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‘US ready to cede three provinces to Haqqanis’

Dear readers:

We would like to notify everyone that the claims made in this news article are completely false. This is what Brig. Gen. Stephen Twitty, a spokesman for United States Forces-Afghanistan, had to say in regards to this news:

“Assertions made in an article today in The Express Tribune that the United States is willing to cede Afghan territory as part of a rapprochement with the Haqqani network and that the U.S. sees the Haqqani Network playing an '...important role in the future political dispensation of Afghanistan,' are categorically false. These comments, attributed to 'a senior American military official' are inconsistent with U.S. policy. Further, only the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has the authority to take political steps on behalf of the Afghan people.”

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
I wonder they took it so seriously that an immidiate statement was made....interesting indeed.
Express tribune @ it again after Myanmar riots fiasco??????????????

But USA ceceding south Afghanistan story has been going on for long ...wasn't is division of Afghanistan floated by Bruce Riddle himself or was it Joe Biden
On a lighter vein...Ali Hassan of Danka TV was the reporter I think. And 'sir' ted was so angry immediate response.
Divide & rule against Pathans: looks like US hasn't learned anything from history :no:
and to think that they want us to do operations in North Waziristan. Such hypocrites! I dont know how they find the guts to blame Pakistan for coinciding with the terrorists every time we try a diplomatic approach
first control parts of pakistan

time ripe fpr pashtuns to split from pak.
Except for a tiny North Waziristan , what part is not under our control ? :azn: ... Pretty rich coming from a country with " RED CORRIDORS " and in which mass exodus and riots can be triggered by some SMS messages and media from the neighboring country :rofl:

Yeah , tell that to a Pakistani Pakhtun and you will never walk straight again if you get the drift ! :lol: Check atleast the demographics of the PA before proving everywhere the " IQ Theory " ... :P

Aren't they already divided by Durand line? What if Americans are hatching a conspiracy to unite them?
Kiddo , better not talk about things which you understand nothing about ... The Tribals move freely between Durand Line , they have families and neighbor on the other side of the border however at the end of the day they are as Pro Pakistan as anybody else , there is no such thing as border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and hence impossible to stop the movement of the terrorist too !

So if they aren't divided , logic dictates that they need not be united ... :azn:
Aren't they already divided by Durand line? What if Americans are hatching a conspiracy to unite them?

That has gone on for centuries and they are deeply divided in the tribal system and have slayed each other for centuries too. However Pathans forget their differences and get together like honey bees when attacked from outside.
its seems to me monkey and cats story which we call bander bant in urdu
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