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US secretly selling nukes worldwide via Israel

well, Pakistan has nukes and they kept 'm safe so far. So it's not out of reach.

Palestinians and muslim countries near to Palestine however, are best off without nukes or other NBC weapons in my opinion (explained earlier in this thread).

The Israelis needed some strategic depth too apparently.. :what:
One can not get strategic dept by invading other peoples lands, they will have to give them back sooner or later.
There were many other options for the jews in the middle east, but the Plan was old and British from the time of Disraeli as Britain's prime minister.
The Arabs had no choice but to fight this plan, it might also be a part of that plan, since it was the Brits (and later the French and the US) who helped in the creation of Israel on an old and well known Arab land called Palestine.
So, in reality what we see and hear about the Arabs and muslims (since thre majority of arabs are muslims) for the last 60 years, was planned in England in the end of the 19th century. We can call it today a modular plan, being adjusted all the time for the same aim: War against Islam in general, where jews, the very old ennemies of Islam (In fact,old ennemies of God himself: in their Talmud, they fight God and win!!! They were also known as the prophets killers throughout history of mankind.) settled in Palestine, got a new name for this land and called it Israel, and play an obvious proxy role for the real ones (zionnists living in the west) who pull the strings.

Codes required for detonating them are under American control..
RUSI - NATO's Tactical Nuclear Dilemma

I have read that before, but other articles and media confirmed what I was saying.
If you do some further search you will find out too.
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We want to ensure our survival and have the right to just as anybody else.

Yes, i suppose so, but once again, that survival is not at stake.

What does 'prosperity for Muslims' mean? How did we go from a discussion on military power to prosperity?

Because it's not military power muslims should go after, it's that prosperity i mentioned.

What? What terrorism and what threats of violence against foreigners? Foreigners have nothing to do with our people's aspirations to acquire nuclear weapons. We want to ensure our security and future.

You must have not been reading the news about how terror strikes are happening more often these days.
And your security is NOT enhanced by 'fancy weapons'.

And? What are you trying to say here? Military projects don't have anything to do with the international world. This is about a nation's decision to ensure their place in the future of increasing competition. We have a right to protect our interests.

You protect your interests by having Iran develop green energy instead of nuclear energy. Things like that.

What brought up war? How do we go from discussing a national subject to death and destruction? Does acquiring nuclear weapons mean imminent death and destruction? Does that mean we need to disarm the world of nuclear weapons including Israel's.

yes, for muslims in the middle east, acquiring nuclear weapons means imminent death and destruction.
and no, global nuclear disarmament will lead to more conventional wars, so let your ancient foes have the nukes and middle eastern muslims not, so that it's clear to all who can not use 'military force' (aka terrorism) to get what they want - the muslims in the middle east.

You sure have a tendency to start violence, supporters of 'muslim military strength'...

One can not get strategic dept by invading other peoples lands, they will have to give them back sooner or later.
There were many other options for the jews in the middle east, but the Plan was old and British from the time of Disraeli as Britain's prime minister.
The Arabs had no choice but to fight this plan, it might also be a part of that plan, since it was the Brits (and later the French and the US) who helped in the creation of Israel on an old and well known Arab land called Palestine.
So, in reality what we see and hear about the Arabs and muslims (since thre majority of arabs are muslims) for the last 60 years, was planned in England in the end of the 19th century. We can call it today a modular plan, being adjusted all the time for the same aim: War against Islam in general, where jews, the very old ennemies of Islam (In fact,old ennemies of God himself: in their Talmud, they fight God and win!!! They were also known as the prophets killers throughout history of mankind.) settled in Palestine, got a new name for this land and called it Israel, and play an obvious proxy role for the real ones (zionnists living in the west) who pull the strings.

There you go again, calling the Jews anti-God.. They're not anti-God. They have simply a different religion than yours, and their actions are ALWAYS criticized by muslim extremist Imams.

And if you define strategic depth as 'a buffer zone', annexxing that land that the Israelis did, is one of the things that has kept Israelis safe from further attack by muslim nations (in coalition or not)..
There you go again, calling the Jews anti-God.. They're not anti-God. They have simply a different religion than yours, and their actions are ALWAYS criticized by muslim extremist Imams.

And if you define strategic depth as 'a buffer zone', annexxing that land that the Israelis did, is one of the things that has kept Israelis safe from further attack by muslim nations (in coalition or not).

How come you did not respond to post # 14?
If you call the prophet of Islam an extremist imam than you are a fool, The only place where Jews have been tolerated was in Arab Muslim land, eventhough the prophet Mohammad (SAAWS) had a bitter experience with them, since they have tried to assassinate him many times, and warned the Muslims against them. He asked for their tolerance like for any other major religion group but with much prudence, since most of them proved to be untrustworthy.
Which was proved time and time again, even with the most tolerable people towards them.
I have no hatred against them, I only wish that they can find some other piece of land for themselves to live in peace and let others live in peace too. otherwise they will be playing with fire again, and that has never had any good ending.
What do you think of when israel backed fully by the west, attacked all those neighboring nations first, and occupied their lands?
The fact is that Muslim nations have nukes and Israel has them too, but the latter can only use them in a Samson option, meaning with their own destruction too. While the Muslims have much strategic dept, you can not compare a fly with an elephant.

You're right about muslims around Israel having much strategic depth as in lands. That's the main point of my arguments in the past : "why can't muslims grant Israelis some lands"..

You're also right about Israelis and NATO (and Russia and China and Pakistan) only using nuke weapons in a 'samson option' (last resort option).. And that the muslim nations around Israel can not be trusted to see it the same way. We in the west truly believe nukes from middle eastern nations will be 'handed over' to extremist muslims in a nuclear-war-by-proxy. Even if this is a 'limited nuclear war', we'll do all we can to prevent that from ever happening. Including not allowing Iran a nuclear weapons program.

How come you did not respond to post # 14?
If you call the prophet of Islam an extremist imam than you are a fool, The only place where Jews have been tolerated was in Arab Muslim land, eventhough the prophet Mohammad (SAAWS) had a bitter experience with them, since they have tried to assassinate him many times, and warned the Muslims against them. He asked for their tolerance like for any other major religion group but with much prudence, since most of them proved to be untrustworthy.
Which was proved time and time again, even with the most tolerable people towards them.
I have no hatred against them, I only wish that they can find some other piece of land for themselves to live in peace and let others live in peace too. otherwise they will be playing with fire again, and that has never had any good ending.

With all respect for your Prophet Mohammed, the conflicts of his time with the Israelis of that time hardly have any relevance to today's world.

And might i say the Catholic Church members were hunted down and thrown before live lions for centuries before they conquered Rome, peacefully?..
Yes, i suppose so, but once again, that survival is not at stake.

I'm just going by the Western notion.

Because it's not military power muslims should go after, it's that prosperity i mentioned.

Both and more.

You must have not been reading the news about how terror strikes are happening more often these days.

I'm not speaking about non state actors somewhere in Africa.
And your security is NOT enhanced by 'fancy weapons'.

It's more than just weapons.

You protect your interests by having Iran develop green energy instead of nuclear energy. Things like that.

You're cute.

yes, for muslims in the middle east, acquiring nuclear weapons means imminent death and destruction.

You're so adorable. :rolleyes:

You sure have a tendency to start violence, supporters of 'muslim military strength'...

Are you talking to yourself? :lol:
I'm just going by the Western notion.

Both and more.

I'm not speaking about non state actors somewhere in Africa.

It's more than just weapons.

You're cute.

You're so adorable. :rolleyes:

Are you talking to yourself? :lol:

what's this?? :) a conversion campagin? :)

i'll get into your counter arguments later :) first i have to giggle a bit :)
I'm just going by the Western notion.

Both and more.

I'm very interested to hear what else besides military power and prosperity you're after..

I'm not speaking about non state actors somewhere in Africa.

They run on the same ideology as the state actors that use terrorism in the name of Islam.

It's more than just weapons.
My point exactly :)

You're cute.

You're so adorable. :rolleyes:

Are you talking to yourself? :lol:

No i'm talking to the still moderate muslims here, since the fundametalistic muslims only laugh or shout at me ;)

And thank you for the compliments :) Wish i could return them :) {ducks}

Where do you get the thought that I want to convert you? :crazy::rofl:

oooh, i didn't wanna call u gay, that's all :) {ducks}
I'm very interested to hear what else besides military power and prosperity you're after..

I don't know, you tell me.

They run on the same ideology as the state actors that use terrorism in the name of Islam.

What are you talking about?

My point exactly :)

Strategy and tactics. :lol:

No i'm talking to the still moderate muslims here, since the fundametalistic muslims only laugh or shout at me ;)

How does one supporting the self determination and will of the people make him an fundamentalist? I and others are moderate. You can be an secular athiest and support the will of the people.

oooh, i didn't wanna call u gay, that's all :) {ducks}

You misunderstood me, I was implying that you're a lunatic with a though of preconcieved notions in your head. :lol:
I don't know, you tell me.

the right to self-determination, and the right to having respect?

all comes with letting go of terrorism dude..

What are you talking about?

that the recent increase in terror strikes does stem from the fundamentalist ideology..

Strategy and tactics. :lol:

Both seem to be lacking on the muslim side. Sorry to say it, really.

How does one supporting the self determination and will of the people make him an fundamentalist? I and others are moderate. You can be an secular athiest and support the will of the people.

that particular 'will of the people' stems from extremist Imams, though. Do you deny that?

You misunderstood me, I was implying that you're a lunatic with a though of preconcieved notions in your head. :lol:

lunatic huh?.... :)

lunatic HOW, eh? :)
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You're right about muslims around Israel having much strategic depth as in lands. That's the main point of my arguments in the past : "why can't muslims grant Israelis some lands"..

You're also right about Israelis and NATO (and Russia and China and Pakistan) only using nuke weapons in a 'samson option' (last resort option).. And that the muslim nations around Israel can not be trusted to see it the same way. We in the west truly believe nukes from middle eastern nations will be 'handed over' to extremist muslims in a nuclear-war-by-proxy. Even if this is a 'limited nuclear war', we'll do all we can to prevent that from ever happening. Including not allowing Iran a nuclear weapons program.

With all respect for your Prophet Mohammed, the conflicts of his time with the Israelis of that time hardly have any relevance to today's world.

And might i say the Catholic Church members were hunted down and thrown before live lions for centuries before they conquered Rome, peacefully?..

I can not see any Muslim country handing over a nuclear weapon to some group in case of war, the least to say is that is the western perception flawed by it own concepts of things about the Arabs and Muslims in general. And why should these latters trust the west any how, it has betrayed them more than once.All those tags and labellings of the Muslims come from the western propaganda machine, I might say from the church itself that is so innocent in your opinion, and so peaceful.
Let me remind you that the bloodiest wars that humanity ever went through were between Christians themselves and dragged a good portion of humanity with them.

Iran was proposed a nuclear weapon's program along with a civilian one by Russia itself, but Iran turned down the military part of it and concentrated on the civilian part, this is a well known fact. So when the Christian West who has a grudge against Islam since its inception anyway, found out, he started the fake allegations by conspiring with the Kurdish opposition the MKAO, inspectors were allowed and found some enrichment material that Iran did not hide, The Iranian said simply, that since the West would not allow them to by the needed enriched uranium for medical purposes, that they have no other choice but enrich uranium themselves, to avoid the intended murder of their ill citizens by inhumane sanctions.
So the west can trust or not, it has already proven to be untrustworthy itself to enough nations and in many regards, be it nuclear weapons or other vital matters.
What you are talking about is a perception called in psychology, PROJECTION, and the west is doing just that, by projecting its own mind and thoughts on the Muslims in this instance.
That is why we the Muslims say ALLAH is Great; no one can hide anything from him including the Gods of the west.
the right to self-determination, and the right to having respect?

all comes with letting go of terrorism dude..


that the recent increase in terror strikes does stem from the fundamentalist ideology..


Both seem to be lacking on the muslim side. Sorry to say it, really.


that particular 'will of the people' stems from extermist Imams, though. Do you deny that?

Tell it to someone who cares.

lunatic huh?.... :)

lunatic HOW, eh? :)

I can not see any Muslim country handing over a nuclear weapon to some group in case of war, the least to say is that is the western perception flawed by it own concepts of things about the Arabs and Muslims in general. And why should these latters trust the west any how, it has betrayed them more than once.All those tags and labellings of the Muslims come from the western propaganda machine, I might say from the church itself that is so innocent in your opinion, and so peaceful.
Let me remind you that the bloodiest wars that humanity ever went through were between Christians themselves and dragged a good portion of humanity with them.

Iran was proposed a nuclear weapon's program along with a civilian one by Russia itself, but Iran turned down the military part of it and concentrated on the civilian part, this is a well known fact. So when the Christian West who has a grudge against Islam since its inception anyway, found out, he started the fake allegations by conspiring with the Kurdish opposition the MKAO, inspectors were allowed and found some enrichment material that Iran did not hide, The Iranian said simply, that since the West would not allow them to by the needed enriched uranium for medical purposes, that they have no other choice but enrich uranium themselves, to avoid the intended murder of their ill citizens by inhumane sanctions.
So the west can trust or not, it has already proven to be untrustworthy itself to enough nations and in many regards, be it nuclear weapons or other vital matters.
What you are talking about is a perception called in psychology, PROJECTION, and the west is doing just that, by projecting its own mind and thoughts on the Muslims in this instance.
That is why we the Muslims say ALLAH is Great; no one can hide anything from him including the Gods of the west.

wait a sec... that accusation of the west not allowing Iran to buy medical isotopes, is a serious one and I'll do some google searching on the subject sometime this week. Please allow me to get back to you in a reasonable tone with google searchresults..

Tell it to someone who cares.

So, you don't deny it.. ;)
wait a sec... that accusation of the west not allowing Iran to buy medical isotopes, is a serious one and I'll do some google searching on the subject sometime this week. Please allow me to get back to you in a reasonable tone with google searchresults..

So, you don't deny it.. ;)

You're dull.

I can not see any Muslim country handing over a nuclear weapon to some group in case of war, the least to say is that is the western perception flawed by it own concepts of things about the Arabs and Muslims in general. And why should these latters trust the west any how, it has betrayed them more than once.All those tags and labellings of the Muslims come from the western propaganda machine, I might say from the church itself that is so innocent in your opinion, and so peaceful.
Let me remind you that the bloodiest wars that humanity ever went through were between Christians themselves and dragged a good portion of humanity with them.

Iran was proposed a nuclear weapon's program along with a civilian one by Russia itself, but Iran turned down the military part of it and concentrated on the civilian part, this is a well known fact. So when the Christian West who has a grudge against Islam since its inception anyway, found out, he started the fake allegations by conspiring with the Kurdish opposition the MKAO, inspectors were allowed and found some enrichment material that Iran did not hide, The Iranian said simply, that since the West would not allow them to by the needed enriched uranium for medical purposes, that they have no other choice but enrich uranium themselves, to avoid the intended murder of their ill citizens by inhumane sanctions.
So the west can trust or not, it has already proven to be untrustworthy itself to enough nations and in many regards, be it nuclear weapons or other vital matters.
What you are talking about is a perception called in psychology, PROJECTION, and the west is doing just that, by projecting its own mind and thoughts on the Muslims in this instance.
That is why we the Muslims say ALLAH is Great; no one can hide anything from him including the Gods of the west.

Don't waste your time with this lunatic, brother. He has a history here of nonstop trolling us.

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