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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

Iran is really starting to move up in the world now, well done to them, imagine the saudi arabian faces, they will offer usa 1billion barrel of oil for free if usa gives them the RQ-170.
hussein salam!khoobi?
so according to hussein no unusual thing happened.destroying uav is not so strange.
destroying 3 or 4 uav cant change the war.
Russia wants Herons but even Searcher likes they cant produce.

The fact is that their isn't going to be any incense production of the Herons, and if you think a country that is right now actively developing 5th generation stealth fighters and bombers can't make Herons equivalent drone's then your delusional 500.

They had one plan that ended with nothing, now more plans.

Ohh yeah we also had a plan for Topol-M, RS-24, S-400, PAK FA, Iskander, Pantsir-S1, AESA radar, and they all came to reality.
The fact is that their isn't going to be any incense production of the Herons, and if you think a country that is right now actively developing 5th generation stealth fighters and bombers can't make Herons equivalent drone's then your delusional 500.
Not just Heron, they cant produce normal cars as well.

Ohh yeah we also had a plan for Topol-M, RS-24, S-400, PAK FA, Iskander, Pantsir-S1, AESA radar, and they all came to reality.
All thse are mre or less modifications of old Soviet equiment. Drones should be made from scratch. Also Soviets were traditionally weak in microelectronics.
Great help:



The Fact is that all world saw and know despite all of claims of Israeli officials about their military power and unlimited support of USA, Israel was defeated against Hezbollah group and you know who helps them.
They defeated Israel so that You Israelis don't dare attack them once again.

Now you are free to post hundreds of such video, But the Fact doesn't change. maybe it help you to decrease your anger.

I should say I Think remarks of my Iranian friend about Mohajer is exaggerated, But Personally I'm sure Iran has UAV's much more advanced than Mohajer.

An image of Sofreh-Mahi during test flight:
The Fact is that all world saw and know despite all of claims of Israeli officials about their military power and unlimited support of USA, Israel was defeated against Hezbollah group and all world know Iran helped them.
They defeated Israel so that You Israelis don't dare attack them once again.
Just like Nasser defeated Israel in 1956 :lol:

* Before 2006 war Hezbollah was regullary attacking Israel, now they dont dare to fire a bullet.
* Israel still possess 7 villages and Shaba farms which Hezbollah claims to be Lebanese.
* Israelis make ski on Golan Heights which Hezbollah's master Syria considers their.
* Basrallah hides in bunker, his guys are buys slaughtering protestors in Syria.

Great victory. Wish u more victories like that.

we are talking about military not cars
so with your idea italia is the best country as military
My point is that if country produces ballistic missiles, subarines, planes, tadadim tadadam it does not mean it can produce everything well.
All thse are mre or less modifications of old Soviet equiment. Drones should be made from scratch. Also Soviets were traditionally weak in microelectronics.

If you can modify "old Soviet equipment" into 5th generation fighter aircraft then you surely can also modify it into the drone.
Just like Nasser defeated Israel in 1956 :lol:

I understand you, you still keep yourselves happy by remembering your victories against Nasser.

* Before 2006 war Hezbollah was regullary attacking Israel, now they dont dare to fire a bullet.
* Israel still possess 7 villages and Shaba farms which Hezbollah claims to be Lebanese.
* Israelis make ski on Golan Heights which Hezbollah's master Syria considers their.
* Basrallah hides in bunker, his guys are buys slaughtering protestors in Syria.

Great victory. Wish u more victories like that

As I said you can cheat yourselves by these sentences. Tell these stories to your officials , maybe make them happy.
The world knows the fact.
They threw you out with disgrace from occupied south Lebanon, freed their prisoners , you tried to occupy there again and create buffer zone but we saw the result of it .
My point is that if country produces ballistic missiles, subarines, planes, tadadim tadadam it does not mean it can produce everything well.
i disagree 80 percent of uav tech is same as fighters tech.
My point is that if country produces ballistic missiles, subarines, planes, tadadim tadadam it does not mean it can produce everything well.
i disagree 80 percent of uav tech is same as fighters tech.

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