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US Sheltering Mullah FM and TTP Terrorists

Because our soldiers and civilians are being killed not their civilians and soldiers.
Sure, but if you then justify unilateral military action in another nation's territory, then you should not oppose unilateral US, Afghan, Indian military operations in Pakistani territory - who will determine whether or not the justifications given for such military operations in another nation are valid?

If you do want Pakistan to be able to retaliate against insurgents attacking civilians and troops inside Pakistan, go to the UN and ask for the UN mandate for ISAF operations in Afghanistan to be extended to allow Pakistani forces to act against insurgents in Afghanistan.

---------- Post added at 10:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 AM ----------

why do we have Nukes ... ????? i say use them here

And is that exactly not what the Bush Neo-Con's say about some parts of the Muslim World?

Where is the international legal justification/authorization for military operations in another nation's territory?

As I said, if these attacks are becoming worse, we should go to the UN and ask for Pakistan to be allowed to conduct operations in Afghanistan in support of ISAF against the Taliban.
14 militants, 9 soldiers killed in border battle

Nine soldiers and 14 insurgents were killed in a clash after a raid on hideout near Afghan border.
Paramilitary forces raided a militant hideout near Afghan border Monday, sparking fighting, officials said.
Clashes are common in the area, but the death toll from the fighting Monday was unusually high.

The raid took place in Akka Khel village in the Khyber tribal area, said Farooq Khan, a senior local government official.
Pakistan army spokesman Maj. Gen. Athar Abbas confirmed the number of soldiers killed and said they were from the paramilitary Frontier Corps, which is mainly used to fight in the northwest.

Another military official said helicopter gunships were called in to support the troops after the fighting escalated. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to talk to reporters.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-14 militants, 9 soldiers killed in border battle...
thats wat make me confused , why airforce doesnt take any action against these type of attacks?
So how does
Pakistan urges Afghan action against Maulvi Fazlullah

US Sheltering Mullah FM and TTP Terrorists

Maulvi Fazlullah, the head of a Taliban faction in Pakistan`s Swat Valley, was reportedly killed along with six of his comrades in the Barg Matal district of Afghanistan`s Nuristan province, which lies close to the border with Pakistan, said Mohammad Zaman Mamozai, chief of the Afghan border force for the eastern region.

"Maulvi Fazlullah was killed in direct clash with Afghan border police...last night," he said.

He did not have further details. The Afghan Taliban have confirmed the fighting, but insist no foreign militants were involved.

The news of Fazlullah`s death comes after reports of several days of clashes between Afghan forces and militants in Barg Matal

Fazlullah killed in clash with border police; Maulvi Faqir denied - PakTribune

You can debate wether they killed him or not but they certainly are going after him, to claim he is being sheltered based on the article quoted is disapointing.
I think American interested that Pakistan will do with US that what Pakistan did with Rooos!
Pakistanis are trying to equate their sheltering of haqqanis to situation in kunar and nuristan where mullah fazlullah is hiding.Now lets compare both-
haqqanis are sheltered all these years without pak army taking action against them even once,Not to mention the popular support to afghan taliban in pakistan.
And in kunar and nuristan nato outposts were repeatedly attacked by taliban to such an extend that retaining those posts were impossible.The area itself is a taliban hotbed with 96% pashtun population (where taliban could easily blend in).Mullah fazlullah along with afghan taliban captured nato posts in nuristan after killing U.S and afghan soldiers.Attempts to recapture that area is not done only because it will be too costly to maintain the posts in such a far off area with significant taliban presence.Yet there are occassional NATO/ANA actions in that areas and Mullah fazlullah was considered killed in one such attack(but later it was found that he survived the attack with wounds).
Afghan, US forces launch offensive in Kunar - The Long War Journal

4 NATO Troops, 10 Insurgents Killed in Afghanistan | South Asia | English

Kidnapped boys saga: NATO trains its sights on TTP hideouts in Afghanistan – The Express Tribune
First its not Americans job to protect Pakistan its Pakistan Defense forces job second its not Americans border they came there to attack and destroy AL Qaeda and if the Americans can travel 1000s of miles to protect there country i cant see why our army is hidding behind so called policy.

The UN Counter Terrorism Committee, under the Security Council resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1624 (2005) helps United Nations Member States in preventing terrorist acts both within their borders and across regions. It is a responsibility of nations to ensure that their borders (or any region inside their country) are not being used by terrorist groups, & actions are being taken against them.
Afghan Talibans can help ISI for such types of operations (who knows they already working on this). Mullah Umer already disowned TTP and Fazlullah group.

There are a lot of pakistani members in this forum having the openion that once nato leaves afghanistan and afghan taliban regain the power,everything will be fine for pakistan.But what happened here is exact opposite.Nato left the posts in kunar and nuristan etc and ttp leaders are hiding there(and occassionally launching attack from there)with no afghan taliban stopping them.Considering the influence of afghan taliban in these areas after nato withrdawal (having 95-97% pashtun population),ttp leaders are probably sheltered by afghan taliban..
Well if I were the US/Afghans I would do the same considering my request to Pakistan to hunt down the Haqqanis are being constantly being rejected on the grounds that the Haqqanis don't harm Pakistan. Mullah Radio doesnt harm Afghanistan either.

Once they have that pacified and under control, then they can talk about 'North Waziristan'.

What is the guarentee that you (Pak) will take action against Haqqanis after Kunar/Nuristan are pacified and under control.

Pakistanis are not exactly considered the paragons of trust.
Well if I were the US/Afghans I would do the same considering my request to Pakistan to hunt down the Haqqanis are being constantly being rejected on the grounds that the Haqqanis don't harm Pakistan. Mullah Radio doesnt harm Afghanistan either.
Given that during that entire time Pakistan was not consulted on the regime in Kabul, and the Afghans continued claiming Pakistani territory by rejecting the Durand Agreement, and the US and Afghans kept sheltering Baluch terrorists, including terrorist leader Brahamdegh Bugti (who was recently facilitated by the US/Afghans in escaping to Switzerland for asylum), why should Pakistan have acted against the Haqqanis, if indeed they have such a significant presence in NW?
What is the guarentee that you (Pak) will take action against Haqqanis after Kunar/Nuristan are pacified and under control.
What is the guarantee that the US/Afghans will not continue to shelter terrorists such as the Baluch groups, Bugti, TTP, Mullah FM and company?

---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:05 PM ----------

Fazlullah in Afghanistan

THE military has made perhaps its most concrete statement yet about the cross-border attacks it has been battling since this summer. It has pinpointed Maulana Fazlullah of Swat, the infamous Mullah Radio, as being at least one of the commanders behind the series of raids from eastern Afghanistan that have taken the lives of dozens of Pakistani soldiers in areas in the northwest such as Dir and Chitral. For one, this lays bare claims by the army and the civilian leadership that the Swat Taliban had been defeated as a result of the operation there in 2009. And if Fazlullah really had been critically wounded, as the military had claimed, he was clearly able to find the medical attention needed to regain enough strength to pull together a large force of men and launch attacks. Fears after that operation that the Swat Taliban’s senior leadership was intact and had simply been squeezed out of Malakand, retaining the capacity to retaliate later, now seem to have been well-founded. But the scale of the attacks implies that more than just the leadership has escaped; some of these raids have reportedly been carried out by groups that number in the hundreds.

The implications for regional cooperation on security issues are also troubling. Pakistan’s requests that the Isaf and Afghan leaderships take action against Pakistani Taliban who have found safe havens in Afghanistan now simply mirror demands from the latter that Pakistan go after Afghan Taliban operatives in Fata and Balochistan.
Where, then, will these mutual accusations lead? Is the failure to go after Fazlullah and others a deliberate one, a pressure tactic to encourage Pakistan to dismantle Afghan Taliban safe havens on this side of the border? If so, it has not succeeded yet. And against the backdrop of disturbing news from the Afghan battlefield, a pending US troop withdrawal, and an already worrying domestic security situation, what will make Pakistan respond to Isaf and Afghan demands?

Whatever the answers, the current do-nothing approach of all players doesn’t seem to be solving the problem. Instead, it might simply be causing them to dig their heels in further. Given their recognition of the costs of the existing operations in Afghanistan and Fata, the situation is unlikely to result in a full-blown war. But the recent tensions over the Haqqani network and Burhanuddin Rabbani’s assassination shows how destructive such issues can be, and unless these three stakeholders can find a way to at least partially meet each other’s demands, the future course of their relationship is unlikely to improve significantly.

Fazlullah in Afghanistan | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
Pakistanis are trying to equate their sheltering of haqqanis to situation in kunar and nuristan where mullah fazlullah is hiding.Now lets compare both-
haqqanis are sheltered all these years without pak army taking action against them even once,Not to mention the popular support to afghan taliban in pakistan.
And in kunar and nuristan nato outposts were repeatedly attacked by taliban to such an extend that retaining those posts were impossible.The area itself is a taliban hotbed with 96% pashtun population (where taliban could easily blend in).Mullah fazlullah along with afghan taliban captured nato posts in nuristan after killing U.S and afghan soldiers.Attempts to recapture that area is not done only because it will be too costly to maintain the posts in such a far off area with significant taliban presence.Yet there are occassional NATO/ANA actions in that areas and Mullah fazlullah was considered killed in one such attack(but later it was found that he survived the attack with wounds).
Afghan, US forces launch offensive in Kunar - The Long War Journal

4 NATO Troops, 10 Insurgents Killed in Afghanistan | South Asia | English

Kidnapped boys saga: NATO trains its sights on TTP hideouts in Afghanistan – The Express Tribune

Whatever the US claims to have done is absolutely inconsequential, as seen by the numerous attacks launched into Pakistan from Eastern Afghanistan by groups of hundreds of terrorists - these attacks and reports are discussed in the following thread, and the first post of that thread has links to other terrorist attacks out of Afghanistan.

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