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US supports India, Iran and Afghan pact on Chabahar port

David James

Aug 23, 2012
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US supports India, Iran and Afghan pact on Chabahar port

Washington: The US has come out in support of the agreement between India, Iran and Afghanistan on the development of the Iranian Chabahar port saying that the project would help in the development of trade and commerce in the region.

"These three countries are neighbours. They have to get along. We are obviously interested in increased trade and commerce back and forth there. So anything that ameliorates that situation is something that we would support," State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters.

Nuland was responding to reporters' questions on the recent tri-lateral meeting between officials of India, Iran and Afghanistan on the sidelines of the NAM meeting in Tehran wherein they agreed on the development of the Chabahar port in Iran as an alternative to supply route from the Karachi port.

When asked if this development is going to further help Afghanistan in trade and commerce, she said the US hopes so.

"That would be the hope if they're going to move forward, that it'll further embed Afghanistan in a positive, growing region along the lines of the Silk Road Initiative that we've been supporting," Nuland said.

The US statement comes in the middle of its increased diplomatic frictions with Iran.

The US has been opposed to the world leaders attending the NAM summit, which according to it is sending a wrong signal.

It had also urged the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to consider not to attend the NAM Summit and not to travel to Tehran for this purpose.

"As we said last week, encouraged him, if he is going to go, to be very strong and very clear on all of the areas of concern that the international community has with Iran," Nuland said.

"This includes, obviously, its need to abide by its non-proliferation obligations, its ongoing support for terrorism, its disregard for human rights inside Iran, its interference in the domestic conflict in Syria," she said.

"As you know, when he announced that he was intending to go, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that he would use the opportunity to convey the clear concerns and expectations of the international community, and he himself listed human rights as one of the issues that he would be raising," she said in response to a question.

Manorama Online | US supports India, Iran and Afghan pact on Chabahar port  

US hopes India's trilateral pact with Iran, Afghanistan will boost regional trade
Good development...... Hope it gets completed soon...
OMG of all countries it usa supporting iran???what the hell is going on under the table between usa and iran:blink:
hmmm good news... but can any one provide other links...
OMG of all countries it usa supporting iran???what the hell is going on under the table between usa and iran:blink:

They seem to be taking rest of the world for a nice stroll down the garden path ;)
Mwahahahahahaha :chilli::devil: Step 2 in making Afghan independent of Pakistan ...... and bringing them closer to Iran....Muahahhahahahahahahahha ....
chabahar and gawadar are too close its 180 KM far from gawadar
This is latest US and india Plan To Hit Gawadar Port

We would still have China (worlds biggest economic power) using this. There is no way Indians or Iranians can compete with that.
Mwahahahahahaha :chilli::devil: Step 2 in making Afghan independent of Pakistan ...... and bringing them closer to Iran....Muahahhahahahahahahahha ....

Thats proxy war of USA supporting afghanistan and india to support BLA and hit gawadar port with chabahar port!
We would still have China (worlds biggest economic power) using this. There is no way Indians or Iranians can compete with that.

Chinese population is concentrated in East China, Xinjiang is thinly populated. Kyuakphyu port in Myanmar will be more important for Chinese than Gwadar because of proximity with Eastern China.
We have no problem if our neighbours prosper, Alhamdolillah. :)
..Its what we tried to convince USA that we have to rely on IRAN for our energy requirements on our neigbours...So, its good USA has kindly and finally understand the stance of its long-term (good or bad) ally. Iran is our brethern country and we also remember we have once in recent past tried to convince the USA that any attack from Israel on IRAN would be considered on Pakistan due to the fact we have majority of Shia here....We also want to have good relations with our all-times friend China, new ally India and our sincerest brether Saudi-arabia (our tested brother)...
Every move is good as long as its for the good of humanity...
May Allah bless all for the good of humanity!

:pakistan: :world:
We would still have China (worlds biggest economic power) using this. There is no way Indians or Iranians can compete with that.

I lolled with your post..... the world largest economic power is not helping you to come out from your problems.....
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