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US summons Chinese envoy over Beijing's coronavirus lies

I was just talking about people calling each other shills and trolls, I see that too often everyday.

Well he is desperately quoting every nut job conspiracy hoping to cause further anger and mistrust between the US and China.
So where was the first American patient zero and when? Ask the US , UK and Israel as to how advance their joint virus research program is.
We need to stay super vigilant. Something is off about the West's response. It's easy to blame incompetence, but I don't think it is incompetence. They are the world's most advanced at biological warfare. They have routinely practiced how to handle a biowarfare attack. I suspect this biowarfare attack has multiple stages. The West's responded in a way that seems like they WANT the virus to infect its population.

As an example, look at 9/11. They kept telling us there was a bunch of "failures" that allowed Middle Easterners to hijack planes and fly them through airspace and into the World Trade Center. This is nonsense. It has since been proven that is a false flag coordinated by the US regime.

Similarly, their "failures" to contain the coronavirus are not failures, but part of a broader plan.

I think it's very obvious to everyone that you are a Chinese troll.
What questions??

There are no questions lol......it's pretty simple....the virus started in China, which got scolded by the international community for it's lax laboratory rules & corruption which helped spread the virus to China and the rest of the world...
Read it again. They are pretty clear.
Facts that make us regime look bad = Chinese troll, Russian bot, Iranian puppets

LMFAO Everyone knows your ful of shit, which is why you only get vtes from your CIA co-workers.

Don't you have some Palestinians to exterminate right now to make room for Zion expansionism?

lol my Chinese troll, but don't worry this forum is infested with people like you just paid Chinese trolls and bootlickers.
Instead of summoning the Chinese envoy, US needs to answer these questions. Why being so defensive?

Righhhhhhhhhhh basic questions give them the heebie-jeebies

WASP criminals are in panic because they thought this virus would destroy the Chinese economy but now it’s destroying the WASP economies. China’s superior governance has humiliated the WASP’s incompetent governance.

Gotta give it up to the Chinese government. They took the punch, got up, and kept on walking as if nothing happened. Hard to kill. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger.

We need to stay super vigilant. Something is off about the West's response. It's easy to blame incompetence, but I don't think it is incompetence. They are the world's most advanced at biological warfare. They have routinely practiced how to handle a biowarfare attack. I suspect this biowarfare attack has multiple stages. The West's responded in a way that seems like they WANT the virus to infect its population.

As an example, look at 9/11. They kept telling us there was a bunch of "failures" that allowed Middle Easterners to hijack planes and fly them through airspace and into the World Trade Center. This is nonsense. It has since been proven that is a false flag coordinated by the US regime.

Similarly, their "failures" to contain the coronavirus are not failures, but part of a broader plan.

Man you always nail it. I totally agree with you, the clever westerners definitely have something up their sleeve. China needs to lace her boots, have her game face on, and get ready to rumble. This admin is not fooling around, they are thirsty for blood and for the superpower crown. They want all the smoke. They have fallen into the Thucydides trap.
We need to stay super vigilant. Something is off about the West's response. It's easy to blame incompetence, but I don't think it is incompetence. They are the world's most advanced at biological warfare. They have routinely practiced how to handle a biowarfare attack. I suspect this biowarfare attack has multiple stages. The West's responded in a way that seems like they WANT the virus to infect its population.

As an example, look at 9/11. They kept telling us there was a bunch of "failures" that allowed Middle Easterners to hijack planes and fly them through airspace and into the World Trade Center. This is nonsense. It has since been proven that is a false flag coordinated by the US regime.

Similarly, their "failures" to contain the coronavirus are not failures, but part of a broader plan.

Good post. Something is off because the West want to change the Global Financial System. And the reason they want to do this is because other non-Western powerful Economies have emerged who have mastered the existing economic and financial system which was imposed by the West. The West knows that they just cannot compete with the emerging non-Western countries like China. The West will utterly destroy the existing Financial and Economical system, and impose an Alternate system where they want to be in CONTROL. And that is why we are seeing all this mayhem in the world economies today. I don't know for how long can China and other emerging economies can withstand this.
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