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US Senate Votes to Cripple Iran Oil Exports


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U.S. Senate Backs Sanctions Intended to Cripple Iran Oil Exports

December 01, 2011, 9:31 PM EST

By Indira A.R. Lakshmanan and Asjylyn Loder

Dec. 1 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Senate today unanimously approved a measure to sanction foreign financial institutions that do business with the Central Bank of Iran, a move aimed at reducing the number of countries able to buy Iranian crude oil.

The measure, if enacted into law, would make it more difficult for Iran to get paid for oil sold to foreign buyers. It gives the Obama administration power to bar foreign financial institutions that do business with the Central Bank of Iran from having correspondent accounts in the U.S.

The amendment to the 2012 defense authorization bill, which sets Pentagon policy and spending targets for the fiscal year that started Oct. 1, was sponsored by Senators Mark Kirk, an Illinois Republican, and Robert Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat. It passed by a vote of 100-0.

The Obama administration opposes the amendment on the grounds that, by threatening oil supplies for key Asian and European partners, the move may fracture the international coalition behind coordinated sanctions on Iran and send the price of oil soaring.

“There’s absolutely a risk that, in fact, the price of oil would go up, which would mean that Iran would, in fact, have more money to fuel its nuclear ambitions, not less,” Undersecretary of State Wendy Sherman told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The full Senate is expected to vote on the defense bill later today. The House and Senate will need to negotiate a final bill that would go to President Barack Obama for his signature.

Pressure on Nuclear Program

The aim of the sanctions measure is to deprive Iran of its main source of revenue and thereby force the regime to abandon nuclear weapons work. On Nov. 8, a United Nations atomic inspectors report cited examples of clandestine weapons work, which Iran denied.

The Central Bank of Iran is a vital intermediary for purchasers of Iranian crude because existing sanctions against the Persian Gulf country have so constrained Iran’s ability to use the international financial sector to settle oil trades, said Mark Dubowitz, director of the Iran Energy Project at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington.

Oil is Iran’s main source of income, supplying over 50 percent of the national budget, according to International Monetary Fund figures. Oil provided the Islamic state $56 billion in the first seven months of 2011, according to the U.S. Energy Department. Oil prices have increased 9.7 percent this year to close at $100.20 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

U.S. Undersecretary of Treasury David Cohen testified before the same panel that taking unilateral U.S. action against the central bank is likely to undermine sanctions support that the U.S. has garnered from international partners over the last three years.

EU Action

The European Union today added 180 Iranian officials and companies to a blacklist and debated further measures. On Nov. 21, the U.K., Canada and the U.S. announced new measures, including Britain’s sanctioning of Iran’s financial system.

The top refiners of Iranian oil are China, Japan, India, Italy and South Korea, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

While China has supported four rounds of UN sanctions, leaders in Beijing as well as a number of U.S. allies in Asia and Europe who buy Iranian oil have resisted targeting Iran’s energy products.

“Greece has a certain number of reservations” about an oil cutoff, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe told reporters at an EU foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels today. “We have to take account of them and work with the different partners so that the interruption of Iranian deliveries can be offset by higher production in other countries,” he said.

International Coalition

Coordinated action with allies and partners is better than unilateral U.S. action, Cohen suggested. “It is imperative that we act in a way that does not threaten to fracture the international coalition” and “does not inadvertently redound to Iran’s economic benefit,” Cohen testified.

Iran pumped 3.6 million barrels a day last month, a Bloomberg survey showed, and exported an average 2.58 million barrels a day in 2010, according to Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries statistics.

The Senate measure would go into effect July 1 if included in final legislation signed by Obama. The measure would permit the president to waive sanctions for national security reasons or because of insufficient oil supply to replace Iran’s crude.

The timing would allow the market to adapt while rising production from Libya and Iraq helps European refiners offset the loss of Iranian crude, Kirk said in a telephone interview today.

Adjustment Period

“We intentionally put a delay in the language so markets could adjust,” he said.

Iran is the second-largest oil producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries after Saudi Arabia. About 15.5 million barrels of oil a day, about a sixth of global consumption, flows through the Strait of Hormuz between Iran and Oman, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

The Obama administration has imposed numerous restrictions on Iran aimed at cutting off financing, shipping and insurance for Iranian banks and enterprises it accuses of illicit activities.

U.S. Senate Backs Sanctions Intended to Cripple Iran Oil Exports - Businessweek
This is a prime example of American Arrogance enforcing its hegemony over rest of the World. This approach might actually backfire and hurt American interests instead.
So America has given up on the North Korean nukes then? :no:

This just tells Iran, once you have nukes then you no longer need to worry.

It is America who is guaranteeing Iran's path to nuclear weapons, by invading the country on their left (Iraq), by invading the country on their right (Afghanistan)... and then letting North Korea go scott-free after countless provocations.

America pushed them into a corner, where the only escape route was to develop nuclear weapons. What else did you expect them to do?
We just own the oceans including your beloved India Ocean and can sink any oil tankers leaving Iran.

No one owns the oceans.its free for everybody.you can but you`ll face the consequences from other countries
Thanks for giving China and India a 100% guaranteed way to buy oil, and thanks for giving Iran the motivation to trade its oil not for USD, but for hard currency like gold, food, weapons, technical assistance and engineering projects. Way to go US!

So I heard Iran set up an oil for gold market recently, does that have anything to do with the fact that US bond sales are failing? :lol:
No one owns the oceans.its free for everybody.you can but you`ll face the consequences from other countries

What consequences you are talking about? You are just like the typical Indians, big talk and no action, full of hot air.
Iranians are smart and they will find a way around it. US economy is going down by the day and EU is on the verge of collapse. Iranian nation on the other hand is one of the least indebted countries of the world with a growing economy and the world's fastest growth rate in science and technology. Such childish sanctions will get US no where. Last year when they were about to embargo Iran's import of refined fuel, US was saying that Iran will collapse as they do not have enough fuel making capacity. One and a half year has passed and nothing happened. Iran only built new refineries and expanded the old ones in addition to switching to environmentally friendly and much cheaper CNG. There is no way a smart nation can be defeated by such pokerish political moves.
100-0? Did Ron Paul also vote for sanctions?

I don't think so, I believe the Senate is fussy about allowing only its members to vote. Congressman Ron Paul would have found it difficult to gain entry into the Senate to vote.:D
I don't think so, I believe the Senate is fussy about allowing only its members to vote. Congressman Ron Paul would have found it difficult to gain entry into the Senate to vote.:D

Not even sure how the system works so meh
Iran should kick all those ambassadors whose countries are sanctioning Iran's central bank just like they kicked British ambassador out:


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