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US rejects Pak concerns over Indian 'threat'

Obama forget something that regional stability is not possible for both afghanistan and Pakistan unless indians are in afghanistan.
indians are Pakistan enemy since the independence of Pakistan. and there will always be unstable afghanistan if india is around.
will US sit easily if russian north korea and china show heavy presence in neighbors.

Mr Obama is puppet of corporate finance. He is being run by the same people that ran the carter administration.

He is more like boris Yeltsin of USA.

Boris Yeltsin was run by oligarchs and Obama is also run by Corporate finance puppet Masters.

The brains behind obama administration is Mr zbig brzezinski who openly say that radical Islam is our bulwark against Russia and China the only two powers seriously capable of undermining the US and NATO

Difference between Bush and Obama is that in Obama's regime Muslims are not targets but rather they become the cannon fodder. No wonder the mosavi faction of Iran is also chanting anti Russia anti china slogans.

Obama's agenda is much more risky than that of Bush because he only took on poor and helpless countries where as Obama regime is much more ambitious.

Pakistan is the first target with sudan and other in the waiting list.
It will be interesting to see how the establishment of Pakistan keep on playing there blood poker with US and for how long?

India is being used by the US just as it used Pakistan against the soviets.

I would like to see you substantiate your statements with credible links..
I disagree.
As much as people like to bash the US, the fact is the US is only doing what all superpowers do. Because of its enormous power, it is capable of (and responsible for) much good and much damage.

If the US was to go into decline, then the next superpower would take its place and nothing would change.

At least the next super power might not be invading Muslim countries.
They can go invade some Christian or Buddhist countries for a change.:yahoo:

I would like to see you substantiate your statements with credible links..

What is your definition of a credible link? spin statements issued by white house and pentagon:)
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Dear, place your link(s) and we'll be the judge of their credibility...:agree:

Can you actually support an argument or do you simply play to the home crowd...?
At least the next super power might not be invading Muslim countries.
They can go invade some Christian or Buddhist countries for a change.:yahoo:

Are you sure about it ? Let the commies get the power then they will show their true colours :china:
The US (and the West) have been propping up India as a counter to China, not because India can ever match China, but it can be made big enough to be a huge 'distraction'. Pakistan needs to be contained so India can focus on China. Also, Afghanistan allows India to open a second front against both Pakistan and China..

Are you stating that India cannot match China based on current numbers or are you under the impression that its a completely impossible scenario??.....
Coz I sure as hell would like to hear your explaination.....
Please remember that the only recently has India and the US been considered "allies".....the economic growth India has enjoyed since the 90's is not a "US prop"......its thanks to the economic reforms of the Rao govt......

After the Soviets left, India and Pakistan waged a proxy war in Afghanistan which India lost. Therefore, the US had to step in and replace the pro-Pakistan Taliban with the pro-India Northern Alliance.

Developereo......India's influence in Afghanistan was finished with the soviet defeat.......
Post Afghan war, India hardly played any role or "proxy" games in Afghanistan......from what I have read.....
But if you know something I dont, please sharre
Afghan message to India: Do not be deterred

Afghanistan has told India at the highest level that the most fitting response to last week’s terrorist attack on its embassy compound in Kabul would be for the Indian government to step up its ongoing efforts to strengthen the development and security capabilities of the Afghan authorities through infrastructure projects, police and human resource training.

The Obama administration told Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last month that it did not see India’s assistance in Afghanistan as a source of “regional tension” — a charge laid recently by the senior most U.S. military officer there in a confidential report. Nevertheless, Indian and Afghan officials recognise the need for both countries to tell the American side that Pakistan cannot have a veto over the kind of relationship Kabul wishes to build with New Delhi.

U.S. Under Secretary of State William Burns will be in Delhi for routine foreign office consultations on October 16 and India’s views on the matter will be conveyed to him.

Though the Indian side has been careful not to accuse any group or country of being behind Wednesday’s suicide attack, Afghan officials have pointed the finger at Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence directorate.

Asked for their view of the Afghan assessment, senior Indian officials told The Hindu that New Delhi was waiting to see what Afghan investigators and the intelligence agencies of other friendly countries are able to turn up.

The bomb itself, involving 150 kilos of plastic explosives, was highly sophisticated and more powerful than the device which was used in the July 2008 attack on the embassy.

Closed-circuit television had captured clear images of the Toyota vehicle used by the terrorist.

Although the Taliban officially claimed responsibility for the attack on October 8 by posting a statement in Pashto on its website (shahamat.org), the statement was subsequently deleted from the site.

Why the Taliban or their advisers would have second thoughts about this claim is a question Afghan and Indian investigators are likely to be asking themselves.

Of some concern to Indian and Afghan officials was the ease with which the vehicle was able to enter the high security street where the Indian chancery is located. Other important offices, like the Afghan interior ministry, are also located there.

Afghan agencies are now likely to examine the possibility of the Taliban or Gulbuddin Hikmatyar’s Hizb-e-Islami infiltrating a section of the Kabul security establishment.

Although India has no intention whatsoever of getting involved in Afghanistan militarily, officials here say India and like-minded countries in the region need to prepare themselves for the day that the U.S. withdraws from the country. In practical terms, this means working to strengthen the capabilities of the Afghan security forces — something U.S. President Barack Obama’s AfPak policy neglects — as well as greater consultation and cooperation with Afghanistan’s neighbours like Iran, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and Russia and China.

The officials said India’s participation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meeting on Afghanistan in March and Dr. Singh’s decision to attend the SCO summit in Yekaterinburg in June had to be seen in this wider context.
Afghania province , the new province of Pakistan is certainity , and likely solution to the problem.

Indian can continue to donate case to our province once we have secured it

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