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US promised India help if China attacked during 1971 Indo-Pak war

Can you clarify that please, 1971 was an incredible shame for who exactly?

5 brigades,including arty and armour fighting a handfull of soldiers was much more shamefull... what a shame.. the few PA men belittled indians in the battle of kamalpur,siege of a small town(forgot it)... read abt Capt Ahsan Malik,Gen tajamul Hussien... 71 ammo starved PA soldiers fighting millions in a civil war,indians... with no air cover or radar coverage....Yet got their behind handed over to them in air war...

In our region 1 man fighting a bunch is considered a hero while the gang is considered as cowards... 47,62,65 must be victorious wars for indians? celebrate them.
5 brigades,including arty and armour fighting a handfull of soldiers was much more shamefull... what a shame.. the few PA men belittled indians in the battle of kamalpur,siege of a small town(forgot it)... read abt Capt Ahsan Malik,Gen tajamul Hussien... 71 ammo starved PA soldiers fighting millions in a civil war,indians... with no air cover or radar coverage....Yet got their behind handed over to them in air war...

In our region 1 man fighting a bunch is considered a hero while the gang is considered as cowards... 47,62,65 must be victorious wars for indians? celebrate them.

I really don't know what to say. How deep can a nation be deluded and made to live ostrich like? All right, 1971 was a spectacular success for pakistan, one of the proudest moments in its history. What else can I say?

Dude, in the bigger picture, the entire pakistan and indian militaries and the two countries were at war. The outcome of the war was there for all to see. There may have been a few battles where outnumbered forces won against the other side. Heard of longewalla? But my question was, who was 1971 an embarassment for. If you think its India, well, whatever makes you happy. Of course, don't let minor details like losing half your country and doing the biggest surrender since WW2 and completely losing the war come in the way of your celebrations. India was deeply embarassed.:rofl:

If you really are a nationalist, as your nickname states, then learn to accept the mistakes and failings of the past, instead of trying to ignore it. Thats how people, as well as nations, grow up and mature. Denial doesn't help.
India did not need help from the US as the Soviets were getting ready to nuke the Chinese back to the stone age. China was least concerned about what was happening in Pakistan because a beast much much much larger and scarier than India was massing up 450k troops near China's border. China's intelligence was convinced that the Soviets were going to attack and any war against India would have given the Soviets a perfect excuse to launch a justified invasion.
5 brigades,including arty and armour fighting a handfull of soldiers was much more shamefull... what a shame.. the few PA men belittled indians in the battle of kamalpur,siege of a small town(forgot it)... read abt Capt Ahsan Malik,Gen tajamul Hussien... 71 ammo starved PA soldiers fighting millions in a civil war,indians... with no air cover or radar coverage....Yet got their behind handed over to them in air war...

In our region 1 man fighting a bunch is considered a hero while the gang is considered as cowards... 47,62,65 must be victorious wars for indians? celebrate them.

So what? What’s your point, the fact fo matter remains the same. Pakistan is yet to win a war that they had intimidated with India that is the hallmark of all shames regardless of casualties suffered from both sides. Yep its right up there and haunts you to the core everyday. You can keep going on with bullcr ap that PA with few men belittle IA and 1 Pak army Jawan equals 10 IA Jawans :cheesy: still does not change history which is written that Pakistan has lost all its battles to India, and will continue to do so if they exercise their stupidity. Act like an ostrich for all I care
The USA also supported Georgia against Russia. But what happened when Russia invaded Georgia in 2008? The USA was nowhere to be seen.

Or what about when North Korea repeatedly, and lethally attacks one of America's closest allies (South Korea)?

They sunk their navy ships, repeatedly bombarded South Korean civilians with artillery shells, and even developed nuclear weapons.

But again, the USA mysteriously dissappears... and now all they talk about is Iran's nuclear program instead. :lol:

Good tell that to your Pakistani friends.... No China is coming.... all that loud statements like an attack on Pakistan is an attack on China. :lol:

US bombs Pakistani posts on Afghanistan border kill 28 men... China no where to be seen... not even an officer from its foreign ministry came to look the dead bodies which were burned to hell by hellfires.
I did not bother reading very many comments because let's face it, it would be rare to find the odd good ones...

I just want to know how many people base their current opinion based on 40-50 year old policy news?

If so- why did India or does India have any relationship with Pakistan or China today post not just policy talk but based on actual wars perpetrated?

One has to wonder how a freaking carrier that did nothing or a " poltical climate" back 50 years ago would be such a " OMG THEY DID BLAH BLAH" moment vs....

Smells like BS we were taking advantage of the Sino-Soviet Split, and China could not help Pakistan out due to India closeness to the USSR, China even wanted to Nuke the USSR tension was high , however if China did enter the war they certainly would have gained South Tibet and not to mention I could See pakistan putting down the Bengali insurgency like Sri Lanka Put down the Tamils. the Biggest factor was the USSR.
The USA also supported Georgia against Russia. But what happened when Russia invaded Georgia in 2008? The USA was nowhere to be seen.

Or what about when North Korea repeatedly, and lethally attacks one of America's closest allies (South Korea)?

They sunk their navy ships, repeatedly bombarded South Korean civilians with artillery shells, and even developed nuclear weapons.

But again, the USA mysteriously dissappears... and now all they talk about is Iran's nuclear program instead. :lol:

Again the US supplied Georgia with Weapons and support however it was still not enough, North Korea's Lifeline China and Nukes are holding the USA back otherwise North Korea would have seen an Iraq Invasion thus ending the Korean War.
NEW DELHI: Despite its intense animosity towards India during the 1971 war, the US promised New Delhi "all out" support in case China carried out any unprovoked attack on India, recently declassified documents reveal 40 years after the historic war that created Bangladesh.

The revelations add fresh twist to the narrative of the Indo-Pak war of 1971. Based on a set of freshly declassified documents of the ministry of external affairs, TOI had in early November reported that the US hostility towards India during the 1971 war was far beyond what was publicly known. And that the US had probably also prepared a few Marine battalions for operations against the Indian military.

Communications of the Indian embassy in Washington and of the government in New Delhi show that US offered "all out" help if China were to enter the Indo-Pak standoff to favour its all-weather friend.

After a meeting with Henry Kissinger, then adviser to President Richard Nixon, on August 25, 1971, Indian ambassador to the US L K Jha reported to New Delhi, "He said that in a 1962 type of situation, US will not hesitate to give all out help to India against China, and there is no change of position on this." Kissinger was referring to the military conflict between India and China in 1962 in which India was humiliated.

A few weeks before this meeting, during a visit to New Delhi, Kissinger told then defence minister Jagjivan Ram, "I might tell you that we would take a very grave view of any Chinese move against India." :lol:

Ambassador Jha had spent three hours with Kissinger in San Clemente White House, the vacation home of Nixon, on August 25, as tension mounted in South Asia. They discussed details of issues that could crop up in an upcoming meeting between then PM Indira Gandhi and Nixon.

But "in this one (letter to foreign secretary T N Kaul), I am dealing with one specific point relating to the US attitude in the event of China joining on the side of Pakistan in a conflict with us", the ambassador wrote. Discussions with Kissinger on possible Chinese aggression were prompted by queries from New Delhi, the letter shows. New Delhi was worried that China could open a second front against India, even as it fought Pakistan. Such a collaboration between China and Pakistan still remains a worry for the Indian security establishment.

"Then I asked that in order to be quite clear and free from any ambiguity or doubt, I would welcome a fuller formulation from him of the US position in case we are involved in any kind of a conflict with China." In response, Kissinger offered "all out" help in case of a 1962 type situation. Then he went on to discuss other possible scenarios.

"If it was a 1965 type of Pakistani attack, then even without Chinese involvement, US would take the toughest measures against Pakistan, and if China came to its help, it would not hesitate to help us with arms, though not with men,(I think kissinger is a parsi or a Baniya ;) )" Jha wrote. The situation Kissinger referred was an unprovoked Pakistani aggression.

"However, the chances were that if the present situation escalates into a conflict, it would be very hard to tell who is to blame. Thus, if India sent two divisions of irregulars into East Bengal and Pakistanis sent four such divisions into Kashmir, it would not be a situation in which the US could possibly help even if China threw its weight on the side of Pakistan," Kissinger told Jha, according to the ambassador's letter.

This letter from the Indian ambassador was seen by the foreign minister, the secretary to the prime minister and most other senior officials.

What do you make of this Guys ???

Personally I am really waiting for WIKILEAK`S Julian Assange`s cable in relation to which he said, "If this cable is to be released the relations between India and Us will turn sour" ... or somthing to that effect.
Anybody has any Idea what he meant by that ????

BullSh!t, USA send her CBG to help Pakistan. India was lucky that Pakistani forces didn't lasted that long and they surrendered.

@China: India did the operation in cold Winter. It was difficult for china (not impossible) to cross Himalayas in winter. It was planned by Indian generals. Later in 1999 Pakistan played the same winter game, They capture Kargil in winter and thought they own it. As summer came Indian forces kick them back Behind LOC.

This report is full of sh!t. I remember Nixon was Prez of USA during 1971 and he was not pro India. Indo-US relation came on track after Bush senior. Bill was best time for Indo-US relation. Bajpai govt did splendid work by bringing us near to USA and Israel, while keeping the same relation with Russia.

Ronald , who succeed Nixon was very good frnd of Zia-ul-haq he bad-mouthed against India and he was the man who brought up ISI to the level which it is now. Ronald asked CIA to train ISI to create trouble in Soviet friendly India.
China had pledged to support Paklistan in 1971 and that encouraged Pakistan to continue with the Bangladeshis' genocide.

Then China was nowhere to be seen as usual when the time came to back their "higher than and deeper than" claims with action.

Just like so many other times, including the floods and the financial difficulties for Pakistan.

High on words, low on real stuff these Chin...

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