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US sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon


Feb 21, 2012
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US sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon


We actually view the Taliban as being an important partner in a peaceful Afghan-led reconciliation process, says Pentagon.—Creative Commons
WASHINGTON: The US Department of Defence has said that it’s no longer conducting counter-terrorism operations against the Taliban in Afghanistan because it views the group as an important partner in its efforts for restoring peace in the war-ravaged country.

“What we’re not doing (is) counter-terrorism operations against the Taliban,” Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis told a Wednesday evening news briefing in Washington.

“We actually view the Taliban as being an important partner in a peaceful Afghan-led reconciliation process. We are not actively targeting the Taliban,” he added.

‘No institutional presence of IS in Pak-Afghan region’
The briefing, however, focused on US efforts to defeat the Middle East-based terrorist group IS (the self-styled Islamic State) which also has some presence in the Pak-Afghan region.

Capt Davis said that some “lone wolves” in Pakistan and Afghanistan were using the IS brand to raise their stature but the group did not have an institutional presence in the region.

He said the IS had a “pretty good” command and control system in Iraq and Syria but those claiming to represent the group in Afghanistan and Pakistan did not have the command and control relationship with the main IS.

The Pentagon official said the United States was working “very extensively” with the Pakistani government in the fight against terrorists.

Capt Davis explained that while the Coalition Support Fund was aimed to enhance Pakistan’s ability to fight the Haqqani Network, it also helped develop other broader spectrum counter-terrorism capabilities.

In Afghanistan, the US ended its combat operations last year and its role there now was simply to advise and assist the Afghan forces, he said.

Capt Davis said the US also had “unilateral role” of being able to conduct counter-terrorism missions in Afghanistan primarily against Al Qaeda and its remnants.

“But IS would be fair game as well,” he added.

US sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
@Zarvan @django @pakistani342 @DESERT FIGHTER
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@A-Team @MilSpec you thoughts guys......

Afghanistan has been very clear in its position, those Talis who want to negotiate and be partners in peace are welcome.

It is their choice either to live in peace or die in the battlefield, choice is theirs to make.

US sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon


We actually view the Taliban as being an important partner in a peaceful Afghan-led reconciliation process, says Pentagon.—Creative Commons
WASHINGTON: The US Department of Defence has said that it’s no longer conducting counter-terrorism operations against the Taliban in Afghanistan because it views the group as an important partner in its efforts for restoring peace in the war-ravaged country.

“What we’re not doing (is) counter-terrorism operations against the Taliban,” Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis told a Wednesday evening news briefing in Washington.

“We actually view the Taliban as being an important partner in a peaceful Afghan-led reconciliation process. We are not actively targeting the Taliban,” he added.

‘No institutional presence of IS in Pak-Afghan region’
The briefing, however, focused on US efforts to defeat the Middle East-based terrorist group IS (the self-styled Islamic State) which also has some presence in the Pak-Afghan region.

Capt Davis said that some “lone wolves” in Pakistan and Afghanistan were using the IS brand to raise their stature but the group did not have an institutional presence in the region.

He said the IS had a “pretty good” command and control system in Iraq and Syria but those claiming to represent the group in Afghanistan and Pakistan did not have the command and control relationship with the main IS.

The Pentagon official said the United States was working “very extensively” with the Pakistani government in the fight against terrorists.

Capt Davis explained that while the Coalition Support Fund was aimed to enhance Pakistan’s ability to fight the Haqqani Network, it also helped develop other broader spectrum counter-terrorism capabilities.

In Afghanistan, the US ended its combat operations last year and its role there now was simply to advise and assist the Afghan forces, he said.

Capt Davis said the US also had “unilateral role” of being able to conduct counter-terrorism missions in Afghanistan primarily against Al Qaeda and its remnants.

“But IS would be fair game as well,” he added.

US sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
@Zarvan @django @pakistani342 @DESERT FIGHTER
Than USA needs to tell tell India to behave and stay away from Afghanistan and ask Ghani to reign in NDS guys.
US sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon


We actually view the Taliban as being an important partner in a peaceful Afghan-led reconciliation process, says Pentagon.—Creative Commons
WASHINGTON: The US Department of Defence has said that it’s no longer conducting counter-terrorism operations against the Taliban in Afghanistan because it views the group as an important partner in its efforts for restoring peace in the war-ravaged country.

“What we’re not doing (is) counter-terrorism operations against the Taliban,” Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis told a Wednesday evening news briefing in Washington.

“We actually view the Taliban as being an important partner in a peaceful Afghan-led reconciliation process. We are not actively targeting the Taliban,” he added.

‘No institutional presence of IS in Pak-Afghan region’
The briefing, however, focused on US efforts to defeat the Middle East-based terrorist group IS (the self-styled Islamic State) which also has some presence in the Pak-Afghan region.

Capt Davis said that some “lone wolves” in Pakistan and Afghanistan were using the IS brand to raise their stature but the group did not have an institutional presence in the region.

He said the IS had a “pretty good” command and control system in Iraq and Syria but those claiming to represent the group in Afghanistan and Pakistan did not have the command and control relationship with the main IS.

The Pentagon official said the United States was working “very extensively” with the Pakistani government in the fight against terrorists.

Capt Davis explained that while the Coalition Support Fund was aimed to enhance Pakistan’s ability to fight the Haqqani Network, it also helped develop other broader spectrum counter-terrorism capabilities.

In Afghanistan, the US ended its combat operations last year and its role there now was simply to advise and assist the Afghan forces, he said.

Capt Davis said the US also had “unilateral role” of being able to conduct counter-terrorism missions in Afghanistan primarily against Al Qaeda and its remnants.

“But IS would be fair game as well,” he added.

US sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
@Zarvan @django @pakistani342 @DESERT FIGHTER

It is a sad day when the US considers the Taliban dialog partners (remember the Taliban have not disavowed Al-Qaeda).

However, having said that -- what is the alternative. The Afghan government is even more predatory as the Taliban are. The people in the cities may fare better but 50% of the Afghans live in the country side -- the Taliban provide a simple taxation system as opposed to the militias that the government is raising. The Taliban are rapists but so are the militias and Dostum, Atta Mohammad and Sayyaf.

So if the US can by necessity support one set of thugs -- it can certainly can think about dealing with the Taliban.

Afghanistan belongs to the Afghans and it is theirs to fix -- The US people have their own problems to deal with.

Afghanistan has been very clear in its position, those Talis who want to negotiate and be partners in peace are welcome.

It is their choice either to live in peace or die in the battlefield, choice is theirs to make.


Actually, I'm afraid what you have stated is not totally accurate.

As the respected Afghan journalist, Lotfullah Najafizada recently stated that the Afghan government is open to talking with the Taliban but without acceding anything to the Taliban -- this is just asking the Taliban to accept defeat -- a negotiated outcome would imply both sides give and take which the Afghan government is opposed to at this point in time. So stating that the Afghan government is open to talking with the Taliban as partners in peace is a good soundbite but nevertheless meaningless.
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