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A Magical View of Saturn's Ring, Side-On


This image shows two moons of Saturn, Mimas on the right and Dione om the left. And though you might find it hard to believe, that dark line running through the center is in fact Saturn’s ring.

The image was captured looking towards Saturn at a distance of 634,000 miles but from less than 1 degree above the plane of the ring. The side of the ring appears entirely unilluminated, while the moons, bathed in light, almost appear to be gazing up at the giant planet behind. You may hope a larger picture such as the one below would help provide a sense of scale—but actually Saturn is so vast that it doesn’t really help much.

Testing Hardware for Growing Plants and Vegetables in Space

Testing Hardware for Growing Plants and Vegetables in Space | NASA


Astronauts on the International Space Station continue testing the VEGGIE hardware for growing vegetables and plants in space. VEGGIE provides lighting and nutrient supply for plants in the form of a low-cost growth chamber and planting "pillows" -- helping provide nutrients for the root system. It supports a variety of plant species that can be cultivated for educational outreach, fresh food and even recreation for crew members on long-duration missions.

Further work on the VEGGIE hardware validation test (VEG-01) began on Monday, July 20, 2015 when NASA astronaut Scott Kelly photographed the progress of the plants thus far and watered them the next day. On Friday, July 24, new crew member and NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren took over watering duties and photographic documentation of the plants. Knowledge from this investigation could benefit agricultural practices on Earth by designing systems that use valuable resources, such as water, more efficiently.
Curiosity Marks 3rd Anniversary on Mars With Amazing Science Discoveries

Curiosity Marks 3rd Anniversary on Mars With Amazing Science Discoveries « AmericaSpace


NASA’s Curiosity rover has just reached its third anniversary milestone on Mars, after landing in Gale crater on August 5, 2012, and since then has made some incredible science discoveries, with more to come in the months and years ahead. NASA is celebrating this achievement and you can take part too!

The Curiosity mission, like others before it, has helped to dramatically improve our understanding of Mars’ past – how it used to be much wetter than it is now, and how it changed over time to the cold, dry desert planet we see today. Curiosity landed in the huge Gale crater, which scientists thought was likely once a lake, with streams emptying into it, and Curiosity has confirmed that, in spades. This region on Mars used to be much more habitable by earthly standards than it is now. While Curiosity wasn’t designed to look for evidence of life itself, it could find out how potentially habitable this area was a long time ago, at least for microbes, and it has already done that, with much more exploring still to do.

The video below is an excellent overview of the mission so far:

So what are some of the major scientific discoveries so far? The most exciting and important findings so far include the following:

  • Not long after first landing, Curiosity found the first evidence for ancient stream beds in the Yellowknife Bay region of Gale crater, close to the landing site. The now long-dry stream beds had been previously identified from orbit, but now Curiosity’s laboratory instruments confirmed that water did indeed flow here a long time ago, in shallow but fast-moving streams. Curiosity found gravel deposits where the streams had once emptied into the crater, similar both in appearance and mineralogy to stream bed gravel on Earth. The smooth, rounded pebbles appeared to have rolled downstream for a few miles. The “bedrock” here was a sedimentary conglomerate, made of many smaller fragments of rock cemented together.
  • In relation to the evidence for flowing water, the SAM instrument suite on the rover found Mars’ present atmosphere to be enriched in the heavier forms (isotopes) of hydrogen, carbon, and argon, which indicated that Mars had lost much of its original atmosphere and water. The atmospheric gases and water escaped to space through the top of the atmosphere, a process which has also been observed directly by the MAVEN orbiter.

  • As well as water, Curiosity confirmed that this region of ancient Mars had the chemistry necessary to support microbial life. Curiosity found sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and carbon – key ingredients necessary for life – in the sample of powder drilled from the Sheepbed mudstone rock in Yellowknife Bay. Clay minerals and low amounts of salt were also found, which suggested that the water there was fresh, not too acidic or salty, and perhaps even drinkable by human standards. Such an environment would have been ideal for any organisms, if they existed there.
  • Organic molecules were also discovered in the same Sheepbed mudstone, which are the building blocks of life. This alone doesn’t prove there was life there, but does show that the necessary carbon ingredients for life were present.
  • Another very interesting finding is that of methane in the Martian atmosphere by Curiosity, following previous observations of it by orbiters and Earth-based telescopes. The Tunable Laser Spectrometer within the SAM instrument detected the methane including a ten-fold increase over a couple of months. Methane can be produced either biologically or geologically on Earth, so confirming it on Mars would be evidence for either subsurface geological processes still occurring or biology, most likely underground as well.
  • While en route to Mars, Curiosity experienced high levels of radiation in space: galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), from supernova explosions and other high-energy events outside the Solar System and solar energetic particles (SEPs), associated with solar flares and coronal mass ejections from the sun. The levels are higher than NASA’s career limit for astronauts, but the data will help NASA design future spacecraft which would be safe enough for a human mission to Mars.
Meanwhile, Curiosity has recently been busy drilling again, this time into the rock target Buckskin, where other instruments have shown there to be high levels of silica and hydrogen in this and nearby rock outcrops. In Earth rocks, silica is very good at preserving organics, so mission scientists are interested in looking closer to see if more organic material can be found here. The grey color of the powder is similar to that seen in other drill holes, where the natural color of the subsurface rock isn’t obscured by reddish dust. Curiosity’s on-board laboratory will analyze the powdered drill samples to see what minerals or other material they contain.


Curiosity also recently found evidence for an ancient continental crust on Mars, which may have been the precursor to plate tectonics like those on Earth. The mineralogical and chemical makeup of the rocks studied are similar to granitic continental crust rocks on Earth. The discovery is another indication of how Mars’ early history was similar to Earth’s in many ways.

Next, the rover will continue its journey closer to the foothills of Mount Sharp, where it is already on the outskirts. The lower slopes of the mountain are a geological goldmine, with layered buttes, mesas and canyons reminiscent of the American southwest. Barring any accidents, the nuclear-powered rover should be able to keep exploring for at least several more years.


NASA has also unveiled two new online tools to help the public better explore Mars along with Curiosity.

Experience Curiosity allows viewers to journey along with the one-ton rover on its Martian expeditions. The program simulates Mars in 3-D based on actual data from Curiosity and NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), giving users first-hand experience in a day in the life of a Mars rover.

Mars Trek is a free, web-based application that provides high-quality, detailed visualizations of the planet using real data from 50 years of NASA exploration and allowing astronomers, citizen scientists and students to study the Red Planet’s features.

Regarding Mars Trek, “This tool has opened my eyes as to how we should first approach roaming on another world, and now the public can join in on the fun,” said Jim Green, director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division in Washington. “Our robotic scientific explorers are paving the way, making great progress on the journey to Mars. Together, humans and robots will pioneer Mars and the solar system.”

“At three years old, Curiosity already has had a rich and fascinating life. This new program lets the public experience some of the rover’s adventures first-hand,” said Jim Erickson, the project manager for the mission at JPL.
SpaceX Completes Road to Launch Pad

SpaceX Completes Road to Launch Pad | Commercial Crew Program


Launch Pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Florida, continues to take shape as SpaceX has completed the road from its processing hangar to the top of the launch stand.

A transporter-erector will move the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets to position them above the flame trench for liftoff on flights carrying astronauts to the International Space Station and other launches.

The rockets and Crew Dragon spacecraft will be processed in the hangar being built at the base of the pad. The company also continues upgrading the launch structure and pad area to modernize the facilities that supported historic launches of the Apollo-Saturn V missions and space shuttles.

Watch the Dark Side of the Moon as It Passes in Front of Earth


From a million miles away, a NASA satellite caught this unusual view of the moon and Earth moving through space together, but from a flipped perspective from the one we usually see.

NASA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite grabbed these shots while taking footage designed to monitor earth’s atmosphere and it’s an unusual look at some familiar objects. You do, of course, occasionally see pictures and footage of the moon’s other face—but it’s unusual to see the dark side looking so, well, bright. That’s due, in large part, to the position of the satellite where the pictures were snapped from, right between the Earth and the Sun.

This is the first time the satellites camera has caught this particular view, but now that DSCOVR’s camera is up and sending back daily images of Earth’s atmosphere, we should see this vantage point again a couple times a year.

Astronauts Will Eat Space Lettuce for the First Time Next Week


In a rather science fictional moment, the Expedition 44 crew members on the International Space Station are about to eat the very first space crops. On Monday, a batch of red romaine lettuce will be harvested from the Veggie plant growth system on the ISS orbiting laboratory. Cosmically delicious.

It’ll probably be the most scientific harvest festival the human race has ever seen. The astronauts will carefully clean the greens with citric acid-based sanitizing wipes before dividing the spoils precisely in half. One half of the space bounty will be eaten fresh, while the other will be packaged, frozen, and shipped back to Earth for scientific analysis.

The lettuce seeds were planted on July 8th by astronaut Scott Kelly. By harvest, they’ll have spent 33 days growing inside Veg-01, a light bank that includes red, green and blue LEDs. Red and blue light are the two most important parts of the spectrum for photosynthesis. Green light is actually rather useless, but even in space, food aesthetics matter. To avoid producing crazy purple space plants, the engineers behind Veg-01 decided to add green to the mix.


Astronauts on the International Space Station are ready to sample their harvest of “Outredgeous” red romaine lettuce from the Veggie plant growth system. Image via NASA

“Blue and red wavelengths are the minimum needed to get good plant growth,” said Ray Wheeler, lead scientist for Advanced Life Support activities in the Exploration Research and Technology Programs Office at Kennedy Space Center. “They are probably the most efficient in terms of electrical power conversion. The green LEDs help to enhance the human visual perception of the plants, but they don’t put out as much light as the reds and blues.”

Next week’s lettuce harvest isn’t going to fill any bellies. But the significance of the event goes far beyond the extra dose of vitamin A. The success of Veg-01 is a step toward the renewable food systems we’ll need if and when we embark on manned deep space missions, or try to set up a permanent human base on Mars. Space gardens could eventually be integrated into a habitat’s environmental controls, soaking up CO2 and recycling oxygen and water.


Artist’s concept of a future space garden on Mars. Image via NASA

What’s more, behavioral psychology has shown time and again that green things make people happy. And we’re gonna need all the help we can get keeping people confined to a metal tube for life sane.

“The farther and longer humans go away from Earth, the greater the need to be able to grow plants for food, atmosphere recycling and psychological benefits,” NASA’s Gioia Massa said. “I think that plant systems will become important components of any long-duration exploration scenario.”
Explore the Surface of Mars With NASA's Latest Web Tools


Most of us will never set foot on Mars, but thanks to NASA’s unceasing public outreach campaign, now we can all imagine what that might be like. To commemorate the three year anniversary of the Curiosity rover’s Martian landing, NASA has unveiled two new web tools that allow you to explore the Red Planet’s surface and ride alongside the social media savvy rover.

First, there’s Mars Trek, which offers detailed visualizations of the Martian surface, drawing on decades of scientific exploration. This tool is pretty sophisticated: You can overlay a bunch of different datasets, identify past rover landing sites, and perform distance calculations and elevation plotting. Amateur geologists can ogle over Candor Chasma and Olympus Mons. Would-be colonists can hunt for the perfect craters to set up their space pods.


Screen capture from NASA’s new Experience Curiosity website. Image via NASA / JPL-Caltech

For those who’d like a travel buddy, NASA built Experience Curiosity, which allows you to journey along with the rover as it bumbles across the rugged, ruddy terrain. This tool has more of a video game feel to it: Users can manipulate the rover’s tools and see Mars in first person mode through each of its cameras. NASA is not responsible for any giant space crabs that attack you while operating the rover.

Happy exploring!
Potential Landing Sites for Mars 2020 Rover Narrowed Down to Eight Locations

Potential Landing Sites for Mars 2020 Rover Narrowed Down to Eight Locations « AmericaSpace


Map of the eight proposed landing sites for the Mars 2020 Rover. Image Credit: NASA/MOLA Science Team

NASA’s next Mars rover is due to launch in July or August 2020, and the number of potential landing sites has now been narrowed down by scientists to eight locations. Out of an initial list of 21 targets, eight sites have been chosen as candidate landing sites for the Mars 2020 Rover. Due to land on Mars in February 2021, the rover will search for rocks which could hold possible evidence of past life on the planet.

The sites were chosen by a vote at the end of a three-day workshop in Monrovia, Calif. The top contenders are locations where there are ancient river deltas and hot springs—ideal places to search for evidence of past microbial life on Mars.

At the top of the list is Jezero crater, where one of the old river deltas is located. “The appeal is twofold,” sais Bethany Ehlmann, a planetary scientist at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena. “Not only is there a delta, but the rocks upstream are varied and diverse.” A river delta is a place where organic material could have been concentrated and preserved in the rocks, just like on Earth. Similarly, the Curiosity rover has found organics in sedimentary rocks in Gale crater, near where ancient streams once emptied into the crater. The Mars 2020 Rover, however, will be better equipped to determine if any organics found have a biological origin or not.


Jezero crater, the leading candidate site for the Mars 2020 Rover. Image Credit: NASA/JPL/JHUAPL/MSSS/Brown University

In second place is a location which has already been visited: Columbia Hills in Gusev crater. The Spirit rover previously explored here before it got stuck in a sand trap and died in 2010. Spirit found evidence for past water in the hills, in particular ancient hydrothermal springs, in the form of high amounts of silica. On Earth, at least, hot springs are teeming with microorganisms and other lifeforms. It would be interesting to return there; perhaps the new rover could pay a visit to Spirit as it climbs the hills.

Both river deltas and hydrothermal sites have their advantages but the way organics are preserved are different between the two, and hydrothermal are becoming increasingly important to scientists. According to Ehlmann, “You look in the precipitated veins [of rock], where organisms may have been entombed by mineral formations.”

Other possible sites are near the giant Valles Marineris canyon system (how cool would that be?) and around the edge of Isidis Basin, where there are significant carbonate deposits, which might also help explain how Mars lost its once-thicker atmosphere. According to Ehlmann, the atmosphere “was either lost to space, or it has to be sequestered down in the rock as carbonates. We can explore one of those paths.” And of course, carbonates are just the kind of thing the rover is designed to look for and study.

Design-wise, the Mars 2020 Rover is very similar to the Curiosity rover, but its mission and payload are different. The rover will drill rocks like Curiosity, but this time will collect 30 pencil-sized samples and cache them (after doing its own analysis) for a later mission to return them to Earth. The payload will also be slimmed down, but still have a robust suite of instruments for analyzing samples and studying the terrain. This time, though, the focus is looking for evidence of past biological activity, rather than just searching for organics in general.


The Mars 2020 Rover will be similar in design to Curiosity, but with different science instruments. Image Credit: NASA

The new rover will also land using the “sky crane” system, where it is suspended by cables blowing the descent vehicle and gently lowered to the ground. It was a new and risky procedure for Curiosity, but worked beautifully. For the new rover, engineers are working on improvements which would allow the oval landing ellipse area to shrink by more than 50 percent, to as small as 8 by 4 miles (13 by 7 kilometers). This would help to better target the rover to smaller, interesting areas.

The procedure for collecting the samples has also changed during the design process. Initially, the rock core samples would be placed into a single football-sized container, which would be later retrieved by another lander or rover. Now, however, the samples will be placed into individual sealed metal tubes. These will simply be left on the ground in a “depot.” That way, the rover can return to the depot multiple times to deposit more sample tubes.

“There was no success until we got that package off the rover,” said Ken Farley, the project scientist. “This provides an opportunity to get [the samples] off the rover in a way that’s staged through time. The metal tubes will have to be coated to protect the samples inside from heat for a decade or more.”

Norge can into space!

The science instruments on the Mars 2020 Rover will be focused on searching for evidence of past life including specific organics and biosignatures. Image Credit: NASA

The rover will be searching for two primary kinds of samples: rocks which would be suited for preserving organic material and possible biosignatures, and igneous rocks, which will provide more information about Mars’ geological history.

In January 2017, the number of favored sites will be reduced to four, although new sites could still be considered as well. The Mars 2020 Rover mission will be the first since the Viking 1 and 2 landers in the 1970s to specifically search for signs of life, albeit past life in this case. Unless, of course, it got lucky and found some still-living microorganisms, although it isn’t designed to look for those the way Viking was. But it is still a welcome change for those who want new Mars missions to focus more on biology rather than just geology as all of the landers and rovers have done since Viking.

Other photos of the various landing site contenders are here, and more information about the Mars 2020 Rover mission is available here.
Venus, Unmasked: 25 Years Since the Arrival of Magellan at Earth's Evil Twin

Venus, Unmasked: 25 Years Since the Arrival of Magellan at Earth’s Evil Twin « AmericaSpace


Radar image of the northern hemisphere of Venus, taken by the Magellan spacecraft. During its 50 months in orbit around Earth’s evil twin, which began 25 years ago today, Magellan radar-mapped 98 percent of the surface. Image Credit: NASA/JPL

Twenty-five years ago, today, a spacecraft slipped silently into orbit around Venus to begin an unprecedented mission which would map in excess of 90 percent of the planet’s cloud-obscured surface, using powerful Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). As described in a previous pair of AmericaSpace articles—available here and here—the $295 million Magellan mission underwent a lengthy and tortured development process, before it eventually rose from Earth aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis on 4 May 1989. Fifteen months later, on 10 August 1990, following a journey of 1.5 times around the Sun, it became the first U.S. spacecraft to reach another planet in more than a decade and would spend four years acquiring unprecedented radar data of craters, volcanoes, flat plains, hills, ridges, and other geological features on the planet long described as Earth’s “evil twin.” In fact, so impressively comprehensive were Magellan’s results that in those four short years it revealed more about Venus than had ever been attained in centuries of ground-based observations.

Yet Magellan had undergone a difficult metamorphosis from the drawing board to the launch pad to orbit around the planet which, in size and mass, so closely resembles our own world, yet which in so many other respects is a gross perversion of Earth. Since the 1960s, it had been recognized that radar imaging could yield crude maps of Venus’ surface—entirely cloaked from view by noxious clouds of sulphuric acid—and it was these which helped to peg the planet’s sidereal day at 243 Earth-days and ascertained its retrograde rotation. By the end of the following decade, plans to develop a Venus Orbiter Imaging Radar (VOIR) got underway. Had it reached fruition, the VOIR might have been launched by the shuttle as early as December 1984, reaching Venus in May 1985 and mapping up to 50 percent of the surface at resolutions as fine as 1.2 miles (2 km) through the following November. However, VOIR’s hefty price tag caused its launch to be initially postponed until no sooner than 1987 and precipitated its cancelation in 1982. A stripped-down reincarnation of VOIR returned to the fore about a year later, under the new name of Venus Radar Mapper (VRM). Finally, in 1985, the mission was dubbed “Magellan,” in honor of the 16th-century Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who mapped and circumnavigated the globe, just as his mechanized namesake would do for Venus.

In the months before the January 1986 destruction of Challenger, Magellan was manifested for a shuttle launch atop General Dynamics’ Centaur-G Prime liquid-fueled booster on Mission 81I in April 1988. According to NASA’s November 1985 shuttle manifest, the mission would have featured a crew of four aboard Atlantis and lasted just two days, delivering Magellan into a low-Earth orbit (LEO) of about 184 miles (296 km). Following deployment and the ignition of its Centaur-G Prime, it would have entered a “Type I Heliocentric Orbit” and been delivered 180 degrees around the Sun to reach Venus about four months later. Insertion of the Martin Marietta-built spacecraft—which comprised a three-axis-stabilized “bus” with twin solar array “paddles,” dominated by a parabolic dish-shaped antenna for high-gain communications and radar-mapping—into Venusian orbit would have been completed by Magellan’s on-board Star-48 solid-fueled rocket motor. However, as outlined in a previous AmericaSpace article, the hazardous Centaur-G Prime was canceled after the loss of Challenger and Magellan found itself baselined instead to fly atop Boeing’s solid-fueled Inertial Upper Stage (IUS).


Mounted atop Boeing’s Inertial Upper Stage (IUS), the Magellan spacecraft departs Atlantis’ payload bay on 4 May 1989. Photo Credit: NASA

Far less powerful than the Centaur-G Prime, the use of the IUS required a significantly different trajectory design, and with the resumption of shuttle missions expected in the fall of 1988 the next available “launch window” to reach Venus under the most optimum conditions came in October 1989. That window soon proved untenable, for it was already earmarked for the Galileo mission, whose own trajectory to Jupiter involved a gravity-assisted boost from Venus. Consequently, the Magellan team settled on a four-week window of opportunity which extended from 28 April through 28 May 1989. The trajectory to be employed was known as a “Type IV Heliocentric Orbit,” which required the spacecraft to pass 1.5 times around the Sun and produced a longer journey time of 15 months. On the flip side, however, the Type IV design offered advantages of lower launch energy and Venus approach speeds, as well as permitting Magellan to reach its quarry over the north pole, thus performing mapping swathes in a north-south direction. This was the reverse of what had been planned for the Type I trajectory originally to be followed after a Centaur-G Prime launch.

Meanwhile, in March 1988, the crew of STS-30—Commander Dave Walker, Pilot Ron Grabe, and Mission Specialists Mark Lee, Norm Thagard, and Mary Cleave—were assigned to begin training for the Magellan deployment, to be flown by orbiter Atlantis. As these plans crystallized, the spacecraft which would soon open humanity’s eyes to Venus started to take shape. Following initial tests with a Structural Test Article (STA) in the spring and summer of 1987, Martin Marietta set to work building Magellan itself and successfully tested the interface between the spacecraft and its Hughes Aircraft-built SAR instrument. In April 1988, the SAR was delivered by truck from Los Angeles, Calif., to Martin Marietta’s facility in Denver, Colo., where it was installed aboard the spacecraft for thermal vacuum testing. Six months later, in October, Magellan was delivered to the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida and transferred to the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility (SAEF)-2 for integration of the high-gain antenna, radar module, and solar arrays. Finally, in February 1989, it was moved to the Vertical Processing Facility (VPF) for attachment to its IUS booster, after which integrated systems testing and a simulated deployment scenario were executed, involving STS-30 astronauts Cleave and Lee. In mid-March, the Magellan/IUS payload was delivered to Pad 39B and loaded aboard Atlantis.

“It was the first time we deployed a spacecraft that was going to another planet from the shuttle,” Cleave later reflected in her NASA oral history. On 28 April 1989, their first launch attempt was scrubbed when a hydrogen recirculation pump developed a short circuit and stalled. The countdown was recycled to track a second opportunity on 4 May, but it seemed that this date was also snakebitten, with dreary, overcast weather and strong winds blowing across the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF). Finally, 59 minutes into the 64-minute window, the clouds parted, the winds dissipated, and mission controllers took advantage of the break in the weather to send Atlantis on her way.


Magellan’s high-gain antenna, utilized for communications and radar-mapping, is clearly visible in this deployment view from STS-30. Photo Credit: NASA, via Joachim Becker/SpaceFacts.de

Six hours later, under the watch of Cleave and Lee, Magellan and its attached IUS were successfully deployed from the shuttle’s payload bay to begin their voyage to Venus. In Cleave’s mind, responsibility passed the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas, to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., as soon as Magellan was out of Atlantis’ vicinity. The longer it remained aboard, the more chance existed for problems to evolve. “Get rid of this thing,” she half-jokingly told the NASA oral historian. “First day, it’s outta there!” Ten minutes after departing the shuttle, Magellan’s twin solar array paddles were perfectly unfurled and a pair of IUS burns set the spacecraft on course for its eventual rendezvous with Venus. Over the next year, the spacecraft pulsed its own thrusters—which formed part of a 24-strong set of hydrazine engines for course correction maneuvers, as well as pitch and yaw controllability—to maintain its course for the optimum arrival time at the planet on 10 August 1990.

In general, the trans-Venus cruise ran exceptionally smoothly, although the spacecraft team was faced with a handful of unexpected obstacles. Magellan’s star scanner experienced strange glints of light, called “spurious interrupts,” during its daily calibrations, likely caused by proton bombardment during solar flares or the shedding of small particles from the spacecraft cover as the scanner moved from shade to sunlight. Software patches and spacecraft positioning helped to resolve these problems, but of greater concern were persistent temperature spikes in the Star-48 motor and Magellan’s equipment bays. Although these spikes never grew high enough to trigger “red” alarms, mission managers opted to employ the high-gain antenna to shade the components from the Sun and thereby keep temperatures within the acceptable range.

Late in May 1990, the spacecraft performed three days of radar-taking data, albeit directed into deep space, before turning its high-gain antenna back toward Earth, in order to simulate its forthcoming activities at Venus. Supporting these tests were Magellan’s radar processing and data-management teams, as well as Deep Space Network (DSN) personnel. A final trajectory correction maneuver in late July served to adjust the velocity by 2.3 feet per second (0.7 meters per second). Shortly after noon EDT on 10 August, the 15,000-pound-thrust (6,800-kg) Star-48 motor was fired for 83 seconds as Magellan flew “behind” Venus, as viewed from Earth, with contact lost at 12:41 p.m. EDT and regained at 1:06 p.m. This accomplished a successful insertion into orbit and kicked off a three-week In-Orbit Checkout (IOC) phase. “Real” data was acquired and processed during this phase, but the main purpose of the IOC was to assist the radar team in adjusting their instrument parameters, ahead of the first mapping cycle. The spacecraft’s initial orbit was an elliptical path, lasting 189 minutes, which brought Magellan to a closest point of 183 miles (295 km) and a farthest point of 4,823 miles (7,762 km) from Venus.

However, its first few months proved far from smooth. On 16 August, contact with Magellan was lost for almost 24 hours, and dropped out again a few days later, before the first active radar-mapping campaign—executed by means of an on-board, stored computer sequence—got underway on 15 September, focusing on Venus’ north polar region. “We’ve kicked off radar-mapping,” exulted Project Manager Tony Spear. “We’re acquiring data and everything looks good!” A month later, as Earth and Venus reached “superior conjunction” with the Sun, mapping operations were suspended for several days, after which Magellan suffered a third loss of contact on 15 November. “Occasional minor data losses are expected from time to time when the articulation and attitude-control system halts execution,” NASA reported, but stressed that “on-board systems and protective software have been improved to minimize any data losses.” Eight days later, ground computers were blamed when the spacecraft placed itself into safe mode and four mapping orbits were lost. By the tail end of November, though, Magellan appeared to be moving back onto track, with renewed commands from Earth to update its computer so that the radar-mapping would precisely match the most recent tracking data.

Despite these early difficulties, project managers remained confident that the spacecraft was on target to achieve its target of 70 percent coverage of Venus by the end of the first 243-day mapping cycle. Indeed, by the first week of December, approximately 32.9 percent of the planet’s surface had been imaged, including the large continental area of Ishtar Terra and its 7-mile-high (11.2-km) mountain, Maxwell Montes. The data had specifically identified mountainous slopes dusted with an unidentified metallic substance—hypothesized to be iron pyrite—as well as volcanic dome-like features and vast, horseshoe-shaped geological formations. Of the 473 mapping orbits completed through 3 December, 11.8 orbits of data had been lost, and one of Magellan’s two radar data tape recorders proved troublesome, displaying an increasingly high error rate.


The volcanic peak Idunn Mons, within the Imdr Regio southern region of Venus, as viewed by Magellan. Image Credit: NASA

This mixed bag of success and disappointment steadily improved as the spacecraft moved into 1991. Efforts to protect Magellan from the fierce solar heating, by shortening radar-mapping passes and periodically turning the mirror-like solar arrays by 90 degrees to reduce the amount of reflected sunlight onto the spacecraft surfaces, proved successful, and by April a “Two Hide” strategy had been adopted. Under this strategy, part of the spacecraft was kept in the shade of the high-gain antenna twice during each orbit to keep the electronics cool. In the meantime, despite occasional computer troubles, more than 65 percent of Venus had been mapped on at least one occasion and the data offered profound insights into the planet’s surface and atmosphere, with evidence of widespread—and ongoing—volcanism, together with possible tectonic activity. Magellan also confirmed that the number and relative size of impact craters was broadly in agreement with pre-flight predictions, suggesting that the planet’s dense atmosphere had served as a shield against significant micrometeoroid bombardment. Turbulent surface winds and an ancient atmosphere, perhaps 400-800 million years old, or even older, were also hinted at by spacecraft data.

As 1991 wore on, Magellan data hinted at the venting of interior heat, through giant oval hotspots, known as “coronae,” and vast circular structures, called “arachnoids,” together with unusual, petal-shaped lava flows, and its results were employed to examine dust movements to make inferences about wind speeds in the lower atmosphere. By 4 April, the spacecraft reached the end of its first 243-day mapping cycle, successfully hitting its target of imaging 70 percent of the surface and receiving authorization to commence a second cycle on 16 May. By this stage, a spectacular 84 percent of Venus had been mapped—with the remaining 16 percent, including the never-before-imaged south pole—taking priority for the second cycle. Periodic data dropouts and losses of contact continued to trouble the mission, but by late-July more than 90 percent of Venus had been imaged, revealing a vast 4,200-mile-long (6,800-km) channel, longer than the River Nile. Over the following months, global surveys, based upon the first two mapping cycles, revealed that around 85 percent of the planet was covered by volcanic rocks, mostly lava flows which formed Venus’ great plains.


In its 50 months of operations at Venus, Magellan revealed more about Earth’s evil twin planet than had previously been attained in human history. Image Credit: NASA/JPL

In September 1992, having by this point imaged around 99 percent of the surface, Magellan’s orbit was lowered from 186 miles (300 km) to 111 miles (180 km), in order to begin an entire 243-cycle devoted to global gravity mapping. Six months later, in March 1993, a final map of Venus’ topography was released and presented before the 24th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, Texas, depicting the shapes of mountains, canyons and other features at far higher resolutions than had ever been attainable on a global scale. And from 25 May through 6 August 1993, Magellan pioneered a technique known as “aerobraking,” dipping into Venus’ upper atmosphere and employing the effects of drag to reduce its orbit from an elliptical to a circular path, in order to “enhance the scientific return” from what was already being described by Magellan Project Manager Douglas Griffith of JPL as “one of NASA’s most productive space science missions.” It was recognized that surface measurements from the elliptical orbit had been blurred at high altitude, which previously reached a peak of 1,700 miles (2,800 km) at the south pole and 1,300 miles (2,100 km) at the north pole.

The spectacular success of this 70-day-long aerobraking maneuver was detailed by NASA in August. Following its arrival at Venus in 1990, Magellan initially occupied an elliptical orbit with a period of more than three hours, but the aerobraking experiment allowed this to be refined to about 94 minutes, roughly equivalent to that of low-Earth-orbiting shuttle missions. It also enabled the spacecraft to effect a dramatic orbit change, without expending a significant amount of its dwindling attitude-control propellant supply.

However, the end of the mission drew inexorably closer. In early 1994, additional funding was received to complete the gravitational mapping, through September, and this continued period of operation revealed that Venus was still geologically active in places, despite little change on the surface in 500 million years. The data revealed at least two—and probably far more—hotspots, with the Atla Regio and Bell Regio exhibiting clear signatures of “top and bottom loading” elasticity of the surface. By 7 September, the Magellan team effected a week-long “windmill” experiment, turning the spacecraft’s solar array paddles in opposite directions to more carefully determine upper atmosphere molecular pressures.

At the start of October, a series of five Orbit-Trim Maneuvers (OTMs) began to lower the closest point of the orbit to about 86.6 miles (139.7 km), in order to gather aerodynamic data from the sparsely explored upper atmosphere. In so doing, Magellan’s solar array temperatures rose to 126 degrees Celsius (258.8 degrees Fahrenheit) and, remarkably, the spacecraft maintained attitude controllability until the very end. Eventually, the main spacecraft bus voltage reached 24.7 volts and, despite predictions that contact would be lost if it dipped below 24 volts, it was not until 20.4 volts that Magellan’s battery went off-line, due to power starvation. Contact was officially lost at 6:02 a.m. EDT on the 12th, bringing to an end one of the most successful missions ever undertaken in the annals of space science. A total of 98 percent of the surface was mapped at resolutions of better than 1,000 feet (300 meters) and Magellan’s gravity mapping campaign had covered 95 percent of Venus. “The data which streamed back from Magellan’s radar images, its atmospheric studies and its gravity data acquisition maneuvers,” explained Griffith, “have built a vast database of new knowledge about Venus and the formation of the Solar System that will be studied by scientists for decades to come.”
Space Farming Yields a Crop of Benefits for Earth

Space Farming Yields a Crop of Benefits for Earth | NASA

The six astronauts currently living on the International Space Station (ISS) have become the first people to eat food grown in space. The fresh red romaine lettuce that accompanied the crew’s usual freeze-dried fare, however, is far from the first crop grown on a space station. For decades, NASA and other agencies have experimented with plants in space, but the results were always sent to Earth for examination, rather than eaten.

A number of technologies NASA has explored for these space-farming experiments also have returned to Earth over the years and found their way onto the market.

Orbital Technologies (ORBITEC), for example, partnered with Kennedy Space Center to develop the plant growth system—known as Veggie—that produced this most recent crop of lettuce, as well as its predecessor, the Biomass Production System. Many features of the high-efficiency lighting system the company developed with Kennedy funding have been incorporated into ORBITEC’s commercial offerings.


NASA air purification technology, originally designed for plant-growing experiments on the space station, has been licensed and turned into a consumer device that keeps household air cleaner and healthier. Credits: Akida Holdings Inc.

Not only does its greenhouse lighting technology take advantage of the efficiency of LEDs, which waste almost no energy on heat, but its variable light output allows it to be adapted to specific plant species at specific growth stages. It can also sense the presence of plant tissue and only power nearby LEDs. Overall, it uses about 60 percent less energy than traditional plant lighting systems.

While early LEDs came to NASA’s attention as a potential light source for plant growth, the National Space Biomedical Research Program (NSBRI), a NASA-funded group of institutions, took notice of the fact that the lamps could produce specific wavelengths of light. The team that was growing plants at Kennedy built LED prototypes for an NSBRI team that used it for a research project, discovering that different wavelengths of light helped test subjects stay awake or fall asleep.

So the Kennedy team partnered with a contractor to develop the ISS’s first LED lighting system. Soon after, several scientists involved in the project brought their expertise to the company Lighting Science, which developed a line of DefinityDigital light bulbs for home use. Different bulbs can suppress or increase melatonin production in the brain to induce wakefulness or sleepiness, respectively. Another is used to grow plants, and a fourth bulb is designed for outdoor lighting in coastal areas, where it won’t disorient sea turtles, as normal outdoor lighting tends to.

A problem faced by greenhouses both in space and on Earth is ethylene, a gas plants give off that hastens the ripening of fruits and vegetables. Accelerating ripening means speeding decay. Researchers at the Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics, a NASA research partnership center at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, figured out how to deal with this problem in the 1990s, ultimately leading to a highly successful line of products. The ethylene-scrubbing technology they devised first flew in 1995 on the space shuttle and was later licensed by KES Science & Technology, which partnered with Akida Holdings to launch the AiroCide product line.


Orbital Technologies partnered with Kennedy Space Center to create a plant growth system known as Veggie, now used on the International Space Station. The system employs LEDs, which are highly efficient and long-lasting and radiate hardly any heat.
Credits: Orbital Technologies/NASA

The scrubbers turned out to destroy not only ethylene and other volatile organic compounds but also airborne bacteria, mold, fungi, mycotoxins, viruses, and odors. AiroCide scrubbers are now widely used for food preservation in supermarkets, produce distribution facilities, food processing plants, wineries, distilleries, restaurants, and large floral shops. They’ve been incorporated into a line of refrigerators. They’re also used in parts of the developing world such as India and the Persian Gulf area, where food storage and distribution is often complicated by harsh conditions and underdeveloped infrastructure.

AiroCide units are also commonly used to clean the air and prevent the spread of disease in hospitals, doctors’ offices, laboratories, schools, hospitals, and daycare centers. By 2013, a home version became available and immediately caught on.

Another product of NASA’s space-farming endeavors allows plants to text their caretakers when they’re thirsty. Astronauts aboard the ISS don’t have a lot of time for checking up on plants, so an employee of BioServe Space Technologies, a nonprofit, NASA-sponsored research partnership center, built a sensor that used electrical impulses to measure leaf thickness, which indicates water content. BioServe partnered with AgriHouse Brands Ltd. to test the sensor and found that it not only eliminated guesswork from watering plants but also reduced water use by 25 to 45 percent.

By 2012, AgriHouse offered sensors that attach to plants and transmit water-content data to a user’s computer, and the system can send text messages when certain crops need water.


A leaf sensor developed to increase the efficiency of farming on long-duration space missions is now used by farmers to conserve on water use by only irrigating when crops need it. The sensor works by measuring leaf thickness and text messaging farmers when plants are “thirsty.”

Credits: AgriHouse Brands Ltd./NASA

This wasn’t the first partnership between BioServe and AgriHouse to advance agriculture in space and on Earth. In the late 1980s, AgriHouse used BioServe research to develop a method for aeroponic crop production—that is, growing plants suspended in air without soil or media. Plants grown aeroponically require far less water and fertilizer, don’t need pesticide, are much less prone to disease, and grow up to three times faster than plants grown in soil.

For a 2007 aeroponic experiment aboard the ISS, BioServe consulted with AeroGrow International, which had been inspired by NASA’s aeroponic work, to develop its AeroGarden kitchen gardening appliances. The experiment using AeroGrow technology proved a success, as has the company’s line of indoor gardening systems, which easily grow food and other plants without dirt, weeds, or the need for a green thumb.

NASA’s push into the frontiers of space will undoubtedly continue to advance the state of the art of one of mankind’s oldest endeavors. As the agency eyes deep-space missions like a trip to an asteroid or Mars, space farming becomes less of a novelty and more of a necessity. Plants will be an integral part of any life-support system for extended missions, providing food and oxygen and processing waste. Significant further advances will be necessary, and each of them promises to bring new innovations to agriculture here on Earth.
Space salad: 1 small bite for man, 1 | The Press Democrat

Space salad: 1 small bite for man, 1 giant leaf for mankind

WASHINGTON — These are the salad days of scientific research on the International Space Station. On Monday, for the first time astronauts munched on red romaine lettuce that they grew in space.

After clicking their lettuce leaves like wine glasses, three astronauts tasted them with a bit of Italian balsamic vinegar and extra-virgin olive oil.

Astronaut Kjell Lindgren pronounced it awesome, while Scott Kelly compared the taste to arugula. They talked about how the veggies added color to life in space.

If astronauts are to go farther in space, they will need to grow their own food and this was an experiment to test that.

Astronauts grew space station lettuce last year but had to ship it back to Earth for testing and didn't get to taste it.
NASA Announces Next Round of Launch Opportunities for CubeSat Launch Initiative

NASA Announces Next Round of Launch Opportunities for CubeSat Launch Initiative « AmericaSpace


NASA has recently opened the next round of launch opportunities for its CubeSat Launch Initiative, offering the opportunity to school and university students as well as all interested participants in industry and academia across the US, to have their payloads launched into space within the next couple of years. Image Credit: NASA

Earlier this week NASA opened the latest round of its CubeSat Launch Initiative, which provides opportunities for tiny nanosatellites, called CubeSats, that are designed and built by students from universities and other research institutions in the US, to fly as auxiliary payloads on future rocket launches which are scheduled by the space agency in the next couple of years.

CubeSats have been all the rage in the space industry worldwide in recent years, with more than 350 such nanosatellites having been launched into space to date by dozens of private and government entities around the world, ever since the CubeSat design was first introduced back in 1999. As their name implies, CubeSats are cube-shaped nanosatellites which in their basic form factor have a standardized side length of 10 cm (also known as “one unit” CubeSats, or 1U) while weighting no more than 1.33 kg. The ability of the CubeSat design to be scalable to larger versions, like 2U, 3U or larger, has revolutionised the way with which small payloads can be launched into space for a host of scientific, defense, technology demonstration as well as commercial purposes, for only a tiny fraction of the cost associated with launching traditional, large satellites. Even though all CubeSats that have been launched to date have been placed in low-Earth orbits, their concept has greatly matured to the point that they are now considered as viable alternatives for deep-space applications as well. Such examples include the two small CubeSats that will get a ride to Mars alongside NASA’s InSight lander in 2016, as well as a total of 11 CubeSats that will ride onboard the Moon-bound maiden flight of the agency’s Space Launch System heavy-lift rocket later this decade.


PhoneSat 2.5, developed at NASA’s Ames Research Center and launched in March 2014, uses commercially available smartphone technology to collect data on the long-term performance of consumer technologies used in spacecraft. Image Credit/Caption: NASA

NASA has also been a leading player in the growing field of CubeSat applications, with the space agency actively engaging students and teachers from schools and universities throughout the U.S. in the design, development, and operation of nanosatellites for scientific research and technology demonstration purposes since 2010, with its CubeSat Launch Initiative. Through the latter, 37 such nanosatellites which have been designed and built by students across 30 different states have been launched into space to date, with a total of 105 CubeSats having already been selected for launch through 2019. As part of its 2014 Strategic Plan, NASA aims to engage the rest of the 20 US states in the CubeSat Launch Initiative as well, with the goal of having each state launch at least one CubeSat satellite within the next five years. To that end, the space agency opened the latest round of CubeSat launch opportunities earlier this week, inviting all interested participants to submit their proposals electronically until Nov. 24 of this year. The final proposals which will be selected on Feb. 19, 2016, will be given an opportunity to launch on the agency’s future scheduled launches, or be deployed from the International Space Station after being delivered to the orbiting outpost by commercial launch operators.

One aspect that currently governs the rate of CubeSat launches is the limited payload slot availability that exists either on NASA-sponsored or other commercial launches worldwide. For this reason, NASA has issued a Request for Proposal earlier this summer, calling for the creation of a new Venture Class Launch Services, or VCLS, that will be solely dedicated to the launch of nanosatellites. As part of its request, the space agency plans to award one or more fixed-price contracts to commercial companies for developing a series of small-class launch vehicles that would be capable to loft either 60 kg of CubeSats in one launch, or 30 kg in two launches. This way, it is hoped that the rate of CubeSat launches could be increased significantly, with NASA expecting the first such CubeSat-dedicated VCLS launch to occur no later than April 2018. “This will start to open up viable commercial opportunities,” says Mark Wiese, chief of the flight projects office for NASA’s Launch Services Program at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, which oversees the agency’s launch operations and overall manifest. “We hope to be one of the first customers for these companies, and once we get going, the regular launches will drive the costs down for everyone. As we drive costs down, that frees up more money for science. We see this emerging capability to launch CubeSats as something the world is going to need.”

With NASA having already 16 scheduled CubeSat launches in its manifest for the next 12 months, let alone the many dozens of such nanosatellites that are now being launched by universities, non-profits and other research institutions as well as private companies on a regular basis each year, the CubeSat industry is only poised to grow even further, heralding a bright future ahead. And as is most often the case in the space sector, NASA will have played a defining role in bringing that future to fruition.
Gecko Grippers Moving On Up

Gecko Grippers Moving On Up | NASA

A piece of tape can only be used a few times before the adhesion wears off and it can no longer hold two surfaces together. But researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, are working on the ultimate system of stickiness, inspired by geckos.

Thanks to tiny hairs on the bottom of geckos' feet, these lizards can cling to walls with ease, and their stickiness doesn't wear off with repeated usage. JPL engineer Aaron Parness and colleagues used that concept to create a material with synthetic hairs that are much thinner than a human hair. When a force is applied to make the tiny hairs bend, that makes the material stick to a desired surface.

"This is how the gecko does it, by weighting its feet," Parness said.

Behind this phenomenon is a concept called van der Waals forces. A slight electrical field is created because electrons orbiting the nuclei of atoms are not evenly spaced, so there are positive and negative sides to a neutral molecule. The positively charged part of a molecule attracts the negatively charged part of its neighbor, resulting in "stickiness." Even in extreme temperature, pressure and radiation conditions, these forces persist.


"The grippers don't leave any residue and don't require a mating surface on the wall the way Velcro would," Parness said.

The newest generation of grippers can support more than 150 Newtons of force, the equivalent of 35 pounds (16 kilograms).

In a microgravity flight test last year through NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate’s Flight Opportunities Program, the gecko-gripping technology was used to grapple a 20-pound (10 kilogram) cube and a 250-pound (100 kilogram) person. The gecko material was separately tested in more than 30,000 cycles of turning the stickiness "on" and "off" when Parness was in graduate school at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. Despite the extreme conditions, the adhesive stayed strong.

Researchers have more recently made three sizes of hand-operated "astronaut anchors," which could one day be given to astronauts inside the International Space Station. The anchors are made currently in footprints of 1 by 4 inches (2.5 by 10 centimeters), 2 by 6 inches (5 by 15 centimeters) and 3 by 8 inches (7.6 by 20 centimeters). They would serve as an experiment to test the gecko adhesives in microgravity for long periods of time and as a practical way for astronauts to attach clipboards, pictures and other handheld items to the interior walls of the station. Astronauts would simply attach the object to the mounting post of the gripper by pushing together the two components of the gripper. Parness and colleagues are collaborating with NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston on this concept.


Parness and his team are also testing the Lemur 3 climbing robot, which has gecko-gripper feet, in simulated microgravity environments. The team thinks possible applications could be to have robots like this on the space station conducting inspections and making repairs on the exterior. For testing, the robot maneuvers across mock-up solar and radiator panels to emulate that environment.

There are numerous applications beyond the space station for this technology.

"We might eventually grab satellites to repair them, service them, and we also could grab space garbage and try to clear it out of the way," Parness said.

The California Institute of Technology in Pasadena manages JPL for NASA.
RS-25 Engines: Meeting the Need for Speed

RS-25 Engines: Meeting the Need for Speed | Rocketology: NASA’s Space Launch System

Rocket engines are among the most amazing machines ever invented. That’s mainly because they have to do one of the most extreme jobs ever conceived – spaceflight – starting with escaping Earth’s deep gravity well. Orbital velocity, just for starters, is over 17,000 mph, and that only gets you a couple hundred miles off the surface. Going farther requires going faster. Much faster.

The RS-25 makes a modern race car or jet engine look like a wind-up toy.

It has to handle temperatures as low as minus 400 degrees where the propellants enter the engine and as high as 6,000 degrees as the exhaust exits the combustion chamber where the propellants are burned.

It has to move a lot of propellants to generate a lot of energy. At the rate the four SLS core stage engines consume propellants, they could drain a family swimming pool in 1 minute.


To be fair, the Indy car probably handles better in the turns.

The most complex part of the engine is its four turbopumps which are responsible for accelerating fuel and oxidizer to those insanely high flow rates. The high pressure fuel turbopump main shaft rotates at 37,000 rpms compared to about 3,000 rpm for a car engine at 60 mph.

The bottom line is that the RS-25 produces 512,000 pounds of thrust. That’s more than 12 million horsepower. That’s enough to push 10 giant aircraft carriers around the ocean at nearly 25 mph.

If the performance requirement to turn massive amounts of fuel into massive amounts of fire wasn’t enough, an engine can’t take up a lot of mass or area in a rocket. A car engine generates about half a single horsepower to each pound of engine weight. The RS-25 high pressure fuel turbopump generates 100 horsepower for each pound of its weight.

But forget mere car engines. The RS-25 is about the same weight and size as two F-15 jet fighter engines, yet it produces 8 times more thrust. A single turbine blade the size of a quarter – and the exact number and configuration inside the pump is now considered sensitive – produces more equivalent horsepower than a Corvette ZR1 engine.


And this is still only the major components of an RS-25 engine.

On the other hand, when you chug fluids that fast, a hiccup is a bad thing. In the case of a rocket engine, that hiccup is called cavitation. At the least, it robs the engine of power. At worst, it can cause catastrophic overheating and overspeeding. So rocket engineers spend a lot of time making sure fluids flow straight and smooth.

That’s also why they test rocket engines on the ground under highly instrumented and controlled conditions. It’s a lot less costly to fail on the ground than in flight with a full rocket carrying people on board and/or a one-of-a-kind multi-million- or multi-billion-dollar payload.

As rocket engines go, the RS-25 may be the most advanced, operating at higher temperatures, pressures, and speeds than most any other engine. The advantage comes down to being able to launch more useful payload into space with less devoted to the rocket structure and its propellants.

In addition to its power, another key consideration for SLS was the availability of 16 flight engines and two ground test engines from the shuttle program. It’s much harder and more expensive to develop a new engine from scratch. Using a high-performance engine that already existed gave NASA a considerable boost in developing its next rocket for space exploration.


The RS-25 handles a wide range of temperatures – super-cold on top, super-hot at the bottom.

The remaining shuttle engine inventory will be enough for the first four SLS flights. As for the maturity part, the RS-25 design dates to the 1970s and the start of the Space Shuttle Program. But it’s undergone five major upgrades since then to improve performance, reliability, and safety. If only we could all upgrade 5 times as we age. Further, much of the knowledge and infrastructure needed to use the available engines and restart production already existed. Another hidden savings in time and money.

In its next evolution, the RS-25 design will be changed to make it a more affordable engine designed for just one flight and certify it to even higher thrust – which it is very capable of – to make SLS an even more impressive launch vehicle.
SLS Development RS-25 Engine Ignites for Successful Full Duration Test Fire #6

SLS Development RS-25 Engine Ignites for Successful Full Duration Test Fire #6 « AmericaSpace


The world’s most efficient rocket engine came to life again today, unleashing 512,000 pounds of thrust and a thunderous roar across southern Mississippi and NASA’s Stennis Space Center during a 535-second full power test fire. The same engine that powered the space shuttle so reliably for years, the RS-25, will again be employed for NASA’s Space Launch System, upgraded to meet the new requirements for what will become the most powerful rocket in history. Photo Credit: Mike Killian / AmericaSpace

The most efficient rocket engine in history came to life again this afternoon under clear blue skies, unleashing over a half-million pounds of thrust and sending a thunderous roar across southern Mississippi and NASA’s Stennis Space Center during a 535-second full duration test fire. The same engine that powered NASA’s now retired space shuttle fleet so reliably for three decades, Aerojet Rocketdyne’s RS-25, will again be employed for NASA’s enormous Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, upgraded to meet the new requirements for what will become the most powerful rocket in history, and today’s sixth test fire (in a seven-test series) helped advance the path to Mars further under highly instrumented and controlled conditions.

“It is great to see this revered engine back in action and progressing full steam ahead for launch aboard Exploration Mission-1 in 2018,” said Julie Van Kleeck, vice president of Aerojet Rocketdyne’s Advanced Space & Launch Programs business unit. “The RS-25 is the world’s most reliable and thoroughly tested large liquid-fueled rocket engine ever built.”

America’s next generation heavy-lift launch vehicle, the SLS, is quickly manifesting into reality. Its solid rocket booster was test fired earlier this year, NASA’s Pegasus transport barge has been made larger to support moving the colossal rocket, acoustic sound-suppression testing is occurring, F-18 Hornet fighter jets have carried out flight tests for SLS flight software development, test stands are being built or modified, KSC’s iconic Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) is being upgraded to support SLS, launch pad 39B is being prepared, the rocket’s Mobile Launch Platform (MLP) and Crawler Transporter are being prepared, and both qualification and flight hardware for the first SLS vehicle itself are being constructed for an inaugural 2018 launch on the Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1) flight with NASA’s Orion deep-space multi-purpose crew capsule (which itself conducted its first flight test last December).


The RS-25 comes to life for an Aug. 13 test fire at Stennis Space Center for NASA’s SLS program. Image Credit: NASA

The 535-second test fire, carried out by development engine #0525 on the historic A-1 test stand, went off without issue—something that has come to be expected of the RS-25 engines. The RS-25 was the first reusable rocket engine in history, as well as being one of the most tested large rocket engines ever made, having conducted more than 3,000 starts and over one million seconds (nearly 280 hours) of total ground test and flight firing time over the course of NASA’s 135 space shuttle flights.

The engines proved their worth time and time again, but the RS-25 now requires several modifications to adapt to the new environment they will encounter with SLS and meet the giant 320-foot tall rocket’s enormous thrust requirements.

Today’s test fire will provide engineers with critical data on the engine’s new state-of-the-art controller unit—the “brain” of the engine, which allows communication between the vehicle and the engine itself, relaying commands to the engine and transmitting data back to the vehicle. The new controller also provides closed-loop management of the engine by regulating the thrust and fuel mixture ratio while monitoring the engine’s health and status, thanks to updated hardware and software configured to operate with the new SLS avionics architecture.


Today’s RS-25 test fire, the sixth in a seven-test series focusing on upgrades made to the engine to support the new requirements of NASA’s massive SLS rocket. Photo Credit: Alan Walters / AmericaSpace

“We’ve made modifications to the RS-25 to meet SLS specifications and will analyze and test a variety of conditions during the hot fire series,” said Steve Wofford after the first test fire earlier this year, manager of the SLS Liquid Engines Office at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., where the SLS Program is managed. “The engines for SLS will encounter colder liquid oxygen temperatures than shuttle; greater inlet pressure due to the taller core stage liquid oxygen tank and higher vehicle acceleration; and more nozzle heating due to the four-engine configuration and their position in-plane with the SLS booster exhaust nozzles.”


The RS-25 engine firing up on the A-1 test stand at Stennis Space Center Aug. 13. Photo Credit: Michael Galindo / AmericaSpace

For shuttle flights the engines pushed 491,000 pounds of thrust during launch—each—and shuttle required three to fly, but for SLS the power level was increased to 512,000 pounds of thrust per engine (more than 12 million horsepower). The SLS will require four to help launch the massive rocket and its payloads with a 70-metric-ton (77-ton) lift capacity that the initial SLS configuration promises.

Aerojet Rocketdyne and NASA currently have 16 RS-25 engines in inventory at Stennis—14 of which are veterans of numerous space shuttle missions. Aerojet Rocketdyne just recently finished assembly of the 16th engine (engine 2063), one of the space agency’s two “rookie” RS-25s. It will be one of four RS-25 engines that will be employed to power the SLS Exploration Mission-2 (EM-2), the second SLS launch currently targeted for the year 2021. All of the engines have already been assigned to their SLS flights.


“The engine that was tested today continues demonstration of the new controller’s functionality and the engine’s ability to perform to SLS requirements,” added Jim Paulsen, vice president, Program Execution, Advanced Space & Launch Programs at Aerojet Rocketdyne. “The new controller provides modern electronics, architecture and software. It will improve reliability and safety for the SLS crew as well as the ability to readily procure electronics for decades to come. We are conducting engine testing to ensure all 16 flight engines in our inventory meet flightworthiness requirements for SLS.”

Engine 0525 will carry out a total of seven test fires in this first series of tests and will fire for a grand total of 3,500 seconds, followed by another 10 test fires with another development engine, which will be put through its paces for a grand total of 4,500 seconds.

Known as the “Ferrari of rocket engines”, the RS-25 can handle temperatures as low as minus 400 degrees (where the propellants enter the engine) and as high as 6,000 degrees as the exhaust exits the combustion chamber where the propellants are burned.

To put the power of the Aerojet Rocketdyne-built RS-25 engines into perspective, consider this:

  • The fuel turbine on the RS-25’s high-pressure fuel turbopump is so powerful that if it were spinning an electrical generator instead of a pump, it could power 11 locomotives; 1,315 Toyota Prius cars; 1,231,519 iPads; lighting for 430 Major League baseball stadiums; or 9,844 miles of residential street lights—all the street lights in Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York City.
  • Pressure within the RS-25 is equivalent to the pressure a submarine experiences three miles beneath the ocean.
  • The four RS-25 engines on the SLS launch vehicle gobble propellant at the rate of 1,500 gallons per second. That’s enough to drain an average family-sized swimming pool in 60 seconds.
  • If the RS-25 were generating electricity instead of propelling rockets, it could provide twice the power needed to move all 10 existing Nimitz-class aircraft carriers at 30 knots.
“There is nothing in the world that compares to this engine,” added Paulsen. “It is great that we are able to adapt this advanced engine for what will be the world’s most powerful rocket to usher in a new space age.”

You aren't around...so I'll post it...

Sorry, I got hit with a double-whammy of sleepiness and a 10 hour power outage:angry:. What's the status of the SLS? I've noticed it still have budget problems, but Congress seems more interested in funding it and the Dragon capsule:

Clarifying NASA’s Budget Regarding Orion, SLS, and SpaceX / Boeing Commercial Crew « AmericaSpace

However its first launch date keeps getting pushed back. Any updates or additional info about the program's status?
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