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US-Taliban deal could see US pullout in 14 months


Jul 4, 2019
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The US and its allies will withdraw all their troops from Afghanistan in 14 months if the Taliban uphold their commitments under a deal to be signed shortly, officials say.

The announcement came in a joint US-Afghan declaration issued in Kabul.

The agreement, to be signed in Qatar later on Saturday, is aimed at paving the way towards peace in Afghanistan after more than 18 years of conflict.

Talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban are to follow.

"The coalition will complete the withdrawal of their remaining forces from Afghanistan within 14 months following the announcement of this joint declaration and the US-Taliban agreement... subject to the Taliban's fulfilment of its commitments," the statement released by the US and Afghan governments said.

The US invaded the country weeks after the September 2001 attacks by the Afghanistan-based al-Qaeda group.

More than 2,400 US troops have been killed during the conflict. About 12,000 are still stationed in the country.

How did US-Taliban talks come about?
Since 2011, Qatar has hosted Taliban leaders who have moved there to discuss peace in Afghanistan. It has been a chequered process. A Taliban office was opened in 2013, and closed the same year amid rows over flags. Other attempts at talks stalled.

In December 2018, the militants announced they would meet US officials to try to find a "roadmap to peace". But the hard-line Islamist group continued to refuse to hold official talks with the Afghan government, whom they dismissed as American "puppets".

Following nine rounds of US-Taliban talks in Qatar, the two sides seemed close to an agreement.

Washington's top negotiator announced last September that the US would withdraw 5,400 troops from Afghanistan within 20 weeks as part of a deal agreed "in principle" with Taliban militants.

Days later, Mr Trump said the talks were "dead", after the group killed a US soldier. But within weeks the two sides resumed discussions behind the scenes.

A week ago the Taliban agreed to a "reduction of violence" - although Afghan officials say at least 22 soldiers and 14 civilians have been killed in Taliban attacks over that period.

What's the background to the Afghan war?
It began when the US launched air strikes one month following the 11 September 2001 attacks and after the Taliban had refused to hand over the man behind them, Osama bin Laden.

The US was joined by an international coalition and the Taliban were quickly removed from power. However, they turned into an insurgent force and continued deadly attacks, destabilising subsequent Afghan governments.

The international coalition ended its combat mission in 2014, staying only to train Afghan forces. But the US continued its own, scaled-back combat operation, including air strikes.

The Taliban has however continued to gain momentum and last year the BBC found they were active across 70% of Afghanistan.

Nearly 3,500 members of the international coalition forces have died in Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion.

The figures for Afghan civilians, militants and government forces are more difficult to quantify. In a February 2019 report, the UN said that more than 32,000 civilians had died. The Watson Institute at Brown University says 58,000 security personnel and 42,000 opposition combatants have been killed.

Who are the Taliban?
The Taliban, or "students" in the Pashto language, emerged in the chaos that followed the withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1989.

They took Kabul in 1996 and were in charge of most of the country within two years, practising their own austere version of Sharia, or Islamic law.

Before being removed from power they banned TV, music and cinema, enforced strict dress codes, severely curtailed female education and introduced brutal punishments.

Mullah Omar continued to lead the Taliban after they were ousted. He died in 2013 although the Taliban did not confirm it for two years.

The Taliban are now led by Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada.

@Foxtrot Alpha our long struggle & serious approach in regard to peace & stability in the region, is finally paying. Pakistan has been in favour of dialogue since Afghan conflict and finally, this is how Pakistan is proven right. We can see that how proxies been eliminated in Afghanistan in past few weeks and their lovers/handlers now have to either save them or only can pray but, there is no safety guaranteed neither any of exception awarded.
US surrenders to Afghan Taliban after 19 years and forced to feck off!

It means Pakistan and he Taliban have won the War........:chilli::chilli::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:........we have defeated the Americans, kicked them out and now Afghanistan has been handed on a plate to Pakistan........:yahoo::yahoo:.......:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

Need to be careful because I have just come back from a lengthy ban, but WHERE are all those trolls on PDF who said that America WOULD NEVER EVER LEAVE Afghanistan.........:azn:........:devil:
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deehati aurat kia soch rahi hai? is there any future for india in afg?
deehati aurat kia soch rahi hai? is there any future for india in afg?
India will have a lot of stake in rebuilding of Afghanistan. There is hardly any threat of taliban spillover as reiterated by their own leadership. And things go well, Afghanistan will need massive funds for infrastructure. And Indian contractors are already working in that area. We hardly have any influence in Taliban. But we have a lot of public goodwill and business presence.
it makes sense now that leading up to the peace deal why there was an increase in hits against the leadership of proxy groups who had taken safe haven in Afghanisation. I think it was show of commitment to the process from US side. We ensure that AT stick to their end of the bargain and rest things will be done as promised.
This will ensure that in future conflicts, Afghan soil is not used by enemies of Pakistan to launch conventional or non conventional attacks.....
We have discussed about leveraging AT to go all lot against indian or other proxies who threaten Pakistan.....i think we got that

@Foxtrot Alpha our long struggle & serious approach in regard to peace & stability in the region, is finally paying. Pakistan has been in favour of dialogue since Afghan conflict and finally, this is how Pakistan is proven right. We can see that how proxies been eliminated in Afghanistan in past few weeks and their lovers/handlers now have to either save them or only can pray but, there is no safety guaranteed neither any of exception awarded.

@Foxtrot Alpha our long struggle & serious approach in regard to peace & stability in the region, is finally paying. Pakistan has been in favour of dialogue since Afghan conflict and finally, this is how Pakistan is proven right. We can see that how proxies been eliminated in Afghanistan in past few weeks and their lovers/handlers now have to either save them or only can pray but, there is no safety guaranteed neither any of exception awarded.
India will have a lot of stake in rebuilding of Afghanistan. There is hardly any threat of taliban spillover as reiterated by their own leadership. And things go well, Afghanistan will need massive funds for infrastructure. And Indian contractors are already working in that area. We hardly have any influence in Taliban. But we have a lot of public goodwill and business presence.

Peaceful nature is basic instinct of India.... It's really great to see finally a peace has prevailed in Afghanistan.... Cause of Indian presence in Afghanistan has prevailed... Taliban after working with Indians have also realized the value of peace and stability.... Some negative elements off course will be there but eventually they will also realize the importance of peace and stability and will merge into the main flow....
Let peace prevail... Let's hold each others hand and make this world a beautiful place once again....
India will have a lot of stake in rebuilding of Afghanistan. There is hardly any threat of taliban spillover as reiterated by their own leadership. And things go well, Afghanistan will need massive funds for infrastructure. And Indian contractors are already working in that area. We hardly have any influence in Taliban. But we have a lot of public goodwill and business presence.
kabuli boys adored you but they are no more how will you find lovers in afghanistan?

Peaceful nature is basic instinct of India.... It's really great to see finally a peace has prevailed in Afghanistan.... Cause of Indian presence in Afghanistan has prevailed... Taliban after working with Indians have also realized the value of peace and stability.... Some negative elements off course will be there but eventually they will also realize the importance of peace and stability and will merge into the main flow....
Let peace prevail... Let's hold each others hand and make this world a beautiful place once again....

yeh your hindutava terrorist are showing that they love no peace but piss!
Peaceful nature is basic instinct of India.... It's really great to see finally a peace has prevailed in Afghanistan.... Cause of Indian presence in Afghanistan has prevailed... Taliban after working with Indians have also realized the value of peace and stability.... Some negative elements off course will be there but eventually they will also realize the importance of peace and stability and will merge into the main flow....
Let peace prevail... Let's hold each others hand and make this world a beautiful place once again....

I see that many of the software are into installation process. By the way, there was no part by India in this peace process even not being mentioned at all except that India went into Afghanistan under the banner of supporting NATO/US and rebuilding Afghanistan which turned out to be nothing but an opportunity for India that used Afghanistan land to harm Pakistan. Petting proxies, supporting terrorism & keep funding anti Pakistan elements. Those are the proven facts as how observers find it too disappointing and US didn't even include India in talks which is by default having no relation. Except for diplomatic relation, India hasn't done anything so far in this process except that kept dolling out buckets & buckets of money in Kabul and utilizing Pakistani haters from proxies to ANA, NDS and PTM type groups. However, such buttering & innocent statements are need of hour that has no relation nor any substance or any backing to prove except for the posting in the Forum.

India will have a lot of stake in rebuilding of Afghanistan. There is hardly any threat of taliban spillover as reiterated by their own leadership. And things go well, Afghanistan will need massive funds for infrastructure. And Indian contractors are already working in that area. We hardly have any influence in Taliban. But we have a lot of public goodwill and business presence.

Yeah from Mehsud to many more that openly confessed about Indian support in Afghanistan against Pakistan. Don't you realize the reason that why India has no word in this process. India's presence and investment is only limited to Kabul palace where Ghani lived after Karzai, and being paid accordingly to keep mum while providing every support to Doval to carry out anti Pakistan ops. India had no interest into Afghanistan build-up which is most and majority Muslim and Delhi's love for Muslim is seen since CAA NRC protests and killings then after.
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