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US says strategic ties with India 'will carry over into next century

This is an advantage that Indian govt will not possess in Kashmir. That I assure you.

We have an army that can fight & numbers that are massive. Those are advantages few have. The world has changed, you simply can't push in large numbers of terrorists successfully. The terrorism in Kashmir tapered off when the IA was successful in bringing down the life expectancy of the terrorists. The Pakistanis dream about 2014, it will remain little more than a dream. A spike here & there will make no real difference.
So iz I, a big time racist..... down with the lungi...... :smokin:

I is. Will you join I in Lungi genocide? Three pages of sheer skulduggery, oscillating between complete lack of knowledge pertaining to what this strategic engagement actually entails and what are the limitations, challenges, issues faced by India. :hang2:
We have an army that can fight & numbers that are massive. Those are advantages few have. The world has changed, you simply can't push in large numbers of terrorists successfully. The terrorism in Kashmir tapered off when the IA was successful in bringing down the life expectancy of the terrorists. The Pakistanis dream about 2014, it will remain little more than a dream. A spike here & there will make no real difference.

There is a difference b/w terrorists trained in making chemical weapons and heavy weapons at home and terrorists using light arms. When such terrorists start pouring into Kashmir,the casualties of IA will rise hundred fold.And the Syrian army is fighting with over 100,000 terrorists with estimates going as high to 300,000 .Once Syria is taken over,the next places they will target is Kashmir ,Central Asia.And Kashmir ,there is no local support from the majority for Indian army.

But best thing for syrian army is that it has huge local support thats why it has fended off these terrorists till now.
Oh boi... that means we really need to be on our guard.

Any country that has gotten too close to US has only been ruined beyond words.
But one point is that the chance of Syria exporting the terrorists is real. Covert teams to support Assad can't hurt. Btw - I support Assad. For obvious reasons.

We must be very cynically practical about this.. The Americans have read the Syria war brilliantly. A civil war which will suck all the neighbours in, including Iran, its proxy in Lebanon-Hezbollah, KSA and pretty much all other Arab countries taking sides one way or the other is a veritable godsend. The Americans couldn't be more delighted, keeping all these chaps busy with each other & having no time to bother about the U.S., Israel or even Europe. They understand that an early resolution of this conflict is not in their interest. If Assad's forces starts to gain the upper hand, just help the rebels to up the ante a little bit but without tipping the balance. All this funded by the parties in the region itself. A better plan (from the American/Israeli viewpoint) could not have been created by the best minds in the U.S. and Israel. Sucking in all the extremists into this conflict leaves very little interest in attacks elsewhere. A victory for Assad would also be a victory for Iran & Hezbollah, one for the rebels would be for KSA & KSA sponsored nuts. A long slow burn is the best bet.

We need to stop poking out noses where it does not concern us. We must stick to doing what we most like to do --theorise....ocassionally sermonise(not my preference though)..but from a distance. If we have to do covert operations, we need to do them closer to home.
There is a difference b/w terrorists trained in making chemical weapons and heavy weapons at home and terrorists using light arms. When such terrorists start pouring into Kashmir,the casualties of IA will rise hundred fold.And the Syrian army is fighting with over 100,000 terrorists with estimates going as high to 300,000 .Once Syria is taken over,the next places they will target is Kashmir ,Central Asia.And Kashmir ,there is no local support from the majority for Indian army.

They will make Chemical weapons? Where? Get heavy weapons? How? Import it through Wagah eh? Pouring in? How will they do that? Charter flights to Srinagar? Stay at hotels? Get real, these chaps are not coming here & if they do they will be dealt with. Harshly! We are Indians, not Europeans or Americans. We can be plenty brutal if we want to.
There is a difference b/w terrorists trained in making chemical weapons and heavy weapons at home and terrorists using light arms. When such terrorists start pouring into Kashmir,the casualties of IA will rise hundred fold.And the Syrian army is fighting with over 100,000 terrorists with estimates going as high to 300,000 .Once Syria is taken over,the next places they will target is Kashmir ,Central Asia.And Kashmir ,there is no local support from the majority for Indian army.

But best thing for syrian army is that it has huge local support thats why it has fended off these terrorists till now.
You are right in every word. The terrorists - it's not just a bunch of farmers with guns, screaming "Allah Akbar". In fact, modern terrorists - a external division of the CIA (they create them in 70-80's to fight USSR in Afganistan). They are trained to fight a guerrilla war, and for the regular army is a huge headache. They use data of U.S. intelligence, the best weapons from all over the world with unlimited funding. As in 20's-30's years, the Anglo-Saxons sponsored Hitler and led him to the authorities, so they are now sponsoring terrorists. To their great regret, the plan has failed - Russia supported Syria so the great war postponed. In Egypt, too terrorist's government were dropped by army. So we still have the opportunity to prevent a major war. But we need to break the back of American plans and it must be done exactly in Syria.
They will make Chemical weapons? Where? Get heavy weapons? How? Import it through Wagah eh? Pouring in? How will they do that? Charter flights to Srinagar? Stay at hotels? Get real, these chaps are not coming here & if they do they will be dealt with. Harshly! We are Indians, not Europeans or Americans. We can be plenty brutal if we want to.

Well they did mount an attack today. No they can't infiltrate in droves, nor can they sustain a kinetic running war in Kashmir. It will remain an LIC for the years to come.

Chemical weapons cannot be cooked up on the run though nor in their cross-border camps. Besides all such agents have signatures- it would be a little difficult to cover the trail. Now if the much publicized Syrian stockpile goes into the wind then yes India (along with many other nations) had best take notice and do something.
They will make Chemical weapons? Where? Get heavy weapons? How? Import it through Wagah eh? Pouring in? How will they do that? Charter flights to Srinagar? Stay at hotels? Get real, these chaps are not coming here & if they do they will be dealt with. Harshly! We are Indians, not Europeans or Americans. We can be plenty brutal if we want to.

Like this one:
Russia Says Sarin Gas in Aug. 21 Syria Attack was 'Homemade' | Russia | RIA Novosti
********.com - Shocking Video: Syrian Rebels Testing Chem Weapons On Rabbits As Warning To Civilians

Don't underestimate the capability

Once that kind of expertise to produce chemical weapons at home is spread ,it will be a lot worse as many industrial chemicals are available off shelf ,the fighting on both sides will be worse.IA's brutality has controlled the kashmir region. More brutality on civilians will not help and push people into rebel arms.

Well they did mount an attack today. No they can't infiltrate in droves, nor can they sustain a kinetic running war in Kashmir. It will remain an LIC for the years to come.

Chemical weapons cannot be cooked up on the run though nor in their cross-border camps. Besides all such agents have signatures- it would be a little difficult to cover the trail. Now if the much publicized Syrian stockpile goes into the wind then yes India (along with many other nations) had best take notice and do something.
Chemical weapons cannot be cooked up on the run though nor in their cross-border camps.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/279786-us-says-strategic-ties-india-will-carry-over-into-next-century-6.html#ixzz2fzGuQrIF

Things are changing ,sir.
ok lets look it this way

what India wants

1 permanent SC seat

2. latest wepons tech and industrial setup for the same

3.US umbrella in a passive way to control pakistan/afghanistan&saudia

What india can give

1.worlds second l;argest markets and a very trained and efficient yet controlable work force to feul growth engine of USA & its close allies

2. stratergick naval and air force bases like andaman and a few up in the himalayas to keep china in check

3.India also might help in making peace with iran and USA might get better alternate passage to central asia

what USA is ready to give

1. latest wepons with a very few strings but no tech transfer

2. USA /old gaurd in pentagon wants to do buisness as it did with pakistan but new leadership knows that cant be done with india so USA wants to sweeten the deal with permanent seat in UNSC

3. if things dont go as planned to lure india against china USA might use japenese(there tech& money ) and force pakistani elite to make peace cause the main game is not about india or china but the control of new economy which can be tapped onli if india takes on china and iran helps USA with its central asia dream

now the main thing is Iran & India to some exyend deu to its past relations with USA will never trust USA so we indians need to get smart and use USA / CHINA relations and there compitition for the new economy for owr benefits but owr biggest drawback is that the state of pakistan which can earn the best is not ready to understand the real dangers and issues and keeps running after the mirages in the desrt
I is. Will you join I in Lungi genocide? Three pages of sheer skulduggery, oscillating between complete lack of knowledge pertaining to what this strategic engagement actually entails and what are the limitations, challenges, issues faced by India. :hang2:

Yeah..you are an extremist alright....bordering on a terrorist...terrorizing everyone with your English. Most people don't want to cross swords..err keyboards with you because they can't understand what it is that you have actually said. Reminds me of Jaswant Singh, he scared the pants of even the Americans who would need to read carefully to figure out what he meant. A double edged sword though, as poor Shashi Tharoor found out with his "interlocutor" comment, people who don't have a clue what you said can still hurt you. Especially if they read what they want to.....
Yeah..you are an extremist alright....bordering on a terrorist...terrorizing everyone with your English. Most people don't want to cross swords..err keyboards with you because they can't understand what it is that you have actually said. Reminds me of Jaswant Singh, he scared the pants of even the Americans who would need to read carefully to figure out what he meant. A double edged sword though, as poor Shashi Tharoor found out with his "interlocutor" comment, people who don't have a clue what you said can still hurt you. Especially if they read what they want to.....

I is just wasting thread space, since I is seeing that nothing of import is being discussed by most posters anyway.

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