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US Should Not Give Leftover Weapons to Pakistan: Afghanistan


Sep 20, 2013
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Afghanistan says it would object if the United States decided to hand over surplus armored vehicles and other military equipment to Pakistan.

The Washington Post reported earlier this week that the Pentagon may give Pakistan some of the $7 billion worth of armored vehicles and other equipment it needs to dispose of now that the war in Afghanistan is ending.

Emal Faizi, Afghan President Hamid Karzai's spokesman said in an interview with VOA’s Afghan service that his country would oppose such a move.

"Afghan security forces need this type of equipment and that as a strategic partner, the U.S. needs to consult with Afghanistan before making such a decision." said Faizi.

The Post story says U.S. and Pakistani officials have been discussing the fate of the leftover military hardware that the United States does not want to pay to ship or fly home.

Retired Brigadier General Mahmood Shah, a Pakistani defense analyst, told the Afghan service that giving this hardware to Pakistan makes sense.

"The insurgency in Pakistan is more like the insurgency in Afghanistan in that improvised explosive devices have killed the most Pakistan security personnel. Having the armored equipment would help decrease casualties," said Shah.

Some defense analysts note what they say is Pakistan’s pressing need to acquire mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles and other types of weapons to fight the militancy; but, they say, if the United States does consider giving such equipment to Pakistan, then Pakistan's eastern neighbor, India, may join Afghanistan in raising objections.

US Should Not Give Leftover Weapons to Pakistan: Afghanistan
give it to afghanistan :mad:

dude the day USA leave Afghanistan you will see hamid Karzai and hi regime will be first to run .. Taliban will take over kandhar in few months mark my words . plus if USA leave this equipment for Afghan Army sooner or later it will be in talibans hand. you know many Afghan soldiers are Taliban sympathizers , they often kill USA and Nato soldiers . plus its highly possible that once USA leaves there will be civil war in Afghanistan like they were fighting in 90's , Tajik , uzbik , hazara and Pashtuns they will keep fighting for kandhar ..
so if Taliban gets those kind of weapon you can imagine how powerful they will become ..and morally they know that they first beat USSR and now USA and NATO , this withdrawal will be a good moral booster for fighters .
Afghanistan got pounded by 26 countries and they think they can dictate to anyone?

They can't even dictate to Cambodia.

They are the reason why our economy has slumped and not developed over the last 14 years. Their pathetic bitter way of thinking. Honestly sometimes I wonder why the world doesn't just nuke the f**k out of it and declare it a no go wasteland zone and be done with this miserable episode of history.
indian mouthpiece

Afghanistan says it would object if the United States decided to hand over surplus armored vehicles and other military equipment to Pakistan.

The Washington Post reported earlier this week that the Pentagon may give Pakistan some of the $7 billion worth of armored vehicles and other equipment it needs to dispose of now that the war in Afghanistan is ending.

Emal Faizi, Afghan President Hamid Karzai's spokesman said in an interview with VOA’s Afghan service that his country would oppose such a move.

"Afghan security forces need this type of equipment and that as a strategic partner, the U.S. needs to consult with Afghanistan before making such a decision." said Faizi.

The Post story says U.S. and Pakistani officials have been discussing the fate of the leftover military hardware that the United States does not want to pay to ship or fly home.

Retired Brigadier General Mahmood Shah, a Pakistani defense analyst, told the Afghan service that giving this hardware to Pakistan makes sense.

"The insurgency in Pakistan is more like the insurgency in Afghanistan in that improvised explosive devices have killed the most Pakistan security personnel. Having the armored equipment would help decrease casualties," said Shah.

Some defense analysts note what they say is Pakistan’s pressing need to acquire mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles and other types of weapons to fight the militancy; but, they say, if the United States does consider giving such equipment to Pakistan, then Pakistan's eastern neighbor, India, may join Afghanistan in raising objections.

US Should Not Give Leftover Weapons to Pakistan: Afghanistan
who cares what afghanistan thinks. judd vadday apas che gal kardeh hone, bachhe vichay nai bolde
[Karzai] The US should stop bombing Afghanistan because all the bad guys are in Pakistan. Bomb them and not us.

[US] We are going to drive a lot of our heavy equipment across the border to Pakistan so they can fight the bad guys better.

[Karzai] Hey don't give the equipment because we need it here to fight the bad guys more than they need them.

[US] WTF? Oh man we can't wait until your stupid @ss is gone.
Obama has spoken

[Karzai] The US should stop bombing Afghanistan because all the bad guys are in Pakistan. Bomb them and not us.

[US] We are going to drive a lot of our heavy equipment across the border to Pakistan so they can fight the bad guys better.

[Karzai] Hey don't give the equipment because we need it here to fight the bad guys more than they need them.

[US] WTF? Oh man we can't wait until your stupid @ss is gone.
He will probably take asylum in India after soldiers leave Afghanistan.
American never leave these gadgets for Afghans.
This is good for them, if even maintained these HiLux.
u mean to taliban :) , indirectly
who is going to rule Afghanistan after Americans leave? corrupt Dollar Hungry Karzai?

or taliban.. ?

[US] WTF? Oh man we can't wait until your stupid @ss is gone.
[Karzai] for the last time we are telling you, dont give your stuff away to the Paks... Or Else

[US] or else what?

[Karzai] or else I will be very sad and cry like a bitch to show you how sad I am

[US] oh I see.. come closer Karzai..

(Kazrai comes closer to US Commander...)

[US] a little bit more Karzai...

(US commander bitch slaps him which causes karzai to pee in his shalwar)

[US] you wanna cry now bitch? cry to me, its our equipment and we will do whatever we want, we will blow it up, give it to Paks or take it with us but we wont give it to your punk *** you shit faced, double dealing , corrupt to the core thankless asshole

[Karzai] (chocking) hey thats unfair, you calling me double dealing and corrupt asshole, Pakistanis are double dealing not me!!

[US] oh I am sorry you corrupt asshole did I hurt your feeling? you are secretly hosting pakistani taliban which we snatched from you not once and twice? you are a two faced swine you are
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