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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

I don't know because I don't work for the Russian government, but I am sure they will get something because their is nothing free in this world, but the S-400 is asking a little to much for a technology that Russia basically already have.

Well, I thought Iranian offer would have been in any case a take or leave it offer. S-400 is a platform and so is RQ-170. Iran needs the first and Russia the second since Russia was so desperate to buy ugly Israeli toy drones which compared to RQ-170 are completely useless. But then I have come to conclusion that Russians are known to be back-stabbers and Iranians might not do any kind of deal with them at all. It is not only about some old rusty useless S-300 that they did not deliver to Iran, while they are happily selling new S-400 to Saudi Arabia and UAE but it is about historical reasons:

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When you supposing some scenario , you should clearly defining your idea for believing it ,...
I have not seen any from you. But that is besides the point for now and a different issue.

I do not think the drone was completely losing its control from beginning , at least us military did not mentioned it , they said "they loosed control of his drone during flying somehow "
What we said does not explain the 'how' or the cause(s) of that loss.

ok what they are doing near to Iran ?what was the mission?specially when it is clarified that the CIA was owned this drone.
What was its mission is our business and we are under no obligations to specified. We can say 'reconnaissance' and you will have to live with that.

who can believe that CIA was doing legally mission near Iran?
We control Afghanistan's airspace so as long we remain outside of Iranian airspace, the legal issue is irrelevant.

Some U.S. experts expressed skepticism that Iran would be capable of such hacking (if they can it is not meaning oparatin it , they can just doing some problem in control or denying for self destruction and so on) .
Fine, if Iran deny any ACTIVE role in how the drone flew, then we can concede that it is our fault. We can be criticized for incompetency, if you like.

But others said Iran's capacity to counter drones may have been bolstered by Russia's decision, announced in October, to sell Tehran an advanced truck-mounted electronic intelligence system.
It does not matter at this time whose equipment Iran used to gain possession of our aircraft. As long as Iran has an ACTIVE role in it, Iran is the thief.

In the matter of fact , they equipped this stealth drone with very high technological spying instruments for finding something which they can not find them from normal way , besides this situation only happened when Iran can find this drone in sky of Iran , it is no matter in this situation Iran can hack and ordered it for landing or can cause some ESM method , If anyone spying Iran , Iran can do anything , because it is war situation, in this case you or your Employers can say Iran stole our spying drone , but it was Iran HONOR that they can do this against their enemy , OK if US do not says like this word when he soled، it could be wondered, besides USA did many worst crime regarding Iran , so take it easy
Totally nonsensical.
RQ-170 is small size, I thought something bigger stealthy styles similar to B-2. I believe, RQ-170 is not really stealth UAVs, see thepicture example and simple fan motors.
Nonsense, the spy drone was in Iran so the airspace was violated.
The issue is less important than the HOW Iranian airspace was violated. My next door neighbors have kids and they often lost their toys into my backyard. Do I have every right to get angry? Of course I do. But should I? No. These are accidents. I see nothing wrong with letting them enter my property to retrieve their toys without asking me for permission. The issue here is HOW did we lost our aircraft. If it was an unintentional trespass, then Iran should have no problems returning our property.

If it accidently landed there then yes America has some right to ask for it back but Iran also has the right to investigate there claim and see if it really was accidental or deliberate. Secondly if it was accidental then that meansit could have been an danger to Iranian public and the Iranians have again every right to intervenewith it's flight plan.
No problems with that. Care to let US examine the drone as well? :lol:

America has put sanctions on Iran and it is well known that they have bad relations with the Iranians, there have been numerous blasts in Iran that look like the work of foreign intelligence agencies. Iran's neighbours have both been toppled by American governments.

So America is basically Iran's adversary and you expect them to give it back just like that.
Yes, by your arguments, can we just grab any Iranian citizens anywhere and hold them hostage just because there are hostile relations between us?

At least be honest and acknowledge that America fucked up and that the best they can hope for is to say it was a accident and then hope the Iranians return it.

Demanding it like it some kind of right is the typical American bully attitude that the rest of the world is sick of.
I think it would be better for Iran to say that America fooked up, as in technical incompetency and/or operational negligence, than for Iran to 'fess up that Iran had an ACTIVE role in the drone's acquisition, thereby admitting Iran committed theft. :lol:
My next door neighbors have kids and they often lost their toys into my backyard. Do I have every right to get angry? Of course I do. But should I? No. These are accidents. I see nothing wrong with letting them enter my property to retrieve their toys without asking me for permission. The issue here is HOW did we lost our aircraft. If it was an unintentional trespass, then Iran should have no problems returning our property.
This issue was something more than "accident."
"US officials have admitted anonymously that the drone was on a CIA spying mission over the Islamic republic when it was captured." (google it)
I think it would be better for Iran to say that America fooked up, as in technical incompetency and/or operational negligence, than for Iran to 'fess up that Iran had an ACTIVE role in the drone's acquisition, thereby admitting Iran committed theft. :lol:
The spying drone violated Iran's airspace and went 250 km inside, and then Iran brought that down. What's your problem with this?
This issue was something more than "accident."
"US officials have admitted anonymously that the drone was on a CIA spying mission over the Islamic republic when it was captured." (google it)
Over as in INSIDE Iranian airspace? Sorry, but you will have to do better than that. We can be 1 meter away from the Iranian border and there is nothing Iran can do about it. At 13-15,000 meters altitude, sensors can reach for hundreds of km INTO Iranian territory without violating Iranian airspace.

The spying drone violated Iran's airspace and went 250 km inside, and then Iran brought that down. What's your problem with this?
If Iran had any ACTIVE role in getting the drone inside Iranian airspace, that would make Iran a thief. If it was either our intention or our fault that the drone left Aghanistan airspace and entered Iranian airspace, THEN Iran either brought it down or recovered its crash, this would make Iran legitimately the victim.

So which would you rather believe, that Iran had any role in 'hacking' the drone, or that it was our incompetence or deliberation that the drone was in Iranian airspace?

Does anybody exercise critical thinking skills any more?
The issue is less important than the HOW Iranian airspace was violated. My next door neighbors have kids and they often lost their toys into my backyard. Do I have every right to get angry? Of course I do. But should I? No. These are accidents. I see nothing wrong with letting them enter my property to retrieve their toys without asking me for permission. The issue here is HOW did we lost our aircraft. If it was an unintentional trespass, then Iran should have no problems returning our property.

No problems with that. Care to let US examine the drone as well? :lol:

Yes, by your arguments, can we just grab any Iranian citizens anywhere and hold them hostage just because there are hostile relations between us?

I think it would be better for Iran to say that America fooked up, as in technical incompetency and/or operational negligence, than for Iran to 'fess up that Iran had an ACTIVE role in the drone's acquisition, thereby admitting Iran committed theft. :lol:

Well thats the problem isn't it, if Iran is saying that it was intentional and for spying purposes then they have the right to do whatever they want with the drone.

If America says it was an accident then they have the right to claim it back.

Both parties claims should be taken with a pinch of salt due to the current geopolitical arena that means we can't take either sides position on this.

America is not a kid, it is a world superpower and at this moment in time it should be more careful with the use of it's drones near Iranian territory.

If they had lost contact i.e systems failure that means they should have informed the Iranian Authorities the moment they thought it could have strayed into there territory.

I dont think that happened did it?

First of all these are not citizens these are drones used for warfare, secondly it was over Iranian territory it wasn't ambling by in a neutral country doing **** all.

No, if Iran is right and they were doing ops against the Iranians from the drone then they had every right to intercept it and tell that to the world. If America is right then yes it is theft, as I said before neither position can be taken as the truth the only thing we know for sure is that somehow it ended up in Iran's territory.

How can America really expect it back when they have no diplomatic relations and have openly stated that they want to stop Iran's nuclear program?

Come on geeza, forget the ideals and look at the reality.
I have not seen any from you. But that is besides the point for now and a different issue

What was its mission is our business and we are under no obligations to specified. We can say 'reconnaissance' and you will have to live with that

We control Afghanistan's airspace so as long we remain outside of Iranian airspace, the legal issue is irrelevant.

Fine, if Iran deny any ACTIVE role in how the drone flew, then we can concede that it is our fault. We can be criticized for incompetency, if you like

Iran said we controlled one spy drone iin their air , if you claim that iran steal it from Afghanistan's air you should prof it besides , if iran can control it completely and drive it , then why they do not know specified landing zone? they said we cause some electronic conflics in drone when it was 140 mile in iran , if you see tabas , there is shorter linar distance to frodo from loot desert

It does not matter at this time whose equipment Iran used to gain possession of our aircraft. As long as Iran has an ACTIVE role in it, Iran is the thief

Totally nonsensical.
I am new user, I do not though the American are so Illogical, you did not tried to Convinced me , I am so sorry , I had some good taking with some American , so I was wrong about you
from what you said It seems you are CIA member , ok we will keep taking with Mr.gambit CIA member's
thanks for letting us to live!!!!! , some day CIA will pay for his crime ,when Christ come back , it is not so far away , if you believe god (if you believe surly your god is not as same as Cristian or Jewish believes)
what do you mean about legal? how did US attacked Afghanistan? as every one knows your existing in this country is illegal specially CIA
Iran not rolled it , Iran has some especial esm trap zone which you send your spy inside it , after Iran blocked your access to this drone , it was landed , as the evidence shows your spy drone is true thief which is captured in Iran , so please prove your idea and stop nonsense Scandal
when you continuously say one thing(thief) with no reason I do not like to continue taking your nonsense word too. It seems USA has give up in this case in logical way .
The issue is less important than the HOW Iranian airspace was violated. My next door neighbors have kids and they often lost their toys into my backyard. Do I have every right to get angry? Of course I do. But should I? No. These are accidents. I see nothing wrong with letting them enter my property to retrieve their toys without asking me for permission. The issue here is HOW did we lost our aircraft. If it was an unintentional trespass, then Iran should have no problems returning our property.

Pretty much the worse analogies of the year.
gambit said:
The issue is less important than the HOW Iranian airspace was violated. My next door neighbors have kids and they often lost their toys into my backyard. Do I have every right to get angry? Of course I do. But should I? No. These are accidents. I see nothing wrong with letting them enter my property to retrieve their toys without asking me for permission. The issue here is HOW did we lost our aircraft. If it was an unintentional trespass, then Iran should have no problems returning our property.

When such occurrances became too frequent to be considered a nuisance, we were prompt enough to smash the toys before returning them..that put a tab on the frequent intrusion of toys into our backyard!
MQ-9 Reaper crashes on African island.

I guess Somalie pirates hijacked controls using Russian "Aviabaza" jammer. :victory:

US embassy says it fell from 50 feet on the runway and broke into tiny pieces and caught fire. The Iranian drone fell from 50,000 feet and is in perfect condition. That is the difference.

---------- Post added at 11:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------

Are you sleeping or pretending to sleep :lazy:....Iran is a thief or rapist America:guns:

Relax. Americans think they own every thing in the world. It is in their "culture".
There are some possibilities
1- drone as US claims was flying inside Afghanistan territory and cus of some failure it went flying toward iran's. In that case, US can ask for it back. Though they should give iran something for not-deliberately violating iran space.
2- drone was in Afghanistan, Iran managed to hack it and bring it back. US has the right to ask it back and iran is guilty.
3- it was doing spy-flight in afghanistan about iran activities, iran hacked it and brought it in their space. What both sides did was sending electronic waves so theyre even!!
4- it was spying over iran space. (which probably is the strongest theory) it was brought down by iran or malfunction. US is guilty of violating iran territory and iran can keep the drone and ask UN to do something about the matter of its space being violated.
Comparing drones with toys kids play with just damages your high credit in my eyes, Gambit my friend

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