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US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction

lol at Indians on this thread. It is like few brainless/retards posting with no sense.
It goes like that:

1st Indian: Posts something negative about Pakistan.
2nd Indian: Oh GOD! Pakistan should be punished.
3rd Indian: Whole world should attack Pakistan.
4th Indian: These terrorists has no place in this world.
5th Indian: All hail US.
6th Indian: Blah blah blah
7th Indian: Blah blah blah......
Nth Indian: blah blah Blah about Pakistan.

And all this while being on Pakistani Forum.
If you guys hate Pakistan so much why not go to Bharat RatShit Forum to enjoy spilling venom.

Hahaha these guys are hilarious. It is a journey from confidence to desperation.

Last year when after Abbottabad operation Pakistan arrested Shakeel Afridi Indian reaction was "Your govt would soon free him. USA will soon get him free. Your govt will take $$$ an he will be free in just a few weeks if not days".

A year later same Bharatis with desperation "He is a very good guy. A hero. Please set him free. He didn't commit treason. Please. Oh please. I am going to cry. Please. He is ......"
lol at Indians on this thread. It is like few brainless/retards posting with no sense.
It goes like that:

1st Indian: Posts something negative about Pakistan.
2nd Indian: Oh GOD! Pakistan should be punished.
3rd Indian: Whole world should attack Pakistan.
4th Indian: These terrorists has no place in this world.
5th Indian: All hail US.
6th Indian: Blah blah blah
7th Indian: Blah blah blah......
Nth Indian: blah blah Blah about Pakistan.

And all this while being on Pakistani Forum.
If you guys hate Pakistan so much why not go to Bharat RatShit Forum to enjoy spilling venom.

LOL dude have you been to Bharat Rakshak? Even though Indians probably outnumber Pakistanis in PDF, at least in this forum, there are some intelligent Pakistanis who can give us divergent viewpoints to debate on. In Bharat Rakshak its just a million Indians talking **** about Pakistan with no real debate. Gets boring real quick :(
When it comes to perception Pakistan's have done a bad job. On one hand they claims to have helped in OBL raid and on the other hand they give 33 years to this guy. I can understand sentencing for working with CIA but 33 years is way too much for the small thing he has done.
Its an act of treason because a Pakistani was actively cooperating with a foreign spy agency. If its not clear to Pakistan bashers, dont know what will.

I dont know why US is so openly siding with Afridi. He is not a US citizen, he is a Pakistani and Pakistani laws apply on him without anyone's right to interfere or question.

May be US is too irritated with NATO supplies still not open and Pakistan not playing on US terms.

But not against Pakistani state!!!!!!!!! Do you really think he is an authority to allow America to attack inside pakistan ??? He just helped to identify Bin Laden, the most wanted terrorist in the world. Is this a treason against state??

The real treason is committed by Gen. Kiyani and PAF Air Chief. Knowingly or not, they did nothing against seal intruders (according to Pakistanis). 1st of all it is not possible to infiltrate deep inside Pakistani territory i.e. 130-140 kms with the help of Helicopters....a..a... Stealth Helicopters (Ridiculous Claim) without being identified or picked by radars. OK, we accept US has Stealth Helicopters, they flew below radar range and did not get picked by them. But when going back, no body intercepted. Why ??? "Kyonki America ke naam se p***t tee hai unki"!!!!! Why they are not court martialed ???? They are the real traitors......not Dr. Shakil Afridi. That poor man is just a scapegoat!!!!!
I dont think the arrest makes sense. Osama Bin Laden could have been dangerous to Pakistan as well. Overall, its a good thing for Pakistan that he (Bin Laden) is no longer alive, or maybe Al-Qaida qould spread its terror wings even more in Pakistan. I dont think he was anti-national to give Bin Laden info to USA.
The mastermind of 9/11 was Pakistani descent and was captured in Pakistan

Other 9/11 conspirators were captured in Pakistan

Heck even Osama bin Laden was found and killed in Pakistan

LoL and you are an indian, pretending to be a Pakistani, living in Canada.
A Senate panel expressed its outrage over the conviction of a Pakistani doctor who helped the US get Osama bin Laden by slashing aid by $33 million - $1 million for every year of the doctor's 33-year sentence.

The Appropriations Committee approved the amendment 30-0 on Thursday as Republicans and Democrats widely criticized Pakistan's conviction of Shakil Afridi for high treason a day earlier. Afridi ran a vaccination program for the CIA to collect DNA and verify bin Laden's presence at the compound in the town of Abbottabad where US commandos killed the al-Qaida leader in May 2011.

The United States has called for Afridi to be released.

source: US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction

When Chinese and Pakistanis does the same, do you develop temporary blindness?
And all this while being on Pakistani Forum.
If you guys hate Pakistan so much why not go to Bharat RatShit Forum to enjoy spilling venom.

So you are suggesting since the forum is PakistaniForum, everyone should praise every act of pakistan, no matter how wrong they are ? Are you suggesting this forum is for irrationals chauvinistic ?

On a more serious note, aside from rhetoric question...

If someone points out a mistake, have balls to accept it. Dont go into irrational denial OR blatant defense.

If someone mentions, Indian law and order or indian riots, we should agree YES there are problem and we are working on it. You can't go , You have no business of talking about it.

How many of the 9/11 perpetrators were Pakistani?

Well, let me count..
Does the ******* boss of operation-9/11 who was Pakistani resident for 6 years until he was killed in pakistan count ???

LoL and you are an indian, pretending to be a Pakistani, living in Canada.

And you are a stupid , pretending to be smart ...
He is saying he is canadian living in pakistan. You couldnt pick up that much in freaking 3 years ?
the reward money has to go by Zardari, he has to take his commission first. 25%......lol beside that I think Pakistan should not do that. OBL was world know terrorist guy, and Pakistan was working with US to find him then how come when US got him first become a problem for PAk. Sorry but I don't understand this....
Dude why you do that?.....lol

The mastermind of 9/11 was Pakistani descent and was captured in Pakistan

Other 9/11 conspirators were captured in Pakistan

Heck even Osama bin Laden was found and killed in Pakistan

Thats not a logical argument.

First of all this '9/11' thing is all fake. There are documentaries made by Americans and not Hafiz Saeed or someone else which refute that.

Plus this Al-Qaeda thing was all CIA stuff. Its the people who were paid and trained by CIA to fight Soviets. When geopolitics dictated to wage a war against them, they became terrorists.

Now Pakistan has been dragged through all this mud and slandered to paint it as a bad guy responsible for all failures of NATO and US. Come to think of it. A country which they claim is being run by their aid ($20 billion in the past decade, most of which was Coalition Support Fund) has so much resources and influence to bring down an imperialist project!? I would say its a compliment to Pakistan and admission of failure and incompetence of US and NATO.

Back to the topic. If an Indian was caught spying for CIA, what would India do? If an American is caught spying for Mossad or another country, what would Americans do?
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