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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

so what? you guess that but Russian and other victim countries sure Somalia pirates are supporting with Israel .
do you have any prove?but they have enough prove, they find your weapons in hand of pirates
Thats what Iranian media is telling you? :lol:

US embassy says it fell from 50 feet on the runway and broke into tiny pieces and caught fire. The Iranian drone fell from 50,000 feet and is in perfect condition. That is the difference.

If drone ran out of fuel, but fly by wire system kept working, it could glide to earth safely. I dont think his small drove ever fly at 50,000 feets.
If drone ran out of fuel, but fly by wire system kept working, it could glide to earth safely. I dont think his small drove ever fly at 50,000 feets.

Lol, you are so ignorant. The drone is a single engine air craft that does not have any APU or Air-Ram turbine. Once fuel is done and engine is flamed out, all systems power down and it gets very dark inside the drone. With its bat wing design it will come down like a stone and crash in to pieces. The mere fact that the drone is still in one piece means that the engine was running till the drone was already landed. In other words the "fly by wire system" does not have any juice to run the aircraft once engine is flamed out in a drone. You are so ignorant girl. Get a book, study somewhat.
I do not know why some user think USA needs stealthy drone in normal flying without entering other country borders , this is the only reason that they made this drone stealthy, , it is ridiculous that USA trying to give this stealthy drone with high technical sensor only for work in Afghanistan air, who believe that? what Taliban posses? it is so clear that from 2007 this drone was flying for secret missions in Iran and Pakistan but nearly Iran could armed himself with some radar which can track like this stealthy plane , Iran is so patient , Iran keep his eyes for entering this spy in his area and when the spying tunnel is stabilized he put special trap in drone way , this is simple story which was almost proved by evident and information, so please every one think about the drone characteristic and Iran capability , Iran is not posses USA technology and is not supporting by huge money like USA , they can do limited defense which is supported with Iranian brain and some weapons which is made by himself, do not go wrong way ,Russian was not help Iran so mach due to USA pressure, do not forget s300 story.
Obama is under attack by ultra-conservatives who are raising their voices calling him a traitor who has given the drone to Iran:

Most of us have long understood that Obama is a traitor to our country and a mole whose not so covert mission is to destroy America.

We Were Right, Obama GAVE Iran The Drone!

A couple of days ago Conunderground.com was the first to point out that the circumstances surrounding the “crash” of the top secret RQ170 Sentinel drone simply didn’t add up. And we were right! The story continues to develop and it doesn’t look good!

To recap, first we were told that Iran might’ve shot it down and then the story changed to “the drone crashed on Iranian soil ”

Unfortunately this is no the first time this happened, I also questioned the initial official reports of the Osama Bin Laden raid and slowly but surely as more info was leaked to the public all those questions proved to be valid and the current reports are pretty much diametrically opposed to the initial “official” reports of the first few weeks”

After realizing that the Iranians were about to parade a perfectly functional drone with nary a scratch on it, the official story changed to “the drone landed because it wants to live” I kid you not that is the official story!

The flack we caught for running the story was typical of the the kind of BS spewed by Obama’s supporters but none the less I didn’t withdraw the story because the official version simply didn’t add up.

The immediate and obvious questions were these: 1) Why didn’t we try to recover the drone? 2) In lieu of a rescue effort why didn’t we bomb it into oblivion?


Fox News National Security Correspondent Jennifer Griffin reported that apparently the Pentagon pleaded with Barrack Hussein Obama to give the order to do just that. The Pentagon initially wanted to send a special forces team to recover the drone. Obama shot down that suggestion. Then the Pentagon offered up Plan B , blow it to kingdom come. FOX News reports that there was third option and Obama struck that down also. Obama refused all three of those options and now Iran and China have a brand spanking new fully functional top secret US RQ 170 Sentinel Drone. They have our drone, paid for with our money.

How will they use it and against whom?

The Drone was not recovered or destroyed specifically per Obama’s orders. We Were Right, Obama GAVE Iran The Drone! « The Daley Gator

Most of us have long understood that Obama is a traitor to our country and a mole whose not so covert mission is to destroy America.

---------- Post added at 12:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 AM ----------

Obama is under attack by ultra-conservatives who are raising their voices calling him a traitor who has given the drone to Iran:

We Were Right, Obama GAVE Iran The Drone!

A couple of days ago Conunderground.com was the first to point out that the circumstances surrounding the “crash” of the top secret RQ170 Sentinel drone simply didn’t add up. And we were right! The story continues to develop and it doesn’t look good!

To recap, first we were told that Iran might’ve shot it down and then the story changed to “the drone crashed on Iranian soil ”

Unfortunately this is no the first time this happened, I also questioned the initial official reports of the Osama Bin Laden raid and slowly but surely as more info was leaked to the public all those questions proved to be valid and the current reports are pretty much diametrically opposed to the initial “official” reports of the first few weeks”

After realizing that the Iranians were about to parade a perfectly functional drone with nary a scratch on it, the official story changed to “the drone landed because it wants to live” I kid you not that is the official story!

The flack we caught for running the story was typical of the the kind of BS spewed by Obama’s supporters but none the less I didn’t withdraw the story because the official version simply didn’t add up.

The immediate and obvious questions were these: 1) Why didn’t we try to recover the drone? 2) In lieu of a rescue effort why didn’t we bomb it into oblivion?


Fox News National Security Correspondent Jennifer Griffin reported that apparently the Pentagon pleaded with Barrack Hussein Obama to give the order to do just that. The Pentagon initially wanted to send a special forces team to recover the drone. Obama shot down that suggestion. Then the Pentagon offered up Plan B , blow it to kingdom come. FOX News reports that there was third option and Obama struck that down also. Obama refused all three of those options and now Iran and China have a brand spanking new fully functional top secret US RQ 170 Sentinel Drone. They have our drone, paid for with our money.

How will they use it and against whom?

The Drone was not recovered or destroyed specifically per Obama’s orders. We Were Right, Obama GAVE Iran The Drone! « The Daley Gator
. .
Lol, you are so ignorant. The drone is a single engine air craft that does not have any APU or Air-Ram turbine. Once fuel is done and engine is flamed out, all systems power down and it gets very dark inside the drone.
No tuirbine, no accumulator? You dont know that.

With its bat wing design it will come down like a stone and crash in to pieces.
Nonsense. "Bat wing design" can be perfectly aerodynamically stable.
I do not know why some user think USA needs stealthy drone in normal flying without entering other country borders , this is the only reason that they made this drone stealthy, , it is ridiculous that USA trying to give this stealthy drone with high technical sensor only for work in Afghanistan air, who believe that? what Taliban posses? it is so clear that from 2007 this drone was flying for secret missions in Iran and Pakistan but nearly Iran could armed himself with some radar which can track like this stealthy plane , Iran is so patient , Iran keep his eyes for entering this spy in his area and when the spying tunnel is stabilized he put special trap in drone way , this is simple story which was almost proved by evident and information, so please every one think about the drone characteristic and Iran capability , Iran is not posses USA technology and is not supporting by huge money like USA , they can do limited defense which is supported with Iranian brain and some weapons which is made by himself, do not go wrong way ,Russian was not help Iran so mach due to USA pressure, do not forget s300 story.

You are right. This drone was specifically designed for Iran and Pakistan. They had just made four of them, so you can imagine. One was sighted in South Korea, so atleast one of those four is used for spying on Koreans. One was captured by Iran. And there is a rumor that one had crashed last year. So this leaves US with just one more.

---------- Post added at 12:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------

No tuirbine, no accumulator? You dont know that.

Nonsense. "Bat wing design" can be perfectly aerodynamically stable.

Yes, I know that. It is you who is ignorant. The only power supply aboard a drone is its engine and once that is gone, there is no power on board except perhaps a small battery to erase all data and detonate a self destruction charge. Not only that but drones can hardly restart their engines while in flight, so once engine is out, drone is out of control and is earth bound at great speed. And the bat wing structure is inherently very unstable and needs computer controlled surfaces to remain in a controlled flight path. With out those continuous inputs, it just goes down like a stone.
. .
ILYA im not THINKING they used it for this or that, i just posted "possibilities"

Cant understand the difference?

Moshkele ma ba iraniha engar bishtare ta ba baghiye! Ajaba
. .

And this is only for you, on the subject of "alive drones":

Asia Times Online :: The Dead Drone sketch

The Dead Drone sketch

By Pepe Escobar

(Hats off, of course, to Monty Python)

A group of journalists attend a United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) press conference in a nondescript room in Langley, Virginia.

Journalist 1 [approaching the podium]: Excuse me, I wish to register a complaint.

[CIA spokesman/spook does not respond.]

Journalist 1: 'Ello, Miss?

CIA spook: What do you mean "miss"? I'm no Victoria Nuland, buddy.

Journalist 1: I'm sorry, I thought this was the State Department. I


wish to make a complaint.

CIA spook: We're closin' for now, gotta move forward with our shadow war in Iran.

Journalist 1: Precisely. I wish to complain about this spy drone of yours that disappeared this week in eastern Iran.

CIA spook: Oh yes, the, uh, the RQ-170 ... And your information is incorrect, that was in eastern Afghanistan. What's, uh ... What's wrong with it?

Journalist 1: I'll tell ya what's wrong with it, buddy. It's dead, that's what's wrong with it.

CIA spook: No, no, it's uh ... it's resting.

Journalist 1: In the freaking Iranian desert? Look, buddy, we all know a dead drone when we see one, and I'm looking at one - in Iran - right now.

CIA spook: No, no, it's not dead, it's ... it's restin'! Remarkable drone, the RQ-170, ain't it? Beautiful radar-evading piece of technology, right? Can't tell you more about it because it's classified.

Journalist 1: "Classified" doesn't cut it. It's stone dead.

CIA spook: Nononono, no, no! It's resting!

Journalist 1: All right then, if it's restin', I'll wake it up! [Shouting at a joystick] 'Ello, Mister Dodo Drone! I've got a lovely fresh IRGC [Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps] target for you if you just show ...

[CIA spook hits the joystick]

CIA spook: There, it beeped!

Journalist 1: No, it didn't, that was you hitting the remote control!

CIA spook: I never!!

Journalist 1: Yes, you did!

CIA spook: I never, never did anything ...

Journalist 1: [Yelling and hitting the joystick repeatedly] 'Ello!!!!! Dronie Boy! Testing! Testing! Testing! Testing! This is the god damned CIA calling!

[Thumps joystick on the CIA spook's lectern. Throws it up in the air and watches it plummet to the floor.]

Journalist 1: Now that's what I call a dead drone.

CIA spook: No, no ... No, it's stunned!

Journalist 1: STUNNED?!?

CIA spook: Yeah! You stunned it, just as it was wakin' up! RQ-170s stun easily.

Journalist 1: Um ... now look, buddy, I've definitely 'ad enough of this. That drone is definitely deceased, and when you guys issued a press statement a while ago, you assured us all that its total lack of movement was due to it bein' tired because of its prolonged secret mission.

CIA spook: There is no indication, I repeat, no indication, that Iran shot it down.

Journalist 1: But you're missing a drone. It was on a secret mission. It crash-landed in Iran. And Iran says they shot the bloody thing down.

CIA spook: Well, it's ... it's, ah ... it probably thought it was in the Nevada desert.

Journalist 1: NEVADA DESERT?!?!?!? What kind of crap is that? Look, why did it fall flat on its back in Iran, of all places? By now the Revolutionary Guards must be throwing a party to the Russians, the Chinese, the Pakistanis, the North Koreans for God's sake, so everyone can rip your technology apart, for a price ...

CIA spook: The RQ-170 prefers keepin' on its back! Hey, remarkable drone! Lovely tech features, radar evasion, portable ...

Journalist 1: Look, the IRNA news agency took the liberty of examining that drone after it crash-landed, they discovered that, yes, it was nailed to the soil of eastern Iran. [Pause]

CIA spook: Well, o'course we nailed it over there! If we hadn't nailed that drone down, it would have flown away and VOOM! Feeweeweewee!

Journalist 1: "VOOM"?!? Buddy, this drone wouldn't "voom" if you sent the Navy SEALS Team Six to give it an electric shock. It's bleedin' demised!

CIA spook: No no! It's a trick! It's a top-secret counter-insurgency trick to fool the enemy!

Journalist 1: It's not a bloody trick! It's passed on! This drone is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet its industrial-military complex maker! It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace in a Shi'ite paradise! Its metabolic processes are now history! It's off the twig! It's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-DRONE!! [Pause]

CIA spook: Well, we'd better replace it, then. (he takes a quick peek behind the lectern). Sorry sir, I talked to our boss, General David Petraeus and uh, we're right out of secret drones.

Journalist 1: I see. I see, I get the picture.

CIA spook: We got loads of bunker-buster bombs though. [Pause]
Journalist 1: Do they spy?

CIA spook: Nnnnot really.


CIA spook: N-no, I guess not. [Acts stiff, looks at his feet]

Journalist 1: Well. [Pause]

CIA spook: [Quietly] D'you ... d'you want to go visit the Pentagon and take a peek at their ... contingency plans?

Journalist 1: [Looks around] Yeah, all right, sure.

(And now for something completely different…NOT! Monty Python's Terry Jones' latest piece on the war drums beating for an attack on Iran: Here )
You know nothing.
Good, you slowly rectracting.

No, I am not retracting you ignorant Israeli. The battery is too small to run a fly by wire system in a drone. It is actually too small even on manned aircrafts. Alot of drones might not even have it. That B-2 toy plane powered by a small electric motor, you have shown is not RQ-170 which was powered by a turbofan engine of A-10. Your ignorance is astounding. As I said, go to a library and read some books on aeronautics. But again, interbreeding in small community of Zionists has drastically reduced IQ and common sense. So it is not your fault.
Some propotytpe of low production vehicle which uses foreign parts.

Don't change the subject lier, you said that the Russians are incapable of even building normal cars, but I showed you that that they build sports cars.:rolleyes:



Showing a couple of pics proves nothing 500,:no:Describe in detail in how the PAK FA is modification of the Su-27 starting with wings and then back it up with sources thats if your up too the challenge.
ILYA im not THINKING they used it for this or that, i just posted "possibilities"

Cant understand the difference?

Moshkele ma ba iraniha engar bishtare ta ba baghiye! Ajaba

OK I agree with you, but for some users when 3 of 4 in your possibility in conclusion are guilty for Iran , I think they could go as they like for convicting Iran , you Emphasis your idea in last one(no 4) but I want to answer other user completely which Iran is 0 % guilty , and this comparison from the base is wrong , I know what do you mean , you want to make a reason softly but for some users it needs the reason should be a little bit strong
sorry if I upset you
ma mokhlese har chi iranie ba geirat o vatan dost hastim be del nagir mansoram gambit bod na shoma

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