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US Scholar: We will not peacefully allow China to become a superpower.


Feb 26, 2010
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Julia World Wide Web Xinhua reported, with China's growing economic power, the rise of China will become a threat to the United States has recently become a U.S. "foreign policy" of a problem. Experts say the United States, China's rise does not mean war, but some experts commented that, if the future of China surpassed the U.S. as "world boss," the U.S. is not necessarily "the peaceful transfer of power to China." He believes that China is America's "there are challenges."

"Foreign Policy" was previously Professor Joseph Nye of Harvard University published an article review the so-called "China threat" problem. He entitled "China's rise does not mean war," the article said China's military, economic and other aspects of it still harder to overtake the United States, the United States in the first half of this century is likely to continue to maintain superpower status, the Americans so should not produce too much of America's decline and unnecessary fear.
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Specializes in U.S. foreign policy, senior research fellow at Cambridge University before Stephan Haer Po to comment on these articles, his "foreign policy" published an article on the endorsement of the views, but also put forward their own views. Haer Po said, There is no great world parliament "quietly disappear", the United States is no exception. And this along with the rise of Chinese power, by launching different from the West's diplomatic, political and economic values become more realistic. He wrote, "Peace in the 19th century the United States replaced Britain as the world, but this is not the rise of China replaced the United States after the model blueprint" - because the United States and British political model at the time, religion and language are the same, The United States is not the case now.

But Haer Po also said that this does not mean the outbreak of World War III will be. He pointed out that although the military has developed rapidly in China, including a new generation of stealth fighter planes and aircraft carriers should receive the attention the United States, but these are "controllable." He said China's military power put in, battle management and marine and space warfare capabilities are still lagging behind the United States for ten years. He also said that China's rapid economic growth and "mercantilist" trade policy has become difficult Sino-US commercial relations, but not can not go on.

The article points out, the idea that the United States and the idea of peace and cooperation can in fact is due to the rise of the Chinese model "is too simple to imagine for a smooth rise." The article said that although the threat of China's development models are not the Western model, but China has made the envy of some countries and that the Chinese model is superior to the West. The article concludes that China is not America's partners or friends, but the U.S. and Western sense of "survival challenges."


[ 转自铁血社区 ?? C ? - ? ]


但哈尔珀同时也表示,这并非意味着第三次世界大战将会爆发。他指出,中国虽然军力发展很快,包括新一代隐形战机和航母都应得到美国的重视,但这些都是 “可以控制的”。他称,中国在军力投放、战场管理和海洋及太空战争能力上仍落后美国十年。此外他还称,中国经济的快速增长与“重商主义”贸易政策令中美商业关系变得困难,但并不是无法进行下去了。

If the future plays out like it did in the past, then the world will soon pass into a period of multipolarity. There will not be one superpower but many great powers. The collapse of US empire will be determined not from Washington, but from all the capitols of developing countries like Brazil, Turkey, Russia, and China. The fact that Americans fixate only on China is narrow-minded.
1. A Chinese state article, i'm not gonna trust its views on American policy. It tells you what the government wants you to hear.

2. A Professor is entitled to his opinion, it doesn't mean US policy follows his decision.

It rather seems China is trying to gear its people towards a confrontational stance with the US.

A professor doesn't represent the state

A staterun newspaper does.
1. A Chinese state article, i'm not gonna trust its views on American policy. It tells you what the government wants you to hear.

2. A Professor is entitled to his opinion, it doesn't mean US policy follows his decision.

It rather seems China is trying to gear its people towards a confrontational stance with the US.

A professor doesn't represent the state

A staterun newspaper does.

I'd take the calm tones of a state newspaper over a rabble-rouser like Glenn Beck any day.
China's biggest danger is being isolated and encircled by hostile neighbors envious of its rapid economic rise!

Our steadfast friend is the Islamic World! They are also struggling against the unjust western oppression. We must support Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. They will be our ally against the USA, Japan and India.

We must share our most powerful weaponry with the Islamic World and together we will stop western meddling and create a new world economic order with China in the center!
but some experts commented that, if the future of China surpassed the U.S. as "world boss," the U.S. is not necessarily "the peaceful transfer of power to China." He believes that China is America's "there are challenges."

Ok it gives the impression that US will not hesitate to launch military attack on China if China is going to overtake US in growth.

So in that case what you think whom US will bank on for attacking China
China is the third biggest export market for US goods. The volume of export is likely to grow. While there is a possibility of conflict over Taiwan or territorial issues in Southeast Asia, there is very little likelihood of US out and out attacking China. Its business would suffer.
Which country is China's biggest export market ??

Stop giving biased opinions
China's biggest danger is being isolated and encircled by hostile neighbors envious of its rapid economic rise!

Our steadfast friend is the Islamic World! They are also struggling against the unjust western oppression. We must support Pakistan, Iran and Turkey. They will be our ally against the USA, Japan and India.

We must share our most powerful weaponry with the Islamic World and together we will stop western meddling and create a new world economic order with China in the center!

That is why Pakistan and China must have a defense agreement and form a defense alliance which states the armed protection of one another at each others Military or State request/concern during wartime. SCO is one thing but a full defense alliance Pakistan-China specific that also has to resolve the elephant problem, which poses danger to both Pakistan and Chinese interest.

We must share our most powerful weaponry with the Islamic World

China can only trust Pakistan in this regard alone. It is advisable to have a joint Sino-Pakistan front to achieve common goals and to eliminate hostile targets.
China is the third biggest export market for US goods. The volume of export is likely to grow. While there is a possibility of conflict over Taiwan or territorial issues in Southeast Asia, there is very little likelihood of US out and out attacking China. Its business would suffer.

Germany and Britain also had huge trade between them.
Germany and Britain also had huge trade between them.

That's true, but Germany and Britain were not restrained by nuclear weapons. Nazi Germany was also an expansionist power. China is a peaceful development state whose biggest problem for its neighbours are little disputed atolls in the South China Sea.
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