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US suspends military aid to Pakistan. Military says it doesn't need it.

No, it wouldnt. . .

but that's not even part of this discussion so no need to digress further.

p.s. interestingly enough, i didnt even name the ally; you did :rofl:
Why all the anger? In the months I've been on this forum the members have been screaming to cut the aid. Why aren't you thanking us for doing what you begged for?

i suggest you refer to the official statement by DG ISPR

actually, this "begged for" money was ordered to be diverted for civilian use (by the military itself)

i'm sure the US wont "beg" for our supply routes once they pack up and leave (symbolically at least) ---so "it's all good" as they say ;)
i suggest you refer to the official statement by DG ISPR

actually, this "begged for" money was ordered to be diverted for civilian use (by the military itself)

i'm sure the US wont "beg" for our supply routes once they pack up and leave (symbolically at least) ---so "it's all good" as they say ;)

Try reading for understanding...I didn't say the money was begged for...I said the cut-off was begged for.
I welcome the aid being cut. Like the COAS mentioned 2 months ago that the US Aid should be directed to civilians. The US Aid be better used to save the US from defaulting and becoming bankrupt like Portugal, Greece, Iceland, Spain ..
Guys where did your government spend the 50 Billion USD given to you over the decades? It shows nowhere except in perhaps ammunition stockpiles. Infrastructure and civilian institutions have crumbled as a result.
I do not intend to derail the thread, however I'll provide you my 2 cents.
The pakistani administration has time and again sacrificed Economic prudence because of some phantom security issues, the results are there for all to see. If you feel a heavily lopsided economic relationship, (which has resulted in tremendous job losses and business shutdowns) is somehow a sign of everlasting friendship and not a failure of your Economic policy making authorities well then more power to you.

You are a better judge of the Pakistani Economic prudence, after all you live the power cuts everyday.

Indians don't have to live with power cuts all day?

Business Line : Industry & Economy / Logistics : Power failure disrupts Delhi Metro services
Power cuts are means of prudence, rectification for the past 'mistakes', to recover from losses.
The US doesn't "owe" Pakistan anything.. They gave almost 20 billion in aid since 2001, for what? So Bin Laden could hide close to Islamabad next to a military facility? I am being a bit cynical but seriously though.. what was it good for?

To the Americans on here, was it worth it?

In 2010 economic and military aid from the US to Pakistan was more than 2.6 billion. 800 million in cuts are a correction, but a turning point? I don't know about that..

Ever heard about Friendship? :bounce:

You can't be that naive.. What are the Chinese doing that there propaganda is working so well in Pakistan?

It is almost like "ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE!" <-- nostalgic reference ;)
Hard times a head for pakistan. In couple of years Pakistan rupee will devalue. May be 150 rs for 1 dollar.
The US doesn't "owe" Pakistan anything.. They gave almost 20 billion in aid since 2001, for what? So Bin Laden could hide close to Islamabad next to a military facility? I am being a bit cynical but seriously though.. what was it good for?

To the Americans on here, was it worth it?

In 2010 economic and military aid from the US to Pakistan was more than 2.6 billion. 800 million in cuts are a correction, but a turning point? I don't know about that..

You can't be that naive.. What are the Chinese doing that there propaganda is working so well in Pakistan?

It is almost like "ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE!" <-- nostalgic reference ;)

Actually, it does. $300 million out of the $800 were reimbursement costs, for Pakistan keeping 100,000+ troops on the Western border. This does not include the fact that the NATO supplies flowing through Pakistan were not taxed. And thirdly, the US never paid Pakistan for the infrastructure damage their NATO supplies caused flowing supplying through the country, the losses which are in the billions as well.
Aid delayed, not halted: Pentagon

WASHINGTON &#8211; A Defence Department official Monday provided details on the delay of $800 million in US military aid to Pakistan that White House announced on Sunday.

Pentagon spokesman Marine Corps Col. Dave Lapan told reporters here the $800 million is a combination of military aid in the form of equipment, and reimbursement for Pakistani military operations under the US Coalition Support Funds program. Lapan emphasized the delayed aid is a hold, not a halt, and the funds may be delivered if the two nations can resolve certain issues. Two such issues are the number of visas Pakistan will allow for US service members serving as trainers, and proof of military operations for which the country seeks US reimbursement, Lapan said.
Equipment aid the United States is withholding is &#8220;directly tied to those decisions by the Pakistani military to curtail training and to not grant visas for some of the US personnel that we need to get in,&#8221; Lapan said. &#8220;If those things change, then this aid will change as well.&#8221;
Lapan said while the full list of delayed aid items is classified, it includes explosive ordnance disposal support and apparatus, small arms, ammunition, helicopter spare parts, radios and equipment to counter explosive devices.

Military items the US provides as aid require accompanying US troops to assist in training Pakistani forces in their use, Lapan said, and without visas for the service members, DOD will not allow the equipment to remain in or be sent to Pakistan.

Source - The Nation.

According to the Bold Red part, we do not need the aid! Keep your bribes to your self!
Why all the anger? In the months I've been on this forum the members have been screaming to cut the aid. Why aren't you thanking us for doing what you begged for?

Because you have sneakily eaten $300Mn that you owe us in costs by lying that is out of the aid package.
Of course it would be best to develop local resources using indigenous expertise and technical know-how, such as advanced metallurgy, process control, project management, financing of large-scale projects, trained manpower, infrastructural support etc. etc. I am very hopeful that all these can be created within a short time for specific projects.

After all, look at the great successes of Thar coal gasification project, the huge Sainduk project, and harnessing the full hydroelectric potential of the mighty Indus river. With less US influence, all sorts of new partners will fall over themselves trying to beat a path to the corridors of power in Islamabad, InshaAllah!

Your scathing tone won't win you much respect, but that's your issue.

You act oblivious to positive news, & fail to look at successful infrastructure development projects:


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