for?
Care to prove where I mentioned "I hate Arabs and they're evil" here :what:?

Who planned a three pronged attack? I don't think it was a Chinese. I don't think that is in Pacific. The military of the three Arab states of Syria, Jordan and Syria initiated the war. What were they thinking that they could adopt Soviet wave tactics against Israelis and overpower them? Syria, Jordan, Egypt with support from Saudi, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Kuwait and the entire peninsula joined in political unison to fight against Israel and still lost the war. What wrong have I said in this? Isn't this true? Or is this "evil western propaganda" as well? Because Israel won't be here today if it had lost that war.

And ganging up against a single country and then attempting to destroy them unfairly is heroic at all? What is that? Chivalry?

Aha! So you do agree that they were the natives before the moved out? That's rare acceptance from an Arab. For example, you leave your house without legally having sold it or donated it to someone, decide to go on a world tour. If after 10 days you return and find someone else taking our house and calling you an invader, what would you say? Certainly you will attempt to take it by sheer force isn't it?

Your people did that to a lot of countries a few centuries back. Do you plan to call them back to? Like Arab invasion of ancient Persia, ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia? What was that? I don't think it is equal to offering Pakistanis refuge in Mumbai at all. :lol: We've already given them enough land. More is not acceptable.

Come to your real self, have you? :lol: When you won't even come to aid of your fellow Arabs and Muslims, you expect a non-Islamic and totally unrelated country to do that and offer citizenship to them that too to someone regularly so against their people and government? What law is this? It seems you remember the Black September very well :azn:.

So after this line, what are you arguing in favor of palestinians for?

My entire argument was that there was NO planned attack how can a country attack another country with half their soldiers in another front?? North Yemen Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They were not ganging up and besides the number of countries does not mean a higher number in troops. 1948 Arab
And in the 1967 war Israel attacked while the rest of the arab countries did not even mobilize their troops at the time which allowed Israel to take on each front each one at a time.

Oh So people converting their religion simply cease to exist??? The people in Egypt are the same people they were before Islam they simply changed their religion and language.

What I meant by Jordan was not black September genius I meant that up to this day in Israeli schools Israelis are taught that Palastenians are Jordanian citizens illegally living in Israeli soil.

And painting the Palastenians as Arabs is one of the lowest forms of propaganda and the most successful completely taking away the notion that this is their home since probably thousands of years ago and were the same people living with jews since that time but they only changed their religion and in time language. Only Arabs from Arabia from Arabic Tribes are real arabs. Speaking a language does not make you a race.
on other hand US might not take this action if there own financial problem was fixed......their hands are tight too......2 trillion dollar + deficit.......
Who planned a three pronged attack? I don't think it was a Chinese. I don't think that is in Pacific. The military of the three Arab states of Syria, Jordan and Syria initiated the war. What were they thinking that they could adopt Soviet wave tactics against Israelis and overpower them? Syria, Jordan, Egypt with support from Saudi, Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, Kuwait and the entire peninsula joined in political unison to fight against Israel and still lost the war. What wrong have I said in this? Isn't this true? Or is this "evil western propaganda" as well? Because Israel won't be here today if it had lost that war.

Well, the Burmese amassed troops on my country's border. Does that mean they were going to attack? Does that mean my country is going to conduct air strikes? No.
Here you go, the Jew-Nazi connection. Considering the Nazis were exterminating Jews, it certainly is an order of magnitude worse than the Arabs' collaborations:

In 1940, Lehi proposed intervening in World War II on the side of Nazi Germany. It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine. Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933). Lubenchik told von Hentig that Lehi had not yet revealed its full power and that they were capable of organizing a whole range of anti-British operations.

On the assumption that the destruction of Britain was the Germans' top objective, the organization offered cooperation in the following terms. Lehi would support sabotage and espionage operations in the Middle East and in eastern Europe anywhere where they had cells. Germany would recognize an independent Jewish state in Palestine/Eretz Israel, and all Jews leaving their homes in Europe, by their own will or because of government injunctions, could enter Palestine with no restriction of numbers. Stern also proposed to recruit some 40,000 Jews from occupied Europe to invade Palestine with German support to oust the British.[32]

On 11 January 1941, Vice Admiral Ralf von der Marwitz, the German Naval attaché in Turkey, filed a report (the "Ankara document") conveying an offer by Lehi to "actively take part in the war on Germany's side" in return for German support for "the establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich."[33][34]

The offer may have been conveyed orally to von der Marwitz by von Hentig, who was delayed in Ankara en route to Germany. It is also suggested that the supposed offer was proposed by an officer in the intelligence service of Vichy France in Syria, General Colombani, who is mentioned in the document. Colombani was at odds with other French officials in Syria, as noted by von der Marwitz; he wrote "Colombani is of the opinion that his return to France is a consequence of co-operation of Conti with Minister Pierroton." It is also possible that Colombani wanted to sabotage any possible German-Lehi deal: he had collaborated with the Mufti of Jerusalem in Lebanon in 1938–1939, and in 1939 escorted the Mufti through Syria to Iraq.[32]

Von der Marwitz delivered the offer, classified as secret, to the German Ambassador in Turkey and on 21 January 1941 it was sent to Berlin. There was never any response.[35]

This proposed alliance with Nazi Germany cost Lehi and Stern much support.[36]

Source: Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Its wikipedia, I know, but there are sources.
My entire argument was that there was NO planned attack how can a country attack another country with half their soldiers in another front?? North Yemen Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By the virtue of the same link, please check the article that mentions regarding the 6 Day War. It doesn't have your troops or generals listed but "other" collaborators involved from your country, obviously meaning political and possibly financial supporters. The main men in the field were Syrians, Egyptians and Jordanians. No doubt.

They were not ganging up and besides the number of countries does not mean a higher number in troops. 1948 Arab

Of course more countries doesn't mean more troops. But it still doesn't make it fair when comparing these three significantly large countries fighting against a much smaller country, isn't it?

And in the 1967 war Israel attacked while the rest of the arab countries did not even mobilize their troops at the time which allowed Israel to take on each front each one at a time.

Are you talking about IDF jets bombing the runways and Egyptian and Jordanian air fields? They took a calculated risk considering that a strike on their runways meant that half their air forces will be useless. And the risk worked. Who declared the war first though? It wasn't Israel.

Oh So people converting their religion simply cease to exist??? The people in Egypt are the same people they were before Islam they simply changed their religion and language.

Those two changing means a lot changes. Everything about their behavior changes. Their societal manners, their behavior, their perception, their views, etc. Now certainly if Saudis were to become Jews or Christians or any of the Dharmic faiths tomorrow, your aforementioned attributes would also drastically change.

It is like saying, "hey I just gave this guy an eye, nose, ear and lip plastic surgery. That doesn't really make him look different". Obviously the people don't vanish. The Palestinians are not vanishing by the minute either. Rather they're multiplying faster than Jews in some areas. You're talking as if Israelis daily gas the whole lot with chemical agent weapons. That's not happening.

What I meant by Jordan was not black September genius I meant that up to this day in Israeli schools Israelis are taught that Palastenians are Jordanian citizens illegally living in Israeli soil.

Re-read your last sentence again before changing the meaning last minute. For your convenience, I will do it: "We will not give Palastenian citizenship in our country not to let them suffer but because we learned what happened when jordan gave them citizenship very well."

Seems the Palestinians weren't too grateful to their friends in Jordan after all the kindness they showed. After what happened in Black September, no GCC country has the intention to hand out passports to Palestinians. It is an open truth that many Arabs (Especially ones living outside) talk of. There isn't much bunny love between you guys either, isn't it?

And painting the Palastenians as Arabs is one of the lowest forms of propaganda and the most successful completely taking away the notion that this is their home since probably thousands of years ago and were the same people living with jews since that time but they only changed their religion and in time language. Only Arabs from Arabia from Arabic Tribes are real arabs. Speaking a language does not make you a race.

As I said, these two are the mask identity of a particular civilization. Palestinians talk in Arabic, think in terms of Arab concepts, look like any other Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians etc, follow Islam. I think a lot more years of doing this naturally makes you what you've adopted. Real Arabs don't really matter now considering that everyone from Morocco to Oman is considered an Arab now, isn't it? What propaganda is there in this? You're not a since race either. It is the Pan-Arabism that makes you called the Arab states isn't it? Now don't tell me "no it is not like that". Arabs of Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia etc will beg to differ from you.
Well, the Burmese amassed troops on my country's border. Does that mean they were going to attack? Does that mean my country is going to conduct air strikes? No.

- How many times do Burmese wish Bangladesh gets obliterated to oblivion?
- How many times do you see mass Burmese coming out into the roads screaming "Kill Banglas" with slogans in their colonies?
- How many times does the junta promise the complete wipeout of Bangladesh regularly?
- How many Burmese are sponsoring militant groups inside Bangladesh to act against Bangladeshi nationals and citizens?

When you change the 'Burma' and 'Bangladesh' and replace it with 'Israel' and 'Arab/Islamic states', the answers are as follows:

- Almost daily.
- Almost weekly.
- Almost monthly.
- Almost half a dozen.

Now if Bangladesh Government had the same set of answers for your country vis a vis Burmese, I am sure that your reaction to the amassing of troops would be very, very different than what it is.
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