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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken message for Pakistan

DO More Drama will not work again. It was popular drama one 1 and half decade back.
So you are putting onus on me to prove to you (typical Mindset of..) than to acknowledge what is known to everyone.

Tell me out of those 7 points, which one you need evidence/supporting artefacts?

Why are you so obsessed with pointing fingers?
Do you know how to have a discussion or not?
Argue the point, not the person, its basic common sense.

Which part of the reply, that I've quoted below, that you did not understand. If you don't know what you are talking about, then go way and stop wasting my time. Even a child would understand, its plain English.

"Lets start by making an argument, for that, you also have to justify your statements, rather then rely on assumed truths.

1 Weaker economy,
2 Less forex reserves,
3 Higher debt,
4 More unemployment,
5 Weaker political environment,
6 Less international support,
7 Worse international image.

You statement covers the above areas. Because you have started by making bold claims, how about you justify your statement by providing a basic comparative analysis. Then I will provide answers to your statement, and provide my own reasoning's. Right now, I disagree with most of your claims, not all but most."
Omar is still in jail? I thought the Pak SC ordered his release. Wouldn't not releasing him be contempt of court?
I have a feeling that the Americans are going to leave empty handed in this case. There is no more apetite to help the Americans.
Not sure the government or military can do anything to help even if they wanted to.

The PTI government was put through the ringer by the judiciary and ran around in circles to get the correct legislation passed just to give the COAS an extension, something that was never questioned in the past.

The courts have also granted bail and/or released suspects the military or ATC courts have convicted, not to mention the politicians that have been given relief, the most popular of whom is Nawaz Sharif who still has not returned nor it seems gotten the treatment the courts let him travel out of country for.
DO More Drama will not work again. It was popular drama one 1 and half decade back.
It might not work but 'Do More' keeps on being demanded. Such statement of Secretary of State should have been given a shut up call from our FO or FM directly. But I expect too much after the recent vocal activities by FO.
Omar is still in jail? I thought the Pak SC ordered his release. Wouldn't not releasing him be contempt of court?
He is released but due to review petition and the significance of the case. He is transferred to a rest house with relatively freedom including getting to meet with family etc till his case reaches conclusion.
Just look at the difference between the narrative of US propogated regarding Pakistan vis-a-vis India. Compare and contrast the tweets and I will let you all reach your own deduction/conclusion/opinion.
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