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US Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers


Mar 1, 2012
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Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers | Navy Times | navytimes.com

TAIPEI — Saturation strikes from Chinese anti-ship cruise missiles could become the biggest threat to Navy carrier strike groups (CSG), according to a paper issued by the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs at the National Defense University.

The paper , “A Low-Visibility Force Multiplier: Assessing China’s Cruise Missile Ambitions,” draws from both Western and Chinese-language open source documents and concludes, “experienced Aegis warriors will respect China’s emerging capabilities.”

Written by cruise missile specialist Dennis Gormley, and China military specialists Andrew Erickson and Jingdong Yuan, the paper states that, due to the low cost of developing, deploying and maintaining cruise missiles, the Chinese believe that cruise missiles possess a 9:1 cost advantage over the expense of defending against them. China assumes that “quantity can defeat quality” by simply saturating a CSG with a variety of high-speed, low-altitude, cruise missiles.

The common belief in Navy circles that China would “need to approach parity in deck aviation capabilities” to defeat a CSG “may no longer be valid.”

China has “clearly” elevated cruise missile development “over an organic carrier capability with the apparent goal of acquiring the capability to neutralize US carrier strike group forces through overwhelming” cruise missile attacks.

The paper also delves into a darker future that includes nuclear-armed cruise missiles. Noting that the former Soviet Navy emphasized the employment of nuclear-armed cruise missiles against a CSG, the paper suggests the possibility the Chinese Navy might pursue the same option in the future. The argument against China pursuing this capability is its weakness in command and control and the fact that such a capability would be “inconsistent with [China’s] current nuclear doctrine.”

The possibility, according to the paper, cannot be ruled out. Quoting retired Navy Rear Adm. Michael McDevitt, China is “likely already ‘arm[ing] nuclear attack submarines with nuclear-tipped cruise missiles.’” The paper’s authors could find no evidence of “substrategic nuclear weapons,” but the “Soviet Navy has clearly influenced” the thinking of the Chinese Navy.

The paper looks at the publications of Senior Capt. Liu Yang, a Chinese naval officer at the Wuhan Office of the Naval Armaments Department. Liu’s writings suggest that “all options are on the table” for the “special anti-aircraft carrier mission.”

Liu outlines three courses of actions, such as a cruise missile armed with a low-weight nuclear burst warhead, a fuel-air explosive warhead, and an undefined “special type of warhead with even greater power to inflict casualties.”

The fact that Liu is associated with the Wuhan Office suggests his writings should be “under serious consideration and may even have moved beyond the theoretical stage.” However, Beijing’s history of centralized control of nuclear weapons argues against allowing deployment of sea-based nuclear-armed cruise missiles.
Using nuclear weapons again navy ships isn't a new idea.

In fact the US has hit several ship groups with nuclear weapons from above and below the water to test their effectiveness.

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Nothing new..this strategy is inherited from soviet saturation attack plans.In any case even bigger threat for china is USN subs.Especially virginia class and OHIO SSGn with 154 tomahawks each.

Does China has much sub and warship for US to attack compare to USN? Plus in case of East sea or SCS conflict. China will be playing the homeground. USN warships need to come nearer for more effective enforcement. This will put them under the Chinese missile threat.
We need to start inducting HGV platforms as anti-ship weapons, like the DF-21D but using HGV technology.

HGV is naturally highly maneuverable, and due to high speed and flat + low trajectory is almost completely impossible to intercept with current technology.

It would also give us a way to strike against Naval assets far out of our region.
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We need to start inducting HGV platforms as anti-ship weapons, like the DF-21D but using HGV technology.

HGV is naturally highly maneuverable, and due to high speed and flat + low trajectory is almost completely impossible to intercept with current technology.

It would also give us a way to strike against Naval assets far out of our region.
That's a long time to wait. At the meantime, scrap this:
"The argument against China pursuing this capability is its weakness in command and control and the fact that such a capability would be “inconsistent with [China’s] current nuclear doctrine.”"
Does China has much sub and warship for US to attack compare to USN? Plus in case of East sea or SCS conflict. China will be playing the homeground. USN warships need to come nearer for more effective enforcement. This will put them under the Chinese missile threat.

How do u threaten submarines with ground based missiles?o_O
Subs will be main threat to PLAN make no mistake abt it, in conventional warfare,carriers are symbols..their main thing is power projection and ability to support ground ops.In pure naval combat subs are the deadliest.
We need to start inducting HGV platforms as anti-ship weapons, like the DF-21D but using HGV technology.

HGV is naturally highly maneuverable, and due to high speed and flat + low trajectory is almost completely impossible to intercept with current technology.

It would also give us a way to strike against Naval assets far out of our region.

I think the full range (subsonic/supersonic/hypersonic speed and different distances) of cruise missiles delivered from multiple platforms (land, air, sea and subsea) should be first priority for China.

Same with ballistic missiles where short-range, medium-range, intermediate-range and intercontinental-range ballistic missiles delivered from land and subsea platforms.

How do u threaten submarines with ground based missiles?o_O
Subs will be main threat to PLAN make no mistake abt it, in conventional warfare,carriers are symbols..their main thing is power projection and ability to support ground ops.In pure naval combat subs are the deadliest.

Yes, submarines are the biggest threat to any Navy.
Yes, submarines are the biggest threat to any Navy.

Exactly, we need to focus strongly on submarines. The ability to launch missiles from underwater is one of the most important advantages in any naval conflict.

I think the full range (subsonic/supersonic/hypersonic speed and different distances) of cruise missiles delivered from multiple platforms (land, air, sea and subsea) should be first priority for China.

Same with ballistic missiles where short-range, medium-range, intermediate-range and intercontinental-range ballistic missiles delivered from land and subsea platforms.

Very true.

The great thing about HGV though is that it has a huge distance, so we won't even need to bring our navy in order to take out naval assets across the world. Which will be especially important in any kind of blockade scenario.
Does China has much sub and warship for US to attack compare to USN? Plus in case of East sea or SCS conflict. China will be playing the homeground. USN warships need to come nearer for more effective enforcement. This will put them under the Chinese missile threat.

What makes you think its your homeground as you call it? The U.S. Navy has rule the whole entire region since WW2. In fact the Chinese bases and its forces are all within reach. And I haven't even talked about the bases in Asia.
What makes you think its your homeground as you call it? The U.S. Navy has rule the whole entire region since WW2. In fact the Chinese bases and its forces are all within reach. And I haven't even talked about the bases in Asia.

All those bases are facing 2million PLA troops and we could have move more of our important asset into inner China to carry out a strategy of onion peeling where USAF needs to penetrate layers and layers of air defense just to knock out the asset in inner China. By then USAF will have depleted numbers. The final blow will be all those bases you mention falls within the range of our precison ballistic missile. China might not even need to send out a single fighter and will already send chill to US. :lol:
What makes you think its your homeground as you call it? The U.S. Navy has rule the whole entire region since WW2. In fact the Chinese bases and its forces are all within reach. And I haven't even talked about the bases in Asia.

Sorry, but you're gonna need far more than that to outgun China, who will have all their military assets to choose from. If South Korea get involved in any conflict, then North Korea won't sit idly by. If USA, Japan, South Korea, Philipines and Australia participate in an assault on China, whether actively or just by hosting US forces, then Russia will take a great interest in proceedings, considering they just signed that colossal gas deal with China and they won't want US regaining more power in the region. Any war involving multi-allied forces from the US may precipitate into an all out World War.

My guess is South Korea would almost certainly refuse participation in any conflict in the name of protecting Japanese or Philipines sovereignty. They're right on the frontline and don't really have any beef with China and have good historical and current ties. Australia rely more on China, economically, than they do with the US, and when push come to shove may expel US forces, if they were forced to pick sides in a war with China. US hegemony in Asia is teetering on the edge and will weaken as time goes by and China becomes more influential. The US are not as mighty as you believe.
Nothing new..this strategy is inherited from soviet saturation attack plans.In any case even bigger threat for china is USN subs.Especially virginia class and OHIO SSGn with 154 tomahawks each.
Our submarine arsenal isn't small. It is growing and will continue to grow. I expect we will dominate submarine warfare in the next 2 decades. We will have at least 100 hundred and in war time can reach to 300 to ensure we can suffocate the US.
All those bases are facing 2million PLA troops and we could have move more of our important asset into inner China to carry out a strategy of onion peeling where USAF needs to penetrate layers and layers of air defense just to knock out the asset in inner China. By then USAF will have depleted numbers. The final blow will be all those bases you mention falls within the range of our precison ballistic missile. China might not even need to send out a single fighter and will already send chill to US. :lol:
That is hilarious. The USAF already have a record of penetrating air defenses where the defense least expect but the modern day PLA have no combat record worth even military scholar's penny.
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