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US supports India, Iran and Afghan pact on Chabahar port

This is latest US and india Plan To Hit Gawadar Port

we are a capitalist free market free enterprise nation since 1947...not some degenerate socialist state.

Competition is healthy ;)

Gwadar will have much greater bang for the buck, once there is political will and some strong leadership on macro and micro level.

as for Chah Bahar -- i was always under the impression that UN (security council) imposed sanctions were in effect -- essentially barring foreign entities from doing business with Iran. So I suppose then there should be no issue then with regard to the Iran-Pakistan pipeline project as well and therefore this parakeet of a woman Victoria Nuland will no longer be compelled to give "her concerns" about our cooperation with the western neighbor country.

p.s. i would also take the article with a pinch of salt...the indian news outlets especially the online ones are always experts at taking words out of context...

further clarification from a non-indian source would be in order
The Kyuakphyu port is there to go to South East Asia and to Oceania... whle Gwadar, billions being spent by China, is there to go West.

Just to remind you, East China is developed. They are moving towards west as it will benefit them long term in accessing central asia and the middle eastern states. Xinjiang's population is rapidly increasing. It is over 21 million now.

Its for transporting gulf oil and gas that's why they are constructing direct pipeline between Kyaukphyu and Kunming. You can search in google. They don't have such plans in Gwadar.
Mwahahahahahaha :chilli::devil: Step 2 in making Afghan independent of Pakistan ...... and bringing them closer to Iran....Muahahhahahahahahahahha ....

the west of Afghanistan has traditionally -- over several generations -- been under what you could call "Iranian influence" given their cultural and linguistic similiarties (in those areas Darri and Farsi dialects are spoken; not Pashto or Uzbek)

with regards to your failed attempt to snub Pakistan, perhaps you should rememebr that in much of the east and southwest -- Pakistani Rupees and merchandise are consumed and circulated quite regularly. One loses count of how many goods destined for Afghanistan originate from Pakistan.

What we do need is an Afghanistan that is stable, secure and not in constant civil war; that way Afghan would be independent of Pakistan when they need free medical care, refugee camps, jobs or other services. I wonder when was the last time india or U.S. "pocketed" some of the expense of the refugee crisis.

just a thought to ponder, for your brilliant "muahahaha'ing" mind....

The Kyuakphyu port is there to go to South East Asia and to Oceania... whle Gwadar, billions being spent by China, is there to go West.

Just to remind you, East China is developed. They are moving towards west as it will benefit them long term in accessing central asia and the middle eastern states. Xinjiang's population is rapidly increasing. It is over 21 million now.

a good chunk of industrial capacity of the PRC is situated in its southwest....and this is where we will like to capitalize on Gwadar port

there's only ONE....(1) thing lacking.....it's called bold, patriotic leadership.
as for Chah Bahar -- i was always under the impression that UN (security council) imposed sanctions were in effect -- essentially barring foreign entities from doing business with Iran. So I suppose then there should be no issue then with regard to the Iran-Pakistan pipeline project as well and therefore this parakeet of a woman Victoria Nuland will no longer be compelled to give "her concerns" about our cooperation with the western neighbor country.

You guys have very misplaced impression about Iran regime.

I have mentioned it various times, that Iran sanctions are subject to US approval.

Every EU country has been doing business with Iran, with little bit extra paper work.

I can't disclose more on that.

BTW... many countries don't even seek that permission.
God certainly is with everyone and more with oppressed and weaker ones...
I agree, YES, we need to do work hard and good planing and self reliance...I add further, we (pakistanis) need to come out of the these world conspiracy games!
We common people can just pray and do good as to our share for our nation. We do trust in Allah!

What pakistan needs

1] A poltical reform to reconnect the ppl to the power

2] complete military non intervention and curtailing of ISI to Foriegn affairs

3] more gdp% investment in higher education

4] complete sopping up to china

5] Complete removal of gun culture, curtailing of movements that advocate violence [ domestic and foriegn] and comple central control of the nation i mean remove FATA and such
Both of you mean to say that india has been roped in by usa+israel to act as mediator with iran to patch up their relations?

Don't just take my word for it willya! ;)
Nuland is maybe only talking about a curtain-raiser. The First Act of the new screen-play is some time away yet.

Just as I said earlier: watch out for the 2014-2017 timeline ( that is what my Crystal Ball; hell no, my Mud Brick) tells me.

Anyway, its all leading up to the rejig/re-adjustments that are in the offing in Afghanistan. The chess game has gone out of the hands of the 2 (or 3) players, now more players will sit around the chess-board. :)
If only Iran could let go its Palestine fetish and realize that Israel is its natural ally in the region, 95% of the problems would be solved.

On topic, this is a very strange, yet not surprising, statement from US. They can see the reality that if Afghanistan is to become stable and united then Iran MUST be a partner to that, given that Pakistan is hell bent on making Afghanistan its satellite state.
Don't just take my word for it willya! ;)
Nuland is maybe only talking about a curtain-raiser. The First Act of the new screen-play is some time away yet.

Just as I said earlier: watch out for the 2014-2017 timeline ( that is what my Crystal Ball; hell no, my Mud Brick) tells me.

Anyway, its all leading up to the rejig/re-adjustments that are in the offing in Afghanistan. The chess game has gone out of the hands of the 2 (or 3) players, now more players will sit around the chess-board. :)
Readjustment etc all i got it but it still difficult to envisage that israel-iran gonna make up in near future and as for chess game i would like india to stay away from usa.
India, Iran and Afghan :tdown:

Watchout for the Chinese trucks that will carry goods through Gwadar.:chilli:



the west of Afghanistan has traditionally -- over several generations -- been under what you could call "Iranian influence" given their cultural and linguistic similiarties (in those areas Darri and Farsi dialects are spoken; not Pashto or Uzbek)

with regards to your failed attempt to snub Pakistan, perhaps you should rememebr that in much of the east and southwest -- Pakistani Rupees and merchandise are consumed and circulated quite regularly. One loses count of how many goods destined for Afghanistan originate from Pakistan.

What we do need is an Afghanistan that is stable, secure and not in constant civil war; that way Afghan would be independent of Pakistan when they need free medical care, refugee camps, jobs or other services. I wonder when was the last time india or U.S. "pocketed" some of the expense of the refugee crisis.

just a thought to ponder, for your brilliant "muahahaha'ing" mind....

My muahaha was just for humor sake, dont take it personally ...gods..

Its you who is not seeing the whole picture

Eversince SU left Afghan, Afghanistan has been the strategic depth needed for Pakistan. and Taliban was a good pawn to control her .. that is why Pak supported and fostered taliban for so long.

A stable Afghan will slowly loose its dependency on Pakistan. As it is now , they wont need much time to catch upto Pak Gdp per capita. Yes paksitan has taken care of her refugees...which is great deed but at the same time this has left many afghans in bad taste [ DONT KNOW WHY ] ...With inidan influence increasing,Taliban power decreasing and Chabbar port giving them access to World market ...Pakistan will be seen only as a competion.....The big daddy that they have to overcome.

Therefore this port if successful will be a tactical victoyr for India,Afghanistan and Iran .........and pak hold over afghanistan further reduces .................hence again Mwahahahhahahaha

India, Iran and Afghan :tdown:

Watchout for the Chinese trucks that will carry goods through Gwadar.:chilli:


Good lets have race btwn the indian trucks and and chinese.....to their ports
Does anyone even care about american support. Did India and Iran ask america for their support. Anyways the declining superpower still thinks world needs its approvals.
Good News if true, but even if it isn't, India will still go ahead with this project(of-course with problems) and trilateral pact between India-Iran-Afghanistan as this is the only possible feasible access to Afghanistan and Central Asia for India.

But if our diplomats can work overtime and overcome all the differences/current tension in the region then its "Icing on the cake".

And so far it looks like we are heading North ;)
My muahaha was just for humor sake, dont take it personally ...gods..

Its you who is not seeing the whole picture

actually it was me originally pointing to you about how you overlooked the larger picture...go review the post

Eversince SU left Afghan, Afghanistan has been the strategic depth needed for Pakistan. and Taliban was a good pawn to control her .. that is why Pak supported and fostered taliban for so long.

we helped throw out the SU which is good -- since they had some ambitions we found threatening and besides, we need to stick it to them for arming the indians (the breakup of the SU was just the bonus)

A stable Afghan will slowly loose its dependency on Pakistan. As it is now , they wont need much time to catch upto Pak Gdp per capita.

First of all -- a few numbers for you -100% of Afghanistan's GDP is comprised of foreign aid (as per a report recently submitted by the US State Dept & USAid).....0.14% of Pakistan's economy is comprised of foreign aid (as per the Planning Commission). No need to compare the economies of Pakistan and Afghanistan. They are dependent on us, we arent dependent on them. As I said earlier, we simply hope for a secure and stable Afghanistan.

As we are physically connected to Afghanistan, I think our concerns hold a lot more weight and a lot more sway than "concerns" by a few bhartis thousands of kilometers away.

Yes paksitan has taken care of her refugees...which is great deed but at the same time this has left many afghans in bad taste [ DONT KNOW WHY ] ...With inidan influence increasing,Taliban power decreasing and Chabbar port giving them access to World market ...

let NATO withdraw first and then let's see....as for indian influence, i'll be very frank about it......we dont mind competition as long as it is in the garb of commerce and trade. That's why we even allowed Afghan goods to go by truck to Wagah border (which we didnt have to do of course). What we simply wont allow is india to use afghanistan for nefarious purposes against Pakistan and i think our side made that pretty clear already, needn't be clarified further.

Pakistan will be seen only as a competion.....The big daddy that they have to overcome.

as i said, competition is healthy.....

Therefore this port if successful will be a tactical victoyr for India,Afghanistan and Iran ..

do you indians ever read what you write before commenting?


"tactical victory" really dude

WoW. :pop:

snd pak hold over afghanistan further reduces .................hence again Mwahahahhahahaha

makes for a great bollywood flick i would say...seems they've already fried whatever brain matter you had left

"mwuhahaha" on that

Good lets have race btwn the indian trucks and and chinese.....to their ports

i sure hope that indian truck has good insurance, and a lot of spare parts on board

Readjustment etc all i got it but it still difficult to envisage that israel-iran gonna make up in near future and as for chess game i would like india to stay away from usa.

Its not about Iran-Israel making up at all. Nobody (not even goD) can predict what Iran and Israel will do. :)

Its just about Afghanistan! Every major power, be it Russia, NATO or USA is desperate to stabilise Afghanistan (for different reasons maybe) As is China. Though what role will be extended to China is still nebulous. But be sure that China will not extend a "blank check" to Pakistan's wish-list in Afghanistan.

About India: India will just continue its role in re-construction in Afghanistan and acting as a facilitator. No military adventures on behalf of nobody.

What you (or I) think (with attendant prejudices/biases) about India wrt USA does not count for anything. ;)
In any case the Cold War may be over, but the essence of NAM is not. Actually its the real-politik way to go.
Everything is about Economics now. :)
First of all -- a few numbers for you -100% of Afghanistan's GDP is comprised of foreign aid (as per a report recently submitted by the US State Dept & USAid).....0.14% of Pakistan's economy is comprised of foreign aid (as per the Planning Commission). No need to compare the economies of Pakistan and Afghanistan. They are dependent on us, we arent dependent on them. As I said earlier, we simply hope for a secure and stable Afghanistan.

As we are physically connected to Afghanistan, I think our concerns hold a lot more weight and a lot more sway than "concerns" by a few bhartis thousands of kilometers away.

Its the dependency that we intend to break thru Chabbra port . Physcal connection has no meaning.....Indo pak is the best example. And Afghanistan goverment nor its ppl thinks same like you !! thru media and personal experience they have consider paksitan as a competition . hence we hold a good amount of sway...if you fail to see it ....Good for India

let NATO withdraw first and then let's see....as for indian influence, i'll be very frank about it......we dont mind competition as long as it is in the garb of commerce and trade. That's why we even allowed Afghan goods to go by truck to Wagah border (which we didnt have to do of course). What we simply wont allow is india to use afghanistan for nefarious purposes against Pakistan and i think our side made that pretty clear already, needn't be clarified further.

ah well , The greatest success is when the enemy keeps underestimating and remains aaloof till they are in the pit

i have no idea how pakistan is making is clear....as i dont think the indian Govt is getting the message .....the number of consulates increased, the amount aid too .....so i think the message should me made more clearer.

do you indians ever read what you write before commenting?
"tactical victory" really dude
WoW. :pop:

Ofcourse we Indians do read very well ....if you cant believe that do use google and see our literacy rate :victory:....if you cant understand whats the tactical victory here.....fine leave it

makes for a great bollywood flick i would say...seems they've already fried whatever brain matter you had left

"mwuhahaha" on that

dude , you cant pull off the Mwahaha, so leave that to me. Regarding my brain , ah well knock yourself off....afterall this is the internet
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