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‘US ready to cede three provinces to Haqqanis’

How are we cutting a deal when we just killed the leader of Haqqani? Like I said before its like negotiating with Al Qaeda when you killed Osama Bin Laden.

pretty lame argument. you killed the commandar of their army. Leader is still alive and hiding somewhere. Just an example. Mullah baradar was operational commandar of taliban like this haqqani guy before he got captured by ISI. Did it make Taliban weak? No. So come with an strong argument next time.
Haqqani is still alive, i think, it was dadoolah who was killed (twice, yes he was also killed in 2007). BTW, "we don't negotiate with Terrorists"- Georgie Bush.

dadullah killed in 2007 was another dude. Dadullah killed is another person. Only name resembales, baqi they are two different personalities
Haqqani is still alive, i think, it was dadoolah who was killed (twice, yes he was also killed in 2007). BTW, "we don't negotiate with Terrorists"- Georgie Bush.

Nahi yara, this is another Dad-ullah, and Haqqani is a whole tribe!
pretty lame argument. you killed the commandar of their army. Leader is still alive and hiding somewhere. Just an example. Mullah baradar was operational commandar of taliban like this haqqani guy before he got captured by ISI. Did it make Taliban weak? No. So come with an strong argument next time.

It was confirmed that he was killed. And yes it can make an enemy weak. Similar to Yamamoto's death during WW2. Why else would Taliban try to negotiate with occupiers? You come with with a stronger argument next time. If Taliban that strong they shouldn't even be hiding in Pakistan or claim that they will launch a new so called Spring Offensive each year or hire a bunch of people especially kids to put IEDs and walk away without a care about civilians getting killed by IEDs when driving down the road.
I thought US gov.t didn't make compromises to Terrorists?

how come people fighting US occupation terrorists?

If this report is authentic, then it shows that Pakistan had been right all along. Its 'vision' was the right one. If US is willing to cede the territory to Afghan resistance, not only is this an admission of defeat but also acceptance of the influence of these groups on the future of Afghanistan and actions the US takes to evacuate its troops from there.
how come people fighting US occupation terrorists?

If this report is authentic, then it shows that Pakistan had been right all along. Its 'vision' was the right one. If US is willing to cede the territory to Afghan resistance, not only is this an admission of defeat but also acceptance of the influence of these groups on the future of Afghanistan and actions the US takes to evacuate its troops from there.
I think it is something totally different.

The recent 'positive' overtures between US and Pakistan, and then these small steps, such as the TTP dude being blown to smithereens, etc etc.

I think, US and Pakistan are finally on the same page. Read the fine print below.....

I see love brewing between US and Pakistan :kiss3:
how come people fighting US occupation terrorists?

If this report is authentic, then it shows that Pakistan had been right all along. Its 'vision' was the right one. If US is willing to cede the territory to Afghan resistance, not only is this an admission of defeat but also acceptance of the influence of these groups on the future of Afghanistan and actions the US takes to evacuate its troops from there.

Is Pakistan willing to cede its territory to prevent any more attacks on Pakistan? That was Pakistan's past overtures. Didn't work exactly did it?
Is Pakistan willing to cede its territory to prevent any more attacks on Pakistan? That was Pakistan's past overtures. Didn't work exactly did it?

I think, this relationship is on a positive trajectory, finally!
Is Pakistan willing to cede its territory to prevent any more attacks on Pakistan? That was Pakistan's past overtures. Didn't work exactly did it?

lol what an idiotic question is this? Pakistanis consider every inch of Pakistan as motherland & will die defending it. Pakistan may crush terrorists but ceding territory should never be an option, otherwise polititions as well as military of Pakistan will face backlash of 200million Pakistanis.

Think this way that will we(Americans) cede our southern territories to Mexico or Mexican Cartels or Mexican Druglords? As we in America love every inch of our country same is the case that Pakistanis love & will give blood for every inch of their territory.
How are we cutting a deal when we just killed the leader of Haqqani? Like I said before its like negotiating with Al Qaeda when you killed Osama Bin Laden.
Didn't we always hear that ? :azn:

The Govt of the United States doesn't negotiate with terrorists

Why else would Taliban try to negotiate with occupiers?
From reports , it so appears that US or NATO are more desperate in striking a deal with the Taliban ... I haven't seen any Taliban leader pushing for / be willing to compromise ... Why ? :azn:
lol what an idiotic question is this? Pakistanis consider every inch of Pakistan as motherland & will die defending it. Pakistan may crush terrorists but ceding territory should never be an option, otherwise polititions as well as military of Pakistan will face backlash of 200million Pakistanis.

Think this way that will we(Americans) cede our southern territories to Mexico or Mexican Cartels or Mexican Druglords? As we in America love every inch of our country same is the case that Pakistanis love & will give blood for every inch of their territory.

Hence why I asked the so called idiotic question. What has Pakistan done in the past to stop the terrorist attacks in its previous peace overtures? And why did it failed?

Didn't we always hear that ? :azn:

The Govt of the United States doesn't negotiate with terrorists

Osama Bin Laden would agree with that motto if he was alive.

From reports , it so appears that US or NATO are more desperate in striking a deal with the Taliban ... I haven't seen any Taliban leader pushing for / be willing to compromise ... Why ? :azn:

So called from reports hasn't mentioned infighting amongst the Taliban agreeing to a deal. Have you not heard?
Hence why I asked the so called idiotic question. What has Pakistan done in the past to stop the terrorist attacks in its previous peace overtures? And why did it failed?

Pakistan strike peace deal in 2008 with TTP terrorists which failed as TTP terrorists made their way to Bajaur(they were given Swat to impose their rules) & as it failed Pakistan launched a massive operation & thrashed TTP out of Bajaur as well as Swat, most leaders fled to Afghanistan from there, later Pakistan launched another operation & thrashed TTP in South Waziristan too.

As per American, Pakistani, International news i've read the other peace deal Pakistan made with the group US wants to cede Afghan provinces(according to news source 'Express Tribune' on which this thread is based) is working for them.
Pakistan strike peace deal in 2008 with TTP terrorists which failed as TTP terrorists made their way to Bajaur(they were given Swat to impose their rules) & as it failed Pakistan launched a massive operation & thrashed TTP out of Bajaur as well as Swat, most leaders fled to Afghanistan from there, later Pakistan launched another operation & thrashed TTP in South Waziristan too.

As per American, Pakistani, International news i've read the other peace deal Pakistan made with the group US wants to cede Afghan provinces(according to news source 'Express Tribune' on which this thread is based) is working for them.
US has been doing a lot in dark while yelling against Pakistan and Taliban in front of the world. They had tried to negotiate with Talibans and now they are trying to negotiate with haqqanis.
Dear readers:

We would like to notify everyone that the claims made in this news article are completely false. This is what Brig. Gen. Stephen Twitty, a spokesman for United States Forces-Afghanistan, had to say in regards to this news:

“Assertions made in an article today in The Express Tribune that the United States is willing to cede Afghan territory as part of a rapprochement with the Haqqani network and that the U.S. sees the Haqqani Network playing an '...important role in the future political dispensation of Afghanistan,' are categorically false. These comments, attributed to 'a senior American military official' are inconsistent with U.S. policy. Further, only the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has the authority to take political steps on behalf of the Afghan people.”

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command

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