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US ship involved in accident.

Of course they will not admit it.
US Navy and US "experts" will never admit that US Navy is unprofessional and US ships are lame. US Navy will never admit that US Navy's neglect is to blame for the collision between USS Fitzgerald and ACX Crystal.

It is relevant. It shows that US militarymen are still to large extent above the law in Japan. US military servicemen commited rape and received immunity. But sooner or later US rap ... oh I mean militarymen will be kicked out of Japan.

IMO he knows billion times more than you.

Blablabla bla pole bla bla bla Pole bla blabla
To you Indians it isn't. You people have a world record in wrecking ships.
You are going off-topic but the total number of Indian Navy personnel killed in all ship & sub accidents is less than the number of Pakistan Navy personnel killed in PNS Moawin fire alone.
Exclusive: U.S. warship stayed on deadly collision course despite warning - container ship captain

A U.S. warship struck by a container vessel in Japanese waters failed to respond to warning signals or take evasive action before a collision that killed seven of its crew, according to a report of the incident by the Philippine cargo ship's captain.

In the first detailed account from one of those directly involved, the cargo ship's captain said the ACX Crystal had signaled with flashing lights after the Fitzgerald "suddenly" steamed on to a course to cross its path.

Another focus of the probes has been the length of time it took the ACX Crystal to report the collision. The JCG says it was first notified at 2:25 a.m., nearly an hour after the accident.

In his report, the ACX Crystal's captain said there was "confusion" on his ship's bridge, and that it turned around and returned to the collision site after continuing for 6 nautical miles (11 km).

more information are surfacing now. however, the Americans are still not revealing their account.
Exclusive: U.S. warship stayed on deadly collision course despite warning - container ship captain

more information are surfacing now. however, the Americans are still not revealing their account.

First of all, this is not an account, this is a statement made from the captain of the cargoship to their boss (The Japanese Cargo Company)

Secondly, if this is the case, which actually made more confusion as to why the cargo ship turn starboard (right turn) to avoid the destroyer as the captain claimed, if the turn was made to avoid the Destroyer, they will need o turn Port to turn away from the traffic (Both ship would have to turn to port). And if a turn was made by human (to try and avoid the destroyer) and light was flashed, how the ship travelled further by 39 minutes and 11 KM before turning back. It is a common understanding that ship have to stop immediately after a collision. Not continue on with its course.

What the captain said does not make sense to both seamanship and the actual data the event took place. And because it does not actually quite suited and explained the data published, there are no other way to independently confirm what the captain said was correct, because it does not make sense.
First of all, this is not an account, this is a statement made from the captain of the cargoship to their boss (The Japanese Cargo Company)

This is an account of what happened onboard the Crystal. So, lets hope the American is going to reveal their account soon.

What the captain said does not make sense ...... because it does not make sense.

You know what else doesn't make sense? A agile multi-billion Destroyer operated by professionally trainer sailors with state of art radar, detection system, and avoidance system that can detect Crystal size ship hundreds miles away and still, somehow, managed to collide with it.
(...) however, the Americans are still not revealing their account.

Typical US lack of transparency.

You know what else doesn't make sense? A agile multi-billion Destroyer operated by professionally trainer sailors with state of art radar, detection system, and avoidance system that can detect Crystal size ship hundreds miles away and still, somehow, managed to collide with it.

USS Fitzgerald was not only agile, it was "proudly made in the USA with US craftsmanship" :lol:

Seven “professional” US sailors are dead, “cutting-edge” USS Fitzgerald is badly damaged, but some US “experts” claim that US Navy did nothing wrong.
Typical US lack of transparency.

USS Fitzgerald was not only agile, it was "proudly made in the USA with US craftsmanship" :lol:

Seven “professional” US sailors are dead, “cutting-edge” USS Fitzgerald is badly damaged, but some US “experts” claim that US Navy did nothing wrong.

Nobody is claiming the crew of the USS Fitzgerald didn't make a colossal mistake. It is also very possible that criminal negligence occurred on the part of the Fitzgerald. Considering the seven deaths heads will roll that can be guaranteed.

The objections I have and a few other members is the characterization that this incident means the US Navy is unprofessional and our ships are junk. The fact that you are gloating over the deaths of the sailors is strange and shows your immaturity. You are a disgusting person.

The mere fact the ship survived the collision shows how stout the ship is built. The fact the crew saved the ship also shows some measure of skill by the crew. The fact two men died attempting to rescue mates indicates character.

By your standard the Polish military is also incompetent. I believe your President was killed in an accident along with a bunch of high ranking officials.
This is an account of what happened onboard the Crystal. So, lets hope the American is going to reveal their account soon.

US would only release a report after all the necessary investigation is done, unlike what you and other people think, an investigation have to be back up by all facts, it's misleading and sometime counter-productive to release partial statement during an investigation.

It's the same everywhere, in US, Canada, Australia, UK or any civilization in the world, if you ask the police any information during an investigation, they won't release anything and say the investigation is ongoing.

You know what else doesn't make sense? A agile multi-billion Destroyer operated by professionally trainer sailors with state of art radar, detection system, and avoidance system that can detect Crystal size ship hundreds miles away and still, somehow, managed to collide with it.

Again, do you know why the two ship crashed? Cause I don't.

There are MILLIONS of scenario that can resulting in a billions dollar destroyer cannot avoid a oncoming cargo ship, some of them are pure negligence in the US part, like the lookout is asleep or they are partying 1 am??, and the crystal done everything right? some of the reason where both side are at fault (Both failed to notice each other or something), and some of the reason are purely the Crystal is at fault (They are on autopilot, did not post look out, or Crystal is overtaking Fitzgerald from the starboard) . Again, do bear in mind, radar and navigation aid can be turned off, and the ship could have rely on the look out. There are many factors that this can happen.

The problem is, the two things I mentioned is the iron rules of the Maritime Navigation. You turn port to avoid traffic, you stop when you have the crash. I cannot think of anything you can do beside the two action in a collision that would otherwise make sense. There are no other explanation as to why the captain did this if this is his account. You don't ever turn to starboard in a collision course, this is where the other ship is going, you turn starboard mean you will collide with the other ship even if they try to turn away (because they will turn port and you will hit the other ship's stern, and if they turn starboard as well, you will hit their bow.) And since there are no one injured in Crystal, if there were people in the pilot house, then why no one is doing anything immediately on the ship, and they have enough crew to deal with this and they don't actually need to tend to their injured, because there are none.

Nobody is claiming the crew of the USS Fitzgerald didn't make a colossal mistake. It is also very possible that criminal negligence occurred on the part of the Fitzgerald. Considering the seven deaths heads will roll that can be guaranteed.

The objections I have and a few other members is the characterization that this incident means the US Navy is unprofessional and our ships are junk. The fact that you are gloating over the deaths of the sailors is strange and shows your immaturity. You are a disgusting person.

The mere fact the ship survived the collision shows how stout the ship is built. The fact the crew saved the ship also shows some measure of skill by the crew. The fact two men died attempting to rescue mates indicates character.

By your standard the Polish military is also incompetent. I believe your President was killed in an accident along with a bunch of high ranking officials.

The Captain of Fitzgerald is responsible for the ship and crews, as I said in the beginning, the crash is an avoidable act and he has failed his duty of command, he is going to be relieved for sure. People died and he was asleep? Either his order to the OOD is not clear enough to not be able to wake him before this happen (Which is his fault), or the OOD does not do his job he was assigned to (which is to wake him if they are close passing traffic) and that would be the Captain fault as well because it is about training of the OOD.

The problem here is the liability of the incident. It's not the same as to failure to avoid a collision. Because at sea, if both side follow all the rules, nobody is ever going to crash on each other, meaning if a crash happened, both side is at fault and should be equally blamed for the crash. That's a given. However, as to who cause this crash, that is debatable. For the family of the US sailor, they need to know why the crash happened. Yes, the Captain would very likely to be charged by UCMJ for dereliction of duty, but that's not the answer for their family, they will need to know the full account on the incident.

If they think this is unprofessional, than that's their problem
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USS Fitzgerald was not only agile, it was "proudly made in the USA with US craftsmanship" :lol:

Seven “professional” US sailors are dead, “cutting-edge” USS Fitzgerald is badly damaged, but some US “experts” claim that US Navy did nothing wrong.

Out of my way.... It's America first. :usflag: IT'S AMERICA FIRST...:usflag: .......CRASH !
Well, I suppose the poor quality of US ships is why the 2 major units of the Polish navy are ... ex US Perry class.

I put a question mark there because I've not seen official reports making statements about the presence or absence of a bridgewatch on Fitzgerald. There has been no report yet of equipment malfunction, or of equipment not being used or not being monitored. Likewise for the AIS data (the usefullness was alrteady explained above).

You can claim all you want but that doesn't make it fact and the reliability of any Japanese Coast Guard investigation finding is a million times better then your opinions and splitsecond judgements on - to say the least - partial data.

To pretend that the RT article that was referenced somehow proves Fitzgerald is at fault is simply rediculous, esp. because in fact it provides more conclusive and damning statements regarding ACX Crystal.

To detect anything by radar, there systems need to be switched on:
  • AN/SPY-1D 3D Radar
  • AN/SPS-67(V)2 Surface Search Radar
  • AN/SPS-73(V)12 Surface Search Radar
Can anyone tell me why Fitzgerald would have the long range AN/SPY-1D up and running, considering what it is for, where the ship was sailing at the time of the accident and it being peace time?

The SPS-67(V)3 is a C-Band 280KW radar providing surface and air surveillance, and navigation function capabilities. In the Aegis Destroyer, the SPS-67 provides priority targets designation to the Gun Weapon System in support of the SPY-1.
Since during peacetime off the Japanese coast there was no need to designate surface targets, this radar may well have remained switched off.

Leaves the AN/SPS-73 navigation radar

Was it reported to be in use and monitored or not?
what about sonars ? wont military ships also use that for detecting objects around them?

US would only release a report after all the necessary investigation is done, unlike what you and other people think, an investigation have to be back up by all facts, it's misleading and sometime counter-productive to release partial statement during an investigation.

It's the same everywhere, in US, Canada, Australia, UK or any civilization in the world, if you ask the police any information during an investigation, they won't release anything and say the investigation is ongoing.

well in a week is anniversary of the flight 655 shutdown and after that lost all trust in US Navy investigation reports.
they faked evidence , they faked ships , they faked their location , they wiped an island of the map in their reports , they even faked iff signals. and they hailed a civilian airplane on military frequency and called it as unknown and hostile airplane without even calling it by it's transponder .
and at the end when every single of their claims proven wrong they come out and said it was scenario fulfillment.
well in a week is anniversary of the flight 655 shutdown and after that lost all trust in US Navy investigation reports.
they faked evidence , they faked ships , they faked their location , they wiped an island of the map in their reports , they even faked iff signals. and they hailed a civilian airplane on military frequency and called it as unknown and hostile airplane without even calling it by it's transponder .
and at the end when every single of their claims proven wrong they come out and said it was scenario fulfillment.

A.) The situation is different, one is a Cruiser attack an Aircraft that intention remain uncleared during COMBAT CONDITION. I don't know what you mean by "Proven False" the ship was engaging with Iranian Gunboat at that time, and the precursor of the Cruiser reaction is the gunboat attacking the helicopter launched by Vincennes. Which is according to the RoE at that time justified an pursuit to safe guard the US Force under the Captain Command.

The report also said the TAO or the technician operating the AEGIS system have left the tab on Bandar Abbas, thus picked up both the Airbus and F-14 that were ready to launch at that time, which the report have admitted was a mistake.

I don't know what you mean by the wiping the whole islands off their report.

And according to the RoE at that time, the Cruiser are not required to contact the aircraft via Transponder Squawk.

As for the Scenario Fulfilment, if you have once look at the clock and think you are time to go home from work but actually it wasn't, that's scenario fulfilment, I have a few of these episode myself, especially if you are stressed, I don't know what do you mean by "faking it" unless you are calling this does not exist.

And in the end, the report have heavily criticized the RoE for which the power given to combat commander at the time, and the RoE was amended afterward, we are no longer using that RoE since Gulf War. and today RoE is another upgraded version that refined from that RoE

Also need to point out is that Iran have probably equal if not more responsibility in this shoot down, they know the aircraft, from its flight path and latest development that Flight 655, is almost certainly go over a combat zone, and they did not warn the crew of 655, Flight 655 left Bandar Abbas at 1017Z.The fight between Vincennes and Irani Gun boat started as early as 0942z, basically for 30 minutes, they (Iranian ATC) does not notice the crew for Flight 655 of entering possible combat zone.

The report is comprehensive, you choose not to believe it.

B.) This is for a destroyer hit by a cargo ship in peace time, at night, where the cargo ship have obvious fault to begin with. And for this to get to the bottom of the incident, anything said before a comprehensive report is issued is hearsay.
This is an account of what happened onboard the Crystal. So, lets hope the American is going to reveal their account soon.

You know what else doesn't make sense? A agile multi-billion Destroyer operated by professionally trainer sailors with state of art radar, detection system, and avoidance system that can detect Crystal size ship hundreds miles away and still, somehow, managed to collide with it.
US military personnel and sailor are never professional in the first place. They are worst than Somalia militant. This proves US sailor from deckman to captain are a bunch of cowboys.

You are all fool by American fanciful hollywood marketing. Thinking USN is always the best. This incident clearly proves otherwise. I am sure, this account by the Crystal captain is true. No sane people will dare to spew fake account and get sue by USN.

I am sure when the time of collision. The bridge on watch is playing cards or drinking... US soldier has history of poor discipline and manner.
what about sonars ? wont military ships also use that for detecting objects around them?
I suppose they could but the question would again be why would the Fitzgerald be running the sonar when they are this close to friendly Japanese shores.


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