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US: Sikh Attacked, Called 'Osama's Brother'

why are you using the term INDIAN POLICE MAN, don't you know that sikh's themselves are in top position's in indian police and are serving as police commisioner's in various state's of the country , if some immature police guy does something what has it got to do with india or indian police.

He didn't post the video, neither did he say Indian Policeman. It was Raja.Pakistani who posted that video and wrote that. :disagree:

most of the australian's are jeolous about us because we are better than them in academics and most of the companie's in australia prefer indian student's hence they lose job's because of us,

And stop talking BS. Australia has produced more Nobel Laureates than India. Thats how dumb they are.
He didn't post the video, neither did he say Indian Policeman. It was Raja.Pakistani who posted that video and wrote that. :disagree:

And stop talking BS. Australia has produced more Nobel Laureates than India. Thats how dumb they are.
producing nobel laureates is one thing and having a talented , hardworking and cheap work force is another thing, every country has a set of intelligent people , even india does have good scientist's it is just that the central governement does not allocate enough fund's to the research sector in our buget's , otherwise even we would have had more nobel laureates, research is not done with empty hand's we need fund's and facilities.If that is the case why are the european and american companies outsourcing job's to india. and what do you think might be the reason for these racial attack's on indian's. don't forget that india is still a developing nation while australia is already a developed nation, and i used the word dumb to pakistani's not to australian's. these racial attack's were seen in recent year's and are concentrated toward's indian student's because of indian student's being given more preference by australian companies.

and sorry for the nalwa reply did not notice it.
if he was pakistani, there had been stream of people calling, jehadi, bigot, terrorist, mullah, extremist, religious nutjob, midveil, talibani, mozlum terrorist, 72 virgin seeker, pornographic mullah, pornistani, juice hater, antisemetic, suicidal mullah madrassah terrorist etc and god forbid what not???

He would have punched him back and given him a concussion- Yeah :lol:
most of the australian's are jeolous about us because we are better than them in academics and most of the companie's in australia prefer indian student's hence they lose job's because of us, same is the case in us and uk, while most of the 's are seen selling burgers and driving cab's in other nation's , they are considred to be dumn and untalented proffesionals. so it is better to get beaten up for being successful than being a al- qaeda or taliban recruit in western countrie's , to carry out jihadi attack's.We attract so much of tourism in our country as well , tell me how many tourist's visit your country , i guess tey don't want to get droned up or die in bomb blast.

ur talking abt ODD Jobs. AUS, UK , USA prefer their natioanity holders then any other
and what do you think might be the reason for these racial attack's on indian's. don't forget that india is still a developing nation while australia is already a developed nation, and i used the word dumb to pakistani's not to australian's. these racial attack's were seen in recent year's and are concentrated toward's indian student's because of indian student's being given more preference by australian companies.

They weren't racial attacks, international students are seen as soft target for street crimes. Thats what it was. And Indians alone don't have to deal with these thugs, every one else has to as well.

And about the highlighted bit, you couldn't be any further away from truth. Majority of the Indian students that come to Australia, aren't really your studious types. They are here to do courses like hair dressing and cookery. Am not going to talk about it any more in this thread cause its off topic.
They weren't racial attacks, international students are seen as soft target for street crimes. Thats what it was. And Indians alone don't have to deal with these thugs, every one else has to as well.

And about the highlighted bit, you couldn't be any further away from truth. Majority of the Indian students that come to Australia, aren't really your studious types. They are here to do courses like hair dressing and cookery. Am not going to talk about it any more in this thread cause its off topic.

i just noticed that your location is melbourne, sydney so you might knowing thing's better than me , i will buy your theory, so let's just close it here , as you said it is offtopic.
Hey Guys, when it comes to most of the west white people, they see all of us(Inidans, Pakistanis and Afghans) as one, they just do not see the good in each of us.
See the role of Pakistanis here after an inocent Sikh was attacked.

Well done Pakistanis your contribution to fight against racial discrimination will be makred by many overseas south asians.

Rather suporting sikhs, who are subject to racial discrimination because of muslim terrorists living in Pakistan these 'begairat' people are making fun of them.

Spineless cowards.
mistaken identity... Isolated incident.. I trust American Judiciary, They will definitely nab and punish the culprit... The Culprit too will feel ashamed after Knowing Mr singh's true identity...

A case of mistaken identity? By Mr.Singh's true identity you mean his being a Sikh as apposed to a Muslim? Do you see a problem with that?
Indians never tire of this. "We're so great because we're on top of every economic and social indicator". If I'm honest, I do not see this. Indians are no better off than any other ethnic group in the west. Economic indicators are usually based on what people answer over a survey, some phone ins.

For examples, according to one survey, Nigerians are THE most educated group in the US. Only it's obvious they're not when one speaks to one (not that they do badly either). This can be because of phone in surveys where the respondents with the best "economic indicators" are the biggest bs'ers as well.

From what I have observed an Indian getting beaten up would say "I'm Indian, look at him he's Muslim, go beat him up please". That is the spineless mentality I have observed and for sure some Pakistanis are like this, only nowhere near as many.

Let me get this straight. You would rather go by your own prejudices about certain communities than believe various studies or US census department figures. And do point a source for that Nigerian study. Havent heard of it ever.

And as I see it, I would rather educate my own countrymen about my community rather than form street gangs that bash up black dudes and red necks. I agree a Muslim victim of a hate crime didn't deserve it either but education is surely a better way than violence. the basic underlying thought that I see from your argument is that, "whats the big deal? Muslims face this everyday!" Its wrong in both cases even more so when a community that had nothing do with 9/11 gets the backlash for it.

The Sikhs do not fight it. They draw distinctions.. "We're not Muslim".

This is not fighting what you face. This is trying to pass the buck. Which is spineless.

Drawing factual distinctions isnt spineless in any way. Did you expect that old Sikh guy and fight his assaulter? Is that your criteria of courage? If I am innocent I would rather let everybody know than wait for somebody to hit me and then cry foul. Its a proactive preventive measure.
Some of the comments on this thread have truly disgusted me!

sure he was mistaken for a Muslim.... but your missing the bigger picture!
That man is a racist, racism in all forms is wrong.

When I was around 9 or 10 here in London, I had some racist jokes and name calling thrown at me (my neighbourhood was full of chavs), most of the racism was intended to Indians. I could have said..... 'ohh no, I'm not Indian, I'm Pakistani'
but instead I did the right thing...... I treated all racism as racism, whether it's against my people or some others.

Some comments here are saying that this guy's wrong doing was that he mistook a Sikh for a Muslim. His wrong doing is being a racist.
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