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‘US threatened to attack Swat Taliban if Pakistan failed to act’

Firstly that the US has the immediate wherewithal to irradicate the Talibunnies from the SWAT area, and secondly that the ISI has such absolute control over the Talibunnies. While I have no doubt there is a connection, such control as the times claims would suggest the whole thing is an ISI coup...


They are not bunnies---they men of war---merchants of death and destruction. Please take these words out of your diction and address them properly. Thanks.
I have already replied to this and it is interesting that you use the exact same words as Mastankhan.
I will however reply to this "they men of war" no they are not. They are murderous little dry-balled irhabi and worthy of no respect whatsoever.
‘US threatened to attack Swat Taliban if Pakistan failed to act’

Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: The United States made it clear last week that it would attack the Taliban in Swat valley unless the Pakistani government stopped their advance.

A senior Pakistani official told The Times newspaper, the American government intervened after Taliban moved in Buner.

In Washington, officials feared that the country pivotal to the US war in Afghanistan and against Al Qaeda was succumbing to extremists.

“The implicit threat – if you don’t do it, we may have to – was always there,” said the official. He said that under American pressure, the ISI agency told the Taliban on Friday to withdraw from Buner.

However, the Taliban withdrawal was less than total.

The official said the ‘mortal threat’ remarks by Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, were “calculated to ramp up the pressure on Pakistan” to take action. She was one of several American political and military leaders to use unusually strong language about Pakistan’s failure to curb the Taliban. Others included Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and General David Petraeus.

Husain Haqqani, the Pakistani ambassador in Washington, then accused the Obama administration of making it harder for his country to fight the Taliban.

“The US needs to relate its comments to the ground realities in Pakistan instead of the mood in Washington,” he said. “Most Pakistanis are not supportive of the Taliban way of life, but at the same time widespread anti-Americanism confuses many Pakistanis into having a conflicting view. We want to turn that view around but the US and its leaders must help us to do that.”

The Americans want the government to shift troops from the India-Pakistan border to meet the Taliban threat, The Times said.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
The Americans want the government to shift troops from the India-Pakistan border to meet the Taliban threat, The Times said.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Ask them to provide PAF with 300 F-16 Block 52+ with no strings attached. As soon as the wheels of the last F-16 touch the Pakistani soil, Pakistan will shift 25% of its troops from the India-Pakistan border to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. This is not a big price for saving them from their 2nd vietnam. How about that, interested?
Giving Pakistan a blank check to attack India, whether by conventional or "non-state" forces, isn't what the U.S. has in mind. There are worse things than "a 2nd Vietnam". Like more Flanders fields or firebombed cities.
Giving Pakistan a blank check to attack India, whether by conventional or "non-state" forces, isn't what the U.S. has in mind. There are worse things than "a 2nd Vietnam". Like more Flanders fields or firebombed cities.
Blank check is needed for the defensive purposes so the ground troops can be moved without leaving the borders open for the Indian troops. Due to less strategic depth of Pakistan, a better equipped Air Force can stop the invading forces.

Otherwise, keep the check with you and start sending more an more troops in Afghanistan and seal the border from the Afghan side. Dont let any ghost corss the border and your problem will be solved, Hopefully.
Blank check is needed for the defensive purposes so the ground troops can be moved without leaving the borders open for the Indian troops -
You can't have it, period. Furthermore, Pakistan doesn't need all those troops on the border to prevent an Indian invasion, 'cause the Indians currently aren't very interested.
seal the border from the Afghan side.
The border isn't a line on a plain, but goes through mountains. Very difficult to "seal", and why should it be the U.S. responsiblity, anyway? Even in Iraq once the U.S. defeated Saddam Iraqi troops controlled the borders.
You can't have it, period. Furthermore, Pakistan doesn't need all those troops on the border to prevent an Indian invasion, 'cause the Indians currently aren't very interested.
OK, keep it, spend it on sending more troops.

The border isn't a line on a plain, but goes through mountains. Very difficult to "seal", and why should it be the U.S. responsiblity, anyway? Even in Iraq once the U.S. defeated Saddam Iraqi troops controlled the borders.
Oh, so you know that, interesting. GoP has been telling you the same for years and you never accepted that. Now when we ask you to seal the border by sending more troops, you are lecturing us on the terrain. If you with all kinds of hi-tech gadgets and whooping defense budget cant do that, than how are you expecting us to achive the same goal? Secondly it should be your responsibility because they are fighting with you who have invaded their lands. So this is your mess and you'll have to clean it. Also throw some more bones in front of your Karzai, and make him to raise an Army which can defend the borders of his Afghanistan. Dont ask us to shift our troops from Eastern borders to defend Afghanistan, this is none of our business. And if you find it feasible to invade Pakistan, do it by all means, we do need something like this for the unification of our divided nation.
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The issue was more than defending a line, but the fact that Pakistan permitted the Taliban (and to a much lesser degree Al Qaeda) to use Pakistani territory for their operations. It isn't the failure of the U.S. to guard the Afghan border that led to Pakistan's current troubles, but rather its success - for it prompted the Taliban to look the other way, and seek to conquer Pakistan instead.
As a friend of mine pointed out, the US doesn't threaten to do things unless it has the immediate wherewithal to do it. Given the scale necessary to invade and reduce SWAT, presumably with if not hindrance absolutely no help from the PA, I severely doubt the US has the immediate capabilities to do this and therefore did not make that threat.
Conclusion? More disinformation from what appears to this outsider to be a rather disingenuous GoP.
The issue was more than defending a line, but the fact that Pakistan permitted the Taliban (and to a much lesser degree Al Qaeda) to use Pakistani territory for their operations. It isn't the failure of the U.S. to guard the Afghan border that led to Pakistan's current troubles, but rather its success - for it prompted the Taliban to look the other way, and seek to conquer Pakistan instead.
Success in Afghanistan? OK, since you are saying it, I'll take it. OK, infiltration, it doesn't matter does it? Your government’s complaint is that the US/NATO troops are unable to control the insurgency because of the Taliban who are infiltrating from Pakistan. So you stop them from crossing the border, this should solve your problem. You want Pakistani troops on the borders, right? For what? To stop the infiltration, yes. Do it your self, you are more resourceful and experienced in invading countries and than dealing with the insurgency.
This thread needs to be merged with "Stop the Taliban Now- Or We Will". Having done so, they both need to be merged again into the SWAT thread.

All this would be helpful to the good order and discipline prevalent in any proper organization...much less a military/security establishment such as this where sooooo many spies hang out between assignments.
Your government’s complaint is that the US/NATO troops are unable to control the insurgency because of the Taliban who are infiltrating from Pakistan.
There are many complaints, and that's only one of them. Pakistan's persistent corruption, mis-spent "aid", resistance to needed military and domestic change - they are all up there. But the top complaint is Pakistan's willingness to serve as a safe haven and breeding ground for Islamic terrorists who have South Asian in their gunsights.
mis-spent "aid" let me rephrase mis-spent "Funds" US went Bankrupt:) thanks Solomon2..almost a trillion dollars and more spent with no transparency and a total disastrous failure where is that bush of yours u ppl voted for him now suffer bankrupt Americans...next generation terrorists coming from US 10-19 year old kid kids holding guns in US killing classmates teachers neighbors menace lies in you home clean it boy it will eventually transform into full scale broad based terrorism and eventually threaten the world talk about Boston new york gangs they are not less then terrorists and more sophisticated can take over US nukes:)how about tomw the world starts pressing US to control home grown terrorists that might take control of US Nukes..
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There are many complaints, and that's only one of them. Pakistan's persistent corruption, mis-spent "aid", resistance to needed military and domestic change - they are all up there. But the top complaint is Pakistan's willingness to serve as a safe haven and breeding ground for Islamic terrorists who have South Asian in their gunsights.
Look in your own backyard dude. Corruption you said? You know what happened in the banking and housing sector in US? Leave this aside, I am living in US and know all too well how this country is being run.

There is no willingness of Pakistan to serve as a safe haven and breeding ground for the extremism. Your invasion on Somali, Iraq and Afghanistan has already done that. And more you'll press this, more you'll convince people to support the extremism.
qsaark, that's no excuse for giving militants a free run of the country. The "cause" is usually just an excuse for cheap demagogues to rile their mobs and gain power by waging "jehad".The real problem is the inability of the Pakistani state to control the insurgents.

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