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US senators visit onetime al-Qaida stronghold in Pakistan


May 17, 2015
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ISLAMABAD (AP) — A U.S. Senate delegation paid a rare visit Sunday to a tribal region along the Afghanistan border that has long been considered a stronghold of al-Qaida, the Taliban and other insurgents.

The delegation led by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. and chairman of the Armed Services Committee, visited the North Waziristan tribal region, a statement from Pakistan's Foreign Office said. McCain posted pictures on his Twitter account of the delegation visiting Pakistani helicopter pilots at an air base in Miram Shah.

Foreigners are largely banned from the tribal region, where Pakistan has been waging a military offensive to root out insurgents for two years. The U.S. frequently carries out drone strikes in the region targeting Taliban and al-Qaida leaders.

The U.S. and Pakistan have had fraught relations in recent years, with U.S. officials and many analysts accusing Pakistan of turning a blind eye to some insurgents, including the Afghan Taliban. Pakistan has been critical of the U.S. drone campaign, which has killed scores of civilians over the years.

"We look forward to closer relations and resolving the differences we have," McCain told Pakistan's state-run TV after meeting with army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif and Sartaj Aziz, the prime minister's top foreign affairs adviser.

McCain added that he was "very impressed" with the progress in North Waziristan.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap...-Qaida-stronghold-Pakistan.html#ixzz4DNVkPwdp
Try to avoid using dailymail as a source, they're as reliable as Fox News, meaning not very.
ISLAMABAD (AP) — A U.S. Senate delegation paid a rare visit Sunday to a tribal region along the Afghanistan border that has long been considered a stronghold of al-Qaida, the Taliban and other insurgents.

The delegation led by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. and chairman of the Armed Services Committee, visited the North Waziristan tribal region, a statement from Pakistan's Foreign Office said. McCain posted pictures on his Twitter account of the delegation visiting Pakistani helicopter pilots at an air base in Miram Shah.

This might go a long way in getting that F-16 issue settled for Pakistan. The Congress and the House, both have huge Republican influence right now. Having Sen. McCain in Pakistan, would help to establish a more logical viewpoint among the US lawmakers, and might result in softening their stance on the F-16 issue.
Try to avoid using dailymail as a source, they're as reliable as Fox News, meaning not very.
Check Sen McCain official twitter account he got quite a few pics of Miran shah .there is one pic by winjammer at operation in FaTa fold .

This might go a long way in getting that F-16 issue settled for Pakistan. The Congress and the House, both have huge Republican influence right now. Having Sen. McCain in Pakistan, would help to establish a more logical viewpoint among the US lawmakers, and might result in softening their stance on the F-16 issue.
Looks like it we will get those jets on FMF price .
John McCain's twitter has those mentioned photos. so the source is correct in this case
I'm not questioning that, I'm saying to be careful with posting dailymail articles, they're known for twisting the truth to suit their own racist agenda.

I thought that UK's sources are good..
Not dailymail or sky news, both are shity. BBC tends to be one of the bests sources you can use in general.
I'm not questioning that, I'm saying to be careful with posting dailymail articles, they're known for twisting the truth to suit their own racist agenda.

Not dailymail or sky news, both are shity. BBC tends to be one of the bests sources you can use in general.
the bbc the guradian the independant, financail times, the telegraph, and itv news are good papers. the bbc is funded by the people so theirs no advertisiments.

you should avoid the daily mail, sun, mirror, daily star and the express
Too early to tell.......its a wait and see game. A lot of minds in the Republican controlled house have to be changed, for this to go through.

I don't get why the PAF is so keen on these F-16s. The amount (a couple of hundred mil USD) has some other good uses too (within the PAF sphere) --- this has been discussed a lot in another thread so won't go into details here.

the bbc the guradian the independant, financail times, the telegraph, and itv news are good papers. the bbc is funded by the people so theirs no advertisiments.

you should avoid the daily mail, sun, mirror, daily star and the express

Spot on. Telegraph/Guardian/Independent tend to publish stuff that eve the BBC doesn't always (i.e. articles highly critical of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, etc.).
I don't get why the PAF is so keen on these F-16s. The amount (a couple of hundred mil USD) has some other good uses too (within the PAF sphere) --- this has been discussed a lot in another thread so won't go into details here..

The F-16 offers a turn-key solution. The PAF pilots don't even need training for it. They fly it away and theoretically can refuel in Pakistan, load weapons and go straight to a mission. There is something to be said about this sort of immediate integration. Add the support structure, tactics and existing weapons (and all very familiar to the PAF), that's the key and the benefits. And its already plugged into Pakistan's own net-centric system.

Now add the FMS sweet syrup on top of it. There is no other weapons system for Pakistan that beats this entire package. The JFT is now delivering block II and any other platform (Russian or Chinese), would require a few years worth of training, integration, familiarization, tactics development, etc, etc. Which then means why not wait for the JFT block III (which might be similar to FC-20 in offerings).
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Spot on. Telegraph/Guardian/Independent tend to publish stuff that eve the BBC doesn't always (i.e. articles highly critical of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, etc.).
yes indeed they tend to stay away from israel but if its somthing big then they do tend to make it pro palistine as in most cases they are seen as the victim.a lot of people in the uk are anti israel and the bbc is funded by the public and they they say things which is wrong an in favour of israel then some one will be sacked. the bbc's left wing views are stil there from the brown, blair era.
yes indeed they tend to stay away from israel but if its somthing big then they do tend to make it pro palistine as in most cases they are seen as the victim.a lot of people in the uk are anti israel and the bbc is funded by the public and they they say things which is wrong an in favour of israel then some one will be sacked. the bbc's left wing views are stil there from the brown, blair era.


The F-16 offers a turn-key solution. The PAF pilots don't even need training for it. They fly it away and theoretically can refuel in Pakistan, load weapons and go straight to a mission. There is something to be said about this sort of immediate integration. Add the support structure, tactics and existing weapons (and all very familiar to the PAF), that's the key and the benefits. And its already plugged into Pakistan's own net-centric system.

Now add the FMS sweet syrup on top of it. There is no other weapons system for Pakistan that beats this entire package. The JFT is now delivering block II and any other platform (Russian or Chinese), would require a few years worth of training, integration, familiarization, tactics development, etc, etc. Which then means why not wait for the JFT block III (which might be similar to FC-20 in offerings).

You raise good points! But let's not get into the details & pros/cons of the available options (which range from R&D to other fighter jet programs, etc.) because these variables are discussed in detail in another thread.
After the briefings given to the visitors and having seen the images of pre-and post strikes by the PAF, they know well that it's in America's own interest to supply those F-16s.



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