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U.S. should look at nuclear deal for Pakistan if militancy tackled-RAND report
By Myra MacDonaldJune 21, 2010

The United States should consider offering Pakistan a civilian nuclear deal in return for a real and verifiable commitment to eradicate all militant groups operating from its territory, a new report by the RAND Corporation says.

The report, by Seth Jones and Christine Fair, echoes a criticism often levelled at Pakistan that it is only willing to tackle those militant organisations which threaten it directly, while retaining links with groups like the Afghan Taliban and the Lashkar-e-Taiba which can be used to expand its influence in Afghanistan or against India. It argues that Washington needs to find a new mix of incentives and sanctions to convince Pakistan to abandon the use of militant groups as a foreign policy tool.

Its suggestion that Washington – which has already agreed a civilian nuclear deal with India – consider using the offer of a nuclear agreement with Pakistan as an incentive comes as China pursues its own plans to help Islamabad’s civilian nuclear sector.

“A key objective of U.S. policy must be to alter Pakistan’s strategic calculus and end its support to militant groups. Pakistan is unlikely to abandon militancy as a tool of foreign policy without a serious effort to alter its cost-benefit calculus. This requires the United States to clarify what its goals are, develop an international consensus on most (if not all) of these goals, and issue a clear demand to Pakistan regarding these objectives,” it says.

The report says that while Pakistan faces many difficulties in tackling militant groups on its border with Afghanistan or it its heartland Punjab province, ”Pakistan’s challenges are due as much to political will as to deficiencies in capability”.

Pakistan says it cannot tackle all militant groups at once and has complained about U.S. pressure to “do more” when its army is already taking heavy casualties fighting the Tehrik-e-Taliban-e-Pakistan (TTP) or Pakistani Taliban in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan.

The report, however, is unsparing in its assessment of what it sees as Pakistan’s different attitude to different militant groups.

“At least three types of militant groups receive state support. First are those groups that Pakistan cultivated as state assets and that remain state proxies, such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Mullah Mohammad Omar’s Taliban. In some cases, such as the 2010 capture of the Taliban’s second in command, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Pakistan has been willing to target selected members,” it says.

“A second group comprises militant groups, such as Jaish-e-Mohammad and Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami, that have a history of state patronage and have long served the state in Afghanistan and India. However, unlike Lashkar-e-Taiba or the Afghan Taliban, these groups developed important fissures that emerged after 2001 in response to Pakistan’s participation in the U.S.-led war on terrorism. Elements of Jaish-e-Mohammad, Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami, and other Deobandi militant groups were involved in attacks against President Musharraf, the army, ISI, and Pakistan’s civilian leadership. Some individuals from these Deobandi militant groups have also allied with the TTP. Even though elements of these groups have targeted the state, Pakistan has not opted to eliminate them. Rather, the strategy appears to be targeting only the individuals who threaten the state and deterring other group members from conducting attacks in Pakistan. These groups generally remain secure, perhaps because the state presumes that they may be useful at some point for pursuing Pakistan’s interests.”

“A third set of militants includes the TTP and elements of TNSM (Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi). In some cases, Pakistani government officials have provided support to militants in these organizations and negotiated peace deals … In other cases, such as in 2009 in South Waziristan and Swat, it has targeted them when they pose a threat to the Pakistan state.”

It argues that the United States must work with other countries, including China, to convince Pakistan to abandon support for all militant groups. Among the sanctions Washington could consider if this did not happen would be to include Pakistan on its list of state sponsors of terrorism, or applying economic sanctions and visa bans on specific individuals or organisations, rather than on the country as a whole.

At the same time, it must also come up with imaginative incentives. “Pakistan has come to view U.S. assistance as an entitlement. Therefore, offering more aid (as in the Kerry-Lugar-Berman legislation) is unlikely to persuade Pakistan to stop using militants as a tool of foreign policy.”

Among these incentives could be a criteria-based civilian nuclear deal for Pakistan, roughly modelled on the agreement with India. Under this deal, India agreed to separate its civil and military nuclear facilities and place its civil nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards in return for nuclear cooperation with the United States. Neither India nor Pakistan, which announced they had tested nuclear weapons in 1998, have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

“The explicit criteria could be tied to access to (disgraced Pakistani nuclear scientist) A. Q. Khan, greater visibility into Pakistan’s program, submission to safeguards, a strategic decision to abandon militancy as a tool of foreign and domestic policy, and empirically verifiable metrics in eliminating militant groups operating in and from Pakistan,” the report says. “Such a civilian nuclear deal could achieve the goals that Kerry-Lugar-Berman could not because it would offer Pakistan benefits that it actually values and that only the United States can meaningfully confer.”

It acknowledges that a nuclear deal would not be an easy sell in either Washington or in Islamabad, much less in Delhi.

But given President Barack Obama’s publicly stated desire to enlist China’s help in stabilising Pakistan, it will be interesting to see whether the two can find some convergence of interest – both on Pakistan’s civilian nuclear programme and on tackling militancy.

U.S. should look at nuclear deal for Pakistan if militancy tackled-RAND report | Pakistan: Now or Never?
We got China on our side why should we engage a nuclear deal with them..... :china: :pakistan:


this is again a strategy opted in their benefit, they will make us greedy, get us to cancel the current deal (which is being whispered of) with China (somehow) and then get us stranded in the middle of nowhere...

its better not to involve them in any nuclear deal and keep away as far as possible because they are better far away from us..

paying back for sacrifices made by the country can be paid off by other means too.....take an example of DEVELOPMENT,EDUCATION,etc..
We got China on our side why should we engage a nuclear deal with them..... :china: :pakistan:


this is again a strategy opted in their benefit, they will make us greedy, get us to cancel the current deal (which is being whispered of) with China (somehow) and then get us stranded in the middle of nowhere...

its better not to involve them in any nuclear deal and keep away as far as possible because they are better far away from us..

paying back for sacrifices made by the country can be paid off by other means too.....take an example of DEVELOPMENT,EDUCATION,etc..

because u.s got the 6th largest proven reserves of uranium and china 14th largest..just for the record..india got higher reserves than china..
because u.s got the 6th largest proven reserves of uranium and china 14th largest..just for the record..india got higher reserves than china..

Just for another record how many reserves Pak has??
Hint; according to USA Pak has more nukes n Fissile material.
Just for another record how many reserves Pak has??
Hint; according to USA Pak has more nukes n Fissile material.

Did you even bother to read his post? he said "u.s got the 6th largest proven reserves of uranium and china 14th largest."
you are referring to nukes n Fissile material one being the raw product the other being its processed form.
IMO..Pakistan shud give up its Nukes and in return the US shud compensate it with a Nuke deal...India can also support such deal by declaring it will never use Nuke against Nukeless Pak
“A key objective of U.S. policy must be to alter Pakistan’s strategic calculus and end its support to militant groups. Pakistan is unlikely to abandon militancy as a tool of foreign policy without a serious effort to alter its cost-benefit calculus.
Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...stan-says-rand-corporation.html#ixzz2Oc8xbdjP

First of all it will not work because of Pakistan's issue regarding Mlitancy!!!!!!!!!! Regardless of whom in the region...

“A second group comprises militant groups, such as Jaish-e-Mohammad and Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami, that have a history of state patronage and have long served the state in Afghanistan and India. However, unlike Lashkar-e-Taiba or the Afghan Taliban, these groups developed important fissures that emerged after 2001 in response to Pakistan’s participation in the U.S.-led war on terrorism. Elements of Jaish-e-Mohammad, Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami, and other Deobandi militant groups were involved in attacks against President Musharraf, the army, ISI, and Pakistan’s civilian leadership. Some individuals from these Deobandi militant groups have also allied with the TTP. Even though elements of these groups have targeted the state, Pakistan has not opted to eliminate them. Rather, the strategy appears to be targeting only the individuals who threaten the state and deterring other group members from conducting attacks in Pakistan. These groups generally remain secure, perhaps because the state presumes that they may be useful at some point for pursuing Pakistan’s interests.”

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...stan-says-rand-corporation.html#ixzz2Oc9lAeVf

Secondly, Pakistan thinks and only thinks that militancy is the only strategic value and holds on to it......

“A third set of militants includes the TTP and elements of TNSM (Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi). In some cases, Pakistani government officials have provided support to militants in these organizations and negotiated peace deals … In other cases, such as in 2009 in South Waziristan and Swat, it has targeted them when they pose a threat to the Pakistan state.”

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...stan-says-rand-corporation.html#ixzz2OcATbdfR

And finally, Pakistan plays with these lose cannons only for there strategy means, but neglects the negative side effect of there strategy planes.....

So, in conclusion, Pakistan has to fix itself so well, in order to be provided a cupcake that it's now seeking....
Reminds me of the carrot and the donkey case - nuclear deal is the carrot.

Which Pakistan already give ***** USA!

Today US now consider any nuclear or any kind of energy deal. It another MASSIVE FAILURE of US POLICY. US already failed in her policies from past 10 years. Now Pakistan start construction of Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline and other side CHINA provide full support. "US LOST THE GAME"
That nuclear deal is going to be like a puppet ... there will be so many strings attached ,Pakistan will be dancing to their tunes :lol:
Pakistan can not "give up" its nukes, however we can give them up your arse if you don't behave like a good boy.

IMO..Pakistan shud give up its Nukes and in return the US shud compensate it with a Nuke deal...India can also support such deal by declaring it will never use Nuke against Nukeless Pak
The RAND corporation is saying this, quite a surprising report coming from them.
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