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US responsible for the Murder of Pakistani Troops - Pak Rejects NATO Probe

But when in power Republicans have tended to have policies more favorable to Pakistan??

That seems to be a widespread belief in Pakistan. I haven't paid attention to the details to believe either way.

Certainly, McCain would have been better for Pakistan (and America) because he had a more mature and realistic view of the Afghan situation.
In 45 minutes even a "Runner" (Each Platoon included a number of messengers or runners, at least two and sometimes three. These men were tasked with carrying the verbal orders of the Platoon Commander to any Squads out of direct control, or to neighbouring units. They also provided a link back to Company Headquarters. While armed with a rifle the runner's role was not primarily a combat one. Rather his task was to deliver his message accurately to the intended recipient and return to his commander with the reply or situation report. This had to be done in the midst of battle when units could quickly and unexpectedly shift location, and of course in the face of enemy fire.) could have knocked some sense into the battle commanders, what to talk about the WGS-2 as part of the Global Broadcast System (GBS) used the US Central Command in Afghanistan!

BTW, employment of "Runners" was a WW-2 'technology'.


With this preamble i once again ask Americans to choose between the (only) two available reasons behind Nov 26 tragedy:



I don't know why we are still going on about this. Americans accept they did not follow SOP 1. they should have informed Pakistanis. The rest x y z was a result of the first illegal action. Causation has not been broken between that illegal act and the deaths of the soldiers. Under English law a crime has been committed resulting in the death of 26 people. The only question we need to ask is how far up the chain of command this act goes, by the fact the attack continued for 2 hours I suggest it must be pretty high. I put a thread here in July 20011 suggesting that parts of American hierarchy was going AWOL and did not agree with Obama's withdrawal. If this had been PA people would have said our military does not bow to civilian leadership. It would appear this may be the case now with the Americans
Going a bit off-topic, but I disagree with that thesis. The military's job is to win battles. Managing the subsequent occupation is a different proposition. You do that by

a) winning the hearts and minds of the conquered peoples, or
b) pulverizing their spirit by brute force

The military can do option b), but option a) falls squarely within civilian strategists' domain. It is not the US military's job to win hearts and minds. All they can do is to provide an area and a period of stability so that the civilians can do their thing.


The most important part after the victory in the first 48---72 hours, is that of LAW & ORDER---that is where the americans failedmiserably---and once they flopped in that area---they never recovered in the next 9 year they spent trying to put together the broken pieces.

They forgot that they were concquering a middle eastern country and no germany or japan---. The american arrogance was very obvious after the fact that ' we will build them a new iraq '-----and that is a lesson for pakistanis as well---you cannot tear up your foundations after every election and start to rebuild again----even you tear up your foundations, even a country like the u s of a fails.

The bottom line is that if you maintain law and order after the victory---in due time you will win over the hearts of the people---but if you allowed them to loot and plunder under your watch---in the end---you will be blamed for that---because policing the area became your duty and obligation.
NATO wants relations with Pakistan back on track

* Alliance military vehicles, supplies piling up at Karachi port

KABUL: NATO wants to get relations with Pakistan back on track “as quickly as possible” to reopen its key supply route for foreign troops fighting in Afghanistan, a coalition spokesman said on Monday.

Pakistan closed its main trading route to Afghanistan in November, choking a major supply line for the 130,000-strong US-led force, following a deadly airstrike by the alliance force that killed 24 soldiers in Mohmand Agency.

Islamabad rejects the coalition’s report that blamed the incident on mistakes by both sides and has not said when it will reopen the route.

“We ... have an interest for the international community and for Afghanistan that relations with Pakistan are normalising as quickly as possible,” said Brigadier General Carsten Jacobsen.

“We are aware that there are things that are not travelling to Afghanistan because they are stuck at border control points. It mainly affects the economy, wages, work for people who are in the transport business in Pakistan and Afghanistan.”

The spokesman for NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, however, sought to allay concerns among Afghans that the route blockage would force the coalition to buy locally and force a hike in the price of fuel and food.

“The people of Afghanistan will not be challenged by NATO buying their fuel and their food. NATO’s stockpiles are more than sufficient,” he said. Earlier, an official at the port of Karachi said that NATO military vehicles and supplies were piling up at the docks, with truck drivers unable to drive them to the northwestern border to cross into Afghanistan. “At present, a total of 3,676 military vehicles and 1,732 containers belonging to NATO forces are at the port,” a port official told AFP on condition of anonymity. afp
ISAF violated all coordination procedures in November – ISPR
Written by Tania Kazmi | January 5, 2012 | 0

Islamabad – The spokesman of Pakistan Army has said that all existing coordination procedures were violated by ISAF on the nights of November, 25/26, adding that “we have investigated this matter and found it an unprovoked act of blatant aggression.

Such kind of blatant aggression has jeopardised the government and military’s efforts in fighting the militancy and terrorism.”Pakistan army is committed to achieving peace in the region which will only be possible through mutual trust and co-operation.

In this regards US should respect our sovereignty and refrain from such acts which seriously affect the pace for co-operation,” said Major General Athar Abbas, Director General, ISPR, in an exclusive interview to Chinese Business View, the largest newspaper of north-west China.

He said that in the 10 years of co-operation with the international community in the war against terror, Pakistan has lost more than 35,000 people including 3,100 security personnel.

ISPR DG said Pakistan suffered economic losses to the tune of 68 billion dollars approximately, adding “But in the process we have eliminated not only mid-tier al Qaeda leadership but also made a dent in the top leadership.” He said that most of the targets had been achieved as per operational strategy which included establishing writ of the government in Fata and Swat and bringing life in these areas back to normal.

General Abbas pointed out that the operation in Abbottabad was conducted by the US forces without prior information to Pakistan Army or ISI.

“Achievements of ISI against al Qaeda and its terrorist affiliates in Pakistan have no parallel.

Around 100 top level al Qaeda leaders and operators have been killed or arrested by ISI, with or without the support of CIA,” he added.

He said, “After Osama Bin Laden incident, it was made very clear to the US that any similar action, violating the sovereignty of Pakistan, will warrant a review in all the field of co-operation including military, intelligence sharing, diplomatic and political.
Relationship between both the countries deteriorated after the incident.” (APP)

SAF violated all coordination procedures in November - ISPR | PakSoldiers
NATO wants relations with Pakistan back on track

* Alliance military vehicles, supplies piling up at Karachi port

KABUL: NATO wants to get relations with Pakistan back on track “as quickly as possible” to reopen its key supply route for foreign troops fighting in Afghanistan, a coalition spokesman said on Monday.

Pakistan closed its main trading route to Afghanistan in November, choking a major supply line for the 130,000-strong US-led force, following a deadly airstrike by the alliance force that killed 24 soldiers in Mohmand Agency.

Islamabad rejects the coalition’s report that blamed the incident on mistakes by both sides and has not said when it will reopen the route.

“We ... have an interest for the international community and for Afghanistan that relations with Pakistan are normalising as quickly as possible,” said Brigadier General Carsten Jacobsen.

“We are aware that there are things that are not travelling to Afghanistan because they are stuck at border control points. It mainly affects the economy, wages, work for people who are in the transport business in Pakistan and Afghanistan.”

The spokesman for NATO’s International Security Assistance Force, however, sought to allay concerns among Afghans that the route blockage would force the coalition to buy locally and force a hike in the price of fuel and food.

“The people of Afghanistan will not be challenged by NATO buying their fuel and their food. NATO’s stockpiles are more than sufficient,” he said. Earlier, an official at the port of Karachi said that NATO military vehicles and supplies were piling up at the docks, with truck drivers unable to drive them to the northwestern border to cross into Afghanistan. “At present, a total of 3,676 military vehicles and 1,732 containers belonging to NATO forces are at the port,” a port official told AFP on condition of anonymity. afp

Thats good..Meaning Pakistan can get done with this issue once and for all....Good riddance for Pakistan
i never agree with any religious parties bt this time i do, dont open the supply routes
can not make it a vicious cycle, and to know we can next trust the evil.

please nail those pro-US corrupted officials down, just for a few thousand bucks, they could sell their only nation.
NATO wants relations with Pakistan back on track

It appears Pakistan is done with the US in regards to Afghanistan. At least under Obama. And the cause isn't just Salala but a long string of events or betrayals, namely Raymond Davis, the obl raid, sheltering bugti in Afghanistan and facilitating his escape, admiral Mullens accusation.

No solution or fruitful talks seem to be occurring which leads me to think none might happen until after the elections in both countries.
It appears Pakistan is done with the US in regards to Afghanistan. At least under Obama. And the cause isn't just Salala but a long string of events or betrayals, namely Raymond Davis, the obl raid, sheltering bugti in Afghanistan and facilitating his escape, admiral Mullens accusation.

No solution or fruitful talks seem to be occurring which leads me to think none might happen until after the elections in both countries.

You missed recent accusation by USA which says Taliban are receiving ammunition from Pakistani Depots. To me anything which is keeping USA and Pakistan apart is good for Pakistan.. we can no longer drag our unwilling brains to obey them for their goodwill going against our survival and National Interests. USA in true seance is a cancer and you don't make allience with Cancer to fight any other disease even if it equally threatening. Pakistan has taken its side and I pray and hope they will stick to that. We need safe, stable and non-hostile Afghanistan and divorcing USA is first step to accomplish that.
I hope and wish , Pakistan and the US shold never cooporate on anything cuz US is just evil......Insha-Allah......:smokin:
I hope and wish , Pakistan and the US shold never cooporate on anything cuz US is just evil......Insha-Allah......:smokin:

thats a wrong approach

remember Sulah Hadabia? Muslims and Quraish made an agreement to cooperate on some terms they mutally agreed
same should be done here too. only under new ROE and certain rules. I am not advocating back to how it was before NATO violations. those days are gone by

its our neighbourhood and we cant fix things by refusing to talk to Americans. they dont care, they will get bored one day and decide to bully some other country but by then we would have suffered a lot of problems. Imagine more hostial tribals and more Afghan refugee influx. So talking with terms that Americans understand, is essential.

America is not pure evil, they have some very nice people like you too
some of the elements that run its foreign war policy are the problem.
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