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US Solider got half of his head blown off

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We have done more for world peace and global poverty than all the ME countries combined.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Has Bush been Africa's best friend?

And fret not about the money, we got plenty more. Just keep in mind not to piss off 'The Great Satan'.

Gambit,there are some people who will never realize the importance of greater good.I respect US for the courage it has shown since WW1 and WW2.Unfortunately,nobody looks at the sacrifice US makes for the world peace.China may be getting economically big but we have still to see global leadership like US.It is sad that so many people hate US ,they want US to solve all their problem and not only that want to get money too from US all the while cursing US.I salute the brave soldier and his mother.:usflag::usflag::usflag:
There goes that canard again. And there goes the Palestinians canard again...and again...and again...ad nauseum. It is funny that no equal burden is placed on the Arabs, the Iranians and the Palestinians themselves, especially when it is a fact, thru UNRWA, that the US is the most generous donor to the improvement of the Palestinians. Since when is it the responsibility of the US to 'END conflicts' anyway? Because we are the wealthiest? First you complain 'Who appointed US the global police?' Now you demand that we 'END conflicts' when the argument is rhetorically convenient for you. Sometimes to end conflicts the police may have to initiate a conflict. Ever consider that?

Obama himself promised to help end the issue. Now he is remaining silent; he has been in power long enough now to understand what is at stake here.

I agree that the Arabs need to get their acts together as well, as they are dis-united (nothing new with that).

you have the leverage to help solve the issue......U.S. being a primary aid and arms dealer to israeli can also help creation of an independent Palestinian state; so that the world can move on.

Like i said, it is stupid to bash America all the time. In Pakistan, I find myself defending America on certain things. But on this issue, I feel strongly that they have wasted a lot of money on useless wars that have had no success or benefit for your country. America's image and PR is not so good in front of many parts of the world.

America has done many generous things. Look how much they helped us during our 2005 earthquake. Kashmir/Pakistanis didnt forget that, though politics is clouding the minds of a lot of people.

admittedly, at times --- even my own :)
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This is **** for many here. The gorier the wound to any US soldier, the faster the fists pumps. The lust is disguised behind some incoherent rant about US foreign policy.

Gambit - you need to understand , when soliders are sent in there are casualties , but provided there is planning and goals

When the soliders are sent in with out any planning and sound logic , then someone has to take responsibiliy

If people are told they can't have health care because it cost 50-150 billion dollars , ok , ppl understand but when whole army goes to Afghanistan and Iraq and no one sees the cash ppl wonder k where did the 10 trillion dollaers went ?

These soliders come home , and they are suffering who who should fix these solider's life ? Me/You ... society

Whose fault is it the leaders who concluded things and went in??

If I was the leader , I would have listened to Taliban, who wanted to give up Bin Ladin provided he was tried under Afghan law, once he was in sight just negotiate a deal.

So why did people had to lose their limbs and lives over ?? for past 10 years?

The people who made these decisions are gone now NO ONE IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR

If you still thing there is some odd pleasure , in this I am sorry there is no such thing but at same time anyone with a head on their shoulders , would agree that its not fair ppl have to go to war which has no purpose.....

If some one can proof that , sheep hearders can threathen world power (well used to be world power) then sure I would understand but at present - its a shame - we see such images - quite shameful

We are more practical , we have fought the war closely with casualties so we understand the situation

Indians are just in it for

a) Making sure they keep getting the outsourcing jobs to India
You ask any American , and they will tell you , lost job as company opened office in
India, so where is the check on corporations who are exploiting Americans?
b) Indians are just interested in the nuclear deal

Pakistan and our soliders are paying with their lives in this war , and that is the bottom line , so if we see a US solider, we know also there must be Pakistani soliders who have very dangerous wounds ... And there is no denying that ...

And in the end - but we do ask , the logic , I mean why on god earth would anyone attack Afghanistan its a DESERT !!! ... no roads no sea port nothing ...


It could have given
a)Free medical system to US population
b)Landed a man on mars for US
c)Free University education for all americans
d)Tranined a generation of new soliders and improved soliders
e)Helped people locally who lost jobs going to India
f) could have build free energy solar power system for every home in USA

As far as I know the American political system is desigend to always have checks and balances , but were are those checks ?? Why is no one questioning things anymore ??

Just because the gov changed now no one is held responsible anymore ??
If you don't ask these question then these soliders have gone thur hell for no reason ..
becasue no one stands up for them , the insurance companies sure don't

What ever happned to the qualities that made US what it was ?
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Pakistan and our soliders are paying with their lives in this war , and that is the bottom line , so if we see a US solider, we know also there must be Pakistani soliders who have very dangerous wounds ... And there is no denying that ...

Its common sense

Well put.

Pakistan has paid a much bigger price. You can't even put a value on the huge price Pakistan has paid
Well put.

Pakistan has paid a much bigger price. You can't even put a value on the huge price Pakistan has paid

I mean just the other day I heard a breifing that almost 30,000 injuries/casualties on Pakistani side , in this on going war thats quite a heavy number in term of casualties , and serious injuries

What we got in return was , unpaid claims , and red tape on past owed amounts , that we need to provided to soliders who lost their lives or have serious injurie etc

Obviously there is anger on our end why things were done this way when intelligence on our side warned of what to expect ...

And its not just us American families , whose sons are coming home with injuries are super mad -
And how many threads here about the collapse of the US dollar?
What's so special there? Your own economist are talking about that, does it mean all of them are anti-US?

Or how about the prediction by some obscure Russian professor predicting the breakup of the US. An American aircraft crash is a cause for a new thread. Spare me.

Can you prove that with a link? When i posted such a thread?
I cannt take more pity on you for your fragile condition.
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We have done more for world peace and global poverty than all the ME countries combined.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Has Bush been Africa's best friend?

And fret not about the money, we got plenty more. Just keep in mind not to piss off 'The Great Satan'.

where in the hell does ME comes into this discussion ?? Did i mention ME in it or did i mention something else for comparison.

And yeah we know how this money is made up and from where it comes, i do hope we don't get into a fact posting competition, otherwise the reality of money and other figures would have been there for everyone to read and see how things are run.

Leave aside other things, the money you are bragging about isn't even your own govt's or its people, private individuals run the show and your govt is dependent on them.
We have done more for world peace and global poverty than all the ME countries combined.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Has Bush been Africa's best friend?

And fret not about the money, we got plenty more. Just keep in mind not to piss off 'The Great Satan'.

There are bundles of sad stories of US soldiers. In the video below, (x-US) soldiers are telling what really is happening, why are these wars being fought, that a common man doesn't know.

Curse on the policy makers both in Pakistan and US, and my utmost respect to the soldiers.

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:usflag: salute to the brave people in the video
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What? ? ?get out of here , the head is not even connected ...look how the other chickens are looking at the chicken , it makes no sense - it has no central nervous system

The chicken is alive because the brain stem, which controls basic body functions, is intact. But the chicken is not there anymore, whats left is not more than a mechanical body with reflexes, comparable to a brain dead guy on life support.

You can lose head and live and be able to move, provided the blood lost can be stopped and your brain stem and cerebellum remains intact. Losing the cerebral hemispheres will cause loss of memory and personality. I do not think the son can connect with his mother in that picture anymore like he used to, this to me is worse than death.

A more highly developed cerebral hemispheres is what separates us from other animals.

where in the hell does ME comes into this discussion ?? Did i mention ME in it or did i mention something else for comparison.
It is very much needed for comparison. When you make this kind of indictment...

1 trillion dollars wasted in these wars, could have removed poverty and done so much better for the peace and living standard of the people on this earth,...

It inevitably compel people to make comparisons so why not make it a comparison between US and the ME, a region perpetually volatile from religious conflicts?

And yeah we know how this money is made up and from where it comes, i do hope we don't get into a fact posting competition, otherwise the reality of money and other figures would have been there for everyone to read and see how things are run.

Leave aside other things, the money you are bragging about isn't even your own govt's or its people, private individuals run the show and your govt is dependent on them.
Ah...So you do admit that the US does give, and generously at that, to encourage world peace and reduce poverty. What difference does it make if it is from individuals, private organizations or the US government? Do you think the recipients of those aid really care? The indictment is implying that the US is doing nothing to contribute to the betterment of mankind. It is wrong and you know it is wrong. Confronted with the facts not to your liking you resort to tap dancing on their sources. The money issue is, and there is no better word for it, a canard. It serves as a convenient distraction from the fact that for each of all the problems in the world, there is someone other than US with greater culpability in that problem than you would care to admit, and if the second and third parties just happens to be muslims, then all blame should be on US.

And i don't thank, rather spit on the US and its govt.
It has been my observation and experience on many muslim dominated forums that while all professed to believe in freedom of expression, whenever a member of the admin staff begins to speak in this manner, the better course for the American is to pull the ejection handle. No accusations, just precaution. You boys have a good time masturbating over this American soldier's wound.

GAMBIT, Don't go away yet.

Just give me all of that Money and let me deal with your Security Issues.

Offering Guaranteed Solutions.
A lot. There are videos all over the internet showing how people were killed. Saddam was a dictator and a harsh one at that. He killed thousands and ill treated millions. Were they not muslims?

I accept a lot of people died/are dying now but at least they have ensured a great future. 20 years from now things would be completely different. Could you expect something nice in Saddam's rule?

Taliban never attacked Pakistan before, but it now is desperately after Pak, since Pak is now helping US in WoT. Does that mean Taliban was good? No. You wipe them out today. You'll have a great future.

To save millions, it is crucial to sacrifice thousands.

My friend, no body really liked Saddam.
However it is not a very simple matter that we conclude a golden future for Iraq now that he is gone.
Iraq did not have a democracy but they had sound infrastructure, health plan, education plans etc.

After first gulf war it mostly went down the drain but still they could have recovered, then the second war happened and broke the country into many factions and chaos reigned supreme, much of which could have been avoided...

The first war was Saddam's mistake and no doubt he is to be blamed for it.
However what happened after the first war is not something i can agree to as the best thing possible...

Leaving aside the WMD fiasco which in itself is a huge issue, the manner in which the Iraq reconstruction effort was dealt with was absolutely pathetic.
The experts like Gen Jay Garner which US had at its disposal were sidelined despite having a much better grasp of the job at hand, Bush and his close group really messed it up big time.

I suggest watching a very solid documentary called "No End In Sight", it has interviews with most of people involved in the post war scenario and is not filled with any conspiracy theory but facts alone.
How the US commanders in field could have saved some strategic locations but were only tasked to protect the oil ministry.
The chaos only spread when there was no law and order, the Iraqi museum which housed some of the most valuable artifacts in history was looted and pillaged despite the US commanders being contacted by concerned people who wanted to save the heritage of Iraq.

However these are small examples, the bigger blunder was how the Iraqi Army was treated, despite Jay Garner's sound plan to seek their support in post war reconstruction.

The US commanders wanted the Iraqi Army to maintain law and order and this was a very logical thing to do and fully backed by Gen Jay Garner in his capacity as the one overseeing the post war reconstruction.
A force of 500,000 Iraqis would have helped control the chaos and bring about normalcy and stability.
The officers of the Iraqi Army entered into talks with US commanders and everything was on track for a decent setup.
They were not Saddam Loyalists and were all sick of the past regime.
They would have been the best thing for those seeking reconstruction!

On may 11 Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) head was changed and Paul Bremer took over from Gen Jay Garner, a sad day indeed for Iraq since all sense was lost.
Mr. Paul Bremer without consulting the experts and many of those who mattered (as confirmed in the interviews) went ahead and disbanded the Iraqi Military within weeks, all were shocked and many were angered.
This led to the Insurgency because now hundreds of thousands of soldiers were out of job and forced to fend for themselves in the streets...this was not a mistake...it was a criminal negligence of the government of USA that allowed this to happen when its own experts did not agree to this step.
The US military was doing the right thing and all of a sudden they were sidelined and entire future of the Iraqi people was put in further jeopardy because Paul Bremer wanted to de Baathify Iraq...the human cost of this decision was of tragic proportions for all parties involved.

To serve the ego of few men like Paul Bremer, the lives of many Iraqis, aid workers, US military, UN etc. were thrown away.

I wish it was a sacrifice of thousands to save millions, it was simply not the case in the end due to certain villains who were allowed to get away with Murder.

I have great respect for Gen Jay Garner, his staff and many US (and UK) officers who were genuinely trying to stabilize the situation, however the political leadership which sidelined all the logic to satisfy its ego is inexcusable.
"whenever a member of the admin staff begins to speak in this manner, the better course for the American is to pull the ejection handle."

Concur. Color me gone. The thread was an utterly tasteless display. No American here would consider using a seriously wounded Pakistani soldier or citizen as a vehicle for a political rant. Nor should it have been permitted to exist beyond the first post.

Color me gone. The lowest snake slithering on its belly possesses more dignity than those here who'd participate in or permit such.

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